In Japan. A white two story house stood out from the neighborhood suburbs. Because, of the residents of the house. Inside the house, was a young man of twenty. He was handsome, with a face of a teenager still in him.

" Uncle Lucian, it's time to get up." A young girl softly calls out. The brunet young man groaned before opening his brown eyes. Lucian looked over at the young girl next to him. " What time is it?" He ask the brown hair girl. " Nine." She simply replied.

Lucian sat up immediately. " I need to get ready!" Lucian shouts, while getting up. " Alice, don't make breakfast! I'll make donuts at the shop!" Lucian called out to his niece. Only, she already left.

Lucian put on a simple white shirt and gray pants. Then he quickly went down the stairs. " Uncle Lucian, today is your day off." Alice reminded him. Lucian looked embarrassed. " I'll make breakfast." Alice said, as the door bell rang.

The two looked at the door in surprise. Lucian took a chance and opens it. A woman with short black hair and onyx eyes stood there. " Good morning!" She happily greets the uncle and niece. " Good morning, Yuna!" Alice greets her.

" What are you doing here?" Lucian asks, before realizing how rude he sounded. " You two are invited to my house for dinner tonight!" Yuna told them with a giggle. " Yuna, you are being impulsive again." a young male voice sighed.

Lucian finally notice the boy with Yuna. The boy was doll-like with azure that was girlishly short style, his eyes were the same color as his hair with black sclera. He was also wearing a loose-fitting royal fur coat with white fur on the hem of the sleeves, outer edges and collar. The coat was a little big, because it reached his knees.

Lucian also notice the boy was wearing black pant, a white scarf and black boots. " Uno! I like being impulsive!" Yuna complained. Uno just sighs. " Anyway, come over and meet my homestays aka my little brothers!" Yuna exclaimed happily.

Lucian was surprise to hear this. " I just started the Interspecies Exchange program too!" He shouts in amazement. " When did you do that?" Alice questions her uncle. " Uno, are you excited? You're going to talk to Alice, like you wanted!" Yuna laughs.

Uno was blushing big time now. Lucian notes that the boy is Alice's age for the first time. " Yuna! The cat is stuck in the attic again!" A young male voice called out. " Miss Kitty!" Yuna shrieks, as she ran towards her house.

Uno follows her. " You got a admire already!" Lucian teased his niece. Alice gives him a questioning look. " I signed up for the program for you, Alice." Lucian admits. " Uncle Lucian, please. Tell me these things, before I learn about them later." Alice sighs. " I will." Lucian promise.

Alice sighs again, before making breakfast. Lucian wonder what the homestay will be. " Maybe a bunny girl." Lucian thought. He smile at the thought, Alice loves rabbits. Lucian took his niece in after his older sister and brother in law died.

His brother in law died of a illness he got from traveling to Mexico. His sister died in a car accident. " I'll make Alice grows up happily." Lucian quietly vowed to his deceased sister. " Uncle Lucian, do you want scramble or sunny side up eggs?" Alice asks from the kitchen. " Scramble!" Lucian replied, as he went into the kitchen.

I made this short on purpose. The next chapter has the dinner at Yuna's house and meeting the homestay. Yuna is the hyperactive neighbor, that weird some people out. This story will have drama, from a memory scene that shows Alice's last memory of her parents. To a crazy ex girlfriend of Lucian, that wants to get back with him. Said girlfriend likes to try and nearly succeeds in kidnapping Lucian.