A/N: Hello! Welcome to my crack at the various Akatsuki-animals stories floating around fan fiction. There are so many kitten versions, but I prefer dogs over cats (No cat hate, they are wonderful too!). I've only ever had dogs, so I am more comfortable writing/tending to them. Anyways, here's an Akatsuki-pup fic.

This story includes my OC Koizumi Sumire. She is the same age (26) as she is in my other fiction Intern at the Akatsuki Concert Hall, but her background and personality are slightly different. Who couldn't be happy when surrounded by adorable dogs all the time?

It was a busy day. The entrance was crowded with families and their animals, barking, yapping, chatting, and getting snippy with the middle-aged woman at the front desk whose only job was to sign people in, not to answer their veterinary-related questions. She was meant to direct people in one direction or another, to the left you'll find the adoption area where the many dogs and cats were kept, waiting to go to their new homes and to the right was the real entrance to the veterinary service area. Stop chatting, keep moving, we have a lot of people coming in. If you'll just fill out this form, we can let you in to view the dogs that are available for adoption. If your pet requires emergency care please enter the door to the right and notify the young woman at the front desk, there, she will contact a doctor and you will be put into our emergency area.

"You should greet everyone at the door like it's a hotel."

On her break with a cigarette in her hand, Haruko glared at the intern who was grinning, obviously amused by her own joke. The small woman was leaning forward slightly with her round chin rested on her small hands. The broom her hands were folded atop of, swayed beneath the weight of her head.

"Good afternoon, welcome to the Daybreak SPCA, my name is Fujinuma Haruko. How can I assist you?" the young girl teased again.

"Shouldn't you be sweeping up crap, Sumire."

A pout came to her lips.

"I was kidding."

"Go kid with the mutts."

A huff came from the intern and she spun back to the employee only entrance. Before entering she pulled her long black hair into a messy bun.

"Hi puppies," she greeted the fully-grown dogs in the steel cages by the glass door. "I will be your maid today."

It was Koizumi Sumire's second week at the shelter/veterinary center cleaning up after the dogs, moving them from one part of the building to another, feeding, watering, playing, and grooming them as was requested. The first week had been difficult, she was not adjusted to hideous smells that filled the backroom where animals just brought to the shelter were kept. Twice she had stepped in feces and once she had slipped in vomit, but none of that mattered when she gazed into the innocent faces of the furry pups.

Currently, she was sweeping a mass of hair towards the dustpan in the corner of the room. She expected it would be another messy, but fulfilling day. The screen door leading into the hallway swung open and she turned.

"Sumire, when you're done sweeping, can you moves the dogs in cages 1 through 10 into the showing area?"

"Yeah, sure."


Her co-worker left without another word. We've never moved that many dogs at once, I wonder if we're having an adoption event. Haruko entered through the glass door while yawning, her greying bob haircut remained stiff around her head as she stretched and leaned back.

"So glad the walk-ins ends soon."

"You say that every day, Haruko-san." Sumire giggled, sweeping the last of the hair into a neat pile.

"It better not get any more hectic. If I have to tell another person the price of our rabies vaccination I'm going to lose it."

"It feels like it's going to be an easy day."

"As soon as you say something like that, we're doomed for a wild afternoon."

Sumire smiled quietly at the miniature pinscher staring up at her from the cage at her feet.

"You get to go out on the floor today, sweetie." She cooed.

"Ugh, they're dogs, not babies. They can't understand you." Haruko sneered and exited the backroom in a huff.

"She don't know nothing," Sumire let her voice become cutesy, "you get me don't you?"

The pinscher's tail wagged.

"Yes, you do."

When she disposed of the hair pile, she eagerly guided the dogs into the meeting area one by one, each happily jumping against her leg or wagging their tail. She returned to clean the emptied cages. Footsteps rushed back and forth outside the screen door, there was some yelling and some cursing.

"Geeze, what do you think's going on out there?" she faced the terrier curled up in its cage with its short snout raised.

She watched its tiny nostrils flare as it studied the various scents that she could not detect. The door crashed open behind her and she leapt, turning on her heel.

"Sumire, we need your help."

"What's going on?" she followed him into the hall.

"One of our scouts found a shed with a bunch of adult dogs."

"How many?" they headed towards the entrance.


That's a lot, no wonder they had me move all the dogs to the show area.

Sumire was in awe of the array of dog breeds in the crates of the large van. I didn't think they would be all different, usually when they find abandoned dogs they're all usually the same breed.

"Sumire, in the front seat we have three smaller male dogs. Put them in cages one, two, and three. We'll label everything once they've all been contained."


She peeked into the window to see three medium-small dogs in crates stacked atop one another. She pulled the door open.

"Hi sweethearts. Are you confused? It's okay, we'll get you acclimated." She undid the latch to the cage on top.

"Come here little pup." She held her hands out to the dachshund.

The long dog with short reddish-brown fur stared at her, it's large dark brown eyes flashing with suspicion at the small, unknown girl approaching him. The dachshund turned its head to the beagle in the cage on the floor of the front seat. They stared at one another for a few moments, as though they were communicating through thought.

"Are you all friends?" Sumire giggled. "It's okay, you'll all be put in the same place."

The dachshund moved forward slightly. She brought him forward by his ribcage and rested his back legs on her forearm to support the length of his body. She gently scratched along his spine with her long nails.

"There you go, sweetie."

The dachshund's eyes closed as though it enjoyed the feeling, then studied her cherubic face. She heard a yip sound come from the Chihuahua still in one of the cages on the seat. The dachshund snapped its head around and growled.
"Hey, hey. Don't mind him, he's just jealous." She ran her fingers from behind his ears to the base of his spine then headed around the building to the employee entrance that had been propped open.

Sumire placed him in the first of cages then returned to the car to retrieve the Chihuahua. She passed one of the male workers, hauling a large bull mastiff with a short leash. It snarled at him and snapped. Another worker rushed over and clipped a muzzle onto its short snout. Poor thing's just spooked, she thought as she unlatched the cage to the Chihuahua. He rushed forward and hopped towards her.

"Oh!" she giggled as he nuzzled into her neck. "You're an affectionate one."

She patted its head. Its short fur was covered in bits of dirt and its claws dug hard into her shoulder.

"Owe, owe, owe, you're hurting me dear."

As though it understood, its grip softened and it let its body go mostly limp.

"Thank you." She readjusted his back legs and did the same with the Chihuahua as she had previously done with the weary dachshund.

When she closed the cage, the tiny creature started yipping at her loudly, and jumping against the door. The dachshund beside it was glaring. She paused near the door as they guided in a large Doberman. It was silent, straight, as though it were a show dog. It's pointed ears were quickly turning from side to side, it's eyes darting from one part of the room to the other.

"What a beautiful boy!" she exclaimed and reached for its head.

It jerked away and Sumire stepped back.

"I'm sorry boy, I should have introduced myself first."

"Before you get the beagle, can you help the guys with the golden retriever?" her co-worker asked.

"Okay, why? Is it scared?"

"No, its-"

A loud, harsh bark came from outside and she immediately walked out into the warm air. She saw two men wrestling with a medium golden retriever, it's hair was long and luscious though covered in patches of dirt. It snapped at the worker's hands.
"Sumire! Bring the noose!" one of them yelled.

She rushed back in and went to a normally locked closet that had been left open just for this afternoon. She snatched up a long steel pole with a loop of aluminum at the end. The man closest to her nearly ripped it from her hands, after some struggling and biting at the aluminum, he was able to slip it around the retriever's snout. It writhed back and forth. Sumire stepped a bit closer.

"Don't come near it!" one of them roared.

Her heart was beating hard in her chest, not because she was concerned the dog would harm her, but because she saw it was afraid. Its fiery eyes were a sparkling blue, which was not usual for a dog, especially a retriever. The large pupils were moving quickly, it's body tense.

"It's okay." She said softly.

It looked directly at her, snarling when she took another step towards it.

"Sumire get back!"

"We're not going to hurt you." She continued, ignoring them. "We just want to put you inside, with the rest of your friends."

Suddenly its muscles relaxed. Both men looked shocked that it responded to her so quickly. She held out her hand, waiting for it to bend its head and sniff, but it only eyed her.

"They're gonna take you inside now, okay?"

It watched her small hand glide through the air slowly until it stopped on his head. She patted it softly and smiled.

"Good boy." Her voice came out exaggerated.

Its tail wagged for a moment and it stopped, looking away as though it were embarrassed by its natural reaction to her sweet voice. She moved out of the way and the two men guided the retriever into the backroom where the rest of the dogs had been taken. Sumire found the beagle sitting in its cage, patiently awaiting it's turn to be brought inside.

"Hi there."

It calmly walked to her and let her take him in his arms. She held him close and closed the van door with her foot.

"Your friends are a bit feisty. I hope you can let them know, we aren't going to hurt them."

She ruffled its ears. The men were grumbling and walking back and forth, glaring at the large dogs who had given them a hard time. If you don't like the tough cases, then don't work here, she thought while setting the calm, regal beagle into the third cage.

"Since they like you so much, you feed 'em." One of them said and they left her alone.

"Fine, I will."

The room felt very quiet, despite there being so many animals. She prepared the rectangular paper plates with a mix of dry and wet food.

"Let me get water to you all first." She grabbed the large stack of silver stainless steel bowls.

"Aren't you pretty?" she knelt in front of a large Siberian Husky.

Its eyes were small with a single dot in the center of each. It's long, fluffy hair was a lovely mix of greys and white, but in the yellow light of the shelters back room it appeared almost blue.

"I'm gonna give you some water and food, okay?" She unlocked the door and set the bowl of water inside.

She left it open while retrieving the food. When she turned back around it remained sitting where it was, it's eyes following her as she walked back and forth.

"Good boy." She scratched behind his ears.

It did not react to her affections. She repeated the process with each one, but none of them moved towards the water and food she had set down. Minus the Chihuahua who began yipping just as she approached the cage. All at once the other dogs were looking at him, but as soon as he calmed down they were all watching her. Sumire stepped a few feet away. I feel like… I'm in a room full of people and they're all just waiting for me to speak.

"You're a strange bunch of dogs, aren't you?"

She let down her hair to run her fingers through it, then put it back up in a tight bun.

"I'll be back." She called, waving towards the eight pairs of eyes on her.

She followed the soiled white linoleum to the employee breakroom. The voices of her co-workers bled into the hallway and became increasingly louder as she neared.

"Which two did you miss?"

She silently passed them to pour herself a cup of water.

"There was a shiba and a dalmation in there, but they got away while I was wrestling that damn retriever."

"Wow, but really? All of those dogs were just there?"

"I only decided to look because I heard a bark. When I walked in the greyhound and the bullmastiff were growling at each other like they were having a conversation."

"Arguing, huh?"

Sumire swallowed down the last of her water. Huh, what weird dogs. The small group continued to gossip, with Haruko egging them on for juicy details about his struggles with each dog.

The main reason Sumire had taken this internship was due to the limited human and increased dog interaction. Every morning she awoke in her tiny studio apartment with a smile on her face, excited to see the smiling faces of pups whose only desire was to join a loving family.

She stretched her arms high above her head and made her way to the backroom.

"Alright boys, time for grooming." She closed the screen door behind her. "We'll start with…"

The air in the room shifted.

"What?" she pouted at all of them. "No one wants to be clean?"

The greyhound barked at her.

"Well if you want to go to a good home, you'll have to be presentable. That's just how it is!"

The entire room became filled with loud, bellowing, almost frantic howling, the tips of their noises all pointed towards the beagle who was silently observing Sumire.
"Yeah yeah yeah, no one likes baths."

She prepped the basin with warm water and slid gloves over her hands.

"How about…" she went to the closest cage. "you mister dachshund?"

It growled when her hands neared it.

"C'mon, please? I'm just going to clip your nails and give you a quick bath? You'll be all clean, you won't stink anymore? Won't that be nice?"

It growled again. A bark came from two cages over, from the brown and white dog who had been silent up until this point. The dachshund reluctantly let Sumire take him to the sink.

"I'll try to make it quick okay?"

While she scrubbed him, she heard the greyhound yapping in the corner, the sounds coming out like a strange high-pitched laugh. She finished and used the blow dryer on the frowning dachshund's now silky, soft hair. Finally, she brushed his back and clipped his nails.

"There that wasn't so bad? Now, I'll just grind them, so you don't scratch anybody." She took one of his paws and placed the grinder against the softened nail.

"Aaaaaand, done. See? All shiny and clean." She scratched beneath his ears and his eyes shut, a look of pleasure forming on its features.

"Feels nice, right? So, who wants to go next?"

The Chihuahua scraped its paws against the cage.

"Someone's eager," she mused while returning the newly cleaned dachshund to his cage. "I guess it's you then."

"Sumire," the screen door was opening again.


"You can take care of the rest tomorrow morning, manager wants to close up and go for drinks."

"Okay." She turned to the small, tanned dog. "Sorry honey, I'll have to take care of you tomorrow."

She double checked that the cages were locked.

"See you tomorrow boys, sleep well."

She gave them all a smile and a wave before shutting off the light and closing the door. She gathered her things in the employee breakroom.

"Here," the manager held out a ring of keys. "You and Haruko will be opening tomorrow. Since she'll probably be late, you take the keys."

"Sure, thank you."

"Ah, see you tomorrow."

She bowed her head. Guess it'll just be me and the dogs for a while. She's always at least an hour late. Sumire let her hair down for a final time. It'll be fun. I can get to know those weirdos.

The Following Morning

Sumire breathed out a steady stream of warm air that twisted and curled until it dissipated into the crisp morning. She wrapped herself tighter in her jacket, entering through the front and locking the door behind her. She hung things in the employee lounge and went to the back room where the dogs she was most eager to engage with were, all likely still sleeping. Before she stepped through the screen door she knew something was amiss. Inside she saw the dogs all silently seated in their cages.

In the cage where the golden retriever had been kept, she saw an animal, who resembled the dog only in his long blonde hair. Instead of a body covered in golden fur, she saw oodles of pale skin and limbs like that of a human. In fact, it was a human. He was crouched in a horrendously uncomfortable position, his knees tight against his chest and his head bent forward. He craned his neck to meet shocked gaze. She opened her mouth speak, though she had no idea what she would say, but he interrupted her:

"Before you say anything, just…" there was a flash of desperation in his stunning blue eyes, "just let me out of this freakin' cage, un."

A/N: I made their personalities a bit obvious? I'm curious about my breed choices, do you agree? Disagree? Don't care? That's cool too. XD Thanks for reading!