"Regina, please! Don't do this!"

The Evil Queen gave a vicious smirk as thick purple smoke swept rapidly through the kingdom. Her revenge was finally happening. She'd finally get victory in watching everyone else be as miserable as they made her. "I think I shall leave you with the memory that you chose to throw away your only child."

Snow watched in horror as her stepmother flicked her wrist and muttered some incantation. She would honestly rather be dead than endure the unknown curse, only remembering having to give Emma away… no, Regina had said throw your child away. The last thought that consumed her before being enveloped by the cursed vapor was about how she'd be able to survive so long as Charming was with her.

Being the first to wake in this new world the curse had brought them to, Regina found she had little to no magic left, except the ability to spy on people through the mirror. Once she got over the strange clothing she was wearing, she set to work seeing how the peasants were reacting.

Snow woke up coughing and clutching at her chest, the name David on her lips. "David?" Mary Margaret's hands flew down to her still soft belly, sobs immediately wracking her small frame. Why would she be calling out for the man who refused to be a father to their child? The man who she gave her heart and body too only to wind up crushed when he chose to stay with his wife? "Fuck David!"

Chocolate eyes widened at blood red lips uttering words she didn't even know the former princess knew before cackling with glee at the broken woman on the tiny apartment floor. Oh yes, if the peasants were half as miserable as little Snow White, then it was all worth it.

The daily routine seemed programmed for which Regina was grateful because she had absolutely no idea otherwise how to work any contraption in her castle, no… home. Home was the right word here. She came to an abrupt halt in front of a large metal contraption. Despite knowing the curse gave her knowledge on… driving… a car? The brunette paused to scrunch up her forehead in confusion. "Forget it, I shall walk to work."

A mousy redhead greeted her at the doors to the biggest building in town, City Hall, where she was the mayor. Regina smirked as the girl approached with an armload of files. "I've been trying to reach you for an hour. You're never late. The phon-"

"Excuse you, April, but I am never late. The office doesn't open for another half hour."

"Yes, but you are normally here at least an hour early. Everyone knows this. You had a meeting I had to reschedule and-"

Mocha eyes flashed dangerously. Regina stepped closer to her secretary who was now shaking slightly, blue eyes not daring to meet hers anymore. "The office does not open for another half hour. Rescheduling is your job, Mrs. Phillips. You'd do well to remember your place." Satisfied the girl was submissive once again, she sauntered down the hall, April rushing after her. She paused, turning to finally meet sky blue eyes wide with apprehension. "The next time you feel like challenging an alpha, you'd better be prepared to follow through. Know your place, Mrs. Phillips."

April nodded, scurrying past to place the day's files and messages on the mayor's desk before hurrying back out of the grandiose office. "Bloody woman thinks she's the queen of England."

Choosing to ignore the snide comment, Regina puzzled over her statement. Alpha? What the hell was an alpha and why did she know she was one? Sitting at her desk, the former queen started doing research, learning all the odd rankings in this world… alpha, she definitely was an alpha. No question about it. Betas, weak, boring little peasants for certain. She doubted many other alphas existed here now, none that dared go up against her anyways. A bit more research and she stumbled across… omega. A rare creature indeed, none of these pathetic gnats would be worthy of being an omega.

"Madame Mayor? Maya Croft is here to see you."

Maya? Who the hell- It suddenly clicked in Regina's head. Maya was Maleficent. The dragon was here, and apparently still her friend. Smiling, she told the girl to send her in.

The blonde strolled in, huge matching smirk on her face that almost made Regina question if the fairy knew everything like she did, but when a steaming container filled with a Florentine omelet was set in front of her, she knew Maleficent had no idea.

"That insipid little trollop called into the store for a gallon of rocky road, you would think she'd get over a married man in a coma and just move on with her life already." Maya rolled her eyes, opening her own container full of blueberry pancakes and digging in.

Regina smirked at the answers she was looking for made themselves known. So the spoiled brat of a princess and her shepherd are betas in this world. The curse just kept getting better and better for her. She racked her brain for knowledge on as many people's new identities and rankings as she could. There were indeed very few alphas in town, none that would stand up to her. Secure in the knowledge that her happy ending was finally beginning, the mayor leaned back in her chair and savored the breakfast delight with content.

The day passed in a whirlwind of monotonous meetings and endless paperwork to read over and sign. Her secretary bid her goodbye promptly at five, practically tripping over herself to leave. She decided to stay a bit longer, get some more work done, that is until her stomach grumbled so loudly the sound echoed around the spacious room. She packed up for the day and headed to the diner.

Conversation seemed to pause for a few seconds as the patrons all stared at the mayor. Ignoring them, she marched up to the counter and waited for the young waitress to realize her job needed doing. After a few minutes, much too long in Regina's books, she moved closer to Ruby and her friend, unabashedly eavesdropping.

"- And she just took the whole thing in her mouth and just sucked, hard, I thought I was going to blow my load right then and there," Ruby said to her friend, a glazed look in her eye. "But I held off because I wanted to have a different part of her wrapped around my dick if you know what I mean."

"I may not be as prolific with the betas as you are Ruby, but that doesn't mean I'm celibate."

"I don't know how you do it Ai. Whenever I smell an unmated beta in heat, my dick just grows in and I have to have them. Sure I have to fight off the other alphas, but they're not much of a challenge. That one-handed fishmonger Craig down at the docks is particularly weak," the waitress scoffed. "Having a beta wrapped around my length is better than having to take it in hand to make it go away. Can't exactly walk around in this waitress uniform sporting a boner now can I?"

Regina blanched. So many questions run through her mind. Heat? Could she ever remember being in heat? If the former warrior and the wolf girl were alphas and both grew… her nose scrunched up at the idea of growing a male appendage. Why did she never grow one if she was certainly more of an alpha than these two.

"Madame Mayor?" Ruby noticed the mayor's blank stare and realized she was lucky for the distraction or the fellow brunette would have had her head for not promptly taking her order. She waved her hand in front of the woman's face. "Madame Mayor!" Clarity came back to dark eyes and the waitress gave a small smile, quickly pulling her hand away from the woman's face. "What can I get you?"

Ten minutes and one cobb salad later, Regina was back home and on the computer doing further research on alphas, heats, and anything she could find. It took a good hour before a minuscule blurb buried among the article was the gold she was looking for. 'A minute portion of female alphas do not grow a penis.' Breathing a sigh of relief, she left her office to go pour a glass of wine to accompany her dinner. She settled into her seat with her wine and dinner, content that she had finally won, completely missing the vital portion of the paragraph on the computer she forgot to shut down…. 'until they meet their mate. These females are an exclusive set of alphas known as alpha primes.' Had she finished the paragraph, her mood certainly wouldn't have been so victorious.