Since getting home from Bean and Gone, Seth had only been able to think about one thing: the way Bayley had acted when she had found the roll of duct tape on the desk in the office. Knowing how much she liked to play bondage games with tape, he had grabbed her and 'threatened' to bring it home with him.

Sure enough, the roll was now sitting in one of the plastic bags full of odds and ends that they had brought back from the coffee shop, which were currently sitting out in the hallway. While it was true that the tape/bondage/mouth covering fetish was more Bayley's than his, he was still turned on by what was to come, and raring to go.

The sexual tension in the dining room had been palpable while they had eaten a light dinner. Although the conversation had flowed as smoothly as ever, Seth had been able to tell that Bayley was lacking focus on it as much as he was. When she took their plates through to the kitchen to wash up – a task that she bizarrely refused to entrust to a dishwasher – he waited a couple more minutes for his meal to settle in his stomach before getting up from the dining table.

His plan was to go and get the duct tape from the hallway, then sneak into the kitchen with it and surprise her while her attention was on doing the dishes. She liked to be surprised, especially if he mixed some role play in with it.

Pausing in the dining room doorway, he listened to make sure Bayley was still busy in the kitchen. Yes, he could hear her putting things on the drainer. Good.

Walking slowly so as not to give himself away, he went across the main part of the entrance hall, past the marble staircase, and over towards the front door, where the bags had been dumped.

When he reached the group of four bags, he took a moment to remember which of them he had put the tape into. The blue one. It had definitely been the blue one. Leaning down, he rummaged through the blue bag's contents. There was no tape in there.

"And what do you think you're doing?"

Bayley's stern voice right behind him made him jump.

"Don't turn around," she ordered as he started to do exactly that.

"Okay," he replied, making it sound like he had been caught robbing the place and she had a gun on him. He had quickly cottoned on to the fact that he wasn't going to be the one in charge on this particular night after all.

"Looking for this?" Bayley asked him in a taunting manner. Her right hand appearing in front of him, holding the roll of duct tape. She still had the purple rubber gloves on that she had been wearing to do the dishes.

"I, uh, wasn't looking for..."

"Shut up," she ordered, reaching around and covering his mouth with her other gloved hand, pulling him tightly against her in the same motion. He had already had a feeling that was the reason she had kept the gloves on; she didn't like covering his mouth with a bare hand if she could help it, thanks to what she still insisted was not OCD. At least she had made the effort to dry the gloves first. "I'll tell you when you can talk, or if you can talk. Is that clear?"

"Mmm hmm," he mumbled into her hand, starting to get turned on by the dominant way she was acting, even if he did prefer things the other way around.

"Hands behind your back," she instructed next. "And remember, I don't want to hear a word out of you."

He obeyed the instruction to put his hands behind his back, knowing what was coming next. Sure enough, the hand was removed from his mouth and he heard duct tape being stretched out from the roll.

"Just wait a minute," he said, specifically because he knew it would 'anger' her.

"What did I just tell you?" she demanded as she set about wrapping the tape multiple times around his wrists, plenty tight enough to restrain him, but not tight enough to cut off circulation. The games were always taken seriously, but inflicting actual pain was never part of the fun. Neither of them were into that kind of thing.

"You said to shut up, but I don't think I can. I want to know what you're going to do?"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." When she was apparently satisfied with the multiple layers of strong binding around his wrists, he felt a jerk as she tore the roll away from it.

"Okay, you tied my wrists. I'm not going anywhere."

"Oh my God!" Bayley squealed at the nerve of him daring to speak again. "You've left me no choice." Tearing a long strip of tape from the roll, she smoothed it down as best she could over his mouth. "That should shut you up for a minute."

Having his mouth taped was a new experience for Seth. It was usually her thing. Honestly, it didn't work well on him, since the tape was pretty much just stuck to his beard. But he decided to play along and stay quiet.

"Now get upstairs. Move!" she ordered him. Her strident manner was reminiscent of the old Commissioner Martinez character in some ways.

Seth started walking towards the staircase.

"Don't try anything stupid," Bayley warned him. "Go on, upstairs, then into the bedroom."

Feeling frustrated that he hadn't been allowed to turn around and see her, Seth was ushered up the stairs, the occasional gentle push encouraging him to get a move on.

"Good, now lie on the bed on your front," she instructed when they entered the bedroom.

Seth did as he was told, crawling up the bed so that his head was resting on the pillow.

"Good," was the verdict again. Bayley was still making sure he couldn't see her. It had to be deliberate on her part. "Now lie still," she told him. She lifted his right hip with one hand and used the other to awkwardly unbutton and unzip his jeans. It took her a full minute to pull them off him, but she eventually managed it. He lay there compliantly the whole time.

"That's better. Now you're starting to do as you're told," she said, her tone somewhere between happy and condescending.

Seth heard more tape being unwound from the roll, and felt her stick the loose end to one of his ankles. Holding them together and lifting them with one hand, she wrapped tape around them with the other. When they were as well bound as his wrists, she dropped them back to the bed.

"That's the first job done," she said, pleased with her handiwork. She walked around to put the tape down on the nightstand, now that she was apparently done with it.

Still lying on his stomach, Seth looked up at her, seeing that she still had her apron on from washing the dishes. As soon as he took that in, she set about removing it. "Let's get that off, shall we?" she asked him rhetorically, keeping eye contact with him. He could clearly see how turned on she was by the situation she had him in.

The apron was tossed aside, then Bayley took off her top, followed by her pants. She was left standing there in only her black underwear and the purple gloves. "Now I think we're ready," she said, licking her lips in a sultry manner.

Seth worked the loose tape off his mouth and said, "Fuck, you're beautiful," as if talking to a stranger, not his fiancée. "One day, I'd love to tape you up like this."

Bayley looked unimpressed. "What you'd love to do is irrelevant at this point, isn't it? What matters is what I'm going to do. Now turn over and sit up."

Before he could obey, she pulled the loose tape off his beard, crumpled it up and threw it away. "Won't be needing that anyway," she told him, making it sound almost like a threat. "I said turn over and sit up. Come on, hurry up."

"What do you mean, what you're going to do?" he asked as he complied with the demand, moving awkwardly due to the tape restraints.

Rather than answer him, Bayley got onto the bed and took up a sitting position behind him. He looked back and saw her arrange the pillows to support her back.

"Don't look at me!" she said heatedly when she saw him facing her. "Honestly, I could have caught someone better behaved than you. But then, I guess that makes it more fun. Come here," she said, wrapping her arms around his stomach and dragging him as close to her as he could get, leaving him sitting between her legs, which she wrapped tightly around him.

Now that really was a turn on. Seth felt himself getting rock hard, and she hadn't even really started yet. What had happened so far had been the warm up; the preparation; the foreplay.

Bayley wrapped an arm around his chest to hold him against her, then covered his mouth with her other hand. "You see," she whispered into his ear, "I'm a venomous spider who likes to devour her prey. But I do it slowly, since when I've got prey caught in my web, it can't escape, no matter how much is struggles or tries to squeal for help. You're all mine now."

"Mmmph," Seth grunted into the gloved hand was clamped securely over his mouth. There would be no wriggling out of her grasp, which was of course exactly what she intended. He knew that denying him the ability to talk was a big turn on for her, so he would make sure to try and do exactly that, to further her pleasure.

"That won't help you now," she told him.

With that, she began gently licking the side of his neck. The feeling of her tongue on his skin sent tingles through him, as did the little moans of delight she made while she did it.

"When I'm ready, I can sink my teeth in there," she breathed. "It will be very pleasurable for me. For you, it will be painful, at least if you fight me."

But pleasurable, Seth thought, having experienced it before. The only downside would be the big ass bite mark he would be left with for a week or so afterwards. Right now, though, he didn't give a damn about that.

"Stop struggling!" she told him as he pretended to attempt resisting her. "You're only making it worse for yourself. I could make your demise pleasurable, if I wanted to." To demonstrate what she meant, she removed the arm from around his chest and began to gently stroke his cock over the top of his boxers. Her touch was so fine that he could only just feel it, but he could feel it, and it was amaxing.

An involuntarily moan escaped him, wanting her to do more. His breathing began to get heavier as it was more difficult than usual with her hand over his mouth.

"Sshhh," she whispered into his ear, still rubbing his shaft softly. "There's no rush. We've got all night before I finish you off."

"Mmmmmpphh," Seth protested, struggling against her again.

"No!" she told him sternly. Keeping the hand over his mouth and her legs wrapped around him, she forced him over onto his side so that she was almost lying on top of him. Even if his wrists and ankles hadn't been taped, it would have been a job to get out from underneath her. It was an even more dominant position for her than the previous one had been. "If you're going to struggle, I'm going to have to bite you and allow my poison to subdue you."

Playing his part in her curious roleplay choice as a victim caught in a spider's web, Seth continued to do his best to struggle, not that he could do much of anything anyway.

"Okay, enough is enough," she said impatiently.

He felt her teeth take their first little nibble on his neck, in the same place that she had previously wetted with her tongue. Over the course of the next couple of minutes, her bites grew in intensity, as did her gasps of excitement in between them.

Despite the pain her biting caused, Seth's body was absolutely on fire for her. His moans into her hand were no longer part of the game, they were involuntary reactions of pleasure to what she was doing to him.

"Good," she breathed eventually, giving his neck a final lick. "That should keep you much calmer." She moved off him and sat up, before dragging him back up to sit in front of her as before. Once that was done, she took away the hand that had been covering his mouth and quickly replaced it with the other one.

"Ow," she groaned, flexing her now-free hand against the cramp that had almost set in from having it clamped down for so long.

"Mmmm," Seth sighed into the one covering his mouth, acting like he was very drowsy from the biting, which had supposedly poisoned him.

"Ssshhh. It's nearly over now," she now said soothingly. With the cramp worked out of her hand, she used it to push his boxers down enough to get his cock out. "Ohhh, maybe you were a great catch after all," she purred at the sight of it.

As she began stroking him, Seth closed his eyes, wanting to focus completely on the sensations she was giving him. She really was amazing, bringing him up to his peak ever so slowly.

"Here we go," she purred when she felt him start convulsing, his orgasm approaching.

Grunting like a wild animal into her hand, Seth exploded, shooting his load all over her other hand and his own stomach.

"Oh, baby," she gasped, still working him with her fingers until he had unloaded everything he had.

With that, it was over. Bayley took her hand away from his mouth, allowing him gasp in a few grateful breaths. "Fuck, angel, you're amazing," he panted.

"Not as amazing as you are, baby. I'm so turned on right now, I can't even tell you. I love you so much."

"Give me a minute, and I'll take care of that for you," he promised. "Might as well put my mouth to good use now that I can use it."

"Oh, baby," she purred again, for the second time in a minute. "I'd better untape you." She peeled off her gloves and threw them to the floor.

"Before you do that, give me a kiss," he instructed. He leaned back against her so that she could do as he asked.

Bayley kissed him delicately on the lips, then said, "I'm the happiest girl in the world, Seth. I want us to get married soon."

That took him by surprise, but his immediate reaction was that he wanted the same thing. He knew they were one of those couples who would spend their lives together; he felt it with every fibre of his being. So what was the point in trying to ignore his instincts? "I want that, too," he said. "We could spend tomorrow looking for venues for beach weddings. We've both decided that's what we want, right?"

Hugging him tightly from behind, she said, "Yes! Oh my God, you really want to start looking for somewhere?"

"Yes, angel. I love you, and I want you to be my wife. Bayley Rollins has a nice ring to it."

Bayley nuzzled her head against him. "Yeah, it does."

A/N: I've been wanting to come back to this story for some time because I really do love Seth and Bayley together. But the problem I had was that the Queen's Court concept is so outdated now with current kayfabe. Also, Zelina stories are where it's at for me right now. So, here's what I've decided to do:

This story will end here. When I've finished La Arquitecta (the story I'm currently working on) I will be starting a new story in this world, set a bit further in the future, which will give me a chance to put things on a better footing in terms of what is going on in WWE.

It's not an ideal situation by any means, and I know it's a problem of my own making, since I left this story for so long. But I'm doing what I can to make sure this world can continue, as I really don't want to see it abandoned. Thank you for your understanding. :)