A/N: So I finally got around to updating this story. I hope all of you enjoy. I appreciate any feedback you give me. If you enjoy, Follow, Favorite, and/or Review.

Disclaimer:I do not own Fairy Tail.

"Are you sure I was Romeo?" Makarov asked.

"I'm know without a shadow of a doubt that it was Romeo. He even admitted it was him." Natsu told the old master.

"So he's the one who has the gem then." Makarov asked.

"That's right. Jellal told me that Romeo admitted to having the gem." Erza confirmed.

"But why is Romeo doing all of this? We don't hear from him for years but once we do, he's in town and just leaving." Laxus asked.

"I saw him in the park earlier and tried to convince him to come to the guild. He didn't want me to tell anyone he was here though. I honestly thought he would come though." Wendy revealed.

"Maybe he might have but his encounter with Jellal had him leave sooner." Makarov suggested. "Where is Jellal now?"

"He's laying low since there are Rune Knights in town." Erza revealed. "Also Jellal told me last night about a dark magic heading in our direction. Could that dark magic have belonged to Romeo?"

"Well he is definitely much stronger than he was when he left. He took us out long enough to let himself escape." Gray agreed.

"As much as I don't want to accept it, there was definitely something weird with Romeo's magic. He hit us with some type of explosion but I didn't feel a bit of heat in it." Natsu revealed.

"Well what was the attack then? How can there be an explosion without any heat?" Lucy asked.

"There's only one way that could happen." Jellal said as he walked into the guild. "It was a pure magic attack."

"What do you mean a pure magic attack? How can someone attach with a pure magic attack?" Gajeel asked.

"I've seen a pure magic attack and it was only once in my entire life." Makarov revealed. "It was an extremely powerful attack but there's a lot of risks with it."

"What risks come with it?" Wendy asked.

"It puts a lot of strain on the body and it takes a while to charge the attack." Makarov replied.

"Romeo used the attack without much charge time." Erza revealed.

"You're right. He build up a large amount of magic in an instant then it disappeared. Afterwards we got hit by the attack." Natsu added.

"Answer this, How do you fight someone who can attack so quickly with such force?" Makarov told the guild.

"You hit them before they can attack?" Natsu asked.

"You wait till after the attack." Wendy suggested.

"You don't." Gildarts said as he walked into the doors.

"Welcome Gildarts." Mira told the crash mage.

"What do you mean you don't?" Natsu asked.

"If your opponent can beat you in both power and speed, than you don't have a chance. No matter what strategy you use, you can't defeat your opponent." Gildarts revealed.

"Then how do you beat then?" Erza asked.

"You have to match them in either speed or strength or surpass them." Makarov answered.

"Wait, why are we talking like Romeo is our enemy?" Wendy asked.

"Are you absolutely sure that Romeo isn't our enemy?" Gildarts asked.

"Wait, are you thinking Romeo has become a dark mage?" Natsu asked.

"The was his magic feels is like a dark magic. While I don't want to admit it, Romeo's magic matches the one I've been tracing." Jellal revealed.

"The first thing he did was attack us and try to get away." Gajeel agreed.

"Look Natsu I don't want Romeo to seem like the bad guy here but I have a reason I'm saying this." Makarov explained. "When you fought Romeo, did it seem like he was fighting seriously?"

"I don't think so. With how much magic he used just to stop us, I don't think that was him being serious." Natsu revealed.

"But we're you guys fighting seriously?" Makarov asked

"No, we were just trying to get him to stop running. His attack caught us off guard." Gray answered.

"I think Romeo attacked you while you were off guard on purpose. I think if he wanted to hurt you then he would have tried, don't you think?" Makarov asked.

"I'm not ready to give up on Romeo yet." Natsu shouted.

"Same here." Wendy agreed.

"Then we need to find our guild's lost child then." Makarov told the guild.

"Crime Sorciere will help you search." Jellal informed the guild. " His magic feels similar to that of Zeref and I want to see if the two have a connection."

"Alright but how do we start the search? We've been trying to find him for years with no luck." Cana pointed out.

"Well I have an idea where to start." Lucy replied. "We need to find out about the jewel that was stolen first."

"The stolen jewel belonged to the Rend family. Maybe there was a reason it was stolen." Levy added.

"Romeo told me that he was returning stolen goods. Maybe we could figure out why it was stolen, we can find out where he's heading." Natsu revealed.

"Master there was a new report that just came in." Kinana announced. "Apparently there was a jewel that was stolen from the Williams family a couple of days ago."

"Another jewel, well it looks like we have our first clue. Was there any details about this jewel?" Makarov asked.

"Only that it was an heirloom passed down which was said to protect whoever wore it." Kinana answered.

"Alright so here's the plan, Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Happy, and Carla, I want you guys to head to the Williams family and try to find any clues there." Makarov ordered.

"Alright, we're on it." Erza responded.

"Laxus, I want you to and the Thunder Tribe to go the the Rend family." Makarov told his grandson.

"Sure thing Gramps." Laxus replied.

"Hey what about me? I want to do something." Gajeel complained.

"Gajeel I have a specific role for you. You, Levy, Cana, Pantherlily, and Juvia will do some research and try to find where Romeo might be heading. If there are any reports which might involve Romeo then I'll send you right away." Makarov explained.

"Alright but I better not miss out on anything." Gajeel replied.

"I'll go inform Crime Sorcerie about the situation." Jellal announced.

"How can we get in contact with you if we find any clues?" Erza asked.

Jellal reached into his pocket and threw a Communication Lacrima at Erza.

"Use this. If you find out anything important or if you find Romeo, then contact us and we will head over." Jellal informed.

"Alright now everyone get moving. " Makarov shouted.

In Margaret Town

Chelia was walking to her guild when she heard a guard yelling.

"Stop you thief."

Chelia turned and saw a young boy running with a small bag. She turned and grabbed him, picking him off the ground.

"Let me go." the boy yelled.

"Thank you Chelia." One of the guards said as they grabbed the boy. "He tried to steal from the Mayor's house but was caught when he entered the house."

"Let me go, I didn't steal anything." the boy yelled.

Chelia looked inside of the bag and saw that the bag was completely empty.

"There's nothing in the bag. It's completely empty."

"That's impossible, there were 3 valuable gems that were reported stolen after he left." One of the guards said. "Hey kid where are the gems?"

"I don't even know what you're talking about." the kid replied.

Suddenly another older kid grabbed the younger kid and started to run.

"This is why I didn't want you getting involved Charlie." The older kid said.

"I'm sorry Will, but I just wanted to help." Charlie replied.

The two kids started to run away until they ran into Lyon.

"Lyon stop the two kids." Chelia yelled.

Lyon turned and saw the two kids running. He activated his magic and prepared to attack.

"Ice make Prison" Lyon said as a cage made of ice appeared, trapping the two boys.

"Thanks Lyon." Chelia said as she caught up to him.

"Why did I need to stop these two kids?" Lyon asked.

"The younger one was found trying to steal from the Mayor's house. We caught him but the older one just tried to break him free." Chelia explained.

Chelia and Lyon walked over to the cage.

"So why were you trying to steal from the Mayor?" Lyon asked.

Both of the kids stayed silent.

"Just make it easier and tell us." Chelia told the kids.

"Wait I recognize the older one. He's a thief who's been stealing from a lot of rich families as of late." One of the guards said ass they caught up.

"My brother isn't involved in this, so just let him go." Will told the guards.

"Will please, you know what will happen if they arrest you." Charles said.

"I know don't worry. I won't resist, just don't take him with me." Will asked.

"Fine, we will take the younger one for now while you guards take the thief." Lyon said as he removed the cage.

"Tell me, why are you so willing to surrender now?" Chelia asked.

"I'm not giving up, I'm just waiting." Will answered.

"Waiting for what?" Chelia asked.

"Well I don't just steal just to steal. I have to take care of my brother. And also, my client never abandons me." Will answered.

Suddenly, somebody dropped down between the guards and knocked them into a nearby building. The person stood between the kids and the mages.

"This is the second time in a row that I've had to come save you." Romeo told Will.

"Well the jobs you gave me are exactly easy ones." Will replied.

"You guys get back to the meeting place now. I'll meet you there after I'm done with these two." Romeo said as he turned his attention to Lyon and Chelia.

"Romeo, why are you doing this?" Lyon asked.

"Do you really want to know or do you just not want to feel guilty when you attack me?" Romeo asked.

"You do realize that our entire guild is in this town right? You won't be leaving here." Lyon threatened.

"That's cute Lyon, you think you're a threat." Romeo teased.

"That's it, i'm done talking to you." Lyon said as he prepared to attack.

"Ice Make Eagle"

As a swarm of eagles raced toward Romeo, he just dodged all of the attacks.

"Is this all you got Lyon?" Romeo taunted.

Romeo noticed a flash of pink race past him. Romeo turned around to see Chelia preparing an attack.

"Sky God's Bellow" Chelia yelled as she hit Romeo with her roar attack from point blank.

Romeo disappeared in the attack, having his whole body encased in the attack. Once the attack ended, Romeo was standing in the same place with many cuts across his body.

"Is that all you got?" Romeo asked.

"Sky God's Dance" Chelia cried as Romeo was launched in the air with a stream of black air.

"Ice Make Dragon" Lyon yelled as a large ice dragon charged straight into Romeo.

Romeo fell onto the ground, not moving. Lyon and Chelia walked over to him. Lyon sat a smirk on Romeo's face. Suddenly a large quantity of magic suddenly appeared. Lyon pushed Chelia away as a large pillar of magic appeared, encasing Lyon.

"Lyon!" Chelia screamed.

Once the pillar disappeared, Lyon struggled to stay on his feat as Romeo got up and stood between Lyon and Chelia.

"It seems like your guild will be here soon. Looks like I should try finishing this." Romeo said as he put his hand on Lyon's chest.

"Don't do it!" Chelia screamed.

"Wrath of the Fallen" a huge black of black energy encased Lyon in an instant.

Romeo began to walk away from Lyon as he fell to the ground.

"If you hurry, you might be able to save his life. But if you come after me, I can say for sure that he will die." Romeo revealed.

"Why are you doing this? Did you just stop caring about those who have protected and raised you your entire life?" Chelia asked.

"I still care, I'm just done showing it." Romeo replied.

"I remember you before you left. You were such a good kid then. Tell me, what happened to you? What turned you into this?" Chelia cried.

"Madness is like gravity." Romeo answered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Chelia asked.

"All it needs is a little push." Romeo replied.

A/N: So did you guys enjoy? I hope you did. Let me know what you thought and any ideas you might have for the story or for the characters.