Chapter 28

For a lover of the sea and the captain of her own life and floating home away from home, nothing could be more romantic than dinner and dancing under the stars, afloat with the one you love. That one being the most romantic man you've ever known your whole entire life makes your head spin and your heart light.

Sam sat on the boat's bench and admired the chiseled power beneath the black t-shirt that stretched tautly to cover the ripped hotness of her man, and the smile she'd been sporting all night turned her lips once again as she thought about tearing it from his body…again. She admired the strong, toned arm that poured her third glass of champagne and allowed her mind to wander to the other magnificent deeds she'd known those very arms to perform, so, so very well.

Moving off the bench she slipped around the table to where the sexiest man she'd ever known sat and watched her slow, deliberate approach, opening those arms so she could slide effortlessly onto his waiting lap, straddling him as she wrapped his beautiful body with hers, her arms circling his neck and her lips seeking his hungrily of their own accord. As she drank in the man she loved and felt the arms that gave her life hold her tightly to rippled strength, Sam thought how she'd wanted to do that all night. The taste of him was potent and intoxicatingly hot, sending waves through her brain that made her dizzy and spellbound as she clasped his beautiful face between her hands and shifted her body against chiseled hardness to make pointed contact with his open need for her. Hearing him groan as her wanton heat assuaged his heightened desire, Sam moaned and drank his tongue thirstily as he willingly plodded her hot mouth and gave himself over to her.

The need for oxygen tore seeking lips apart, only to send him in search of the taste of her delicious neck, his hot tongue leaving a trail after each soft kiss leading down to the clef at the base of her throat, where he danced with her pulse as it quickened to the licks of his tongue. Throwing her dazed head back with eyes closed to the thrilling sensations he was sending all through her, Sam reveled in the feel of his lips that teased her breast through her shirt, teeth mockingly biting at a taut nipple. A crash sounded behind her as he used an open arm to sweep the table, neglected pasta plates hitting the floor of the boat to make room for her back as he laid her down, rising above her and breaking contact with her neck where he'd sucked his ownership into red, branding marks of desire.

She heard the ripping sound of her shirt as it left her writhing body in pieces, his matching impatience breaking through as he fought to get to every inch of her, claiming her lips again after he tore the jeans from her body beneath him. She grabbed the edge of his own shirt, lifting to indicate her need to be rid of it between them, prompting him to rip it over his head, tossing it over the side of the boat. Sam laughed headily when she saw where it landed, opening her legs and arms as she called him back to her, to which he responded instantly, his jeans hitting the deck as he laid reverent head down to worship the goddess of his dreams.

He kissed her hotly then moved away from her body again to grab a bottle of champagne from the cooler by the bench, popping the cork to let the foaming liquid spring freely. Sam saw the devilish gleam in his eye before she felt the cool liquid hit her chest and dribble down her stomach, quickly traced by his tongue as he ran it behind the nectar to lick every drop away from her body where he dried first each breast and then her stomach. Sensing where he was headed, she couldn't stop the moan that left her throat when he proved her right by pouring the liquid directly on her crotch, dipping his head to bite down on the flimsy cloth that still covered her there, using his teeth and one hand to rip them from her body before pouring more champagne over her. Sam looked down to meet molten blue looking back at her as he dipped his tongue to taste champagne clit, groaning softly as he pulled it into his mouth and latched on, pouring even more liquid to brim their joined lips as he lapped hungrily at her. She moaned as her hands pinned themselves in her own hair, clenching and lifting away from her scalp as she hoisted her hips in response to the heavenly feel of him clasped wickedly to her, and as her eyes popped wide beneath the blanket of the clear, starry night sky she felt like a glorious offering to the gods beneath the skilled lips of one that was her very own!

Setting the champagne aside Jason reached up to voluptuous breasts, groaning at the heavy feel of them in his hands and the delectable taste of her upon his lips, losing himself in the heaven that was his woman. She writhed beneath his administering mouth, an indication of her pleasure that prodded him to give her more…he wanted to give her everything - for the rest of his life he wanted to give her it all. Kneading her softly, he flattened his tongue and dragged it hungrily over her womanhood, adding suction as he moved over her clit, pausing to pull it between his lips and strum it inside of his hot mouth. He knew the minute she was about to burst open and as her hands clasped his hair and held his head closer to her and she ground his face, her cry of ecstatic pleasure prompted him to cover her opening, thirstily drinking up every drop of her sweet release.

Sam whimpered as she descended, opening her eyes again to find him poised above her smiling knowingly at her satisfied state, and she instinctively sensed it was only the calm before he stormed her. Lowering his head to claim her lips softly, she welcomed his plundering of her mouth with his need and as she tasted herself upon his demanding tongue, she closed her eyes to the feel of a new surge of pleasure as he pushed slowly into her, one arm moving to bring her leg up and rest her knee at his hip.

"Open your eyes." His command was low and seductive and she obeyed instantly, meeting the blue haze from the man she loved above all others, the one man who was made as the other half of her wayward soul. The one man who knew her through and through, who she'd fight for every day for the rest of her life, who she'd give herself to every second of each of those days. She loved him so much!

"I love you, Sam! I love you so fucking much!"

And just like that he was reading her mind again. He knew her as well as she knew him, and they both knew better than to let the world in - they knew better, but they always did. Not anymore, not ever again! "I love you too, Jason…so much!" She was crying as his thrust into her matched a rhythm that reached her very soul with the surge of unbridled pleasure it sent riveting through her core. Literal tears streaked her cheeks when he touched that unreachable spot deep inside where ecstasy laid waiting for his tip, coursing through her veins to release locked tear ducts that spilled over with her abundance of love for him.

Pulling her to hang over the edge of the table, Jason thrust into her with force, circling his hips as the base of him connected sweetly with her delightful pelvis and she clung fiercely to the sides of the table, the moan that escaped her inviting him to lean down to claim her lips ravenously, her heavy breasts bouncing gloriously between them as he thrusted into her repeatedly, vigorously, then grinding against her clit to drive her over the edge. And over the edge she went, screaming into his kiss as the coils in her stomach broke loose, pleasure soaring through her brain as her man stroked her body. He kissed her again, the need to contact with every part of her that fit so perfectly with every part of him, rampant within him. Tangling her tongue with his own he kissed her hard, still thirsty for more of her, he always wanted more of Sam.

He throbbed inside her and Sam realized that he was still very hard. She kissed him back then pushed on his shoulders lightly so he would let her up, turning herself on the table when he slid out of her and getting on all fours as she looked back enticingly at him, inviting him to rejoin with her. Missing her the moment they lost contact, her seductive look was all he needed to take her again, his head instantly reeling from the feel of her juices coating his manhood as they synced to a rhythm that was all Jason and Sam. Adoring his hugeness inside her, Sam pushed back into each thrust as she bent her head and raised one leg on the table, giving him all of her like she wanted to do forever and ever. The remarkable sensation of her opening completely up to him set neurons bursting through his brain as his hands sought her delicious hips and drew her back with his thrusts into her core. He was groaning uncontrollably now, the pleasure that she gave him overpowering all control and opening him up to every nuance of her. Reaching down to palm one of his favorite circles in the world, he kept hold of her hip with one hand as they mated to the music of the waves, curtained by the night sky in a cocoon of their love.

Jason felt the surge shoot through him like a fiery rocket of hot lead and when her muscles clenched down to grip him in a vice, he yelled her name into the night as the rocket tore through, wrenching the semen from his body to shoot deep, deep inside her, weakening his knees and draining his back. At that same time, Sam rode his final, hard thrust and screamed to the magnificent fire burning through her belly as his spurts released her coils and sent her dizzying over the edge with him. As that fire ebbed and the torrent waived, slowing her push against his equally slowed thrusts, she reached back and wrapped her arm around his neck as his body lowered to hers and they both sank to the table, unable to move.

Twenty minutes later, Jason swooped her into his arms without warning and made a mad dash for the stern, smiling smugly as he came to an abrupt stop, hovering just on the edge.

"Jason, no!" But the words barely left her lips before he leapt off the boat holding her snugly to his chest as they slammed water. He held on to her with one hand as they threaded up to the surface, smiling in the dark when they broke through and Sam immediately wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Skinny dipping, Captain?" He kissed the side of her mouth lingeringly and she laughed as she reached her hands up to swipe dripping hair back on her head before wrapping her arms lovingly around his neck, leaning her head to expose hers to his traveling kisses.

"You're the answer to a girl's wet dream you know that, Morgan?" Sam squeezed him close to her as she claimed his wandering lips to taste the salt of the sea. They frolicked and played until they burned with need for each other again, getting back on the boat so they could quench the sexy thirst for each other in the tiny shower. Using the tight space as an excuse to get even closer, Jason lathered her body from neck to knees, pinning her to the shower wall, breasts and hands pressed up against it as he rubbed soap all over her, his chest pressed into her back and his throbbing heat pressed against her tight ass cheeks as he spread her hands, palm out on the glass, roaming inward to lather her back and move down her sides, grabbing her hip as she pushed back into his hardness, rotating them to entice his entry.

Sam moaned when he entered her from behind, his thickness filling her up completely as she took him inch by slow, engorging inch. Leaning her head back onto his rigid chest, she wrapped a hand around his neck and pulled him into her, moaning even more as he thrusted and slid his hands around to grope her breasts, rubbing the aching nipples between skilled fingers as he tongued her neck. The shower's heat paled in comparison to that within her and as she pushed back to meet his sweet, slow thrusts their soapy bodies slid sublimely together to create even more heat, soon sending them both over the mountain top in ecstatic bliss.

An hour later they laid together in the stateroom, Sam dozing lightly on her belly with her hands clasped beneath her naked body, Jason next to her on his side, head resting in his hand as he watched her in beautiful relaxation. He loved seeing her this way, contented and happy, safe and serene with him. He watched her soft breaths even out and couldn't stop himself from leaning down to kiss her softly as he whispered, "I finally have what I've always wanted, Sam…you are the mother of my firstborn and the only mother of my children. I've never wanted it to be anybody else but you." He kissed her again and drew her into his arms as he laid his head next to hers and joined her in slumber.

Somewhere between the haze of sleep and waking, Sam heard the words that filled her heart and soothed her spirit.


Elizabeth walked through her house and in every room she paused to travel down a painful lane of memories. Rooms that were once filled with the laughter of children and sounds of passionate lovemaking, now echoed with the silence of loneliness and loss. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and saw a time when she stood in the very spot, a smiling blonde haired prince holding her to him, making plans for the upcoming day with their boys. As the image shimmered into what now stood a lonely, broken creature she wept at the destruction she had weaved of their lives. One bad decision after the other, one horrible lie to endorse and prolong the first, and she had started a domino ripple that destroyed it all. Being released on probation and five years house arrest with mandated psychiatric care was of little comfort to her troubled mind.

Heading down the stairs she recalled images of playing boys as they chased each other around a now empty living room, their sweet laughter a thing of the past. What was her freedom if sharing a family with her happily ever after was still lost to her? She didn't exist for him anymore, he'd made it so very abundantly clear she couldn't have missed it as hard as she'd tried. He'd moved on, he was married to her again and he'd given her another baby. Seeing them so happy and in love around town killed her every time she ran into them on her infrequent trips to the hospital and the few other places allowed under her house arrest. How had that not been her? Why had life been so cruel as to take everything that was meant to be hers and given it to the one woman she would see die a thousand gruesome, torturous deaths just for existing? How could he possibly love someone like her when he was meant for their life together?

Moving through the house to descend the stairs to the basement she came to a stop at the faulty furnace, eyeing the pan that collected the dripping oil that escaped. It was time for emptying it, she thought, and just as she bent down to take it she had a sudden lightbulb moment. Straightening up she looked from the pan of oil to the furnace, then around the basement, a wicked smile lifting cold lips as she grinned at the thought. They would all feel so bad. They would suffer thinking about how badly they treated her, they would all regret taking everything from her and be too miserable to enjoy another guiltless moment ever again.

Coining the plan in her head, she laid the pan back down in its place and plugged in the portable heater right next to it. The old thing was faulty and she'd been meaning to throw it out and get a new one before winter but as luck would have it, she hadn't gotten around to it - lucky thing! She turned the dial until the old thing glowed a brilliant orange, then shoved it as close to the oil pan as it could get. She smiled wide as she straightened back up, eagerly anticipating the outcome of the brilliance she'd coined in the moment. She would escape captivity and watch it all unfold from afar.

Turning swiftly to make her way out of the basement she failed to notice the discarded toy, tripping over it and landing unceremoniously hard on the ground, hitting her head on the pointed tip of the iron as it laid at the foot of the ironing board, blacking out almost immediately. She came to hours later, groggily rubbing her head as she looked around her darkened surroundings, panicking suddenly when she felt the immense heat and remembered the emblazoned heater, and as she looked behind her to where it was plugged in she realized that the room was filled with smoke…one split second before she saw the orange flames lapping up oil in a deadly race to the hot furnace!


Sam descended the stairs slowly in search of the mouthwatering aroma that wafted up them to tease her growling, growing stomach. She rubbed her unborn daughter as she laid eyes on her husband exiting the kitchen, plate in hand. She smiled wide when he looked up to her with an equally bright smile, his eyes emoting the same love she'd seen every time she came into view.

"What smells so good?"

Holding the plate in one hand he held out the other in offer to help her down from the last step, then lead her over to the dining table where she noticed the plate he laid down was one of several. It was dinnertime at the Morgan house and they were alone again, having been abandoned by their sons who went off with Kristina, Michael and Molly earlier that day. Pulling her chair out he used their still joined hands to guide her to sit, bending down to kiss her neck before he sat across from her.

"Everything you've been craving today…garlic pasta with clams, butternut squash ravioli with white sauce, fried cucumber - yuck - and a salad that you will eat to keep you out of the starch coma you're about to fall into."

Sam reached for a cucumber slice and moaned with how good it tasted, its golden, deep fried coating crunching between her teeth as she savored its goodness. "Mmmm - you're the best husband in the world - this is so good! Here, try one!" She reached over to him and as much as he hated the damn things, he hated disappointing Sam more. Grudgingly allowing her to feed it to him, he wrapped his lips around her fingers and purposely licked before sitting back in his chair, openly ogling his wife as she dug in ravenously. Sam loved food and he loved Sam. Her raven lochs glowed as they fell in soft curls to her shoulder, kissing her skin that sported an equally beautiful pregnancy glow that radiated from within her. He watched the way her rich brown eyes danced with each happy bite and he envied the food on her plate. Her breasts had grown with pregnancy too, making her bosom even more his favorite place to spend a lazy afternoon, or morning, or evening…any damn time he could be near her. He looked down to where his daughter was growing inside of her and the love for his family was overpoweringly strong and he couldn't wait to meet its newest member.

They had been robbed of so much with Danny's pregnancy and missed out on everything they should've enjoyed together…but not this time. The few glorious weeks they'd had after that first test proclaimed him Danny's father had been the best of his life, until it had been taken away so cruelly…but not this time. This time he knew from the first morning she got sick, from the first time he'd held her hair while she emptied her stomach, from the very first moment they saw that wonderful blue symbol on the home pregnancy test - he knew this was their baby together. The baby they'd wanted before she even existed, the baby they'd made out of their unbelievably strong, irresistible, unbreakable, everlasting love. He knew they'd get to do everything right this time, and he was thrilled to experience it all with her.

She glowed during pregnancy, always had, and as he watched her his chest filled with pride as big as his heart was filled with love for his woman.

"You're simply beautiful, you know that?"

He marveled at how it could be possible for her to be the most breathtaking little thing he'd ever seen, even as she stuffed ravioli in her face and all he wanted was to go to her and lick the sauce that escaped her delicious lips. "You take my breath away, Sam…you're beautiful with our daughter growing inside of you!"

Sam stopped eating for a second to look at her husband, seeing the obvious way that he adored her, and before she could stop them the tears had welled her eyes for the tenth time that day. She wiped her mouth on the napkin and held it in place to finish her bite, while all the while the hormonal tears kept running. Finally able to answer him, she wiped at them with the napkin and smiled, "I love you, Jason!" He still thought she was beautiful. She couldn't believe how much it meant to her to know how he saw her. "I love you, so much!"

Laughing softly, he moved his chair closer to her so he could use his thumb to brush the tears from her gorgeous face, leaning in at the last second to lick a spot that she missed by her juicy, succulent lips.

"Mhmm, you're right - that's good sauce! He licked the spot again though clean, and let his tongue linger and drift over to the corner just inside her sweet mouth, dropping a hot peck there. Pulling back to look deeply into her eyes he replied, "I love you so much more!"

After dinner they sat on the couch watching the evening news, or at least Sam watched the news while Jason watched Sam. He was having visions of licking that sauce off other places on his tasty wife and was glad that he'd made extra. A sudden bulletin cut into the normal broadcast, just as Jason leant down to nibble at her ear.

Sam watched absentmindedly to see what was breaking…sensational tingles were running from her ear to parts of her anatomy that seemed to stay on fire for her husband, and she was ready to take their petting up those stairs, when she saw a very familiar photo and name flash across the screen, alongside the burning embers of what used to be a familiar house. Swatting at Jason she grabbed his arm and sat upright, "Jason, look!"

"sole occupant of the house, Nurse Elizabeth Webber was home at the time, having just been released from Darkham, where she had been for the last year and a half, sentenced to undergo treatment for a mental break with reality, during a highly publicized trial for the attempted murder of Hayden Barnes. Preliminary investigations indicate suicide, as the body was found next to a tampered heater and oil. The fire department continues its investigations into…."

Sam looked over to Jason as the screen went black, watching as he tossed the remote from his hand and leant back down to her neck.

"Where were we?" His lips latched onto her throat and his tongue drew a trail up to her lips where he claimed them hungrily as he dipped down the neck of her shirt and into her bra, palming a tender breast lovingly with heightened hotness. Moving his hand out of her bra he continued down to her crotch as his tongue rammed the back of her throat and he rubbed her through her pants roughly. Reluctantly easing away from her lips as she clung to him in heat he moved from the couch and pulled her with him to then prod her up the stairs.

"I'll meet you in our bedroom!"

Sam giggled like a schoolgirl as she headed upstairs, knowing she had one sticky, sultry night ahead of her and eagerly anticipating every moment, and Jason was two steps behind her with the rest of the white sauce.

A/N: Thank you all for coming on this ride and I hope you continue to enjoy the best couple ever created by GH as much as I do. I'm off to finish Sam's Revenge, It Never Happened, and My Heart Would Know You Anywhere…see you on the other side of the keyboard!