Hey guys, surprise, surprise. I hope your ready because here is the next chapter and I hope you'll enjoy it. Now I just want to give a shout out to Gemm1mt, he gave me some good ideas and I didn't credit him last chapter so I am making up for that fact. So thank him for the help, but after going through his ideas I decided to tweak them and re-work them. However because of him we got more Halfa. Now I want to thank everyone who faved and followed me and my stories. It means a lot, really it does. Same to people who review, its good to hear from you guys and gals. Now onto the reviews! Gemm1t, glad you liked it. Megamen... Guess what another cliff hanger! Blank Core Devil, yep witches are dangerous but there is more to these women then meets the eye. TheSpaceMan, yeah what? o-o I am lost. Anyway I hope to see you all in the next chapter!

Why is my hand wet? Also, why does my head hurt? Slowly opening my eyes… I stared at nothing but mist…" Sitting up I stared in shock at the sight of the Cerritulus sisters, expect they were different…. They were dressed in a medieval white and blue flowing gown, with a blue long coat around them. I was about to stand when I felt the ground rock beneath me… Frowning I looked down…... I'm in a boat… Looking around I noticed we were completely surrounded by water and mist… Was I kidnapped by these witches?

Turning around the three witches stared at me and finally the blonde one smiled. "It is good you are awake clan leader."

The black-haired one nodded her head. "Yes, we were worried that you wouldn't awaken until we arrived."

"I must ask you forgive us, but we needed your aid and time was of the essence." The silver-haired witch placed her hands on her hips with a pleading look on her face.

Rubbing the bridge of my nose I let out a long-suffering sigh. "Why… Also… Who changed me?" I asked gesturing to my outfit. I was no longer wearing a suit but was instead in my 'battle outfit'.

"For the sake of speed, we magically switched your clothing." The blonde explained before gesturing to herself. "I am Phoebe."

The black-haired one bowed her head slightly. "Seline."

"And I am Luna." The one with silver-hair smiled slightly at me.

Frowning I raised an eyebrow. "Nice to meet you, but you didn't need explain why you needed me… Or why you kidnapped me."

"As I explained, we need your assistance, and we did not have the time to ask you for it." Phoebe said… Okay do they just talk one after the other? That's kind of annoying to be honest, but it wasn't as bad as they only spoke one word each…. So, there's that.

Seline picked up where her… sister? Left off. "There is a matter of grave importance that you are needed for."

"Yes, we were asked to collect you by name." Luna finished the explanation putting her hands behind her back.

Groaning I looked down at my feet, this didn't really answer any of my questions… Sure they answered me, but they didn't explain anything at all. Are all witches like this? Or am I just lucky enough to get the really weird ones? "Who asked for me? Also, what matter of grave importance?" All three sisters looked at one another and it was like a silent message passed between all of them, because when they're focus was back on me… I don't know but that look freaked me out.

"You were summoned by an… acquaintance." Phoebe said almost hesitantly.

"The trouble you'll be facing is beyond mortal comprehension." Seline spoke a bit harshly… I think I was insulted.

Luna nodded. "All will be explained once we arrive."

"Arrive where?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Avalon." All three of them said at once.

After revealing that we would be arriving at the home land of fairies I was told by each of the sisters to sit down and wait. We would be arriving at Avalon shortly… Though how they could tell in all this fog was beyond me. I wanted to ask more questions but the witches or, I guess since we were heading to Avalon, fairies told me to listen and shut up. So, as we floated along with no clear destination in mind expect for forward I had to wonder what would they have me do… and who asked for me, by name no less… Seriously there is only one person I could think of, one guy who is connected to all this magic crap but why wouldn't he just try and email me or something…

"We have arrived." Seline said breaking me from my thoughts.

Looking up I gasped in shock, Avalon was… Well beautiful, the island was large… Larger then some continents, the entire island was lush with green life. The trio of sisters guided the small boat we were on to a dock. The dock was rather large and had several poles with torches to help light the way. Getting off with boat I let the triplets tied the boat to the dock I decided to head toward the beach. As I walked I couldn't help noticing that the air here was completely different… Different then the normal world or the monster world. The air here felt… cleaner and refreshing, it was like I was living in smog all my life and finally I am in a high place with fresh non-polluted air. Once I was on the beach I took stock of a massive cliff face that dominated the beach as a landmark.

"I see you have arrived."

Following the sound of the voice I was now looking at a very strange looking girl, she seemed about my age or a little older, standing on the cliff. Suddenly the girl jumped! I moved to catch her, but the girl didn't fall… Instead she simply floated to the ground right in front me. My eyes roamed up and down her and I had to admit she was cute in a weird sort of way, the girl had long light blue hair that was in a pony tail, which was held with a blue and white ribbon. She wore a floppy black wizard hat with a wide brim, her skin was white and silky, and strangely enough she had lavender eyes. She was dressed in what I guess you could call a… mage outfit? She had long billowy sleeves with gold bracelets with blue gems around her shoulders and writs, the sleeves were separate from the main body of the outfit.

She wore a very short blue crop top with a long black cape/coat rested around her shoulders, around her waist was a jeweled leather belt which contained a few pouches, a container for a dark brown book, and a few glass bottles. She had a miny skirt that was blue and white and white pantyhose with gold lettering along the side and she wore short wedged heeled boots. Oh, and, she had a long blue/black staff with a dark green glowing crystal that was wrapped up in what looked like the bark of the staff.

After getting a good look at the girl I raised an eyebrow. "Uh… Who are you?" I asked with a small frown on my face.

Smiling widely the blue-haired teen grabbed my hand and began to shake it violently. "I'm Lyra Ambrosius! It's so nice to meet you, er well we've met before, but you don't remember it because you weren't there!"

"What?" I asked shaking slightly at the unwanted contact.

"Forgive Lyra, she has the power to see what was."

"What is."

"And what will be, so she tends to speak like that."

The triplets appeared right besides me which freaked me the hell out! Getting my hand out of Lyra's I moved past the four and put my back against the cliff face. "Okay, what the hell is going on? I want answers, and I want them now!"

All four looked at one another before nodding, Lyra cleared her throat before speaking. "Very well D, let me explain. You were brought here because we need your help… So… How much do you know about King Arthur?"

Frowning I began to twitch. "A little but what does that have to do about why I am here?"

"It has to do with everything!" Lyra exclaimed waving her hands in the air.

Luna took a step forward and spread her arms out slightly. "You must understand time is of the essence, there is a danger that Avalon is facing."

"The dreaded Margert Le Fay came to this isle to take over." Seline continued the explanation.

Finally, to finish up Phoebe sighed. "The Future King came here with Lyra to help us along with their allies."

Lyra sighed and stared at her feet. "Sadly, Margert was ready for us and during a harsh fight the king was taken and placed under a sleeping curse."

"Get a princess to kiss him or something?" I snorted, still not seeing why I was here.

"Not that kind of sleeping curse, this curse is specific to the next King Arthur, he must sleep until he awakened when he is once again needed." Lyra gripped her staff tightly with a frown. "His body was placed within the mountain or Hollow Hill. Which is guarded by the most dangerous warriors and monsters of the army. We can't get near him, even with our forces." The mage or wizard or whatever she was finished explaining.

"Which is why we searched for a powerful warrior, and Lyra's vison's led us to you." Phoebe turned to look at her sisters who all nodded their heads.

Frowning I twitched but I think I get it… Sighing I rubbed the back of my head. "Why me? Why not oh I don't know… Anyone else!? Hell, I know a guy that could help. His name is Magnus Maverick get him to do your dirty work. He's a hero, not me."

"Magnus is… indisposed and unable to do anything to help in this situation. As for you… You were a second choice for us." Lyra bit her lip, and held up her hand and making a small mutter I saw a… well a portal showing me some silver-haired guy in black wielding a massive sword. "This was our first choice, but he refused to help us, and the Weird Sister's magic had no affect on him. So, we had to leave him behind. After he rejected the offer I had another vision. One of you. Please help us… If the situation wasn't desperate we wouldn't have done what we did…"

Weird Sisters? Oh, she must be talking about the triplets… Okay that makes sense they are weird. However, this entire thing was messed up… Magnus was unable to do anything to help and whoever this guy they wanted before me just out right refused…. And hey was most likely not on Avalon when it happened… Which means I'm stuck with no choice here. Rubbing the back of my head I stared at my kidnappers. "If I help you wake your Sleeping King will you let me leave?"

"Yes, I promise you help us with our problem we will send you on your way." Lyra held up her hand and smiled. "Scouts honor."

"Fine, let's get this over with."