A/N: I told myself that I would wait to write this until I updated Memories of a Family, but the idea was far too tempting. I wanted to write a story that felt completely different. And so now I have a story where Saeran is part of the RFA! You'll notice a difference in how certain characters act because of this.

For the record, I'm going to try to focus more on the plot of the story and the relationship between the brothers with everyone in the RFA. Yes there will be a lot of Yuna (MC) because, again, the plot hinders on her quite a bit, but I'd like to play around with how different this world is if I can. That being said, I'm hoping this won't be a long project.

This is the first time I'm writing such an...OC version of MC. MC has always been the reader in my stories (with some exceptions), so I hope to make her feel very much like her own character in this one! I hope she's enjoyable.

Please leave a review if you've enjoyed or just have something you wish to say! Long or short, I love all feedback!

"I won't leave without him." Saeyoung felt like his hands were shaking. His heart was thumping hard in his chest as if he had just spotted one of those men in black outfits stalking after him. This was his chance. He could finally escape from his father's sight. He could finally be free from the risk of his capture. But what V was suggesting . . . no, Saeyoung couldn't do it. No matter how tempting it was.

"Don't be hasty." V chided gently but firmly. "I know that it will be difficult for you, but you can trust us to take care of Saeran."

"No, it's not that." Saeyoung shook his head quickly. He didn't want V to think that he didn't trust him or Rika. He trusted both of them wholeheartedly! "I just . . . Saeran can code too! That boy has been reading the books . . . he's just as good as I am. T-The agency won't be unhappy if they take us both!"

"It's not possible, Luciel. The agency won't accept you if you have family."

Saeyoung felt his throat clenching, but he refused to cry. Desperation warred with his self-preservation. He knew that Saeran would be safe in V and Rika's hands, but he didn't want to leave his brother behind. They had been through so much together . . . he couldn't bear it.

"Then . . . Then I won't go." He finally managed to get out. "I'll just keep saving money. Saeran and I will leave together."

V looked surprised, but pitying. Saeyoung was growing to really despise that look. "How will you be safe from your father, though?"

"I don't know. But I'll figure something out!" Saeyoung knew he was smart, but he was also hoping that V would help him either way.

V watched him silently for a few moments. The church bells began to ring overhead, drowning out Saeyoung's thoughts. He didn't know what would happen now. He could still save up money. Maybe he could find a way to hide his and Saeran's existence? It would be hard for them to live on the run from adults, though. Saeran wasn't physically strong, and he became sick a lot. Saeyoung would have to learn medical skills as well. Did they have that kind of time?

"Let me talk to the intelligence agency." V finally spoke with a sigh. "I can't guarantee anything, but maybe they'll make an exception."

"V . . . !" Saeyoung breathed, hope filling his chest.

V placed a hand on Saeyoung's shoulder. "I'll talk to Rika and the agency. I will let you know soon. In the meantime . . . be aware that the agency might be hard for Saeran. And . . . Let's see if we can get him a baptismal name too."

A hand shook Saeyoung's shoulder. Saeyoung shifted and pressed his face more into his pillow, chasing the dream that was already gone from his mind. There weren't many people who could access his home, which meant it was probably Vanderwood trying to wake him. But wait, Vanderwood was never this nice about it, and he wasn't being threatened with a taser. He couldn't smell any cigarettes either.

"Saeyoung, wake up already. How late did you go to bed?" Saeyoung's eyes opened to be pleasantly met by the sight of Saeran. The other man had a small impatient frown on his face as he shook his brother's shoulder again. "Wake up. I need your help."

"Help with what?" Saeyoung murmured as he pushed himself into a sitting position with a wide yawn. "When did you get back?"

"Just now." Saeran rubbed at his eyes. They looked somewhat bloodshot, which meant he had left his contacts in for too long again. He would need to sleep soon, Saeyoung noted, but first he needed a hug from his brother. He threw his arms around Saeran's shoulders and pulled him into a tight embrace, grinning with delight. Saeran sighed and pushed against Saeyoung half-heartedly, but more because he felt like he had to struggle a bit. He smelled like asphalt and cheap leather. He really must have just returned.

Saeyoung pulled back. "I'm glad you're safe. You had me worried, bro!"

"Sorry. The mission got a little complicated and I wasn't allowed to call you for help." Saeran shrugged but his face spoke volumes about how he felt about that. Saeran had never been able to hide his emotions around Saeyoung no matter how hard he tried. Saeyoung felt the same. He hated that the Agency used the brothers against each other and wouldn't let them help each other. The bastards kept testing each of their abilities away from each other, but Saeyoung knew they picked on Saeran the most because he was physically weaker. It infuriated Saeyoung.

"But you succeeded, right? You're okay?"

"Yes." Saeran nodded and sat down heavily next to Saeyoung. He dug through his coat pocket and held out a cell phone. It looked completely different than the last one Saeran had had. This one didn't have a case on it. "But I had to destroy my phone. You changed the location of the RFA app and now I can't find it. Can you redownload it for me?"

"You're just feeling too lazy to look for yourself." Saeyoung accused good-naturedly as he took the phone and searched for the RFA app to add to Saeran's new phone.

"Shut up. I'm tired. At least you got to sleep." Saeran whined and rubbed at his eyes again.

"Stop that or you'll irritate them more."

"Where are my glasses, then?"

"Bedside drawer." Saeran climbed to his feet and found his glasses quickly in the drawer. He retreated to the bathroom to take out his contacts. Saeyoung tossed his brother's phone onto the bed and stretched languorously. Already his mood was significantly better now that he didn't have to worry about his twin being killed overseas (or wherever they had sent him. Saeran needed to fill him in on the details). However with Saeran back, that meant Vanderwood most likely wouldn't be far behind. He was bound to come to check up on Saeyoung's own mission progress, and no doubt he knew that Saeran had come back to Saeyoung's house.

"Have you briefed with the maid?" Saeyoung called as he scooped up both Saeran's phone and his own phone and approached the bathroom. He waited outside the propped open door for his brother to finish what he needed to as Saeyoung accessed the RFA app on his phone. He could see that some people were already online. He grinned at the sight of Yuna's name. His great day was getting better fast.

"No." Saeran groaned. "He's coming soon, right?"


"I really don't want to deal with him yet."

[707 has entered the chatroom!]

Yoosung: Hi Seven!

Yuna: Whoot Whoot~ Whoaaaa who's this guy?!

707: IT

707: IS

707: I!


Yoosung: omg

"I don't want to either." Saeyoung said as he typed, snickering. Saeran poked his head out of the door, glasses now on his face. Already his eyes were looking a bit better.

"Are you talking with Yuna again, or are you messing with Yoosung?" He asked, a knowing look in his eyes.

"Bit of both, actually."

"Of course." He held out his hand for his phone and so Saeyoung passed it over to him. Both brothers didn't take their eyes away from their devices as they wandered over to the couch and collapsed on it. Saeran even threw his feet over Saeyoung's lap in order to slump down further on the couch.

[500 has entered the chatroom!]

707: There he is!

Yuna: Five, hi!

Yuna: Thank God someone normal is finally here.

Yoosung: Hey!

707: Lololol are u really saying you're not normal?

Yuna: I'm extra ;3

Yuna: Extra-ordinary!

707: omg

707: I just thought of something horrible.

500: Hello everyone.

Yuna: What did you think of?


Saeran raised an eyebrow at Saeyoung, amused. Saeyoung's cheeks were burning a little bit and hurting from his smile. He ignored his brother's looks. The lie easily and believable slipped into the chatroom. He couldn't stop his racing heart, after all, and felt ridiculous for it. Damn his crush!

Yoosung: Anyway...where have you been, Five?

500: Travelling.

707: Saving the world as my sidekick!

500: I'd rather not.

707: Dreams of twinsie battle duo: DESTROYED. T-T

Yuna: Time to call in 606!

707: To the world of binary!

500: Has anything happened while I was gone?

500: I couldn't check because my phone broke :(

Yoosung: Oh! You don't know!

Yuna: Nobody told him?

707: I haven't gotten the chance to.

500: ?

Yoosung: We're having another party!

Yoosung: We've already started planning for it! We just need a date! ^^

500: Really?

707: 100% Yes!

500: ...Who's coordinating?

Yuna: I am :3

Yuna: I have a lot of time between talking to Zen's directors and finding him new jobs and while I'm travelling

Yuna: so I can handle emails and such~

707: I've already updated her app so that she gets RFA emails straight to her phone on her app.

500: Amazing…!

500: We haven't had a party in years...this is exciting.

Yoosung: Yeah! V needs to decide on a date, though.

Yoosung: What's taking him so long?

Yuna: Maybe he's running from you.

Yoosung: What? Why would he do that?

Yuna: Big scary man Yoosung! Superman Yoosung!

Yoosung: Haha! Thank you u

707: Dude, she's messing with you.

500: You don't have room to talk.

Yuna: Am I? :3c

Yoosung: TAT Are you really?

Yuna: :3c

Yuna: Oh, I have to go. I'm getting a call.

707: Lol totally avoiding the topic.

Yuna: Shush you ;3

707: luv ur kitty faces! u)/

Yuna: ;3 ;3 ;3

Yoosung: Bye!

500: It was nice talking to you again.

Yuna: Don't travel for too long next time! We missed you! Bye everyone!

[Yuna has left the chatroom!]

Yoosung: :)

Yoosung: u Seven…

707: ya?

Yoosung: You and Yuna are so cute lol

500: So obvious.

707: She's cool

707: Unlike Mr. Gamer there.

Yoosung: Yeah, but you always act different around her!

707: Hey bro, do you smell that?

500: ?

500: Oh.

Yoosung: What do you smell?

707: Something stinks.

707: Looks like our maid is here.

Yoosung: Your maid stinks?;;

Yoosung: Wait, you have a maid?

500: Ms. Mary Vanderwood III

500: I don't want to see her.

707: I'll tell you about her next time. We gotta go.

707: ugh

Yoosung: Why do you two have to leave because of your maid?

500: Because she threatens us.

Yoosung: Huh?!

707: Gah! She's here!

707: Talk to you later!

"Do you think we could hide before he comes in?" Saeyoung asked as he heard his gate demanding an Arabic sentence from Vanderwood. "Maybe spray him down with air freshener?"

"He'll taser us both." Saeran complained even as he stood and shoved his phone into his pocket. He glanced around for something, but didn't have time to follow through with whatever he was planning before the door opened. Saeyoung scrunched his face up in dislike, annoyed that Vanderwood was able to access the gate so easily. He would have to program in harder questions. Maybe switch the language.

Vanderwood entered the house looking somewhat disgruntled. He ran a hand into his long hair as his eyes scanned the building before landing on the brothers. He huffed a tiny sardonic laugh at the sight of Saeran. "So you were here, Five. That wasn't a difficult leap to make."

Saeran didn't respond, but held eye contact. Saeyoung felt a small part of him swell with pride. Saeran had never been good at hiding his emotions, but he had become much better at it due to the agency. He could never lie to Saeyoung, of course, but it was good to see his brother stronger for it in the long run.

"You were supposed to check in with me." Vanderwood scolded.

"Sorry." Saeran didn't sound the least bit sorry, although there was tension in him. Saeyoung quickly stepped in.

"Missus, please don't walk into someone's house and start scolding them."

Vanderwood shot Saeyoung an unamused glare as Saeyoung smiled cheekily. "Are you trying to make me angry? Also, why aren't you working? Your brother may be done with his mission, but you aren't. Don't make me have to force you."

"I just woke up. I'll get it done. What kind of mission was he doing anyway?"

"None of your business."

"It was some fieldwork." Saeran told Saeyoung quietly before he shifted away from Vanderwood. "Is there any food here? I'll cook something." He fled the room rather quickly for the kitchen. Saeyoung covered his escape.

"Ms. Vanderwood, how can I work when my house is so dirty? It's making me dizzy! Ah! Was that a space cat? Kitty, come back and take me to see the mothership!" Saeyoung waved his hands around. Vanderwood groaned.

"Jeez, why are you such a weird guy?" He grumbled. "Fine, I'll start cleaning. But you need to start work right away or both of our asses will be on the line! You know what they would do to us . . ."

"Yes, I know." Saeyoung responded, sobering up. He didn't need Vanderwood to warn him about anything. The man acted like he would have to take the brunt of the punishment if Saeyoung didn't complete his missions on time and well done, but they both knew that Saeran would be the one on the line. Saeyoung would never risk his brother which made him work harder and faster. It irritated him whenever Vanderwood brought it up. Saeyoung didn't care about risking himself, but he and Saeran were a package deal when it came to the Agency and their boss knew it.

"Good. Then start working. Now where did you put your vacuum?"

It was hours later that Vanderwood finally left for the evening and the brothers were free. Saeyoung had worked the entire time with the exception of slacking off to chat with the RFA members or to eat some of the food Saeran had cooked. His brother had mostly slept to recover from no-doubt long and sleepless nights. Saeyoung already felt like his skin fit him better knowing that his twin was asleep and safe nearby.

Stressed and exhausted, Saeyoung collapsed onto the bed next to his brother and startled him awake. Saeran snapped to awareness immediately, but didn't throw himself away from Saeyoung like he usually instinctively did. Instead he shoved his brother in the chest and rolled onto his back with a whine at being disturbed which brought a smile to Saeyoung's face.

"Maid's gone." He announced.

"Oh, I slept through the whole visit. Thank God."

"Yep~ Now talk to me. What was your mission?" Saeran still looked tired. Saeyoung could see the darkness under his twin's eyes that had become permanent things over the past couple of years. Sometimes he wondered if he had made the right choice in insisting that Saeran come with him if he was going to join the agency. Maybe Saeran would have been happier if V and Rika had taken care of him.

Saeran was quiet for a few moments not looking his brother in the eye before he responded softly, "It was an infiltration mission. It, um . . . didn't go well. I got trapped there."

"Trapped, or captured?" Saeyoung demanded, stiffening in horror and fear.

"Trapped." Saeran reassured. Saeyoung was not reassured. "I didn't get out in time and had to hide . . . It was scary."

"But you got out!"

"I did, but . . . I was so scared, Saeyoung. It reminded me of when we were with mommy. Um . . . mother . . . sorry."

Saeyoung sat up, hands clenching in the bedsheet. He was angry. He was positive that their boss did this on purpose. Neither Saeyoung nor Saeran were field agents. They were supposed to be more of the support and infiltration. And even then, usually Saeyoung was the one that snuck into the target's places. Saeran was Saeyoung's backup. Their boss was forcing Saeran into roles that weren't his strong suit. They were testing his usefulness to them again.

"Those assholes!" He hissed.

Saeran shook off his quiet fear as he rebuilt his walls again. The method was one that the man had been forced to form considering how much weaker he was. Saeyoung watched it with uncomfortable approval. Saeran was strong too, he knew. "We need to leave." He insisted quietly. He reached forward to grab Saeyoung's elbow and squeezed, face pale and determined. "How much longer, Saeyoung?"

"You can work on it more while I finish this mission. I think we have what we need to take the agency down . . . but we have to wait for the right timing."

"Okay . . ." Saeran took a deep breath and then smiled a bit. "So . . . we're having a party?"