(A/N)- My sincerest apologies for missing a week dear readers, I was going through An Ordeal. But things are better now (even if I'm really bored from the isolation due to all this coronavirus panic) so I got caught up on my writing and managed to knock this one out in like two hours.


Takes place about two years after the show's end.

Disclaimer: I'm certainly not in charge of anything or wealthy enough to own intellectual properties as good as Avatar. Oh no, goodness, who wants that kind of responsibility lol?

Interlude: Socialites

These robes were killing her.

Angka tugged at the too tight stiff collar, wishing for the millionth time she could have worn Air Nomad clothes to this event. But Zuka had insisted that traditional Fire Nation ornamentation was required so here she was, stuck in a high-collared thick wool monstrosity that itched and pulled in all the wrong ways around her awkward growing body.

She yanked at the high-waisted sash again, trying to loosen the knot even just a little bit. Glancing around she sighed, watching a million different conversations take place around her.

Zuka was doing most of the talking, as per usual. She was so much better at this kind of politicking and hobnobbing with government officials, and Angka envied how calm and serene and collected the older girl seemed, at least outwardly, even though Angka knew Zuka was as much a roiling ball of insecurity and nerves as she was.

As if sensing her thoughts, Zuka glanced aside at her, giving her a nudge with her foot.

"You're doing fine."

"Really?" Angka questioned, voice flat and unconvinced. "Because I feel like I've barely said anything useful in like three hours."

"Half of these gatherings are just smiling and nodding politely while dignitaries prattle on and explain in intimate detail all the minutia of their health problems and family dramas," Zuka whispered in aside to her. "If you're asked your opinion about something, answer honestly. Otherwise, just give people space to talk."

Angka slouched in boredom, wilting.

Zuka turned to the next person approaching them, her stoic expression transforming seamlessly into a genial smile.

"Lietutentant Rho, it's been a while. How is your wife?" she asked.

After a moment she pointedly elbowed Angka in the side.

Startling to attention, Angka quickly piped up and added, "Uh yeah, and you have those two twin daughters too right? Li Li and Ling So? How old are they now?"

The Fire Nation officer launched into a proud speech about his girls, gushing over how lovely they were growing up and how accomplished they were. It seemed to make him happy, so Angka just listened and didn't interrupt.

She tuned out about halfway through, though, her eyes wandering around the room.

She suddenly perked to attention when a herald spoke up over the chatter. He'd been announcing the arrival of guests all evening but this time what he said was:

"The emissaries from the Southern Water Tribe, daughter and son of Chief Hakoda!"

Angka gasped, standing on her tiptoes, craning to see around and over the crowd.

She spotted them at once, a flush of blue in the sea of red. Sokki was a picture of elegant winter beauty in her fur-lined dress and Katar...

She blushed slightly, feeling her cheeks warm.

His padded ocean-blue jacket looked... really nice and sharp on him.

They made their way over to the Fire Lady and Avatar, quickly weaving their way through the crowd. The dignitaries parted respectfully for them, and even Lieutenant Rho finished up his conversation and bade them goodbye, to allow the friends to speak with each other.

Angka beamed. Forgoing all formality she hopped up, throwing her arms around Katar to hug him tightly.

"Katar! It's so good to see you!" she cried.

He grinned, wrapping his soft sleeves around her and folding her in an embrace of quilted silk and fur.

Zuka peered past them with a frown. "Where's Toph?"

Sokki shrugged. "Said he couldn't make it. Something about hay fever or coming down with swamp flu." A little bit conspiratorially she added, "You ask me I think just he ran off on that road trip with Haruhi and Téa he's been threatening."

"Fine time for a vacation," Zuka grumbled.

Angka finally pulled back from her hug with Katar, brushing a hand behind her ear. "You look good," she told him shyly.

"You do too," he said.

"Really?!" she squeaked, delight bubbling up in her.

Zuka cleared her throat sharply.

Angka quickly rearranged herself into a formal demeanor. "May I be excused for a moment, Your Majesty? The emissary from the Southern Water Tribe and I have something important to discuss."

Zuka sighed heavily. "Fine," she relented. "Fine. But be back here in time for the spark lighting."

She nodded. "Of course."

The formality dropped off her as she reached forward and grabbed Katar's hand, and he was already pulling her off to a secluded corner of the room, near the open-air balcony.

The Fire Nation ruler rubbed her face tiredly. "I swear, she absolutely loses her entire head around him."

Sokki chuckled. "Oh you should see how dumb Katar gets about her. It's like he doesn't even know how to use words anymore."

"I believe it," Zuka replied dryly.


The chatter of the room was a little dimmer here, a light breeze blowing in from the veranda that lifted away the stuffy incense scent of the ballroom. Angka faced him excitedly, grinning from ear to ear.

"You would not believe how long this evening has been. I didn't think I could ever know so much about rheumatoid arthritis and herbal remedies for it in my life!"

"Welcome to politics," laughed Katar. "Ninety-percent meaningless small talk and maybe ten percent actual policy discussion. Dad always told us the relationship building was the more important part, letting people express themselves and feel important and listened to." He lowered his voice slightly. "But he did warn it it was usually really, really boring."

Angka giggled. "It's a little better now that you're here," she told him. "It's nice to see a friendly face."

"Zuka doesn't count?"

Angka seesawed a hand. "Eh."

He leaned back again, his eyes warm, the lights from the ballroom gleaming in them.

"You do look really beautiful, Angka. I mean it," he told her genuinely.

Suddenly she didn't feel awkward in her pinned up hair and heavy red robes anymore. Her spine went a little straighter and her heart swelled with some warm feeling.

She ducked her head, blushing again, touching one of the flower-shaped pins in her hair.

"Thanks..." she said quietly.

Katar glanced towards the crowded ballroom. "Can I hog you a little longer or do you need to go do some more polite Avatar smiling and nodding?"

Angka wove her fingers into his, squeezing gently.

"Just a little longer, okay?"

He smiled, letting her lean up against his arm as they turned to watch the stars for a moment.


(A/N)- Tying a bit into Angka's insecurities of last chapter, Katar of course thinks she's a total babe and the two agree that politics are very, very boring.

I anticipate a lot of time to write this month so updates should be back on their regular schedule.