Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

Pairings: Solangelo, Percabeth, Jasper, Caleo, Frazel

"Hey Nico, Jason! Nurse Joy finished healing our Pokemon! We're good to go."

15 year old Nico looked up at his 17 year old cousin Percy ran into their room. 16 year old Jason peaked his head out from the bed under him and blinked.

"Already? That was quick. Let's go." Jason said. "I want to get some training in before dinner."

Nico agreed and jumped off the bed. They've been travelling together ever since Percy was 11, Jason was 10 and Nico was 9. They started their journey together in the Kanto region where they grew up together. Nico had gotten the fire starter Charmander, Percy claimed the water starter Squirtle and Jason picked the grass starter, Bulbasaur. From there they traveled across Kanto collecting gym badges and challenging the Pokemon league.

From there they traveled to all the other regions collecting new pokemon and forming a permanent team. Jason taking mostly electric or flying type pokemon, Percy taking all water and ground type and Nico taking ghost and fairy type.

They were currently back in the Kanto area close to their hometown. They were planning to enroll in a world wide competition to see who the best trainers were. It's a competition that happened every ten years and Nico was excited to see where he would place. He knew that his cousins and himself were nowhere near number one because they've only been training for 6 years but he was positive they could make it pretty far.

He knew Jason was excited about the major contests going on as well where the best and most beautiful competed to see which pokemon was the ultimate best. Nico found contests fun to watch as well but he knew Jason had his eye on the current Kalos Queen Piper McLean. He would be excited to meet her again.

The three of them made their way to the front of the Pokemon center.

"Please make sure my friend recovers!" a soft voice begged. "I can't lose him."

"Hazel?" Nico asked when he saw his sister's head. "You're here?" which he probably shouldn't have been too surprised since he's close to home.

Hazel wiped her teary eyes and flung herself into Nico's arms.

"What happened?" Percy asked looking at Nurse Joy, questioningly.

"It seemed like this young lady was ambushed." she said softly.

"A Pokemon attack me and Frank. Frank got hurt trying to protect me and my Pokemon. All his Pokemon fainted. We barely managed to get away because those three over there helped us." Hazel said pointing to two blond teenagers and a green haired teen.

"We should thank them." Nico said. "It's the polite thing to do. Plus it will keep your mind off of Frank for a while."

Hazel sniffed and nodded. "So I take it you're here for the competition?"

"Of course." Percy grinned. "Are you entering the contest."

Hazel nodded. "Yeah."

The four of them walked over to the people Hazel had pointed out earlier.

Hazel bowed to them. "Thank you very much for saving my friend and I. I appreciate it."

The blond boy smiled. "No problem. How is he doing?"

"I don't know yet." Hazel confessed. "But he's strong so I hope he'll be okay."

The boy smiled. "That's great. We were so worried when we heard your scream. You see, Alex's Scizor is new and she doesn't know how to completely control it yet."

Alex nodded, "He feels really bad about it and want to apologize to Frank when he wakes up."

"You're Alex?" Percy asked.

Nico elbowed his cousin.

Alex just nodded. "I get that a lot. Call me by female pronouns unless I tell you differently."


"My name is Hazel, this is my brother Nico and my cousins Percy and Jason." Hazel said sitting down across from them.

"I'm Magnus, this is my girlfriend Alex and my cousin Annabeth."

Annabeth smiled at them. "Nice to meet you. I'm going to get us a room for tonight."

"We need to get our Pokemon so we'll go with you." Jason said.

The four of them walked up to Nurse Joy. Nurse Joy took their Pokemon out and began checking Annabeth in.

Nico grabbed his seven Pokeballs. He made sure they were all in there before pocketing his team.

He tossed his last pokeball in the air and a Mimikyu appeared.

"How are you feeling Mimikyu?" Nico asked it as it jumped around happily.

"Are you transferring it?" Percy asked.

"I have to. It doesn't fit in my team." Nico responded as he lifted the Pokemon up.

Mimikyu made a sad sound.

"Sorry buddy." Nico chuckled.

Hazel looked at the Mimikyu in awe. "It's so cute."

"He's preventing me from accessing one of my Pokemon at the moment though." Nico said. "Say goodbye Mimikyu."

Mimikyu said bye and Nico carried it to the computers to transfer it.

"He was given it in Alola when we visited it a third time a month ago. It replaced his starter though and he wanted his starter back for this competition." Percy explained.

"Alola is great. Have you and Frank visited it yet?" Jason asked.

Hazel nodded. "It's really pretty there."

"Nico met his boyfriend there." Jason said loud enough for Nico to hear. Nico turned red at that.

"Nico has a boyfriend?" Hazel asked.

Percy nodded. "His name is Will and he does contests like you. He was on vacation in Alola and him and Nico spent an awful long time together everyday."

"Stop talking!" Nico hit Jason and Percy on the head causing them to laugh at his expense.

"They ended up trading Pokemon. He traded his Froslass for that Mimikyu." Percy continued.

"Froslass liked performing and didn't like battling." Nico defended his actions.

"They even kissed and promised to see each other in this event." Percy added.

Nico was completely red at this point. "Charizard! Use flamethrower!" Nico said releasing his Charizard's pokeball.

The large orange pokemon appeared and blew a weak flamethrower at the two idiots before nuzzling Nico.

"Woah, is that a mega stone?"

Nico looked up at Annabeth before looking at the stone in the necklace around Charizard's neck. "Yeah. Charizard can mega evolve. We learned in the Kalos region."

"Amazing. Can I see?"

Nico put Charizard back into his Pokeball. "Sure, watch me battle in the competition and I'll be sure to mega evolve him a couple times."

Annabeth pouted at that.

Percy tugged on Nico's shirt. "Let's go for a run before it gets dark."

"That's a good idea." Jason agreed.

"We'll see you guys later. Hazel, update us on Frank's condition the second you hear anything." Nico called out. Hazel nodded at him.

The three cousins headed outside and stretched a little before they started jogging.

"So, that blond was pretty cute." Percy said after a while, a light blush on his face.

"He was, but I don't think his girlfriend would appreciate you saying that." Nico commented, enjoying Percy's blush.

"I meant the girl!"

Jason chuckled. "She's so out of your league. She's pretty and she smart."

Percy huffed. "I'm hot and strong."

"Someone's full of themselves." Nico teased.

"You guys are jerks." Percy huffed.

"You love us." Jason grinned.

"You should respect your elders."

"You're barely older than us." Nico rolled his eyes.

Percy pouted.

By the time it got dark they were back in the Pokemon center eating dinner with Hazel, a newly recovered Frank and their new friends.

"How was your jog?" Hazel asked.

"I won." Percy bragged.

"Won what? We weren't racing." Jason pointed out.

Percy elbowed him and motioned towards Annabeth subtly.

Jason nodded, understanding. "Oh yeah. Percy won. He's so cool."

Percy grinned and straightened his back.

"How are you feeling Frank? We rushed back as soon as Hazel told us you were up." Jason asked.

"I should be fine after a good night's rest. Sorry for worrying you." Frank said.

"It's not your fault." Nico assured him. "How's your gym?"

"Pretty good. I've been doing better." Frank shrugged. "Dark type gyms are uncommon but I think a lot of challengers enjoy it."

"Thanks cool. It's still one of the hardest gyms I ever faced." Percy confessed.

"We should get some rest. We have a busy day tomorrow." Nico said.

"Oh yeah, Will said he would meet up with you tomorrow. Are you going to introduce us?" Percy asked.

Nico blushed. "Hey Annabeth, guess what Percy said-mmph!" Percy gave Annabeth a nervous chuckle as he dragged his younger cousin away. Jason sighed and followed them.

"Fine! I'll stop teasing you." Percy mumbled.

"But seriously Nico, as your protective older brothers-"

"Cousins," Nico corrected.

"-it is our job to make sure that this Will is good enough for you. He might be charming you and deceiving you and we don't want you to get hurt." Jason continued.

"Let us worry about you. After what happened with Octavian we just want to make sure you don't get your heart broken again."

Nico sighed. "I'm older now. Will's a good guy. He's nothing like Octavian. He wouldn't hurt me."

"We trust you. We still would like to meet him though." Percy said.

Nico took a deep breath. "Fine. But if you say a single embarrassing thing I'm telling Annabeth and Piper about the time the two of you ran away from a budew after if stole all our clothes and turned it pink."

"Is that the worst you can do?" Percy asked.

Nico grinned. "I mean there's always the time with that zubat or the time with that pidgey and let's not forget the time with that 5 year old girl." he enjoyed watching their faces pale.

"Evil baby brother!" Percy whined.

Nico laughed evilly.


I have so many half written crossover PJO stories in my computer that I haven't posted because I can't find a good plot. I decided to post the readable ones together in this story. The PJO cast is going to travel through many AUs cause I want them too.

Lilac :)