I'm back! I apologize for disappearing like that. That final semester hit me HARD. I'm not even kidding when I say that I wrote almost 200 pages worth of essays and research papers in order to pass. I almost died, but I made it! *cries*

I'm continuing this Charlotte one-shot series, and I decided to start with the first 7 chapters I've already done, only revised. (The previous story was deleted maybe 6 months ago). After that, I'll have all new content.


1. Charlotte, Henry, and Jasper are all at least 18 in my stories.

2. I don't own Henry Danger (PLEASE DON'T SUE ME! *cries some more*)


Charlotte knocked on the wooden door five times.

I hope he's home, she thought.

It was Friday evening in Swellview.

Charlotte stood a foot away from Henry's front entrance. When she glanced to her left, she noticed that the Hart's SUV wasn't parked in their driveway. She came to the conclusion that they were probably out at dinner. She knocked on the door twice more—even louder this time—before turning around and taking a few steps back. She leaned on Henry's porch railing and examined her surroundings. The street lights turned on not too long ago, which meant that most, if not all of the kids in their neighborhood were already inside. The only beings left were a few joggers and a stray cat or two, napping on the sidewalk. In the distance, Charlotte could see the reddish sun peeking over the horizon. It was in its final stage of setting, so a few stars were also beginning to reveal themselves in the violet sky. Almost ten seconds went by before she heard a faint noise coming from inside. They were footsteps, gradually becoming louder.


Charlotte lit up a little and sighed in relief. Staying at the railing, she turned around to face the front door again. Moments later, the porch lights flashed on, locks were turned, and three quick security beeps sounded before it opened. There Henry was, gently rubbing his left eye before looking at his best friend.

"Oh, hey. What's up?" he said.

She smirked. "You look like you've been sleeping."

"I have," he smiled, "And, so do you."

Charlotte was wearing an old cami, running shorts, and flip-flops. A festive head wrap also secured her curls into a simple up-do. Henry, on the other hand, wore a wrinkled undershirt, sweatpants, and sandals. His hair was messy, and he even had on his square-framed glasses. Except for those closest to him, nobody knew that he wore contacts.

"You alright?" Charlotte crossed her arms.

Henry took a couple of steps closer to her. "I should be asking you the same thing… You still feel weak?"

"Uh… No."

"Come on, Char. I know you're lying."

"Well, how would you know?"

"You're leaning against the railing to hold yourself up."

Charlotte silently cursed to herself. Henry used to be really dense, but as they got older, he could almost see right through her. Now, he was on her level—able to read and see things other people couldn't—the way she'd been her entire life.

"Henry Hart… When did you get so smart?" Charlotte teased.

Henry shook his head. "Don't be mean." He walked towards the porch swing to his left, sat down, and motioned his hand to her.

Charlotte carefully let go of the railing and headed to the swing. Instead of sitting down normally, she sat on her knees and placed her right arm behind the seat to keep herself from falling. She wanted to face Henry when she talked to him.

"So, I'm gonna say this again. You alright?" Charlotte asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Henry went quiet as he clasped his hands together and stared off into the distance.

"Henry. You're not looking at me."

Henry hesitated but turned his body to face her. His amber eyes were somber.

"You could've died, Charlotte. And, it's all my fault."

The night before, Henry, Jasper, Ray, and Schwoz were caught up trying to save Charlotte from a villain who held her up for ransom. Even though all was well by the end, everyone ended up getting hurt. Ray advised the teenagers to take a day off from school to recover from their injuries, since they weren't like him: indestructible. After everything that happened, Henry seemed alright, but Charlotte knew better.

"How is any of this your fault?" she sighed.

Henry ran his fingers through his hair. "You were kidnapped just by associating with me."

"Dude. You're a superhero's sidekick. It was bound to happen someday."

"But, I didn't want it to. You're my best friend, and I'd freak if anything else ever happened to you."

Charlotte stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking again. "To be completely real with you, bad things are gonna keep happening."

Henry's face fell.

Charlotte continued. "You signed up to help out a superhero, so danger is destined to find you. Hell, even your alias has the word 'danger' in it! Plus, I signed up to help you guys out. I could've said 'no', but I agreed to take on this job. With the job comes risking our lives every single day."

"I know all that," Henry said, "But, why do I feel so bad about it?"

"Because you have a huge heart… If you think about it in a different light, we're getting older. Even if we weren't caught up in this 'superhero business'—even if we were just normal teenagers going on with our lives—we would still have to deal with heavy stuff along the way."

"You're right… Life absolutely sucks."

With her free hand, Charlotte brushed some of Henry's hair out of his face. "I know," she whispered, "But, we'll be okay in the end. I promise."

Henry nodded. After he faced front again, he rested his arms on top of the chair. He began to move his feet, gently rocking the swing back and forth. As a response, Charlotte pushed her back against the armrest and freed her legs, which were asleep. Then, she hugged them, lowered her head to her knees, and closed her eyes. The two friends rested in silence, minus the sounds of some nearby trees rustling in the wind. At this point, it was completely dark outside, and a full moon stood where the sun once was. After a little while, the swing stopped moving, and Charlotte felt a small tug on one of her curls. She opened her eyes and lifted her head to see Henry facing her again.

"Want me to walk you home?" he asked.

"Hen, I only live a few houses down," she said.

"Char, don't be a downer. I insist, really."

Charlotte shook her head and agreed to take his offer. Henry stood up and stretched his arms as she carefully got off the swing. Then, he squatted and motioned for her to get on his back.

"Boy, what is up with you?" she laughed, "I can walk."

"It's the least I can do for almost getting you killed," he smirked.

Charlotte hesitated but climbed on anyways. As Henry stood up, she noticed a large bruise on his right shoulder.

"Wow." She brushed her hand over it. "Does that hurt?"

"Kinda," he said, "It's not that bad though."


"No, seriously. If it's for you, I'd do it again."

Henry hiked Charlotte up for good measure, then headed to the sidewalk. For that short journey, another comfortable silence followed them.

Once Henry reached Charlotte's house, he set her down to her feet. Charlotte proceeded to lean back on her front door.

"Thanks," she sighed, crossing her arms.

"I've been thinking..." Henry pushed his glasses further up his nose. "In almost every comic book, villains target this one person the superhero cares about, and it's almost always a girl."


"And, never in my life did I think any of this would actually happen." He scratched his head. "What I'm trying to say is… I guess you're it, Charlotte."

"Henry… Now you're talking crazy. Go back to sleep."

Henry rolled his eyes as he hugged Charlotte goodbye. He was off, and she disappeared inside her house. Almost immediately, she walked upstairs to her room and climbed back into bed.

I'm it? What does that even mean?

Charlotte's thoughts lingered for a few more moments before sleep overcame her.

This revision looks so much better than the last time. What do you all think? Any feedback is welcome, and if you wanna PM me for anything, that's cool too! Thanks for reading.