Luffy didn't know why, but he felt his power returning. The drained feeling he got from the seawater slowly disappeared. However, this didn't help the fact that he was still several meters below the surface and didn't know how to swim.

The lack of oxygen made it hard to think clearly. He needed to find a way to get out of the water before he drowned. His hazy mind could only think of one solution. Transforming into his dragon form. That way he would be able to swim.

He didn't know if it was going to work, but he would die for sure if he didn't try.

He started to change. Somehow, it felt different from his previous transformations. He just couldn't pinpoint what was different.

The change ended as quickly as it started. The teen, now dragon, floated in the water deep under the surface. His eyes adjusted to the salty water. He could now see everything around him clearly, even things in the distance.

Around him swam countless types of fish who watched him curiously. Some kinds of seaweed floated around in the water as well. Far away he could see the undersides of a few ships.

He recognized one of the ships as the Thousand Sunny. He had seen the bottom of his ship countless of times when he fell into the ocean. The other three ships were those of the enemy.

Anger flared up inside of him. Those bastards! They captured his crew and used them as bait to get him. This wasn't something he could forgive so easily. He still needed to kick their asses!

The water around him seemed to light up as he slowly began to swim towards the ships. Or maybe it was him who was radiating light. He didn't know and, frankly, he didn't care either.

He began to speed up his pace. He was now approaching the ships at a fast speed. His eyes settled on the biggest ship. That's where those bastards were last time he saw them.

When he was close enough to the ship, he jumped out of the water and landed on deck in front of the two shocked men.

The ship shook when the dragon landed. The men both set a step back in shock. The beast growled and began to make his way towards the two men.

"What the hell?!" Dean, the devil fruit user, yelled. How was this possible? The strawhat pirate he accidentally punched over board had a devil fruit power. How did he manage to get enough strength to transform in the seawater?

The dragon opened his mouth. White fire danced in his mouth and the flames licked the sharp teeth. Anger could clearly be seen in the dragon's bright golden eyes as he looked at the two men in front of him. The white light around the beast made him look godlike.

Both men swallowed nervously. The beast was intimidating. A feeling of fear settled in them. They could feel the power almost radiating from the dragon. Was there any way to defeat such a creature?

Dean tried using his devil fruit power, but it didn't seem to have any effect on the dragon. He cursed. Their plan to capture this monster had failed and the possibilities of capturing him while he was in this state were very slim.

The other man, the leader, took another step back in fear. They needed to get out of here. They had to flee. If this is what he thinks it is, then they were in big, big trouble.

"Let's get out of here!" The devil fruit user yelled. The other man didn't have to be told twice. He turned around and ran towards the railing. However, they didn't come far. The dragon took a deep breath and spat his fire. The deck around the two men caught on fire, keeping them trapped in a big circle.

The creature began to close in on them. The humans started walking backwards. The leader accidentally stood on something. He looked down to see one of the swords of his fallen subordinates. He bent down and grabbed the weapon.

He was scared, but he decided he had to be brave. Just for a little while. Just long enough to try to kill the beast in front of him.

The man gave a loud battle cry and ran towards the dragon, sword raised in the air. The creature didn't move. When the man was close enough, the dragon swung his tail. The blade on the tail sliced right through the sword and barely missed the man.

The leader fell backwards in shock, the handle on the now broken weapon still in his hand. The dragon stood over him, his mouth opened slightly. White fire lit up the insides of the creatures mouth.

This was how he would die, he was sure of it. He could hear the dragon breathing above him. He could feel the warmth of the monster. He knew the dragon was getting ready to finish him off. The man closed his eyes and waited for the finishing blow.

The blow never came. From behind him he heard Dean grabbing something from the ground with his non-broken arm. The devil fruit user then ran to the dragon and swung a sword at the creature's head. The dragon pulled his head back just in time to avoid getting decapitated. The sword only managed to gaze his cheek.

A little trail of blood flowed down from cut on the creature's cheek. But the blood wasn't red. It was white, just like the dragon's fire.

The leader's eyes widen at the sight of the blood. He hadn't seen this in over nineteen years. This was the supposedly healing dragon blood. The blood that was worth millions, maybe even billions. The blood that became white when a Maxus Dragon was very, very angry.

The dragon growled loudly and swung his tail at the devil fruit user. It cut right through the sword and made a deep gash on the man's chest. Dean yelled out in pain and fell to the ground next to the leader.

They both looked at the dragon with fear in their. The dragon looked so much bigger than them now they were on the ground. They felt so powerless, so weak compared to this powerful creature.

The dragon opened his mouth and they were once again met with the white flames. They were going to die. They were sure of it. They could only wait and hope for mercy as the dragon took a deep breath, ready to burn them alive.

The dragon then seemed to rethink what he was going to do. He closed his mouth and jumped up from the deck. He jumped high enough to be able to see all three ships. The creature then opened his mouth again and took a deep breath.

White fire emerged from the dragon's mouth. All three ships caught on fire. The white flames were everywhere. Everywhere except near the people on deck.

Someone exited one of the smaller ships. The man muttered something under his breath before going back inside again. Weird.

The dragon fell down on deck. He slowly walked back towards the two men on the ground. The men looked at him in fear. What was he going to do to them? The dragon leaned his head closer to the men and growled loudly before speaking.

'Go find an other job.'

The dragon then stood straight again and walked away. He climbed on the railing, not at all affected by him own white flames, and jumped down into the water below.

The leader watched his ship burn around him. Everything he owned was on this ship. This ship was his home. All his belongings and money was on this ship. And everything was burning.

"We have to get off this ship or we'll burn to death!" Dean yelled at the other man. The leader didn't reply, but he knew they had to get away too. But how? The whole ship, including the railing and other escape paths, was burning.

"Hey, if I were you I would hurry up and get over here." A voice suddenly said. The men both looked in the direction the voice came from. Sergio stood near a part of the railing that wasn't burning anymore. He must have put out the flames somehow.

The other men just stared at him for a little while. Sergio sighed when he got no response. "I don't know about you two, but I'm getting out of here. You can stay here on your ship if you want, but I don't think it will float for much longer." He said. The man then jumped over the railing and onto his ship. The two men on deck looked at each other before they stood up and ran after the third man.

When they reached the railing they saw that Sergio's ship was burned black, but not on fire anymore. The man on the smaller ship looked up at them. "Hurry up and come down here." He said. The other two men jumped down.

"Alright, let's get out of here." Sergio said. "Get to work. There's an inhabited island not far from here. I want to reach it before this ship breaks down." The other two nodded and started to make the ship sail worthy.

Sergio then remembered something. He turned to face the leader. "What about the rest of your group. They're still on your ship, right?" He asked. The leader thought about his subordinates. They had all been knocked out by the strawhat's haki earlier. He shrugged. "Leave them. I can find new people who are willing to follow me. Besides, we can't fit them all on this small ship."

"Whatever you say." Sergio replied. He didn't really care about those other guys anyway. "If we're lucky someone on the next island is willing to buy the expensive equipment you gave me. Too bad the other half is burning on your ship right now." He said.

The three of them then sailed away. They left without the strawhats noticing.

-A little while earlier on the Sunny-

The crew watched as the creature landed on deck of the enemy's ship. Almost everyone was shocked at the sight of the beast. Even Zoro and Usopp were surprised when they saw the dragon. They both had seen it before, but the dragon looked different.

The dragon still had his red colour, but the black strips were now white. They even seemed to radiate light.

The dragon opened his mouth and white fire could be seen. Zoro was slightly surprised at this. This was something new. He had once asked Luffy if he could breathe fire and the teen had told him that he hadn't been able to do that.

They watched as the two men on deck tried to run away. Before they could get far white fire closed in on them, effectively trapping them. One of the men then made an attempt to attack the beast, but he was easily defeated by the dragon.

"What the hell is that?!" Sanji said. It was the first time anyone had said something since the appearance of the dragon. Oh yeah, that's right. The rest of the crew didn't know that the dragon was their captain. Luffy never told them.

Zoro smirked. "Watch your mouth, love cook. That is your captain over there." He said. Everyone turned to face him. Confusion written all over their faces.

"What do you mean, Zoro? How do you know that's Luffy?" Chopper asked. "Let's save the talking for later. Go tell Franky to change course to the enemy's ship. Come back here when you two are done." Zoro ordered. Chopper nodded and ran to the helm.

The rest of the crew continued watching as one of the two men on the other ship tried to attack the dragon, who was apparently their captain. It didn't take the dragon long to take out this man as well.

Not a minute later their captain jumped in the air. He spat out his white fire and lit all three ships on fire. After that, he landed back on deck. The flames were now too high to see what was going on there.

A little while later the dragon emerged from the sea of flames and jumped into the ocean below. Some of the crew were slightly worried when their captain did this. As far as they knew the rubber teen couldn't swim. They sighed in relief when they saw that the dragon was swimming in their direction.

The dragon jumped on board of the Thousand Sunny when he was close enough. The strips on his body had gone back to their original black colour. The cut on his cheek had already healed somehow. He looked at his crew and the crew looked back at him.

He didn't really know what to do. He felt kind of awkward for some reason now the whole crew was just staring at him. He decided it was best to transform back to his human form first.

The crew watched in shock and fascination as the dragon started to change shape. The transformation didn't last long. After less than a minute the dragon had been replaced by their teen captain.

Some of the crew looked relieved to know that the dragon really was their captain and not some random beast that had jumped on board. Still, the idea of the rubberman being some kind of mythical creature was weird.

Zoro had walked over to his captain and draped his dark-green coat over the bare shoulders of his friend. The teen's clothes must have ripped apart when he changed in the water. Luffy thanked Zoro and turned his gaze back to the crew.

"I guess I owe you all an explanation." He said. The crew didn't say anything, but Luffy knew that they all wanted answers. "Let's get out of here first. I'll explain later." He said.

"What about those people on the other ships?" Chopper asked silently. Sure, those were bad people, but he never really liked it when he or anyone of the crew killed someone.

"Leave them be. They won't burn." Luffy answered. The reindeer looked at him slightly confused. "How do you know? Aren't those real flames?" He asked. Luffy shrugged. "Those are real flames, but I somehow know they won't hurt them. I never put those flames there with the intent to kill." The teen said.

The crew decided it was time to go now. They didn't want to stay any longer near the enemy.

So they set sail, leaving the burning ships behind.

A few hours had passed since they left the island and the other ships behind. Luffy told everything to the crew, including that Zoro already knew for several weeks and the information the leader of the group that had held them captive had told him.

The crew was glad that that the rubberman told them, but they were a bit disappointed that he didn't tell them sooner. They were his crew, his friends. They told almost everything to each other. Nobody needed to be afraid or ashamed of who or what they were because it didn't matter to them.

Zoro didn't show it, but he too was glad his captain finally told the crew what he was. Not that the teen really had an other choice after they saw his dragon form.

Now the rest of the crew knew, maybe Zoro would have a little more time for himself. It felt like ages ago that he had a really long nap (sleeping at night doesn't count) because Luffy wanted to train with him all the time and wouldn't stop asking until he finally gave in. It's not like he didn't like training with the other man, he just really missed his regular naps.

Now Luffy could bug the rest of the crew about his dragon form. Maybe some of them could train with the rubberman instead of him sometimes as well. I would be good for the dragon to train with people with different abilities.

Usopp was happy that Luffy told him and the others. A lot of the things he had witnessed between the rubberman and the swordsman made a lot more sense now he knew about his captain's other form.

The idea of the two of them being in a relationship was a lot less likely now. Almost everything could be explained now, like why the two men suddenly spent so much time with each other, why Luffy's clothes sometimes ripped or disappeared and why Luffy didn't want anyone other than Zoro to go with him when he went to explore an island.

He just hoped Nami saw this as well and wouldn't bring the topic of a relationship between the two up.

It was just after dinner and everyone was on deck enjoying the nice evening weather. Most of them were just sitting on the grassy ground. Zoro and Luffy were leaning against the railing next to each other. There was a comfortable silence between them until the younger of the two decided to break that silence.

"I still don't understand why I didn't tell them sooner. Why was I so afraid they would reject me now I'm different? I mean, almost no one in the crew is normal. I just feel so stupid for even considering that they wouldn't accept me." Luffy said.

"It doesn't matter. You've told them now. That's all that counts." Zoro replied. Luffy sighed. "But still.. I feel like I'm a bad friend and captain for not trusting-" Zoro bonked him on the head.

"I said it doesn't matter. That's in the past now. Sure, you should've just told us sooner, but everyone does things they regret later. That's a part of life. So don't think about it too much, okay?" The swordsman said. Luffy was silent for a few seconds. He then smiled. "Okay!"

Suddenly, there was someone standing in front of them. They looked up to see Nami. She leaned against the railing. The two men looked at each other. What was she up to?

"So, are you two in a relationship or not?" She asked.

"What? No! What makes you think that?" Zoro asked. Luffy just looked confused. Why would he and Zoro be in a relationship? The redhead shrugged. The silence returned for a few seconds before Nami spoke again.

"Maybe you two should try it. You two would look cute together."

"What the hell witch?!"

"Hey don't yell at Nami-swan!"

"Shut up love cook."

"What did you call me?!"

And of course a fight broke out. The remaining members of the crew sighed. Nothing changed after what had happened the last few days. Everything was still the same.

Well, it wasn't like much changed in the first place. Sure, they now knew their captain was part dragon, but he was still Luffy. And Luffy never changes.

AN: This is the last chapter! Sorry for the delay. I hope you enjoyed!

Also, sorry if the ending is a bit crappy. I'm bad at writing endings.

Maybe there will be an extra chapter, but I'm not sure. And if I make an extra chapter, it might take a long while for that to be uploaded. So don't expect anything within the next weeks.

If you want to know how I imagined Luffy to look like in his dragon form, you can go to my DeviantArt account where I uploaded art I made. Just look for FireArrowAce.

I want to thank everyone for reading this story. I really appreciate all your favourites, follows and reviews.