A/N: Hello everyone, I hope you all had a nice Christmas. I am now happy to announce that I am back with the next installment of "The One" fic , although it is kind of uneventful. Mostly Just Natsumi and Meiko talking haha. Lately, I've been cutting out unimportant details while at the same time being sure to note time frame so that the pace is better. Trying to get to the good stuff, you know? ;)

It's been too long, guys. I mean...at least for this particular story anyways lol. I am done with giving myself deadlines I can't keep...and suck at keeping too. Been too damn busy T_T

But anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter. See you! I've got other stories to work on :)

Natsumi lay in bed, staring dreamily to the ceiling, something she had been doing for the last two days since...her and Fuyuhiko had last seen each other. Everything right now definitely felt like a dream to the young woman...so serene and perfect, like it was too damn good to be true. She still couldn't believe that the older man had come to find her like that out of nowhere but she was glad as hell that he did. Natsumi suddenly felt the heat rise to her cheeks, remembering everything that had happened between them. Fuyuhiko's arms wrapped around her, pulling her close...his dark grey eyes looking at her in a way that made her want to melt with sheer happiness...but most of all she remembered his lips. How perfectly and...passionately his lips had touched hers when she had immediately become accustomed to the idea. They were soft...and warm...and so...amazingly perfect. Natsumi dully recalled that she actually felt light headed when she first felt his mouth on hers. Her knees actually almost buckled underneath her. That was how good it was. Unconsciously, the young woman brought two of her fingers to her lips, almost as if trying to catch some remnants of even one of the kisses they shared. And she did. Natsumi could still feel the older man's lips on her own, kissing her sweetly and intensely at the same time. Natsumi closed her eyes and kissed those same fingers softly, imagining that it was Fuyuhiko. Kissed...she had kissed him...no...he had kissed her. He actually liked her back. It was more than she had ever asked for. Natsumi felt her heart beat loudly in her chest and she felt her face flush again in both embarrassment and happiness. She grabbed a pillow next to her and hugged it tightly to her chest, quickly rocking from side to side to contain herself. She had done enough squealing and whooping for joy when she walked through her door two days ago. Nonetheless, she still couldn't stop the smile that suddenly came across her face. It wasn't a crime to be happy, right?

Although the kisses they shared would always be what she remembered the most, Natsumi had other things to be happy about, because not only had they kissed but the older man had also even voiced his feelings her for as well. Natsumi knew that he liked her but the way he told her...saying that she was the only thing he was able to think about for weeks and even how he wanted her the moment he saw her...Natsumi...well, she didn't know...she just really liked the direction this seemed to be going. The young woman remembered the few hours they spent together afterward, too. That was also an important moment for her. They just walked while holding hands and talking, occasionally finding a bench and just sitting in silence, feeling the warmth of each other's hands. By the time they made their way out of the small park, Natsumi didn't want to let go of Fuyuhiko's hand. She was almost afraid that when she did and went home, she would find that she was waking up from a dream. Natsumi had wondered if the older man had read her mind back then, because before he saw her off at the platform, he kissed her few more times, and she actually giggled because the kisses had been going back to the intensity from earlier. As much as she may have wanted that, Natsumi knew that Fuyuhiko had to be on his way home, too.

Natsumi let out a laugh, pulling the pillow completely over her face and kicking her legs up and down on the bed like a child. And dammit, she knew that she was too old to act like this, but she couldn't stop herself from feeling so giddy. There was just something about everything...about Fuyuhiko that made her feel like she had the best luck. Natsumi was the middle of letting out another laugh when she heard her phone ringing beside her. She immediately sat up and grabbed the device, thinking that it was Fuyuhiko calling her again. Natsumi blinked in surprise to see that Meiko's number blinking on the caller i.d. She hastily answered the call and put the phone to her ear.

"Hey, Nat. What are you up to now?", Meiko asked. Natsumi held in a laugh. Besides daydreaming about Fuyuhiko for the last day and a half, she hadn't really been doing too much.

"Nothing really. You know just laying in bed. I mean it is our day off", Natsumi said, her cheeks turning pink.

"Indeed it is", Meiko replied.

"So are we still meeting up?", she asked suddenly. Natsumi blinked a few times, confused. Had they made plans? She furrowed her brow slightly, trying to remember. No way she could be that absent-minded, even with everything that was happening.

"Uh...yeah, sure. Of course. If you still want to", she said, smiling to herself sheepishly,

"Hmmmm….you forgot, didn't you?", Meiko said, letting out a laugh a moment later.

"What? I...no way. I just woke up is all.", Natsumi said, her childishly stubborn side showing itself.

"Really?", her friend asked, knowingly, Natumi could already picture her raising a brow.

"Well, yeah. I was just about to get up", she said, throwing the pillow she was holding near the foot of her bed.

"Great. I was thinking we could go by Ibuki. I needed some ramen like yesterday", Meiko said. Natsumi put a hand to her stomach, feeling it rumble loudly at just the mention of food. It was then that she realized that he hadn't eaten anything for the day. Yeah...ramen sounded amazing.

"Sounds like a plan.", the young woman said.

"Meet you there in about an hour and fifteen?", Natsumi said, standing up.

"Yes. Food and girl time. Nothing better than that", Meiko replied.

"Oh, so no Ken today? Are you sure?", Natsumi asked, teasingly.

"Nope. I think I will give you the mercy of not feeling like a third wheel today at least", Meiko said.

"Well, I guess my luck's changing then. I'll see you there, ok?", Natsumi said. The two said their goodbyes and she hung up, already thinking of clothes to wear in her head, however hearing her stomach growl again made her not really care. All she knew was that ramen was calling her name. Natsumi walked to the dresser and opened a drawer, pulling out the first pair of jeans her fingers touched, which were still pretty nice in her opinion. Natsumi jumbled the items in her arms and threw them onto the bed. She sighed hurriedly, untying her sleeping pants, letting it slide into the ground while simultaneously tearing off her shirt. There was always her old habit of just having to shower before going out. Natsumi bathed quickly, feeling her gut quaking for food again. A quick blow drying of her hair and dressing later and she was ready to go. She grabbed her bag from its usual place and pulled on some black high top sneakers. Yes, it was that kind of kind of day.

Natsumi must have been even more hungry because she reached the station faster than usual. She was happy knowing that it would be a quick trip. Only a five stop ride. As soon as she was out of the station, Natsumi quickened her pace after turning a corner and soon saw the view of the restaurant, but she definitely smelled it first. Natsumi reached the door and let herself in, dodging a few people as she walked further inside. It was pretty busy. The young woman glanced to the right, looking for her friend. A moment later, she heard a familiar high pitched whistle in the other direction. She turned her entire body and held in a laugh, seeing Meiko waving both arms in the air and pointing to the chair in front of her. Natsumi rolled her eyes and quickly walked over to where her other half was. She plopped down in the chair and foot nudged a greeting before grabbing the menu and running her eyes over the selections.

"So fancy seeing you here", Meiko said, putting down her menu.

"I guess it is", Natusmi replied. She felt a hunger pain in her gut and followed suit, putting her menu on the table before waving over the waiter. They quickly ordered their food and continued on with their conversation while they waited. Although Natsumi never said it enough, she really did cherish these small times she shared with her friend because they always made her forget just how tiring her life was. A few minutes later, both women's eyes lit up, seeing the waiter coming over to their table with two large orders of ramen and drinks. Meiko was already picking up her fork before it even reached them. As soon as the food was down, Natsumi dipped her spoon in and indulged in the savory broth. She felt her insides sing. They ate quietly for a moment before Meiko put her bowl down and sighed. Natsumi took in three more mouthfuls of the fresh noodles before doing the same. They continued on with their conversation, casually drinking and goofing off in. Meiko had reasoned that there was no need to eat and run since they already paid and that they shouldn't have any issues as long as they kept ordering drinks. Water, of course though. It had to be less than 30 minutes into them talking when Meiko tilted her head to the side and wiggled her brows at her.

"What?", Natsumi asked, drinking the last of her soup and wiping her mouth.

Meiko shrugged.

"Nothing. It's just that...I guess I was worried about you for nothing", she said.

"What do you mean?", Natsumi asked, pushing her bowl to the side.

"Well...I...you know...after everything with that Fuyuhiko", Meiko said, playing with her chopsticks.

"I was actually worried about you all weekend, you know, but I'm glad you look fine now", she finished.

Natsumi felt her heart jump in her chest at the mention of him. She pursed her lips tightly together, feeling her cheeks get hot. She could already see the strange look that Meiko was giving her and the only thing that she could think to do was grab her drink and suck absently on the straw for some kind of diversion from the gleeful embarrassment that was beginning to show on her face. Her dark-haired friend raised a brow and Natsumi could nearly feel herself begin to sweat. In reality, she was actually itching to tell Meiko the new development with her and Fuyuhiko but she couldn't help but want to tease her a bit at the same time. Meiko raised both brows, opening her mouth, letting her jaw drop with another knowing grin before she loudly scooted her chair in and placed her palms on the table.

"You have something to tell, don't you?", Meiko asked, wiggling both her brows.

Natsumi smiled but didn't say anything. Instead, she purposely drank loudly from the straw in her mouth. She raised head and shook her head, letting out a laugh.

"No I don't", she said, giggling as her cheeks pinkened.

Meiko laughed.

"Well, I guess it's something good that happened then", she said.

Natsumi felt her heart flutter and nodded, finally giving in.

"Don't leave me in suspense. You know best friend protocol dictates that you must give me the details and you know...just freaking spill", Meiko said, tapping her fingers on the table in anticipation.

Natsumi put her drink down and set it aside, bringing her attention to Meiko and trying her very hardest not to look away giggling.

"Ok, well you know how last time I told you that I really didn't think Fuyuhiko liked me...the way I liked him", Natsumi said, twiddling her thumbs in front of her.

Meiko nodded.

"Yeah. You're the reason I couldn't enjoy the weekend", she said, waving her hand slightly.

"I really thought you were messed up about it", she added.

"I was", Natsumi said.

"I felt dumb as hell and embarrassed at the same time", the young woman said.

"Even when there was no reason for feel dumb", Meiko pointed out.

"So what happened then?", she asked.

"Well, after you left with Ken, I was on the train going home and Fuyuhiko...well...he kind of just showed up", Natsumi said.

"Really? You already kind of gave me the impression that he didn't know what to do with public transportation.", Meiko said.

"Well, I that's why I was so surprised but...I'm pretty sure he came looking for me...as in deliberately", Natsumi said. She then quickly put a hand, shushing Meiko, who she could already see was about to squeal in delight.

"Anyway...He pulled me off the train and…well, we got lost, I guess", she said.

"In each other's eyes?", Meiko asked. Natsumi had to roll her eyes, hearing the overused cliche.

"No. In a part of town that neither of us had been in", she said.

Meiko poked her lips out, not quite understanding.

"As in he didn't know where the hell he was going and he was just walking anywhere", Natsumi said, putting a hand to her mouth, laughing.

"Wow. Who would have thought that by looking at him...", Meiko let out.

"I know...but then we ended up at some park and we talked for a bit and…", Natsumi trailed off, her face turning red.

"And what?", Meiko asked, grinning.

"And...he kissed me...and said he felt the same way", Natsumi said.

Meiko laughed and slapped her palm on the table.

"See? Didn't I tell you? I'm always right, you know", she said.

"Oh shut it", Natsumi said, but still laughed.

"But Ok. Ok. Now for the really good stuff. You know I have to ask", Meiko said.

"Ask what?". Natsumi propped herself higher onto the chair.

"You know...how was it? The kiss, I mean. Was it good? Did it make you swoon?" her friend asked. Natsumi felt her face turn red yet again, remembering that the kiss...was more than amazing...all of them were. So yeah..they did all those things and more. The young woman hid her face in both hands and nodded quickly. It really was good. Natsumi didn't say anything else for a few moments after that, not wanting to show her herself, even when Meiko began saying Banzai and singing "Fuyuhiko and Natsumi kissing in a tree". Of course, her friend would be happy for her. Meiko had always joked that she was cursed to never like anyone. Well, she guessed she showed her. Natsumi soon felt the redness in her face subside and could finally look in Meiko's direction who was now only giving her a smug smile and constantly wiggling her eyebrows at her. What a friend.

They two talked for another twenty minutes or so, Natsumi telling Meiko about the time she and Fuyuhiko spent together and her friend listening with refilled drinks as if she were at a movie theater. She had soon swapped the free water for a couple of glasses of pink lemonade just to enjoy the story time a bit more. Gossiping was one of their favorite hobbies, after all. After they had enough...or more like after Natsumi had enough, they called the waiter over, quickly paying in cash before gathering their belongings and walking out. As usual, Meiko had plans to meet Ken a few blocks up to be picked up, and Natsumi, being in no rush to go anywhere else, offered to walk with her.

"So how does it feel to finally have a living, breathing boyfriend...finally?", Meiko asked suddenly.

"Well...it feels pretty damn good", Natsumi said, smiling.

"Oh, I bet it does. So when do me and Ken get a double date with you guys?", Meiko asked,

Natsumi nearly grimaced.

"Those things are so cheesy", she said, rolling her eyes.

"Well, why don't you ask your boyfriend and see what he thinks", Meiko said, putting emphasis on one word.

"Are you going to keep saying the word boyfriend any chance you get?", Natsumi said.

"What can I say? I'm the proud mother of a child who's finally not single", Meiko replied.

Natsumi blushed and stayed quiet. Meiko was right. For the first time in her 26 years of life, she was in a relationship. It was almost something of a miracle.

The two arrived at the corner in front of a random store and talked for a few more minutes before Ken's car pulled up a few spaces away. Meiko seemed like she wanted to continue talking about their...well mainly Natsumi's new love life but they could clearly see the young man waving through his window at them. Ken never liked to interrupt their conversations even with his habit to be impatient. Natsumi and Meiko both must have wanted to save him the stress, giving each other a quick hug goodbye.

"I really look forward to seeing your boyfriend when he comes to visit you at work, by the way", Meiko said.

"Yeah. Yeah. Ok. I get it", Natsumi said, smiling.

"See you", she said. Meiko trotted over the car waiting for her and they both gave a final wave to one another as it passed. Natsumi stretched her loudly and continued on her way home, her heart still racing from thoughts of Fuyuhiko. She must have pinched herself more than a dozen times to make sure she was actually awake and not completely lost in some perfect dreamland. And yes, even on the train home. It was real. This was real. Her mind must have been in some kind of bliss filled daze because she was standing in front of her door before she even knew it. The young woman let herself in, placing her bag onto the couch. She had thought of studying a bit more but she had been doing so all week already. One day off couldn't hurt...or a couple hours. Maybe it would be better not to chance it. Natsumi made her way into her bedroom, swapping them for another pair of sweatpants and a large shirt. She was ready to just laze around in bed for the rest of the day. Natsumi crawled back into the comfortable sheets from whence she came and lay on her side, quickly feeling herself about to doze off again. Meiko was wrong. She was great at being lazy. The sound of her ringtone made her open her eyes though she didn't move from her position. Instead, she turned onto her back and grabbed her phone, pressing it to her ears.

"Hello?", Natsumi answered, expecting to hear Meiko's voice on the other end. She could have choked on the oxygen in the room when she heard who it was.

"Hello. It's good to hear your voice for the day", Fuyuhiko said on the other end. The young woman felt her heart thump loudly in her chest, hearing the dark-haired man's voice, so much that she found that she hadn't even responded to him.

"Natsumi?", Fuyuhiko asked.

"Oh...I'm still here. I was just putting some things away", Natsumi lied, sitting up in bed.

"Are you busy then? I can always call back later", Fuyuhiko said.

"No. I'm done with it now", she said with a giggle.

"That's good to hear. I've been wanting to hear your voice all day. I hope you have time", the older man said and she could hear the smile in his voice. Natsumi propped a pillow behind her back to get comfortable.

"For you, Fuyuhiko, always".

A/N: Please rate and comment! ^0^