OKAY, THIS IS THE ENDING! YAS! I decided to make it all in one giant post! I hope the timing is okay because, without it, it makes things seem Deus Ex Machina. I also hope that this is written as epically as I picture this going down in my head. I'd like to thank all of you for making it this far! Some of you, if you post reviews, I know have been with me from the beginning. And to all those people who made it through my irregular posting, wow I can't believe you had that much patience. It's been a long journey!

Things this story could have improve on!


-not prolonged plot chapters or filler chapters

-not so many plot twists

-more character development

-regular posting schedules

-overall better use of vocabulary

-not having fight scenes in 3rd person

Anyways, I hope you enjoy! I am so excited because this allows so many opening for more stories! I'll see you around!

The platform didn't fall. Which only meant that...

"Guys!" Zane called, "I don't think that-"

Morro was back in an instant. With a kick to the jaw, which made Lloyd's jaw make a clicking noise, Morro had punted him off the platform. Lloyd didn't even have time to scream as he flew off. In a second he was on the ground, eyes closed. Kai was peering over the edge, screaming his name. Screaming for him to get back up. Lloyd didn't get up. Blood started to seep onto the wooden planks below, dripping around his head. And then the platform was falling. It crashed into the side of a house before rolling into the ocean. All of them were on the ground again, except Cole and Morro.

"You said...I thought it would be me..." Cole said, fluttering down to the ground.

"It doesn't matter when or who," Morro snickered, "You're all going to die eventually. All by my hand."

Zane pushed himself off the ground, free from the magnets pull. A little banged up but he was okay. He rushed over to Lloyd, cradling his limp body in his hands. Somewhere, a soggy Kai and his energy dragon pulled themselves out of the water, coughing, his brown spiky hair how plastered against the sides of his face. He didn't waste a second as he made his way over to Lloyd's side where Zane was already running a scan. Kai gave him a sad look.

"He...needs severe medical attention." Zane admitted, "The worse is he's brain dead. The best is that he just cracked his skull."

The town of Stiix shivered under the weight of the emerging Preeminent, shaking like Kai's legs. They both threatened to give out, only held together by the how much other's depended on them to stay up.

"I'll take him," Kai said.

"You need an energy dragon to get back to the Bounty," Zane acknowledged.

"I've got one," Kai said, "What do you know. I guess traumatic events are the only way to get your powers back."

He sent Zane a sad smile before taking off on the back of his energy dragon, Lloyd leaning against his back, making his red gi even redder.

Cole landed next to Zane, still in complete shock. The Preeminent emerged, screeching and squealing noises that no human vocal cords could ever make. Ghosts poured out of its mouth, reborn. Cole and Zane watched their world go under a swarm of ghosts.

Nya pushed hard on Jay's chest, performing CPR.

"Come on, Jay," Nya growled under her breath.

He didn't start breathing on his own. She knew that it wasn't going to happen. Water had already seeped its way into his lungs and was drowning him from the inside out. She had taken him out of the water and put in on dry land and he was still drowning.

"I hate water!" She screamed, tears dripping down onto Jay, "It's so terrible! One second it's my friend, the next it's trying to drown us all! I just can't get it! I was happy being Samurai X. I was happy being a samurai! Now I have to be a ninja. I never asked for this. I never asked for any of this!"

The waves of the ocean grew choppy and harsh. It licked hungrily at the board of Stiix. Rising with each swell.

"I'm so sorry, Jay. I can't help you. I'm trying too hard and not enough at the same time." Nya sobbed.

The clouds moved in before pouring open, bombarding the ghosts below with water. They shrieked and dissolved coating the ground with goopy mush. The Preeminent shrieked its disapproval but didn't stop spewing ghosts everywhere.

Jay's eyes opened and he practically started clawing at his chest. He coughed and choked and sputtered but the water stayed in his lungs.

"I'm so sorry Jay. I can't. I'm trying so hard. And I just can't. You're going to die and it's all my fault." Nya sobbed as the rain came down harder.

"It's okay," Jay gurgled breathlessly, "It's okay."

His hand reached out and touched her arm gently.

"But if I had just-"

"No, no just's. Nobody's perfect." Jay coughed, "Samurai X couldn't have done anything here either. The water ninja did her best too. In the end, it's my fault. I decided to go."

"I'm the water ninja. I should be able to control water. I should be able to control this." Nya gestured to everything happening around her, "But I just can't. I'm not trying hard enough."

The sky decided to open up as clouds abnormally swarmed in. Ghosts started to disappear as the water dripped slowly and steadily down, more and more coming down every second.

Cole shrieked and bolted for cover as Morro, once again, dissolved into a puddle of mush.

Cole knew what was going to happen next. He'd already seen it in the ice caves of the future. This was it. He was going to dissolve. And didn't have any Preeminent to poof him back into the world again. He'd be gone forever.

He could feel the single drop of water the hit the middle of his stomach as he was just about to get to shelter. It was one small drop. Maybe it wouldn't do anything since it was so small?

Wrong, Cole could feel himself melting. And it was slow. It felt as if someone had taken a sword to his back and was twisting it around, slowly carving every centimeter through him as the hole started to expand. Cole dropped to the ground and curled up, his ghostly green turning more and more a sickly white. He gritted his teeth, biting down on them hard. Goopy green started to drip all around him. His hands balled into tight fists, his nails would have been digging into his skin if he had any. Dying was so painful, why couldn't it be quicker?

He gasped, uncurling and rolling onto his other side before curling back up again. It did nothing to help his situation. He wished that someone would just pour a bucket of water over him, get this over with, the slow progression of the water melting him was agony. Cole wasn't much of a screamer, but he could hear his voice hissing with pain, the cracking sounds of pain in the hollow high pitched keening scream that he was making.

Zane entered the room, having found Cole. His shocked gaze was quickly swept over by a calculating, almost cold expression. He was analyzing what was best for this situation. His expression changed again, one of both sympathy and empathy. Zane raised his hand, palm facing Cole. And then Cole couldn't feel anything.

Jay had stopped trying to breathe a long time ago. When he did he could feel the swishing of the water in his lungs as tried to breathe in. Instead, he focused on trying not to black out. That and trying to comfort Nya.

"Nya, you've got to trust yourself." Jay murmured, "You're too worried about being the Samurai or the water ninja. But in the end, you're just Nya. You've gotta let go and take a step back. Find yourself in the moment. You're getting lost in the moment and your powers are only responding to your emotions right now. And to take a step back. For just one tiny moment. To let go and readjust your grip. Just for a second. Letting go doesn't mean you don't care."

Jay took a wheezing breath, "You're trying too hard. You're tripping over yourself now. Just relax."

"How can you tell me that when you're dying? I need to try harder! I'm not trying hard enough!" Nya said, "How can I not care about you or this forsaken world!"

"I love you," Jay whispered.

"What?" Nya asked.

She didn't get a response.

"Let go? I can't let go." Nya said, "Jay? Jay?!"

"Just trust yourself. In the end, you're just Nya. Let go and readjust your grip. Just for a second...Trust Jay."

Nya took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and tried to block out the sounds of ghost's wails and the Preeminent's unearthly sounds. Instead, listen to Jay's words again in his head.

"I'm Nya. I'm the Samurai X. But I am also the Water Ninja. And I can do this. Let go; you don't drown by falling into water. You drown by staying down there."

Nya's eyes started to glow. She put her hands on Jay's chest. Jay started to cough before leaning over and puking about a gallon of water.

The rain faded and the ocean's choppy waves started to build into one big wave. Nya grabbed Jay and hoisted him over her shoulder. She wandered into the area that once was Ronin's pawn shop and grabbed the Realm Crystal, now discarded after its use. Summoning her dragon, she took off into the air. The wave hit the town of Stiix.

Misako barely had time to steer the Bounty out of the tsunami's radius. It clipped the helm of the ship almost tipping the whole thing over. Ear piercing shrieks came from what was left of the town of Stiix as the Preeminent dissolved and ghost after ghost disappeared. Misako felt as if her ears were about to bleed out. Maybe they already were.

Large whooshing sounds could be heard as Nya's dragon landed on the Bounty. She gently lowered Jay onto the deck, where he lay, heaving and gasping.

"Anybody left in the town?" She asked, turning to Sensei Wu.

"Nope, all the civilians are on this ship." Sensei Wu replied, "Everyone is accounted for."

Nya raised her hands up, eyes still glowing a powerful blue. A swell of waves came up around the sides of Stiix, climbing over the boards until the whole town looked like a bubble of water. Nya pulled her hands down and the bubble sunk, pulling the whole town under.

Jay made a peeping noise of surprise, wondering if that was a little too far.

"Now there will be no ghosts left," Nya said.

Kai winced behind her, hoping she didn't forget about Cole or Zane for that matter too.

The glowing in her eyes were starting to fade as her full potential started to slip from her grasp.

"Wait!" Zane called, skating along the water, turning it to ice underneath him.

He was pushing a block of ice and coming at them with unexpected speed. With a flick of his wrist and an instant ramp, both Zane and his block of ice landed on the Bounty's deck.

"What's with-" Kai said, inspecting his ice block.

Frozen in it, Cole was still curled up, his expression of pure pain still on his face.

"Can't you extract the water out of him?" Zane asked.

"Similar to what I did with Jay? I can try," Nya said.

The group crowded around the ice block, waiting for Zane to melt it.

"Wait, somebody get a bucket of water first," Zane said.

"Why?" Kai asked, already knowing the answer.

"Because...because if this doesn't work I'm going to-" Zane said, trailing off.

Sensei Wu silently nodded and brought a bucket of water to his side.

Zane's ice exploded into a million snowflakes and Cole gasped back to life.

"OWWWW!" Cole howled, curling in tighter around himself.

Nya placed a hand on Cole's stomach, before pulling out a tiny ball of water. She threw it back into the ocean as Cole lay there gasping.

"He's still melting," Kai commented, looking at Zane.

"Are you in pain?" Zane asked carefully.

Cole uncurled slightly, huffing and puffing, "No, not anymore."

For so much pain to be gone so suddenly, he felt as if it was going to all come back. He studied his stomach, sticking his hand straight through the new hole.

"Great, I was hoping that ice wall thing wasn't going to come true." He sighed, closing his eyes, "I need a moment."

The Bounty was quiet for a moment as they allowed Cole to take in everything that just happened. His breathing steadied as he tried to get himself to relax.

"So you're okay?" Nya asked, glow now completely faded from her eyes, unable to stop the question.

"I think so," Cole huffed, unfolding so he was laying completely on his back.

"How's Lloyd," Zane turned to Kai.

"Umm," Kai said, "We think he just cracked his skull. It wasn't too bad actually. I don't it completely cracked."

The Bounty shuffled about in their thoughts. Before Nya silently pushed the Realm Crystal into Sensei Wu's hands.

"I'm sorry about Morro," She told him.

"I think..." Sensei Wu started, "Morro needed to let go. He was too bent on trying to be a part of this world even though he left it. I just wish that we could have done something to help him. I should have been a better teacher. I should have influenced him more positively."

Sensei Wu's eyes glanced around the air, maybe almost hopeful to see Morro float out unscathed.

"I just wish I could have had a chance to right this wrong, that I could have fixed this." Sensei Wu sighed.

"I'm sorry Sensei. Things don't always work out like we wish them to. All we can do is make the most of this situation." Zane said, patting his shoulder comfortingly.

"No kidding!" Cole exclaimed, putting his arm through the hole to emphasize his point.

"I wonder how Ninjago is going to react to this 'new exciting news'." Kai wondered aloud.

"All I know is that there is going to be a 'hole' lot of to cover." Jay laughed.

The crew of the Bounty laughed quietly to Jay's pun, before sitting in a quiet silence.

(1 month later)

"KAI! Get out of the way!"

Kai stuck out his tongue childishly but didn't move an inch.

"I can't see!" Lloyd wailed, spamming a bunch of buttons.

He had a band of white bandages around his head, causing his blond hair to stick up, looking a little bit like Zane's hedge. Except for that fact that it drooped over and fell in messy tufts around his head.

"Hah!" Jay exclaimed overtaking Lloyd's character.

"No!" Lloyd groaned.

Jay high-fived Kai, this time with his newly, de-casted right hand.

"I win championships!" Jay cheered.

"Hey," Kai shrugged, "Hearing Jay gloating about his winnings in five times less painful when it's you."

"Not true," Lloyd sighed, socking Kai.

Zane shook his head, sighing, "Hey, at least it isn't Kai."

"TRUE!" Lloyd and Jay both cheered.

"I don't know." Cole argued, shifting his position on the couch, "Zane's pretty annoying."

"What?!" Zane exclaimed, giving him a kicked puppy expression.

"You don't say anything but you've got that look on your face. You don't need to say anything for it to be 5 times more annoying than Kai, Lloyd, and Jay altogether." Cole laughed.

Zane leaped over the back of the couch, landing next to Cole. Laughing, Kai, Jay, and Lloyd joined them, wrapping their arms around each other's shoulders.

"I've seen this before," Zane thought. His memory flashed back to the ice caves. He'd seen this in the future telling walls.

"How long do you think we have till the next catastrophe strikes," Kai asked, interrupting Zane's train of thought.

"Averaging." Zane said, "Hmm, we usually have a quarter of a year before the next catastrophe. Not including basic crimes."

"Great," Jay sighed, propping his leg up on the coffee table in front of him and letting himself sink further into the couch, "Let's make the most of it."

"Agreed," Lloyd said.