After the curse had broken, David and Snow reunited in the streets of Storybrooke. Everything happened so suddenly. In one moment, he was David. The next moment, he was Prince Charming with 30 years of memories with a different persona. Prince Charming was so happy that their 28 year wait had come to an end. He remembered his last moments as Prince Charming. The moment he put his newborn daughter into the vault suddenly hit him. Emma. They had found her. She didn't know it yet, but they had finally found her. His eyes lit up as he saw Snow standing there.

"I can't believe I found you," Charming whispered breathlessly in between deep, passionate kisses. He was truly happy that they were reunited. They finally conquered the queen, and the curse had been broken.

The queen. It hit him like a ton of bricks. Charming could not help but think of the double life that he had led. During the curse, not knowing that Regina was the Evil Queen, David had started a relationship with her. He had been intimate with her. Now, those memories flooded his mind. It was a strangely odd sensation. He was no longer just Prince Charming, and neither was he just David. He was a mixture of them both. And whereas Prince Charming loved Snow White with all of his heart, David had loved Regina just as much. But she wasn't just Regina either. She was the Evil Queen. And he had no doubt that she had known about the curse the entire time.

David broke his kisses with Snow White as his face reddened with anger. "What's wrong, David?" Snow asked him anxiously.

"Snow, I will be back soon. I have to go take care of something." He left his answer at that, and left Snow standing in the middle of the street, as he rushed to Regina's house.

His anger and fury consumed him. He thought of her large, white mayoral mansion where they had spent many intimate moments together. And Snow…what would he tell her? That he had been intimate with the woman who has tried so hard to destroy their lives. He didn't know what he was going to do…he had no plan. His mind was racing and his blood pumping fast. He was so angry. So angry that he could see red and he could hear his loudly beating pulse throbbing in his ears. He was going to talk to her….yell at her, scream at her. He wanted to know how she could be so evil. How could she pretend to love him everyday all the while knowing what she did…what she was doing.

At the same time, a small part of him…a tiny piece of him….had a sliver of hope that she was not the Evil Queen anymore. Indeed, throughout their relationship, she had shown many moments of softness and complexity. Perhaps, she was being truthful when she said she loved him. Perhaps, the 30 years of magical rehab had changed her. Of course, he couldn't let that cloud his mind. It was highly doubtful that she had had no recollection of the curse. It was more than likely that she had been acting the part of the loving girlfriend in order to maintain the curse and keep him separated from Snow.


The curse had broken and instantaneously Regina felt a wave of nausea consume her. Her heart was breaking and her body trembled. She didn't want to leave Henry, but she knew she had no other choice. The members of the town would be after her soon, she knew it. And she was defenseless…a broken curse, but no magic.

She waited at her giant house, alone. She, like David, suffered from racing thoughts and the general malaise brought on by fear. She sat at her bedside, looking at a photo of David and Henry. Regina had known about the curse all 28 years, and when the curse was at the cusp of breaking, she initiated a relationship with David. At first, the thought of him touching her had made her cringe. But she continued to play the part to save the curse. Over time, though, she realized that she was not faking her interest in David any longer. She truly did care for him.

Regina was terrified that both Henry and David would be lost to her forever, now. Tears formed in her eyes, but she was too panicked to cry. She couldn't calm down long enough to lie down, even though she was suffering from terrible nausea. She instead, paced back and forth in her bedroom. Regina could not eat nor rest. Her mind was racing about every possible scenario that could happen, and every response that she needed to prepare. After only several hours, she was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. She had cried so much, she wasn't sure that she even had it in her to shed one more tear.

Regina heard David's car pull-up into the driveway. It startled her, and she jumped up from her bedside instantaneously to look out the window. He was angry, she could see it in his body language. He jumped out of his truck, slamming the door behind him. His powerful stride stirred dread in her that she had never experienced before.

He didn't even knock on that large front door. Instead he kicked the door open with forceful anger and scoured the house for her. Regina, after hearing the forceful entry locked her bedroom door, quietly. This was not just David, anymore. This was Prince Charming. He tried to have her executed before, and he was undoubtably in an unforgiving mood. He had every right to be angry though, and she knew it. Curse and true love aside, she had taken his daughter away from him for 30 years, and tried to poison her just yesterday. She had a genuine fear that he was hear to murder her. Quickly, she looked for an escape. She could try to climb out the window. She was too anxious to make that work though. She could barely move. Regina was trembling so much she could see colorful lights in the corner of her eyes, and she was losing feeling in her arms and legs. "How weak have I become to fear a shephard?" she thought.

David knew she was in this house. He glanced at her car keys on the kitchen table and he knew that she must be there somewhere. He scoured every room on the bottom floor for her, slamming doors as he did so.

"Regina, where are you?" he shouted. "I know you are here!"

Regina was still in her room, trying to calm herself down. She was panicking and she didn't know what she should do. After moments of deliberation, she heard David's powerful stride coming towards the door.

In no time at all, he was banging on her bedroom door. "Regina! Regina, open this door! I know that you are in there."

She was paralyzed in fear, and couldn't make any decision. She wished her magic had arrived with the curse so that she could leave. Regina wished she could transport herself to anyplace than where she was. She felt like she was suffocating. The only thing that she could do was back herself into a dark corner of the bedroom.

She could hear him picking at the lock, and the suspense was killing her. She knew that this was inevitable. He was going to be in the same room with her at any moment. She wasn't even really sure what she was afraid of. She was afraid of Prince Charming. She was also afraid of losing David. She was afraid to hear him confirm her worst thoughts, that he no longer loved her.

He finally unlocked the door, and with a loud bang, he kicked the door open, sword in hand. David saw her in the corner, shaking. Her eyes were rimmed red, and he knew that she had been crying. Good. She should be afraid after everything that she has done. And now, after 28 years of being under her control, she would be under his. He had the power, now. He could tell by her body language that she had no magic. She was vulnerable and defenseless. He was going to ask the questions, and she was going to answer.

For several moments, they just stared at each other with his sword pointed at her. His face was contorted in anger and she was ashamed and full of guilt, and he knew it. She also looked exhausted and a bit frail standing in that corner. For a moment, he felt empathy for her. However, he knew that she was the master manipulator. He needed to be smart and extremely cautious dealing with her.

Finally, David spoke. "Sit," he said sternly as he pointed his sword towards the edge of the bed. With trepidation, she slowly walked towards the edge of the bed, glancing in his direction to protect herself from any sudden movements.

-"David…" she started.

-"Stop." His voice was powerful and unforgiving. "This is what is going to happen. I am going to ask the questions, and you are going to answer them."

-He let his sword down, but continued. "I…I don't even know where to begin, Regina," he said as he rubbed his hand over his face as a sign of his deep frustration.

"Actually, you know what? I do know where I want to start. I want to know exactly what you were trying to accomplish by initiating a relationship with me. What…were you trying to make Snow's life miserable, like usual? Did you enjoy exploiting my feelings to get revenge on Snow? Tell me. Because I want to know."

Regina was still in shock over the day's events. Her voice was dry and the response was hard to start. She could only stare down at the folded hands in her lap.

"Tell me." David was getting agitated by her lengthy pause.

With a hoarse and cracking voice, she began. "Yes…but…" This was the only response she could muster before her voice started to tremble and break.

David took his fist and slammed it against the table he was standing next to. He then took the vase of flowers and sent it crashing against the wall. Regina jumped slightly, startled by the sudden outburst. Tears were starting to form in her eyes, even though she thought that there were no more left that she could shed.

She began again, as he started to pace back and forth in the room. "At the beginning, yes. But as time moved on, and we began getting closer, it changed."

At that revelation, David knew he need to leave because he was on the brink of losing control of himself. He was too angry. He scurried down the stairs and out the door before he did something that he would regret.