
I am a hardcore romance nut, absolutely love the stuff. My Mass Effect will be a retelling and reimagining of the entire saga, with a very healthy dosage of romance in there for you closet romance buffs ;). I also love smut! This is going to be heavily AU with some pretty obvious inspirations from amazing community works, namely And the Meek Shall Inherit the Galaxy. Paragon's work is amazing and his ideal for an AU is simply too good to not be explored further. Please do remember that this is my first dive into Fanfiction and I really want to tell the story my way, but I do welcome criticism.

Sorry guys I am a hardcore MshepxTali writer and have been a fan… of that ship since the game was released.

I hope you enjoy this, thanks again


P.S. Talimancers forever!

If I can't romance a Quarian in Andromeda, Im gonna riot

PPS: I had to shift alot of chapters around so sorry for blowing up your notifications. I put myself in a really shitty spot in the way I organized this shit. No more past chapters. No more confusions.