Again, I'm really sorry to do this as a chapter update, and I promise I won't do it again. When necessary, I'll respond to member reviews privately and guest reviews in the reviews. For some reason, it's been taking several days for reviews to post, and I wanted to make sure you all saw this, because

Y'all. Are. AWESOME.

I almost deleted this fic. Again, not because I can't handle criticism, but because I thought something had to have gone horribly wrong with my writing if someone could (reasonably) construe anything I've written as "sexism." Before my last update, I was planning to delete my first, and decidedly last, fanfic, but y'all encouraged me to leave it up and to try another story at some point in the future. You're right, every story will have someone who has to find something to complain about. That has got to be a hard way to get through life. I'm far from being a sexist person, plenty of people let me know that they enjoyed the story, and that's all I need to know. Again, THANK YOU!

And, thank you to the reviewer who prompted the Chapter 3 post for the extra favorites, follows, and reviews you got for me :). Hope you are well.