Welcome everyone, this story is inspired by the story Raptor by Sakurademonalchemist.

SUMMARY: Instead of winning a dragon egg Hagrid won a strange egg that a traveling wizard had found frozen in the arctic ice, Hagrid invites Kacela Potter and her friends down to watch the egg hatch. Only for the creature inside to attack and change Kacela in ways that will shock everyone!

This is a Harry Potter/Aliens vs Predator crossover, this was inspired by watching AVP one too many times and looking at the Smite Goddess Serqet Dread Queen skin I so want that skin!

Warning: Molly, Umbridge, Ron Bashing, Good Ginny, Hermione, Twins, Draco, Dumbledore.

I do NOT own Harry Potter or Aliens vs Predator, I own any Oc I make and my story Idea.

Chapter 1: The Egg


Hagrid sighs as he sat in his hut while petting his beloved pet dog Fang, to his right on his table sat a cup of tea with a few rock cakes on a plate. In front of Hagrid sat a very strange oval-shaped object, it was also said object that had the groundskeeper confused.

The object was a very strange looking egg, instead of a hard shell it had a fleshy leather almost like a meaty shell with an 'X' shaped top. It was also a grayish black color and had a strange web-like goo stuck to it, so, yeah it was one strange egg.

Hagrid tapped his chin in thought, he had no clue as to what species the egg belonged to it wasn't a dragon egg that was for sure.

"Maybe I should invite Kacela and Hermione down to look at it, they might know what it is," Hagrid said as he looked at Fang who just growls softly before falling asleep.

Hagrid chuckled as he got up and went to find the female duo, as well as their head of house, after all, he needed her permission for the two girls to visit his hut this late into the evening and he didn't want the two getting into trouble.


Hermione Granger hummed as she sat on a spare chair in Hagrid's hut, she had been very surprised when the gentle giant had approached her and her best friend Kacela Potter for advice on an egg he had.

The very same egg was right in front of her, and to be honest, she had no clue as to what animal it belonged to. Nothing she had read fit the description of the egg be it a mammal or reptilian, heck! Even Aquatics creatures were out of the picture.

"Any idea?" Kacela asked as she looked over at her friend.

Kacela Potter was a smart girl being in Ravenclaw with Hermione, she was also a cute looking girl as well. She had shoulder length black hair with a faint red tinge to it when the light hit it just right, her emerald green eyes shone in the light of the fire as she sat looking at the egg on the floor in front of her.

"No clue! It matches nothing I've ever read or seen!" Hermione yelled in near frustration.

"Strange, I wonder it is a mix of a normal animal and a magical creature?" Kacela asked as she moved and poked the egg slightly.

"Could be, Hagrid? Where did you get this again?" Hermione asked as she looked over at the half-giant.

"From a traveling wizard, he said he got it from under the snow in the Arctic," Hagrid said as he drank his tea.

"The Arctic? Maybe it's an icy type creature?" Kacela asked while leaning in a bit to get a better look at the top, maybe there was a marking on it to help identify the egg?

Hermione quickly pulled a book from her bag and began to read it, while nearby Hagrid's dog Fang sat up with a growl as he looked at the egg. Kacela's eyes widen as the top of the egg started to move.

"Uh, Hermione! The egg is opening up!" Kacela said in a stunned voice.

"What?!" Hermione yelled as she looked up from her book as the top of the egg opened up like a flower.

Kacela couldn't help but stare as she saw what was inside the egg, it was black in color and reminded her of a spider in a way but with a long-bladed tipped tail. It also had this wedding between its 8 legs.

Kacela went to open her mouth to speak only to scream as the thing shot out of the egg and wrapped around her face, she tried to pull it off as Hagrid moved to grab his crossbow while Hermione tried to pull the thing off her friends face.

The spider thing had its legs wrapped around Kacela's face as it's tail wrapped around her neck tightly, Kacela struggled before going limp as what appeared to be a pair of sacks on the spider began inflating and deflating like it was breathing.

"Let's get her to Poppy! She'll know what to do, bring the egg!" Hagrid said as he picked up Kacela and ran out of his hut towards the castle.

Hermione quickly used the Wingardium Leviosa spell to levitate the egg with her to the castle, all the while worrying about her friend.


Poppy cursed as she used spell after spell to figure out a safe way to remove the thing off Kacela, so far she had nothing!

If she tried to cut the thing off it would kill Kacela with its acid blood and if she tried to take it off by its legs it would tighten its tail around Kacela's neck.

Poppy hated to admit it but it was now a waiting game to see what would give first, the spider creature or Kacela.

But Poppy had some hope since during another scan she found that Kacela's magic was fighting whatever the spider was trying to do to her, it was also doing something to Kacela's scar if she read it correctly.

She had to tell the Headmaster about this, he would want to know what is happening to his honorary granddaughter.

Poppy sighs as she placed a spell on Kacela that would keep her warm and spelled a few nutrient potions into her stomach, she then turned and left the wing to inform Dumbledore who was returning to the castle after sorting out a few things.

If Poppy would have stayed she would have witnessed the creature glow white before loosening its hold on Kacela slightly.


Kacela looked around in confusion as she sat in her mind or at least she thought it was her mind, I mean how else can she be sitting in a replica of the Raven house girls dormitories with a huge forest to her left.

"What's going on?" She asked while looking around.

"This would be my doing," A hissy voice said making Kacela jump and look towards the forest.

She gasped as a huge black creature on two legs walked over to her, it was massive! And from what she could see very deadly with a blade tail tip, sharp claws and teeth, was that a second mouth? And did it have a second pair of arms?

"W-What are you?" Kacela asked as she stood up to face the huge creature.

"I'm a Xenomorph young one, a Queen of my kind" It, no, She said as she stood over Kacela.

"Xenomorph? What are you doing in my mind?" Kacela asked as she felt a twinge of pain in her chest.

"A royal Facehugger impregnated you, right now you would be my host but something is different about you," Queen said as she looked down at the little human.

"Different? Oh! You mean my magic, and wait? What do you mean host!?" Kacela yelled as her magic flared.

"A host as in your holding me in your body, but I don't think I would last long in this world if they have this...magic thing," Queen said with a hiss as she felt the magic burn her tail.

"Then what do I do? I can't go around with you in me all the time," Kacela said as the Queen stayed quiet as if thinking something over.

"Human, I propose an idea, one that would benefit us both," Queen said as she moved to lay on the ground.

"What idea?" Kacela said as she also sat down while keeping an eye on the Queen.

"I propose that we merge together, become one being," Queen said as Kacela went wide-eyed.

"What? How would that work?" Kacela asked slightly confused.

"With this magic of your it could take my body and add it to your own, you would become half Xenomorph," Queen said as Kacela went to speak.

"Let me finish speaking!" Queen said making Kacela shut up.

"Good, anyway, by merging with me you get more protection and abilities to take down that vile thing I saw in your memories and for me, my kind get's to live on through you," Queen said.

"I see, but what happens if I don't agree to it?" Kacela asked.

"Then we both die, this magic of yours is very deadly it seems," Queen said as she held up her burnt off left hand.

Kacela thought it over, one the one hand she could gain what was it called again? That's it! A creature inheritance through this and keep everyone safe if she didn't agree then she died. It was a real no-brainer situation really.

"I'll do it, I'd rather be alive and able to fight then end up dead without reaching my teens," Kacela said as she got up.

"Good, also before we do this I'll be getting rid of that vile essence in here and when we merge our minds will fuse my knowledge will your knowledge," Queen said as she stood up.

"Okay, anything else?" Kacela asked as she eyed the blade tail tip that moved to be inches away from her chest.

"Yes, the Royal Facehugger also holds our mate in it," Queen said with a hint of amusement.

"Wait! What mate!?" Kacela got out before the tail stabbed into her.

With that, the magic in Kacela's body reacted and started to change things in both a good way and a bad way.

Done! Finally, I can get this plot bunny out of my head.

Hope you lot like it!

SaberbladePrime signing out!