A/N: finally the party! hope you guys enjoy this chapter

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Supergirl.

"Wow. There are a lot of people here." Kara hopes her voice doesn't sound as weak as she feels inside. She didn't think so many people would show up at the Luthor's mansion in Metropolis, very powerful and influent people.

Calm down, Danvers. It's happening, says a voice in her head that sounds just like her sister's.

Lena, seated right next to her in the black SUV – 'it's all for the show, Kara' – lays a reassuring hand on Kara's own. "You're going to do great, Kara."

Lena must sense that Kara is still feeling incredibly nervous because she adds, "We need a code."

Kara's eyes, that had remained fixed on their joined hands, now flicker to green eyes. "What?"

"In case it gets too much. A code, like a word you'll say so I know you want to get out of here," Lena explains, angling her head to the side as she waits for a reaction from the reporter. When she gets none, she squeezes Kara's hand. "How about 'Supergirl'?"

Kara looks more puzzled than ever, and for a moment she's sure Lena knows and is just messing with her.

"I'm not sure mentioning Supergirl at a party probably full of anti-alien people is a good idea."

"On the contrary," Lena argues with a charming smirk and a wink. "It's going to be fun. You use the code, and your own person Supergirl will come right away to rescue you."

Kara's chest feels lighter and she can't resist that charming smirk, answering it with a smile of her own. If only Lena knew.

She's not sure exactly when the lines between flirting and friendship became so blurry, but she tries not to overthink it. Alex always tells her to sit back and relax when she feels like imploding.

She looks down at their hands again, but she feels Lena's intense gaze on her.

"Look, Kara, we don't have to do this. I can tell Jeff to give you a ride home and I can attend the party on my own."

Kara's eyes flicker upwards again and she firmly protests, squaring her shoulders. "No! I said I would help you, I want to do this for you, with you."

Lena gives her a heartwarming smile and Kara can see she's on the verge of tears.

"Now, let's get out of this car and show everyone how happy we are together," Kara states and smiles back at Lena, tugging at the CEO's hand as Lena nods in agreement.

They climb the stairs, up to the Luthor's mansion together, hand in hand. Kara can feel her cheeks burning as everyone outside the mansion is staring at them, and she starts to hear the whispers.

"Lena Luthor is here? I thought she wouldn't dare showing up after the Lex fiasco."

"Who is that other woman with her?"

"Are they holding hands?"

Kara squints her eyes shut for half a second and she tries to focus on something else, something reassuring. Lena's heartbeat, calm, and steady, thumping quietly in the CEO's chest.

How can she be so calm? Kara wonders as they reach the top of the stairs.

She thinks the woman is used to all of this, and she hopes Lena can't hear what's being whispered about her.

Kara tries to steady her breathing. She's often under the spotlight, but as Supergirl. The Girl of Steel instantly calls for respect, but here, as Kara Danvers, a young and unknown reporter surrounded by powerful people, Kara isn't sure what to expect. She doesn't know how to act, what to do with her free hand – she adjusts her glasses again; she has a feeling she's going to do that a lot in the following hours.

Should she smile? Should she remain stoic?

Her hand is on her glasses again, putting them back in place (they already were), and she tries to form a charming smile that comes across as more of a wince than anything else.

Lena senses her discomfort once again, because she tightens the grip on her hand, and Kara is grateful to have her by her side. She knows that as long as they face this together, they will be okay.

With a newly found confidence, Kara dives deep into the unknown.

Half an hour in, one Lillian Luthor encounter later – Kara already hated that woman, but now it's something else entirely, and she has to use all of her willpower to keep herself from punching the awful woman as she comments on Lena's outfit.

"Your mother is…"

"A charming woman?" Lena finishes for her sarcastically, letting out a wry laugh.

Kara brushes a hand across Lena's arm.

Lillian has left even before Lena can introduce her to Kara, but quite frankly, the reporter is relieved. The less she sees that woman, the better she will feel.

One hour in, and Lena hasn't left Kara's side, not even once, to the Kryptonian's great surprise. She had thought that Lena would have been too busy with playing her part as the sole Luthor heir, but she remains by Kara's side the whole time.

"So how did you two meet?"

Lena and Kara share a knowing look. They have gone through this. They both know the story, they're ready.

"It's kind of a funny story actually," Lena starts and Kara smiles as the CEO's eyes flashes with amusement, and something akin to tenderness.

"I'm a reporter, and my boss wanted an interview of one of the most powerful woman in the city," Kara starts telling the tale, which Kara kind of wants to be the truth. "Then I kept showing up for interviews, when really I just wanted to see Lena, until one day, she said I didn't need an interview to see her, and she asked me out on a date."

"I think I was more nervous than you, that day," Lena chuckles.

"I don't think that's quite possible, Lee," Kara muses back.

"You two are quite the pair," comes the cold voice from behind them and Kara turns around.

Lillian Luthor.

"Mother," Lena places her hand on the small of Kara's bare back, and Kara wonders if the woman has any idea of the effect this simple touch has on her. She thinks maybe she should have picked another dress, one that didn't leave her back half naked for Lena to enjoy while Kara is dying inside, her heart trying to beat out of her chest. "We didn't get the chance before, but I want you to meet Kara Danvers, my girlfriend."

Kara extends a hand to the older woman. "It's really nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Luthor."

Kara was never a great liar, and she thinks Lillian would agree.

Lena's mother purses her lips. "Nice to meet you as well. Lena has talked a lot about you, I think it was about time I met her girlfriend. She was never great at keeping them."

Kara feels Lena's hand trembling and she slightly pushes her back into it, steadying it.

She tries to ignore her hurtful comment, but fails and clenches her fists.

"Maybe it's because her mother keeps forcing her to do things she doesn't want to do."

From the look Lillian is giving her, Kara thanks Rao that her body is bulletproof.

She knows she's just crossed a line so she attempts a diversion.

"I think Lena wanted to show me her room, right Lee?" She says as she turns her head to her suddenly very pale 'girlfriend'.

"You're not going to leave before we take a picture together, are you?" Lillian counters and Kara has to keep herself from grunting.

Lillian signs for the photographer to join, and they all pose, Lena's mother between her and Lena, a charming smile on her face, as if she doesn't secretly hate them both.

"I can't believe we're the cutest couple out there, and we're not even a real couple," Kara jokes to Lena as they head to the buffet – Kara's favorite spot.

Lena laughs quietly and she looks at her adoringly. "We're making quite the impression, aren't we?"

Kara loses herself in green eyes until she feels Lena's hand on the small of her back, prompting her towards the buffet.

Right. Kara smiles. Food.

"Want a glass of champagne?" Lena asks her as they spot one of the waiters.

Kara nods as she picks up a napkin and eyes the food eagerly.

Lena comes back with two glasses of champagne and she offers a toast with a wink. "To us, the cutest couple out here tonight."

Lillian Luthor was right. Most of the questions that night revolve around Lena's sexuality and her 'charming girlfriend'. Of course, some ask about Lex Luthor and his new life in prison, but Lillian always makes sure to distract everyone from that topic by drawing attention to the 'new and adorable couple'. She keeps telling everyone how proud of her daughter she is, and Kara feels sick to her stomach.

Lena being Lena, she's as stoic as she manages to be, but Kara can see right through her, and she sees her eyes flash with pain every time her mom makes another hurtful comment.

Enough is enough, Kara decides.

"Have you see how Supergirl saved that couple in that terrible car accident this morning?"

Kara figures Lena is the one needing a little bit of rescue tonight.

Lena comes back to her senses and looks at her strangely. Then, she seems to remember about their code and she shakes her head.

"Would you excuse us? There's something I'd like to show Kara before we leave."

Kara raises an eyebrow as Lena grabs her hand and leads her away from the party and into the Luthor mansion, to what Kara guesses must be Lena's room.

"Did you use the code because you wanted to get out of here or did you use it to get me out of here?" Lena asks with an amused smile and Kara smiles back at her sheepishly.

"Guilty as charged," she answers with a nod.

Despite Lena's light tone, Kara can see the way she inhales sharply, eyes wet with unshed tears as she must be replaying her mother's comments in her head.

"This is your room?" Kara asks, looking around for the first time. It's… sober, to say the least. It doesn't quite look like Lena, but the CEO nods, indicating that this is, in fact, her childhood bedroom.

"I hate that room," Lena confesses, dropping her gaze to her bedside table where a book is still waiting for someone to finish it.

It's a physics book, about relativity, and Kara can't contain her smile because of course that's such a teenage Lena book to read.

"This house contains too many bad memories I think."

Kara nods in understanding and she steps closer to the window, watching the party unfold below their feet. The mansion is huge, and the garden is filled with too many people. It's impressive. Snapper would hate her for not interviewing anyone tonight. But she isn't here as a reporter, she is here to pretend to be her friend's girlfriend, and Kara thinks they're doing such a good job that she's even fooling herself. She turns back to face Lena, who's looking at her with something Kara can't quite describe, her green eyes glinting in the dim light of the room.

"This is quite the party, and I didn't get the chance to dance with the prettiest woman of the room."

Kara extends her hand, praying that Lena will take it. She doesn't really know how to distract her, so she just said the first thing that came to her mind.

Lena smiles and steps closer, taking Kara's hand hesitantly and the Kryptonian returns her smile.

Lena lets out a gasp as Kara pulls her closer to her, and Kara swears she knows what goosebumps feel like when she feels Lena's warm breath tickling against her neck. She places her hands firmly on Lena's waist, waiting for a sign from the woman, until Lena finally wraps her arms around Kara's neck.

They start slow dancing to nothing at all until Lena points out, "It would be easier with music on, don't you think?"

She starts to push back to put some music on but Kara tightens her grip, not letting her leave her arms. "I'll make some for you."

Kara starts to whistle and, as best as she tries, the result isn't so great and they both end up bursting out in laughter.

"Okay so I'm not a very good at whistling."

Lena laughs once more and she shakes her head at Kara's adorableness. "It was a nice attempt."

Kara chuckles and blushes a bright red, embarrassed.

Lena's arms are still resting on her shoulders, and Kara tightens her grip on Lena's waist when she sees green eyes filling with unshed tears.

"Everyone always ends up leaving me because I'm a Luthor. But not you, Kara. Why?"

Kara is taken aback at the sudden change of mood, the trembling of Lena's voice, and the honesty of the question. Kara knows this has been on Lena's mind for a while now, with the way her bottom lip is slightly shaking.

Kara pulls the woman even closer to her body. She decides to be as honest as she can be, because the truth is what Lena deserves, and to hell keeping her feelings to herself.

"Because I see you, the real you. I look at you, and I don't see just part of your story. I see all of you, or at least the parts you're willing to show me, because don't tell me I'm wrong when I say that you've let me in, that you've shown me what you are made of. I have seen the real you, and I instantly loved it. I have seen you, Lena. I see your heart, crushed by so many people you feel like it's beyond repair. I see your intelligence, your ambition, your dedication to the people you think deserve your attention. I see the good in you. I see the bad, the hurt, the sorrow, but also the dreams, the hope, the love. Because you love this city, the people. You work for them every day. You work every single day to make this planet a better place for humanity, for aliens, for everyone. I see you, Lena. For who you are. And I love what I see. I love you."

Her voice cracks at the end because she can't stand to see the tears straining Lena's cheeks, and she raises her hand to brush them off with her thumb, resting her forehead against Lena's.

She closes her eyes as Lena closes her green ones, and then she feels the woman leaning in to press their lips together, and Kara has waited an eternity for this. Lena's lips taste like salt and vanilla.

Kara gets lost in the way her lips feel against hers, the way Lena's hands tangle in her blonde hair, the way Lena's tongue almost begs for entrance, which Kara happily grants her.

She gets lost until she feels Lena trying to push her to the bed and Kara happily complies, spinning them around so that she can straddle Lena on the bed.

She gets high on adrenaline, and she thinks it's funny, how she feels protected, in Lena's arms, when really, Kara doesn't need protection. But her heart feels safe, so she lets it have what it wants.


A/N: this was very gay omg. anyway, lemme know your thoughts with a review!

you can find me on Tumblr at commanderofcandles