*I know. Other stories and all that jazz, but this ones been driving me crazy. Let me know what you think. Whether it has potential. And above all, enjoy.

~ Twelfth Night ~

Haunting screams echoed through the ancient castle, piercing the night like the cold edge of a dagger.

Sadly, the sound was not new to me, no matter how much I wished it were. At one time I would have cried, terrified that soon those screams would be my own, but no, I no longer shook when alone in my bed, I no longer flinched at the sound of fresh cries, nor the violence, or the blood shed I saw. It didn't take long for me to become accustomed, we lived in dark times after all, and the last four full moons had been easier, though I prayed to the gods that my time here would soon end. That my father would come, and that my keepers would keep true to their word: I would be released back to the people of my village on the night of the twelfth moon.

So far I had seen six, and it was a burden I would willingly bear again, if it meant seeing my family.

"Liliana." A voice above me purred suddenly, breaking my thoughtful reverie. "Do pay attention, my dear. I want our guests to see you. Come closer."

I obliged, kneeling dutifully beside Mircea's heel, though every reflex in body advised against it. My mind knew better than to listen to my instincts where he and his kind were concerned. In the past it had brought me nothing but pain, and my skin was still healing from my last bout of spiritedness.

Mircea's fingers brushed my cheek, and I smiled up at him as best I could, knowing this is what he wanted. Submission was what all the demons here craved, they yearned for it almost as much as the blood they drank.

"Better," he praised softly, his crimson eyes glowing down at me hungrily. "I almost believe you."

I faltered then, dropping my gaze to my lap. I heard laughter coming from a few of the other leaders, their eyes focused in our direction. Mircea's fiery little pet. I was a source of entertainment to them all.

"She will behave, will she not, brother?" One of them called, amused. "We don't want her biting our guests."

Another round of laughter.

Mircea joined them. "I do hope so, Vladimir, though we can't be too careful. Perhaps I should have had her bridled?"

More laughter. I could feel myself getting hot around the neck, my cheeks flushing with temptation. I hated how they spoke of me, like I was some common hound. I was a princess amongst my people. Like the demons here, I had guards, and riches, and a castle; though it was not as grand as the one I resided in. My status meant very little in their company, because to them I was still nothing, and yet I was treated better than most of the other humans they kept. I was clean, well dressed, fed. Yet I knew there were those who were forced to live in cramped, damp, cells, caked in there own filth, and then there were the others who were asked to carry out more insidious duties. Torture, kidnap, murder, nothing was against their morals, not when they all craved the same thing, the holy grail of which the demons here had promised them: immortality.

Suddenly everyone fell silent, their laughter ceasing as their senses made them privy to something that mine did not. A seriousness fell about the air, and moments later I heard a scratch of metal, as the large iron doors at the end of the room slowly opened, revealing a group of beautifully flawless, immortals: demons I had never seen in the castle before.

I frowned as they entered, curious as to who they were, and why they had claimed so much of my keeper's attention; from what Mircea had said in the past, it was not often they had visitors.

"Aro!" Vladimir greeted loudly, standing from his chair. "Finally, we meet."

He made his way toward the new group faster than my eyes could see. When he stilled, he was in front of a demon with long, raven tresses; not dissimilar to Mircea. They embraced, before shaking hands in a friendly manner.

The one he called Aro, smiled. "It is good to see you finally, Vladimir. Our letters have been a great source of interest to me. Your coven is so renown throughout the land."

"Ah yes," Vladimir agreed. "But a little bird tells me that you are forming quite a respectful force yourself, Aro." He hesitated, his gaze glancing over the others that had arrived, and landing pointedly on three who were clearly some form of guard.

Aro followed his gaze. "My apologies, but you understand we can't be too careful. Our coven is not nearly as powerful as your own. We must protect ourselves, as best we can."

Vladimir shook his head dismissively, clicking his tongue. "Do not feel the need to explain yourself, Aro, you have not offended us. Come, let me introduce you to my brothers and sisters."

He went around the room, calling the name of each of the twelve leaders in turn; Stefan, Dracule, Ana, Dmitri, Selena, Nicolae, Alexandru, Vasile, Constantin, Ioan, and...

"Mircea." Vladimir's gaze flickered briefly to myself, and I squared my jaw, refusing to appear weak to these new sets of crimson eyes. He chuckled, shaking his head in an amused manner. He turned back to Aro and his coven. "And the deliciously sweet kitten you see at my brother's side is, Princess Liliana Dalca; she comes to us from one of the human settlements." He paused, laughing lightly under his breath. "Friends, though I wish you to make yourselves at home here, drink, and enjoy any human you wish, but alas she is off limits. Less you incite my brother's wrath." He finished jokingly, tittering lightly over his shoulder. "He has become quite greedy with her."

As if to add confirmation to his brother's words, Mircea's cold hand lightly gripped the nape of my neck, his fingers gently kneading the currently tender flesh there. I gritted my teeth, certain that to shrug off his affections would earn me nothing but more pain, and kept my gaze lowered. I would not see the mocking glint in any of their eyes.

Vladimir continued. "And forgive me, Aro, I have been forgetting myself, we have yet to be introduced to your travel companions?"

"No, no, the fault is mine." Aro replied, waving off Vladimir's proclamations. Smiling broadly, he gestured to the tallest of his party. "This is my brother Marcus, and my sister, Didyme. They were both very eager to join me here."

"You have such a captivating home." The woman gushed genuinely, her smile wide and welcoming.

The demon at her side, Marcus, clearly her lover, watched her with doting eyes as she ran her sharp gaze over my keeper's dwelling. From the high, overpowering ceilings, to the large stain glass windows, there was not a corner that her watchful gaze overlooked, and I found myself thinking a naïve notion, that this woman, this demon, had retained her child-like innocence when she had traded her humanity for stone.

"I am glad you like it, my dear." Vladimir replied warmly. "Please feel free to explore during your stay. Now, I am sure you would like to retire for a time, I am certain you have much to discuss, yes?Later we feast, but now, now should be a time for reflection. Valmer!"

He clapped his hands, and from the shadows, came one of the many hulking guard that hid themselves in the darkness.

Valmer; he was new, turned during my time there, in fact. He was champion of one of many barbaric fights the demons liked to hold. Why? Because they enjoyed it. The strongest human lived, and if they were really lucky; like dear Valmer, they were turned into a subordinate.

Vladimir clapped him on the shoulder. "Valmer here will show you to your chambers. We drink at sunrise, but until then, I'm sure he will be happy to assist you with anything you desire."

Aro bowed his head slightly. "You are most generous. We would like to thank you all, for your hospitality."

The leaders nodded their heads, but offered nothing in the way of conversation. I watched as Vladimir and Aro held hands once more, frowning at the way the latter appeared to concentrate on the touch. They released each other, and briefly, very briefly, Aro's bloodied wells flickered over Mircea to where I knelt at his feet. Our gazes could have only met for a moment, but where I expected to find thirst, or mockery, I instead found unexpected curiosity. I blinked, and he and his coven were gone, escorted by Valmer to some other recess of the castle.

Vladimir turned, arms spread toward his coven. "So, brothers and sisters. What do we think of our new guests?"

"They are very trusting children." Marishka, Vladimir's mate, purred, stretching herself out catlike on the rich furs she laid upon. "How surprised they would have been, had we slaughtered them where they stood."

"My love, your bloodlust is unquenchable." Vladimir crooned proudly, watching her with worshipful eyes. "But perhaps, a little premature?"

Marishka pouted, but then broke into maddened giggles, standing the hairs on the back of neck to attention.

Stefan lifted his shoulders. "I see no reason to view them as a threat. Though should they develop dreams of grandeur, then, perhaps, we can readdress the situation."

"The girl seemed sweet enough." Ioan cut in smoothly. "Perhaps I might tempt her away from her mate, and see what secrets those flawless curves hide."

A round of jeering, and I fought with myself to hide my disgust. It did not go unnoticed however, as to my disdain, Vladimir next turned his attentions to me.

"And you, Princess? What do you think of our guests? Would they be welcome in your court?"

I met his mocking rubies with barely hidden contempt. "I doubt I could offer you anything that you could not see for yourselves." I said as evenly as I could. Mircea's grip on my neck tightened in warning.

"Nonsense!" Vladimir grinned. "You do, after all, have experience in such things. Surely your kinds' politics are not so different from our own?"

He watched me with dancing orbs, waiting, and I saw no way of distracting him from his game. I inclined my head. "Aro seemed very eager to soothe your ego. This is either genuine, or something to distrust. The latter could be quite problematic... but I'm sure you already knew that."

He laughed loudly. "Indeed, indeed. Good, very good!" He clapped his hands again. "And you Mircea! Do you agree with Liliana's observations?"

Mircea waved his hand dismissively. "I can not deny that I distrust these... what is it they call themselves?"


"Volturi." He reiterated flatly. "But it is also true that I distrust anyone who is not of my own house. But yes. Perhaps they should be watched closely during their stay."

Mircea stood then, suddenly eager to make his leave. He lifted me carefully to my feet, and Stefan nodded thoughtfully.

"Agreed, Brother. Let us hope that our new friends prove themselves trustworthy allies."


This is a new idea, new story, I'd like to know what you think, as always. So please, chickens, if you could drop a mention in that little box below, I'd really appreciate it. x