A/N: I've toying with this idea for awhile because I was watching friends and it got me thinking how Jackie and Hyde's relationship would've been if it were kept a secret for longer. So that's how this story popped in my head. It starts within the canon of season five so there will be dialogue from the show but as the story progresses that'll change. I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own That 70s Show

Hyde's Bedroom

2:00 am

He shifts slightly on the the small cot he calls a bed. Movement is restrained by the small figured girl curled up against him. Her back is warm against his bare chest and he pulls her in just a little bit closer. His behavior stunned even himself he wondered what thoughts it was causing in her mind. Usually he couldn't wait to kick the chick out afterwards but he never wanted to have to let Jackie go.

Last night was probably the best night sleep he has gotten in years. It might all be ending soon. Eric had called last night to say they'd be coming home today. What if she ran straight back to Kelso? She sighs silently in her dreams and rolls over. She nuzzles her head up under his chin, her fingers graze across his chest.

"Steven…" she softly says to him with her eyes still closed.

"Yeah doll?" He tips his chin to kiss her forehead.

"Thanks for letting me stay."

"It's cool." She presses just slightly closer and falls quickly back to sleep.

He closes his eyes and drifts back to his dreams hoping all the while that this wouldn't be the end.

Forman's Driveway

The sun reflects off her face with an effervescent glow. She is bubbly and as peppy as ever which grew the level of anxiety and apprehension rising in his chest and clouding any clear thoughts that bounce through his head. Was she really excited to see Kelso? She's going to take him back, isn't she?

She notices the way he looks at her before dropping his eyes to his boots. His sunglasses may be his way of guarding himself but she was starting to gain access to his soul and the aviators were becoming useless at least in terms of her.

She picks up on his stressed demeanor. She knew he must be worried about Michael coming home and what'll happen next but that's the what'll happen when you never want to talk. There's a great deal of uncertainty.

Jackie began to walk across the driveway towards the Forman's home, slowly passing behind Steven to place a reassuring and calming hand on his back.

She smiles at him from across the drive. His back held the tingling sensation of her touch long after her hand had disappeared. He winks to her from behind his glasses, blush rose to her cheeks.

"Are you two even listening to me?" Fez's voice pops the bubble Hyde and Jackie had been hiding in.

"Sorry man, what were you saying?"

"Ah never mind."

"But, Fez-"

"Nope you don't want to listen, I won't talk. Good day."

"But Fez."

"I said good day."

"Wait Fez they're here." Jackie stops her foreign friend from running away.

Eric and Donna climb from the drivers side of Kelso green van and move to greet their friends hello with hugs and good words.

Hyde releases Eric from his brotherly hold, "So, my folks have no idea I was gone."

"No idea. You're golden." Hyde smirks and lies through his teeth. Jackie smiles and shakes her head slightly to him and only he notices.

Kelso makes his way around his van finally to accept his welcome home from his best friends he hadn't seen in months. He presses pass Jackie who he still wasn't sure about how he should go about an interaction with her. "Oh, hey! Hyde!" He takes his oldest friend in his arms, "You got a beard!" Kelso scratches Hyde's cheeks like he were puppy, "You look so old."

"Of course I look old, man. Party more than you, worked more, drank more, and slept with way more chicks." Jackie looks over to Steven at the drastic lie of a story he was spinning. "I'm exhausted, man."

"Fez, my little man! How was your summer?"

Fez couldn't be more giddy to have a friend who would actually listen to his story this time. "Well, I saw a boob and a half down by the pool." He smiles proudly.

"Yeah. Pool boob. Nice."

Jackie pulls Donna away from the boys. "Look. Donna, I know you're nervous about seeing people at school after running away and all, but I want you to know it's all under control. I told everyone you went away to have a baby."


"Yeah, it was badass. Oh, yeah, I say badass now." She hadn't really spread around that tale but she should've. Donna deserved something for disappearing on her all summer and with Michael no less.

Forman's Basement

The gang was all back together again and Eric and Donna were mauling each other on the couch like a couple horny animals. Fez was staring at the most action he has spied on all summer. And he was paying to price for it too. "Oh, not this again. I told you, it gives me needs." He whines declaring the growing discomfort he was feeling, it was enough to break the reunited love birds apart.

"Fine. We'll be upstairs." Eric leads his girlfriend upstairs silently praying that his parents weren't around.

"Too late." Fez rushes out the door.

"Man, why are we watching this? It's stupid." Hyde complains in order to get a rise out of Jackie.

It works. "You're stupid."

Hyde watches from the corner of his eye eagerly and with excitement as Kelso starts to get up out of his chair. "Man, I've been gone all summer, and I get back, and everything is just the same. I guess nothing ever changes around here." With that ironic remark, that Kelso even on his smartest day would fail to realize, he left shutting the basement exterior door behind him.

Hyde was on top of Jackie before the latch on the door could click shut. His lips hungrily latch onto hers with a ferocity that surprises her. Jackie has her arm wrapped around his neck to make sure he stays put. His hand grips the arm of the couch to steady himself and make sure he couldn't crush her tiny body.

Steven leans over Jackie pressing her frame harder into the couch's seat. His lips kiss her with an intense hunger that he just couldn't control. Deep down he knew that this wasn't the best place to be letting his hands roam over skin as they were situated in the basement, on display, in a home where nobody announced their entrance. He slips his tongue between her lips tasting the strawberry flavor in her lip gloss but she places a hand on his chest and just slightly pushes him backwards until he's flat on his back on the tattered sofa and she sat astride him.

Forman's basement

The echoing voices of Kitty and Red's parental lecturing seeps into the basement through the floorboards. Donna and Eric were being disciplined only one floor up but that was enough alone time for them.

Jackie lies on her back feeling Steven's fingers through her hair, secretly praying that he won't ruin her curls she expertly set this morning but she knew if he did it'd be worth it. Her hand rests gently just below his shoulder but held him firmly in place above her on the Forman's couch. His tongue dances with hers, tasting her.

"Oh, say, can you see" a voice is singing. "Oh, say, can you see." Steven lifts his head and gives jackie a look of confusion. She just looks towards the ceiling, thinking it may be coming through the vent but the sound grows nearer. "Oh, say, can you see."

"What the hell?"

"Fez!" She pushes him up off her. They rush to move away from the indiscretions they were involving themselves in.

"Oh, say, can you see." Fez enters the basement singing catching the last remaining glimpses of the couples heated make sessions. "Wait a second." Fez eyes them looking awfully suspicious. Jackie's eyes flash to Steven then back to Fez. "You two look sweaty and guilty." Hyde with an elbow resting on the arm of the sofa, wipes Jackie's kisses from his lips. "Have you been eating my candy?" Fez accuses.

"What candy?"

"I didn't say candy. And I certainly don't have any candy hidden in the garage." His eyes flash sneakily between his two friends, "I'll be in the garage."

"Steven, that was way too close. You need to learn to keep your hands off me." She fluffs her dress and fixes her hair before sitting back down next to him.

He shakes his head annoyingly at her but he had taken his sunglasses off and his eyes were giving him away. "Me? You're the one who can't keep her tongue to herself."

"Oh, please. I let you fool around with me out of pity."

He smirks at her, "you know what your problem is? You're really cute, so no one ever told you to shut your pie hole."

She gives him a small annoyed glare before smiling at his words. "You think I'm cute?"

"Shut you pie hole!" He leans back to hold Jackie as she moves on top of him, taking her lips into his.

After only a few minutes they find themselves once again in their previous position being interrupted before things could get too out of hand in the way too public basement.

"A catholic school?" Kelso's surprised questioning as he makes his way down the steps.

Jackie and Hyde separate themselves more convincingly, Hyde even manages to make it back to his chair with his glasses on.

"That's rough. Yeah, my dad took away my slingshot, so I'm feeling it pretty bad too." Hyde watches as Kelso plops down on the couch next to his girl, getting just a little too close for his comfort.

"What were you guys doing?" Eric questions and Hyde is a little too quick to answer.

"We were just watching…" he realizes that he has no idea what they're watching. "This old lady's eating a fish."

"Look…Jackie… we've been avoiding each other. I think it's time we hash this thing out."

She fake smiles at the immature jackass she finally calls an ex. "It's okay. I'm good."

"I can see you're devastated over losing me." He replies to her smugly.

Jackie looks at him in disbelief and leans forward to give Steven a look only they saw and only they perceive. "You know what Michael, I'm fine. Really." She gives him a tap on the leg.

"You sound brave. But inside you are a scrambled mess. Just remember this, I'll always be there for you in case you have any physical needs, all right?"

Watching his friend wrap his arm around his girl was too much for even for Hyde, the most calm and collected of the group. He can't stop himself from slamming his fist into Kelso's bicep.

Kelso grasps his bruising muscle with his arm letting go of Jackie. "Damn Hyde! What was that for?"

"I just missed you man."

Trying to create a distraction, Jackie turns to Donna. "Wait. Donna, you're actually gonna go to a catholic school?"

"Not just catholic school. Our lady of perpetual sorrow. That means sad forever. Eric, we're never even gonna see each other."

"Yeah, I know, and I can't even drive you to school. And we can forget about any lunchtime hokey-pokey. That's what it's all about."

Steven stands up from chair getting the sense that the basement is going to occupied for awhile. "Yeah, sucks not having a car. Well I'm going to go drive mine." He looks down at the couch as he walks behind Jackie, really hoping that she was catching his drift. "Catch you guys later."

"Wait, wait, Steven, where you going?"

"What do you care?"

"I don't."

The door closes behind him and Jackie tries to think up an excuse to follow that won't draw suspicion. "Um…you know, I just remembered that I have to go to the mall because they're having this big Monday Madness sale."

Donna looks to her friend, "Jackie… it's Tuesday."

"See, total madness." She runs out the door quickly before anyone else questions her.

"Monday Madness sale?" Steven asks, forcing her lightly against the cement wall just outside the basement door.

"Hey, it got me out of the basement, didn't it."

Hyde's Bedroom

The night dances on so slowly, each second lasting an hour and every hour takes up lifetimes. The bed is warm in the dark room, Steven rolls over in his sleep, wraps his arm around Jackie's waist. She can feel his warm breathing on the back of her neck, feel his fingers begin to trace back and forth across the bare skin of her stomach, slowly creeping higher under her shirt towards her chest, and back down lower just barely slipping under the waistband of the black panties she is wearing.

The tingling that's roaming around under her skin and into her bones is arousing and making her very aware of the lack of clothing she's wearing, only dressed in those black lace panties and his soft black tee. Both, which to be frank, had a hard time staying on when she was in his company. Steven brushes away the rest of her hair from her neck, so there's no longer anything blocking his lips from the warm skin behind her ear down to her collar bone. His lips press hard in a sweet and passionate way.

He lets his hands find their way back down to her hips, but this time there's no sweet caressing, no fun teasing,instead he grabs hold, controlling her lovingly with his strong hands. Jackie is pulled as close as possible to Steven's body. Hips to hips, legs curled up together. His lips kiss more eagerly, until she can't help but roll over to face him. Her face is taken in his hands and he kisses her again and again. His hands move back to her hips, pulling off her shirt and tossing it to the floor below them.

Forman's Basement

"I can't believe they're making you wear those knee-high socks every day." Eric's voice rumbles through the walls of the basement as he and Donna make their way down the steps.

"Forman and Donna." Hyde says upon hearing the words.

"Bedroom?" Jackie questions but doesn't get a verbal answer just a nudge towards the back and they slip inside the small room just as the basement door opens. "That was close."

"Yeah, but now we're trapped in here."

Jackie sits down on Steven's cot, looking up at him with her pouting lips, "I can think of worse places to be trapped with you."

Her lower lip jutted out and Steven wants to lean forward and suck on it, her small hands tracing patterns up his sides as she spoke to him.

"Every place I'm trapped in with you, is a worse place, Doll." He replies sarcastically but Jackie glares and goes to whack him playfully with the flattened pillow.

Ducking the blow he grabs her small wrists, pulling her to his body to kiss her. She pulls back and smiles at him.

His loosens his grip on her wrists and she places them back on his chest, patting in time with his heartbeat as she gently rocked back and forward in his lap. She knew exactly what she was doing, she must've felt his growing discomfort.

He plays with her hair, watching as she sucks in her lip trying to ignore him. Starting slowly he rocks her gently from underneath, surprised when she matches his rhythm, her nails lightly scratching his chest as his fingers play with her protruding hip bones. She giggles lightly and murmurs his name as she kisses and nibbles on his earlobe.

Forman's Driveway


"Oh my god, Fez! No, no, and my answer is still no!" Jackie exclaims as she removes herself from the chairs in the doorway and makes her way to the boys and Donna by the basketball hoop.

"What's going on?" Donna asks.

"Jackie's not dating Kelso anymore so she should go out with me."

"No. I said no."

"Yeah Fez that's just wrong in so many ways. You and Jackie?" Kelso mocks his friend.

Forman turns his attention to this new conversation. "Yeah the only thing more wrong than Fez and Jackie would be like Hyde and Jackie." He fake shuttered and laughs. "That would be the most creepy and unnatural thing."

Kelso, Fez, Eric and Donna walk inside laughing and joking to themselves not realizing that Hyde and Jackie weren't following behind them.

"Steven, do you really think we are a creepy, unnatural couple?"

"Come on. That's a crazy question. I mean, if this relationship wasn't just a little bit creepy and unnatural, I wouldn't be in it." He reassures her using his fingertip to lift her chin up.

A/N: Please review everyone I would love to hear what you think!