Disclaimer: Thor and it's characters are property of Marvel. We just play with them.

A/N: And here it is, the final chapter of this series of oneshots for Tasertricks! Hope you guys all enjoyed it as much as I did. :)

Chapter Summary: Darcy didn't think it was possible, but Frost Giants can in fact get colds. And Loki is not only running the highest fever she'd ever heard of, but his sneezes have fiery results.

Day 30: Doing Something Hot

As Darcy stirred awake, she felt like her skin was on fire and trying to melt right off of her bones. She groaned as she kicked the blankets off, throwing them away from her sweaty skin. But Loki was quick to pull the blankets back over them, and that was when she realized the heat was radiating off of him.

Opening her eyes, she looked behind herself. Loki was spooning behind her, arms wrapped around her waist. She could feel the heat of his skin practically burning her skin. While Odin's concealment spell did give Loki skin that radiated some heat, he still always felt cooler than the average human. However right now Darcy felt like his blood was pure lava beneath his skin.

She pried herself away from him, which took several moments before she finally freed herself from his iron grasp. Sitting up afterward, she brushed his damp hair back and felt his forehead. "Loki!" She said, shaking his shoulder. He apparently had felt the need to cover up even in his sleep because the man was still out cold, so to say.

She reached down to the foot of the bed, finding her secret weapon in waking Loki up. After a quick pinch and twist of his toe, he was wide awake. "What?" He grumbled, pulling the blankets closer around himself.

"Oh, I don't know, just that you're about to combust into flames?" She asked sarcastically as she poked his shoulder. "Loki you're burning up. You've got a fever."

He muttered something under his breath before he finally opened his eyes and looked at Darcy. "I am fine." He said at last, pulling the covers further around himself.

"Yeah and I'm the Sugar Plum Fairy." She said dryly, getting up. She went to the bathroom and grabbed a thermometer from the cabinet before returning, sticking it into his ear.

"What are you doing?" He groaned, trying to swat the irritating item away from himself.

"Checking your temperature, now be still a second." She said, then pulled it back. She stared at the numbers. It simply couldn't be possible. "Do you by any chance feel like your organs are turning into soup?"

"What?" He asked, rolling over to look at her despite his body arguing otherwise.

"This thing says your temperature is a 119." She shook her head and felt his forehead. "How is your brain not mush? How are you alive and not a puddle of Frost Giant goop?" She asked, frowning. Despite the jokes, she was actually really worried. As long as she'd known him he'd not so much as sneezed or coughed, let alone caught a fever high enough to kill.

He threw his arm over his eyes and groaned quietly. "Perhaps I am a bit...unwell." He said, before he started to breathe a little heavier as he felt what he knew was coming. He tried to fight it off but he couldn't and he squeezed his eyes shut as he sneezed, scaring Darcy half to death as he did so.

"Jesus!" She swore and stared at him. "Are you dying? Do I need to get Thor or someone here?" She asked, until she blinked. "Do you smell smoke?"

"Oh no..." Despite the aches in his body, Loki forced himself out of bed and rushed from the bedroom. Darcy followed behind him. In the living room the couch had caught fire. Loki was quick to use a spell to smother the fire out.

"What the hell!? How did the couch catch fire?" She exclaimed, looking at Loki. He obviously had some clue as to what had happened.

He rubbed his face. He felt awful, honestly. It had been a long time since he felt so horrid. "It appears I have come down with a cold." He said, looking at Darcy.

"Frost Giants get colds?" She blurted out.

Loki grunted in response as he sank down in a chair, wrapping his arms around himself as his body involuntarily shivered. "Yes. However it has been many years since I last had such an affliction." He said, frowning as he stared at the scorch marks on the couch. "It is dangerous when a sorcerer comes down with an illness such as a cold."

"Uh, like how?" She asked.

"The fire was because...because I... I..." He covered his mouth and squeezed his eyes shut as he sneezed again. Suddenly a burst of flames just appeared in midair above Darcy. She shouted and dropped to the floor to get away from the heat, though she was pretty sure she smelt burnt hair now. Loki's eyes widened and he cast a spell to smother said ball of fire quickly.

"The hell just happened!?" Darcy yelled, looking up at the only person that could answer her.

Loki groaned and covered his face. "It's the fever. Whenever I sneeze I cannot control my magic. It's a reflex that happens. Because my body is so heated, whenever I sneeze and lose control like that, it is fooled into thinking I'm trying to cast a fire spell." He explained to her. He rubbed his forehead and looked at the brunette. "As I said, it is dangerous for sorcerers to become sick."

"Uh, no kidding! How do we fix it before you burn the whole building down?!" She asked, getting back up and looking at him pointedly.

He looked at her and frowned. "The same as a mortal, wait it out until the virus has run it's course. It should only take a day or two until my magic can...can..."

Darcy's eyes widened, knowing he was about to sneeze. She didn't even know where to go to be safe from his sneezes of fiery doom. Sure enough he sneezed again, and while she didn't immediately see where the fire started, she smelt something burning from the kitchen. "Kitchen!"

Loki was up and hurrying toward the kitchen, smothering out the fire that was burning in the middle of the floor with another spell. "Norns help me." He sank into a chair and groaned.

"We are going to do something or get some professional help here if we don't want to burn to death." Darcy said as she walked over to him.

"And what do you suggest we do?" He asked dryly, looking up at his woman somewhat miserably. All he wanted to do was curl up and sleep.

"I don't know! Call the fire department?" She threw her hands up. "Wait, I got a better idea." She hurried and got her phone and made a call. Loki frowned and was about to follow and ask her who she was calling when he suddenly sneezed again. When he heard Darcy scream, he was up and running to put out the fire that had started on her nightshirt.

When she was no longer on fire, Darcy finished her call. She'd called the one person that could probably help; Tony Stark. After he was done laughing about how the god of Mischief had a cold, he listened and took it more seriously when he learned of the consequences of the wayward prince's sneezes.

So they came up with a plan. Stark made a call to Nick Fury. And Nick Fury made a call to Pandora Peters, the director of W.A.N.D. Loki was then transported to W.A.N.D.'s HQ where they had a secure room that they had been building to neutralize anything magical placed within the room. Loki unfortunately was said thing they put in the room.

He immediately felt the effects. However, his sneezes no longer came with fiery results. So they set up a bed and let him sleep off his cold. Between having his magic neutralized within the walls and the cold, he only wanted to sleep anyway.

After two days, he was allowed to leave the room, no longer sneezing and his fever gone. Darcy hadn't been allowed to go to W.A.N.D.'s HQ with him since she didn't have the clearance (Even if W.A.N.D. was a sister organization to S.H.I.E.L.D.) so Loki was eager to leave the premises and see his woman.

He returned to their apartment, only to find Darcy still in bed despite it being in the afternoon. "Darcy? What are you still doing in bed?" He asked, sitting on the edge of the bed and tugging the blankets away from her face.

Darcy rolled over and glared weakly at the man. "Because I'm sick." She said, sneezing. "Ugh, you did this to meeeee..." She whined. She'd come down with a cold the previous day and felt awful.

Loki withheld a laugh and smiled sympathetically at her. "My poor, evil mistress." He said, running his hand through her hair. "I am sorry, Mistress. This is in fact my fault. I will do what I can to make you comfortable until you're better, alright?" He said, leaning down and kissing her forehead.

She grumbled as she curled up under the blankets, peeking out from under them. "Can't you just magic it away?"

He smiled at her and shook his head. "No, my darling, there is no spell in all the nine to heal a cold. You will simply have to wait it out as I did."

She groaned and buried herself under the piles of blankets and sneezed again. At least whenever she sneezed, nothing caught on fire. She hoped it would be another five hundred years before Loki ever gets another fever. He'd left her with singed hair before S.H.I.E.L.D. and W.A.N.D. whisked him away.
