Disclaimer: I do not own anything except the plot everything else is from Stephanie Meyers.

AN: This is my first story please be nice. Helpful comments will be appreciated. It will not only improve my writing but make me want to write even more. :) Thanks and enjoy!

Bellas POV

*Flashback* ( 4 years ago)

I was walking up the steps of my house fumbling around in my bag to find my keys. SHIT! I was running so late to school i had forgotten my keys on my dresser. After about two minutes of continuous banging and calling out for Renee and Phil i decided to walk around to the backyard. I pushed open the door they always leave it unlocked one of these days we're going to come home and find it completely ransacked.

" Mom, what did i tell you about the backdoor" I sighed. Sometimes i cant help but feel like im nagging her to do everything and all she wants to do is go out with Phil and watch reality TV we sit around all day watching TLC, Lifetime, and Oxygen . I guess having a kid at such a young age robs you of having a personal life. I walked into the kitchen and started making myself a sandwich. Lately my appetite has been going crazy im eating like a horse if i don't control myself im going to be turning into a honey boo boo look alike. Smirking at my own joke i finished making my food two sandwiches, bag of chips, and a large glass of lemonade. I basically inhaled the first sandwich and was about to eat the second one when it started to get insanely hot i shrugged off my zip up sweater and pulled off my shirt leaving me in my tang top and pants. After i finished eating and cleaned up my mess i called out for Renee again. I was sure that she was here her car was outside and i could hear the TV in the background. Maybe she was in the shower. I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.

" Mom? I think you were right about me getting sick im burning up and my body is aching like crazy. Maybe we can go down to the store and get some medicine before it gets too late" I said as i walked through the living room and saw that she wasn't there either. Hmm where is she I rolled my eyes as i saw that she left food everywhere and the TV was on loud. I walked up the stairs and something caught my eye. Renee always leaves her door open she never closes it even after coming out of the shower. I walked over and knocked " Mom?" i said as i reached the handle i pushed the door open and saw blood on the carpet. What the fuck is going on i said to myself as i pushed the door all the way open. Nausea hit me like a wave crashing down on me i felt the blood leave my face as i turned pale as a ghost. MY heart pounding so loud it felt like it echoed off the walls i saw a trail of blood leading to a body facing down. Oh no please god no is all i thought as I reached the body.

" Mom" I whispered. I walked over to the body and leaned down gently pushing the body over. As soon as the body was pushed over i pulled my hand away as if it was fire burning me. It was her..my mom i cant believe it. I felt like throwing up those two sandwiches were trying to push their way back up and i ran to the bathroom. I cant believe this is happening what am I going to do! I need to call Phil. Fuck Phil i need to call the cops! I got up from the toilet and ran through the room back downstairs to get the house phone. Ten minutes later i heard the sound of police cars and an ambulance coming. I refused to go back up there. They left as fast as they came and all of a sudden I was alone. I cried for what seemed like hours. I tried to call Phil but no one could reach him. I felt anger boil in my chest HOW DARE HE! His wife is dead and he isn't here where the fuck is he! I ran outside and i felt my back crack falling to the ground i cried out as i felt more of my bones cracking. All of a sudden i felt my skin tear as I looked down where my hands where and found two white paws. I couldn't think straight enough to feel shock all i felt was anger so I ran..i ran and didn't stop running.

* End of Flashback*

I was pulled out of my thoughts as soon as I heard a howl. My paws breaking branches as I ran through the woods dodging trees I could hear snarling as I got closer to my pack I could hear thoughts being screamed at me. I had been so deep in my own thoughts I didn't notice everyone else yelling at me.

" Bella get your ass over here! They're back and these revenants aren't alone!" Josh said. Josh was our alpha and the first person I met that was like me. He's the one who helped me phase back to human form I owe everything to him he lived in a house in the woods of Sooke, Canada. Josh took me in and showed me how to calm myself if I thought I was going to rip some dumb ass's head off. He also showed me the rest of the pack all together there was only five of us but we held our own.

"Im here!" I said as I dove in and ripped off the arm of a guy who had my best friend and pack sister Angela backed into a corner. She came over and bit his head clean off his shoulders. I was looking around and saw about five other revenants circling around the pack. We can do this I thought to myself and as soon as i turned to go help the others a red head came at me from behind and sliced down my thigh. I yieped out and snapped at her she jumped away and smirked at me.

" Aww im sorry did I hurt you? You mutts are pathetic do you really think you can beat us?" she said as she laughed. I bared my teeth and growled her red eyes didn't scare me we've faced them before we can do it again. We were circling each other now. In the distance I could hear my pack putting up a fight.

"Josh NO!" Angela said she was running towards josh who was trying to take on two revenants at once. A man with long blonde silver hair came and jumped on top of her before she could get to him. I heard another cry and turned to see Jeff our beta laying on the floor next to another blonde man with short blonde hair. They didn't look like brothers. I heard the blonde with long hair call him Riley as he applauded him for his kill. Angela was on the ground covered in blood im not sure if shes been killed or knocked unconscious either way i couldn't hear her anymore. I started to run towards them but the red head came and dove for me. I jumped from her grasp and sank my teeth into her arm ripping it straight off. I started running towards josh he had gotten one of them chunks were torn all over. Oliver was the youngest of our pack he was grabbing the chunks of revenants and throwing them in the fire he started. He was only 13 and we found him just in time. He was a run away and never talked much. There was only three of us left and four of them. The two blondes and the red head a another man with dark black dreads. Josh was barking out orders telling us to stay in formation.

" Bella stay on my right, Oliver get over here on my left! we can do this stay tight dont let them grab you!" Josh ordered as we were being circled like pray. Red eyes glared at us as we bared our teeth and held formation the first to make a move was the long blonde one named james he lunged at Josh who caught him by the throat and tore him apart tossing his head into the fire sending up purple flames. I heard the red head screech and run towards Josh as she dug into his shoulder. Everything happened so fast it was hard to keep them at bay. Riley came towards Oliver and dreads came at me I dodged his attacks as he did mine. Oliver was underneath Riley trying to snap at anything he could and josh had ran away chasing the red head through the trees. Dreads had been quietly going around me until he finally was at my hind legs. He was trying to lunge at me but I knew better i dodged and snapped his neck from the back ripping it and carrying it to the fire. Running back i found Oliver on the ground lifeless.

"No.." I croaked out my big body caving in as i fell to the ground with a thud. Nudging my nose to his face i whimpered.

"Bella they're both chasing me im hurt badly im bleeding out. I need you to run you're the only one left keep running and dont come back." Josh said " I cant take them both on but i can lead them away from you please go!"

"No im not leaving you" I said as i got back up running in his direction " We can take them tell me where you are and ill find you!" I was in a full sprint now. I had to find him The wind picked up and I couldn't find his sent it smelled like revenant everywhere.

"Bella NO that's an order RUN NOW!" Josh said using his alpha voice I knew what he was doing and I couldn't disobey and alpha order.

" Josh please I..I cant lose you too please!" i croaked out

" I love you Bella please listen to me...goodbye" Josh said. Then he was gone. I croaked out and pushed one paw in front of the other. I did the only thing I knew how to do. I ran...I ran and didn't stop running.