So this is maybe slightly OOC Betty Cooper? I don't know, I always struggle sometimes with American teen TV shows. I guess I just don't buy that 15/16 yo kids aren't going to take alcohol if it's offered to them? Maybe it's because I'm British and we have a different culture, but it's kinda the norm over here.

Anyway, just thought i'd prewarn!

"This is a bad idea," Betty grimaced, glancing at the suspicious looking punch bowl filled with alcohol and fruit juice.

"Nonsense! You're overthinking it. Now come on upstairs and let me make you over," Veronica clapped her hands eagerly, excited at having her own personal doll.

Betty followed behind her obediently, but she looked significantly less cheerful. She was anxious that Veronica would make her look like... Veronica. There was no way she could pull that off.

Sighing and reminding herself to have faith in her uber fashionable female best friend, Betty entered Veronica's huge bedroom where she was immediately ushered over to her dressing table.

"Relax, Betty! I know what I'm doing."

Betty took a deep breath and attempted to relax her shoulders. Veronica started up a casual conversation to distract her tense friend.

"So... How did the hospital trip go?"

Betty shrugged, looking at her chipped nail polish before digging out the remover and beginning to take it off slowly. "Okay."

"Okay? That's it? That's all I get? After I set it up for you!"

Betty snapped her head up to make eye contact with Veronica. "I KNEW it! I knew you were meddling, Veronica Lodge."

She didn't even have the grace to look guilty, merely smirked mischievously and dropped her left eye into a flirtatious wink.

Betty smiled despite herself. "How does Archie keep up with you?"

"He doesn't. Every so often he looks a little dazed, but he makes a valiant effort."

Betty smiled again, continuing to remove the pale pink polish. As soon as she was finished, a bottle of matte black nail polish was thrust into her hand.

"Here. I know you're all things sweet and pastel, but maybe a little Veronica Lodge will give you courage."

Betty hesitated for a moment, but then reluctantly unscrewed the cap and began to carefully paint her nails. Before long, she had two neatly painted hands and Veronica was finished with her make up. She'd actually left everything fairly natural, but had insisted on a little black eyeliner and some red lipstick. Her blonde curls were deemed suitable enough.

Veronica hussled her over to her bed to sit with a magazine while she got ready. Betty ended up daydreaming instead of reading, however.

Veronica was having a party. This one was significantly less cutesie than her last, however, due to the fact that it wasn't parentally supervised.

In fact, her parents had no idea it was even happening. Something which made Betty very nervous.

Nonetheless, she allowed Veronica to force her into a skirt and crop top that was shorter and tighter than she'd like. She also allowed her to force a red solo cup filled with her alcohol laced fruit punch into her hand. She even hesitantly took a few sips. It didn't taste too awful.

So Betty kept drinking.

And soon, she lost track of how much she'd had or what time it was. She remembers sitting with Ethel in an attempt to avoid being drafted over to the "popular crowd" by Veronica, and thinking how nice this girl was. And how Jughead would probably approve of their friendship.

And then he's there, as if Betty wished him up just by thinking of him.

He's standing by the punch bowl with Archie, gesturing wildly and looking like he wants to punch someone. Archie is nodding slowly, trying to calm him down. Betty stumbles to her feet, telling Ethel she'll be back, and makes her way over.


Her voice is smaller than she was anticipating. It barely carries over the loud music and chatter going on. But he hears her, and whips round to face her.

"Hey, Betts," he smiles awkwardly.

As soon as Archie realises he's suitably distracted, he's off like a bullet.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to Arch about something," He looks over his shoulder and trails off.

"He's gone," Betty points out the obvious, gazing up at him with an almost childlike wonder.

He's here. At a party.

And then she wants to slap herself because she's probably way past tipsy, and she knows Jughead would disapprove. She would disapprove under any other circumstances, but she just wanted one night of fun and freedom. She's sick of being so in her head all the time. She's sick of thinking.

"I'm sorry, Jug, I had a lot to drink." She's biting her lip, staring at him guiltily as if he were her mother, not her friend.

Jughead surprises her by smirking and rolling his eyes. "I doubt a drunken Betty Cooper can get up to that much mischief."

She steps closer to him, admiring how attractive he looks when he's doing that sexy smirk thing. God, she's drunk. And it's all Veronica's fault.

"Do you want to go upstairs?"

She can't help but bat her eyelashes a little, pretending to look innocent. She's not intending to do anything too sexual with him, mainly because he probably wouldn't let her. But maybe he'll kiss her if they're alone. She looks pretty for a change, more like Veronica. Boys have been noticing her all night, but she paid them no mind. They weren't Jughead.

He looks hesitant for a moment, then seems to shake himself out of it. "Sure."

She grabs his hand and tugs him along behind her. They reach the guest room and Betty throws herself on the bed while Jughead awkwardly looks around.

"The Lodge's really are rich, huh?"

Betty sits up and leans on her elbows to look at him.

"Yeah, this place is insane. They have a maid that cooks meals," her eyes widen to show how crazy she finds it.

He smiles at her fondly, not responding. Instead, he looks at her with that same puzzled expression.

"You look different," he says eventually.

Betty glances down at her apparel. The short skirt and midriff baring top isn't her at all.

"I was Vee's doll for the day, I guess."

He laughs and walks over to her, sitting gently on the very edge of the bed. Almost immediately she's on her knees and crawling to sit beside him, probably closer than necessary. If he's uncomfortable with her proximity, he does a good job of hiding it.

"Jug, do you think I'm... attractive?" She looks at her painted nails while she talks, too embarrassed to see his reaction.

He clears his throat, and Betty can sense how uncomfortable he probably looks right now.

"You're very pretty, Betts," he chokes out, uncomfortable.

She blinks up at him, coming even closer. "But are you attracted to me?"

He swallows nervously, his adam's apple visibly bobbing up and down. She peers up at him, her green eyes slightly hazy but also still sparkling. She wasn't completely inebriated. She knew what she was doing to some extent, she just didn't care.

She doesn't let him answer, instead she leans forward and kisses him. It's gentle and coaxing, trying not to scare him off. He stills for a moment, and Betty thinks maybe she's gotten it all wrong and maybe he really isn't into her. But then he hesitantly responds; He kisses her back softly, almost hesitantly.

Her control is gone after that, she fiercely wraps her hands in his hair, pulling that ridiculous beanie hat off, and kisses him harder. She's almost desperate, trying to show him how much she wants him. How much she's wanted him for months now.

Then he's pulling away, looking shaky with his hair falling in his face. She can't read the expression on his face, so she stares up cautiously.

"What was that?" He gasps out eventually.

She doesn't have an answer. Instead she wraps her arms round his waist and cuddles up to him, just wanting him to realise what she's trying to tell him. His hand hesitantly makes it's way to her hair, running his fingers through it soothingly.

"Will you stay with me?" She blinks up sleepily at the boy she now knows that she loves.

"Sure, Betts."

She doesn't know if he will. But she figures he'll at least stay till she's asleep or the party ends. They both shuffle up the bed, and she curls up on his chest once more. He resumes running a hand through her hair, and she's out like a light within minutes.

He watches her sleep, a troubled expression on his face. Even when sleeping, she has a glow about her. Almost like a halo. He's convinced that Elizabeth Cooper is an angel of some sort.

So what does she want with him?

Was her behaviour just a drunken mistake?

He doesn't know. He hopes not, or else it could ruin their friendship. He's not sure he can go back to just being her friend after knowing how it feels to kiss her, something he's thought about many times but never dreamed would actually happen.

But it's selfish of him. She deserves the world and all he can offer her is his dark humour and self deprecating comments. His home life is a wreck, and he can't get too dependent on her because if she leaves then he'll have nothing. She's the one good thing in his life right now; the thing that keeps him going even when FP comes home drunk and tells him that he'll never amount to anything.

Is it worth risking the best thing in his life right now? He isn't sure. He glances at her perfect face, smeared with make up that doesn't become her, and gently kisses her forehead. She subconsciously curls closer to him in her sleep, and he feels his heart swell.

He's in love with her. The one thing he tried not to do.