The Demon Twins

Chapter 1

Ford had known for the longest time that Dipper and Mabel were special. He had thought that it wouldn't matter throughout the twins' lives, well any more than it already has. Until Bill appeared down in the basement to make demands.

"I want my kids, Fordsie!" Bill laughed. "It's only a matter of time before they find out who they truly are!"

"You're not getting them, Cipher. They are Pines'. Not Ciphers'."

"There parentage begs to differ." Bill said, laying his human form across Ford's desk. "It's very annoying that you had them adopt their mother's last name and not the last name of the man who sired them."

"Because you are not a man! You are a dream demon!" Ford yelled, "I don't even know how it's possible for them to be your kids."

"Oh it's possible, Fordsie. I can change my form into whatever I please. So I can mate with whatever I please...she was a beauty." Bill smiled wickedly.

"Too bad that you destroyed her!" Ford shouted the last two words with a fierce anger. "She died giving birth to the twins leaving them with only Stan as their family!"

"It was worth it." Bill shrugged. "The pathetic human fulfilled her purpose: entertaining me."

"That was not her purpose! She was my assistant! She was brilliant! She was 3 years ahead in school! She had a bright future! She was only 8 when I last saw her and the next thing I learn about her is that she got pregnant at 25 with twins. Yours! If I was there!"

"I can read your mind Fordsie and I know what you are like." Bill eased himself around Ford with the grace of a snake as his face turned darker, his smile lost and began speaking in an impression of Ford's voice.

"'We have to get those devil spawn out you, Claire!'"

And then he did a spot on impression of the deceased Claire "'Uncle Ford! We can't get rid of them!"

"'They aren't human! You were tricked! Can't you see that?'"

"'But they're my kids!'"

"'But they are His spawn!'"

"'It doesn't matter! They are Pines'!'"

"'they are Ciphers'! You have no say! You are aborting the devil spawn!'"

Ford hated to think about it...but Bill was right. While that conversation had never happened, it would have happened if Ford had stayed in this dimension. It was almost a blessing that 30 years of his life was spent in trapped in other dimensions and unable to return home: Mabel and Dipper were able to live.

"I know I'm right, sixer. You would have aborted my little progeny if you were here. Thank goodness for the portal incident! My little kids were safe from their mean grunkle Fordsie and with the grunkle that cared about them. At some point I'm gonna have to thank ol' Stanley for that. How about...not killing him!"

"Stay away from my family, Cipher!"

"But that would make me an irresponsible parent." Bill pouted.

"As if you care about them at all. You just want their power."

"True." Bill didn't deny his intentions. "But like it or not: they're mine."

Bill disappeared after that, leaving Ford in a terrible mess of emotions.

Weirdmageddon. It was a horror show alright. But nothing in the entire odd-pocalypse could compare to the horror of Bill holding Mabel and Dipper in the iron grip that was his hands.

"I got the kids, Stans! Now! Are you going to tell them our little secret or do you want me to slip?"

"What?...what do you mean?" Dipper fearfully questioned, trying to reach out to his sister.

"You can't!" Stan yelled.

"Cipher don't!"

"You knew that they would find out soon enough!"

"Learn what you pyramid of evil!"

Mabel began to hit Bill's hand as hard as she could and Dipper followed her example.

"Hey kiddo's." Bill laughed, maniacally "I wouldn't be doing that to you father!"

"What?" The twins shouted in unison and stopped punching in shock.

"Ffffather?" Dipper stammered.

"There's no way." Mabel said, unbelievingly.

"Just ask you grunkles, kiddo's." Bill hugged the small kids to his pyramid body.

"Stan! Ford!" Dipper cried out.

"What the heck is he talking about?" Mabel shouted

"Please let it not be true."

Ford's heart broke. He knew the twins had always wanted a true parent, but this was not what they wanted. The demon would surely use this parentage against them and force them to join him. But lying to their faces?

"He...he is our father...isn't he." Dipper stammered. "You don't want to answer it so...he must be..."

"That's right!" Bill ruffled Dipper's hair with his giant finger on his extra arm. "You sure gained your mother intelligence!"

"Mom..." Mabel whispered.

"Yes, your mother was quite the meat-sack." Bill giggled as he snuggled into his squirming progeny.

"How is that even possible?!" Dipper shouted.

"Well, I'm not always a triangle you know..."

With that, a puff of smoke and the triangle was gone and replaced with a tall, thin, blonde with black sided hair and cat like eyes. He wore a yellow suit with a long coat tail, black top hat, black leather gloves and golden cane.

"Sometimes I feel like being human. And I was VERY human in 1998."

"What happened in 1998?" Mabel asked.

"Yeah what...ohhh..." Dipper understood what Bill meant by that. "Oh...that's disgusting..."

Bill just laughed at his own sick joke.

"Quit it, Cipher!" Stan shouted.

"Let the kids go or I swear!" Ford shouted.

"And why should I do that, sixer?" Bill mockingly pouted, the twins trying their hardest to escape his clutches while crying at the same time. "You would just hurt them. And I can't let anything happen to my poor little children."

"Let us go!" Dipper pounded Bill's arms as hard as he could.

"Yeah, let us go you demon triangle-man thing!" Mabel said, following his lead.

"You kids are sure cute!" Bill kissed both of their cheeks. "You're going to be great demons one day. But I can't let you two go to that "grunkle Ford" of yours: he was willing to kill you before, he would try it again."

"You're lying!" Mabel shouted.

"Ford would never hurt us!"

"Oh really? How about I tell the tale of what would have happened if your grunkle hadn't fallen into that portal."

"Bill, don't!" Ford demanded, his face growing red with anger.

"You just admitted to them that my story is true, sixer." Bill sneered, "Truth is, kiddos, if your grunkle were around, you wouldn't be."

"Huh?" Mabel asked

"What do you mean?"

"Well," Bill gave a clearly fake look of sadness and worry, "You were unwanted progeny of an all-powerful dream demon. So helpless and defenseless inside of your mother. You could have been gone so easily... You were a mere mishap. Almost a science experiment's bad result. You weren't supposed to exist anyways. It would have been so easy for your uncle to just..." using his extra arm, he conjured two small flames in his palm, one burning blue the other pink. "snuff the life out of you two." His closed his palm and the flames disappeared "Would save humanity from further threats of dream demons: it's not like you two were HUMAN anyways."

"Kids I never said that or thought anything of the sort!" Ford called to them. "I love you two, I would never hurt you!"

"You also loved the shapeshifter, and the gnomes and the goblewocker...but what happened to them now Fordsie?" Bill said, feeling the kids begin to sway a bit against their uncle. "Oh yeah, you got what you wanted from them and then locked them in jars and in cages or tried to harness there power for your portal all in the name of science!"

Bill chuckled a bit at Ford's shocked face.

"That's...that's not true!"

"Oh but it is, Fordsie. That's how you are with everything you "love". You get what you can from it, jar it up and put in on a shelf where it's forgotten. You did that with your creatures, your mysteries and even your own brother. I won't let you do that to my OWN family. My little special shooting star and precious pine tree need to be safe from you."

"We trust Ford way more than we trust you, Bill!" Dipper shouted, "it doesn't matter that you claim to be our dad! It doesn't change a thing! You're still evil!"

"Oh but that's where you are wrong: it changes everything."

Bill shrank to a normal human size, but kept the twins securely in his arms. Stan and Ford looked in horror at the "family portrait" that was Bill and his kids. The twins looked so small in Bill's arms.

Bill leaned down his towering body to the cage that held Stan and Ford, his smile cold and cruel.

"I'm keeping them," Bill sneered, "and there is nothing you two can do about it. Let's go kiddos!" He spoke to the little pines twins, "time to show you your new room! See ya Fordsie and Fez!"

Stan and Ford watched in horror as Bill carried Mabel and Dipper off to a corridor of the fear-amid.

"What do we do?" Stan looked at his brother.

"I...I have a plan, but it's risky."