Sam opened the oven and pulled the last tray of sugar cookies out of the oven. She set them on the kitchen island with the rest of them and used a spatula to lift them off the baking sheet. She smiled as she heard the voices coming from the living and sitting rooms of her and Jason's house. After she got out of the hospital, true to their word, the went to the court house and got married. Much to the cringe of their loved ones. They hated not being able to be there, especially her sisters and Maxie. But they made up for it by allowing Maxie to through them the biggest party at the Metro Court in celebration of their nuptials. It was a great night filled with love and happiness will all their friends. With Claudia now gone, Michael was in a better place and dealing with what happened to him. He was back to his old silly fun self.

It was Christmas Eve and so much has happened in the last month that made it shoot by fast. But none more shocking then when Lucky and Elizabeth showed up on their door step offering shared custody of Jake. Jason had told Lucky about getting out of the mob but he didn't ask to be in Jake's life. And that is why they offered. They said that they both thought it was time for Jake to know his family, all his family. It had brought tears to Sam's eyes that they were willing to do this. She knew what it meant to Jason to be able to be a part of his child's life and now he could. Jake loved spending time with them. They had all decided on weekend visits to the park to ease Jake into them being I his life but in the end, it wasn't needed. By the end of the first week, Jake was asking to stay with them over night. Sam smiled at the memory of their first night with him. The smile never left Jason's face the entire night. Jake took to them so well that they officially had shared custody of Jake. He spent one week with them and one week with Lucky and Liz.

Sam finished putting out the frostings and decorations for the cookies and looked at the table. She had made more than enough cookies so that after the kids decorated them, they could take some home with them. She walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. Jason stood over by the fireplace with Sonny talking. Carly and Jax were sitting on the couch with Joss and Morgan. Her sisters were by the tree helping Monica and Alexis put up the ornaments with Jake in the middle handling the ornaments to them. Maxie and Spinelli were sitting on one of the love seats lost in each other. Sam smiled and shook her head at them. Her eyes then fell on Michael who was sitting down on the sofa next to Edward Sam heard Edward tell him some stories of his great-grandmother. Sam took a deep breath as the feeling hit her. She placed her hand over her stomach and thought this was her family. She finally had what she always wanted.

She chocked back the tears ready to fall and announced "All right! Cookies are done. Who wants to come and decorate?" Sam laughed as Jake sprinted toward her and jumped into her arms "I do! I do!"

Molly and Morgan came over and said "Can we decorate them any way we want?" Morgan asked Sam nodded and said "Yep and the ones you decorate you get to take home…if you don't eat them all tonight." She said to Morgan who gave her a bright smile.

"Umm…how about just eating two more cookies and then we take the rest home I think you have had enough sugar for today." Carly told her son and his sweet tooth. He slumped his shoulders and looked up at Sam who gave him a wink "Why don't you two get started while I try and get your brother and sister to join us.?"

They both took off toward the kitchen and Sam turned to the two older kids "Alright, let's go."

Michael and Kristina got up and said "Do we have to?" at the same time. Sam shook her head as they walked past us and Krissy took Jake out of her arms "Yes, you have to. You brother and sister are so get to going." She clapped her hands together to shoo them.

"I'm 18 now, Sam. This is kid stuff." Michael argued. Sam narrowed her eyes at him and he smirked and said "It's been a long time since I saw you "Aunt Sam" face." "It's been a long time since I've needed to use it." She shot back.

Michael bobbed his head and said "Yes, ma'am." And went to the kitchen. Sam looked over to the living room and said "Just an FYI, there is a lot of sugar in the kitchen so if you don't want your kid going home with a sugar high…" Sam stopped talking as Carly and her mom shot past her and into the kitchen. Sam laughed and watched the other adults follow not anything to miss anything.

Jason walked up to her and wrapped her in his arms "How are you feeling?"

"So far today has been fine. Being around all this food has surprisingly not made me sick. Considering I was going to have to taste test it all I thought for sure it was going to be hell but nothing yet." She smiled up at him.

Jason leaned down and kissed her "Are you sure you don't want to tell your mom?" he asked his wife.

Sam shook her head "No because she will just worry. I want to get past the first trimester before se tell anyone."

"What a trimister, mommy Sam?" Jason and Sam looked over and saw Jake with a cookie in his hand.

"Hey buddy, are you all done decorating?" Jason asked as he went and picked up his son. Jake shook his head and said "I want you to do it wif me."

Sam smiled and walked over to her boys "You want daddy to help you decorate?" he nodded and said "And mommy Sam." Sam smiled "Ok then, let's go and decorate some cookies to leave for Santa." The family of three, soon to be four, walked back into the kitchen to join their family and decorate cookies.