Hey all trying a story from a different kind of style - 1st person. There's a few reasons why this fic is going to be written like that and it's mostly to help you all get fully into a characters head. Since this story is going to have a lot of thoughts in it. I'm trying to write something a little darker than I usually do but the darkness won't be revealed until we're closer to the end of the fic.

Given the nature of the name and the content of this fic I'm going to rate it an M right away despite the fact this chapter doesn't have anything in it worth rating it so high. It will have Yaoi so you've been warned. My hope with this fic is to keep you all guessing about who is going to win and who is going to lose while we go on a discovery journey to learn about each character through the eyes of the others.


Ichigos POV:

I wasn't really in a rush, not as such. Instead I wandered lazily through the corridors looking for the dorm I was to be sharing with two other boys. This pristine Arts University was rare in the sense that it offered courses very few others did. Its merit was one of the best and the people who graduated from this University usually went on to excel in the artistic world. That's why I came here, however to get in on a traditional art scholarship required an honours degree from another University, so after studying for four years already I had come here to complete a Masters in traditional art. I had opted to take a digital art class as well though my love for all things artistic really stemmed from paint on canvas. By far I was gifted in many things, oil painting and impressionism though the paintings that secured me a first class honours degree were my photorealism. People – professors included – seemed to value the ability to make something so painfully real in a digital era they seemed to have forgotten the subtle beauty of what art was meant to be.

The style I valued most was painting with watercolours, they were beautiful when done right and the colour popped from the page. I felt like I could tell a significant story through them a lot more than I ever could through photorealism. After all, what good was spending hours or even days on a picture that you could have just used a camera to obtain? The thought was ludicrous to me and yet I buckled at the prospect of receiving a first class honours that would grant me access to this fine arts academy. The Spiritual Arts Academy may seem like an odd name for an establishment but just walking down its fine halls and breathing in the rich aroma of ancient wood installed a confidence that this was where I belonged despite how absurd its name may seem. The Academy was said to be founded in the 13th century so the building was ancient, the fees were beyond expensive and it was almost impossible to get in. The only students who came here were the truly gifted, the talented who wanted to be the best of their chosen artistic form. Of course the Academy had opened its door to other more modern art forms but its underlying love for the traditional ones still lingered in its ageless walls.

Casting my eyes around at the canvases I couldn't help but grow excited by the work I would produce in my team here. Hoping that it would be good enough to be featured on the walls the same as many artists before me had. It was a goal at least, one I hoped to achieve before the end of my final year. The fact I'd have to share my dorm with two other males didn't bother me, for though the Academy was ancient the living quarters were relatively modern and the building where the students resided had been built on the same grounds. So thankfully the walk wasn't too far, nothing was worse than lugging massive canvases around everywhere you went. There were only around 3,000 students currently attending and some had come from all over the land. For a university this number was tiny, even more so when you knew the vast array of things taught here, as I did; music, art, sculpting, fashion design, dance and digital and traditional art. The list went on and on, then there was varying years, some courses could only be done at this University and so they ran from years one to four. Others, like what I was studying, were incredibly common so they only let the best of the best in. For us an honours degree was almost mandatory though sometimes other factors came into play, money, power, family names etc. I rolled my eyes at the prospect and sighed my indignation at the thought.

At least I'd managed to secure the first room in the dorm. I'd arrived stupidly early to the school this morning, having slept on the bus on the way here. The fees alone were enough to stop me being able to afford a flight. Not that I minded the long travel, it gave me time alone, something I relished in. Something I didn't get much of considering the family I'd come from. The dorms were exquisite and almost worth the fees it cost to go to this Academy. The main room of the dorm boasted a large living room and attached kitchen that could comfortably fit two people cooking simultaneously. There was a cooker, microwave and grill as standard. As I'd poked around the cupboards earlier that day I'd also spotted a toaster too, though it seemed to be the oldest thing in the kitchen, everything else was relatively new by comparison including the cutlery. The three bedrooms were each the same size but each room held it's own unique colour scheme. The first room which was directly beside the bathroom on the right hand side boasted a bright and vibrant plum red and a stunning picture of a sunset obviously hand painted by one of the students. The carpet was a purple that matched the walls fairly well and added a modern look to the dark wooden furniture. The room directly opposite it at the far back left of the dorm was a deep dark green, the painting in this room was that of a forest the entire room gave one the sense they were standing outside. The room to the right of this and closest to the kitchen was a rich royal blue and the painting was that of a lake illuminated by the light of a full moon. Of course there were other amenities in the rooms such as a double bed, side table with a lamp, large wardrobe and a desk, but what good were these if the colour and picture of the room were an insult on the eyes?

I'd naturally gone for the plum coloured room, there was something captivating about its bold colours and I didn't think the other boys would mind. After all the other two rooms were more traditionally 'masculine' though I could never really find a gender behind a colour, all colours were beautiful. I'd tossed my suitcase onto the bed to stake claim to the room but couldn't wait for the other two to arrive. The more I thought about it, the more curious I became. They mixed the years and students up here I'd heard. They didn't mind bunking a first year art student with a fourth year fashion design student as long as the genders were appropriate to stop any unwanted activity. The thought made me chuckle, most people who came here were well into their twenties and sexually active, it seemed absurd to try and segregate genders to stop young adults carrying out certain romantic adventures. I was also very gay, so it probably would have been better to bunk me with a woman. This was the thought dancing through my mind as I stretched my long arms directly above my head and felt the muscles of my body pulling comfortably with the movement. It was an oddly satisfying feeling, the same one I'd often get when I ran a hand through my short ginger spikes.

I continued walking and realised that I was perhaps a little lost. I was looking for a registration classroom and being an art student I'd discarded my map on my bed for I was sure that my photographic memory would show me the way. I was wrong however as I took a turn and came to a specific section of the University. The door I walked through brought a sudden cold draft with it and I rubbed my naked arms now regretting the fact I didn't bring a jacket to cover them. The large art chamber I now stood in had to belong to the fashion design students, I thought as I walked through the shelves of fabric and lace. There were creepy wooden mannequins looming out from hidden shadows and as I turned a particular corner I literally nearly shat myself when one caught me off guard.

Someone had thought it appropriate to paint a clown face on this one. My heart was hammering and I brought my hand up to grasp at the delicate fabric over it as I tried to control my breathing, glaring at the monstrosity.

'Really,' I whispered to myself as I scowled at it. The lips were painted a sickly deep red colour and the entire face was white. The eyes were decorated with a deep rich purple and I frowned as I turned away from it. It was returning too many horrific memories for my liking, who the hell liked clowns anyway?

I was now getting lost in the numerous shelves of material and was about to try and turn back the way I'd come when I heard something up ahead of me. It sounded like someone had dropped something heavy and I was a curious person so I proceeded forward to check it out. The smell of fresh wood hit me next and I inhaled deeply. It was like I was outside as the scent of wood shavings registered in my mind. I rounded another shelf and saw a wide open area where there were many large blocks of wood which caused me to grin. Clearly this was where the sculptures worked. I walked around the sculptures that had been done by previous years, they were honestly stunning. A live 3D piece of art carved forever into a once living organism, there was something truly beautiful about it. It was one of the rare art courses that were only offered here at this Academy. Small sculptures of wild animals stood on desks, everything from wolves to buffalo to griffons and frogs. There was also a large bear growling and snarling down at me from the corner. The detail was superb and the artist had clearly put a lot of time and effort into the work. I'd almost forgotten about the sound as I turned around and that's when I saw him. At first he appeared as nothing more than a head of white spikes as he stood with his back to me but he soon turned to the side and I caught sight of his profile.

All the art in the world could not have prepared me for such a beautiful human being. His features were perfection and even that word was not enough. His forehead was creased in concentration, his white eyebrows furrowed and his delicate lips pink lips parted against smooth marble white skin. His nose was as small and cute as a button yet his high cheekbones gave his face a slightly more mature look which contrasted to the large youthful looking eyes. Eyes whose colour was hard to make out from the distance but I was pretty sure they were a green or maybe a blue… I wanted to get closer but the boy was separated by a large sheet of hard glass. The room he worked in looked like it was cold enough to chill to the bone and around him stood the most amazing sculptures of ice that I'd ever seen. I couldn't believe it, surely these were not all the work of the boy?

I was waiting for him to stand up to get a better view of him but he didn't and instead and I felt a hand on my shoulder and I instantly jumped.

'Wow, sorry I didn't mean to scare you,' a girlish voice giggled and I turned to gaze at a tall busty woman with long strawberry blond hair. Despite not being straight even I could tell that this woman was superbly attractive.

'You didn't,' I tried to add but she just smirked knowingly at me.

'Maybe you'd have been a little more aware had you not been openly staring at Toshiro,' she chuckled and shook her head as I cast my eyes back towards the boy who was now slowly chipping away at the block of ice that stood in front of him.

'I wasn't staring at him,' I tried to cover up 'I was just captivated by the sculptures. The wood ones in this room I'd already admired.' I tried but I could tell by the look on her face and the delicately raised arch of her eye brow that she wasn't buying it at all.

'Well alright then, did you just come in here to stare at sculptures?' she asked.

'No,' I chuckled and ran a hand through my orange spikes. 'I'm actually a little lost.'

This seemed to amuse her and she grinned broadly.

'What room are you looking for?' she asked.

'The registration classroom B32,' I stated smoothly and she chuckled.

'You're very lost, we're on C floor just now you want to head out those doors and down the flight of stairs then it should be one of the doors down the corridor on your left.' She indicated her directions with wild hand gestures and I smiled at her, surely she must have been here to do drama or modelling or something? 'Every first year gets lost,' she smiled kindly at me. Her baby blue eyes were alluring and I was so captivated by them I forgot to ask for her name. I started when I realised I was staring and quickly turned towards the door.

'Thank you so much,' I called over my shoulder as I walked towards the door she'd pointed out to me at the other side of the hall. As I watched her walk away I gave another small glance towards the glass that shielded the ice wielder from view. Yes Toshiro was most certainly one of the most attractive humans I'd ever seen in my life. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I'd be returning back to this section of the University to 'get lost' again.

His beautiful face was blurring my vision as I made my way down the hall that the busty blond had mentioned to me. Artists took inspiration from many places and from a lover was certainly a common one, from beautiful strangers even more so. His face danced elegantly in front of my vision and I had to take a deep breath to steady myself. He'd looked incredibly young though it was hard to tell with only half a profile and him sitting down it was impossible to tell exactly how young. If I was forced to put a figure on it I'd guess I'd have to say he looked around 16 or 17 so it was obviously inappropriate for me as a 23 year old to think of him in anyway sexual. Still what was such a young boy doing at the University in the first place? He must have been a first year and yet… those ice sculptures. I tried to recall what they had looked like, they didn't look like the work of a first year but then I wasn't really paying close attention to them.

'You look lost,' a strong masculine voice reached my ears and I paused as I glanced around. The hallway I was in had walls painted a deep red colour with rich mahogany flooring. Thus at first the figure I looked at looked bald but his hair just blending beautifully into the crimson wall behind him. I had to purse my lips in amusement when I realised that he was smoking in the corridor. A puff of smoke away from his lips drew my eyes at first then I studied him more closely. He had a very predominant chin and jaw line and every inch of his features screamed 'masculine' to me. He had tattoos that ran across his face and down his neck disappearing into the folds of the black shirt he wore. He was taller than me by about a head and I was already quite a tall person.

'I just got distracted,' I smirked and he raised his eyebrows at me. 'Hey should you be smoking that? What if you get caught?'

'Does it look like I give a crap?' he asked, his voice wasn't hostile he was just sending out his hypothetical question as a way of making a point. I grinned as I processed this. His aloof frame and slumped shoulders seemed to answer the question without a need for words.

'I'm Ichigo Kurosaki,' I stated with a smirk putting a hand out to greet him more formally. 'I'm a first year Arts student,' he smirked and left the cigarette in his mouth as he reached out to take my hand. His grip was strong and his hands were rough as we shook.

'I am Renji Abari, I'm actually in the same boat as you.' He tilted his head to the side, 'you weren't looking for the registration class were you?'

'Yes I was,' I smiled as I glanced over his shoulder in the direction of his thrusting thumb.

'It's here,' he said and I spotted the large golden embroiled 'B32' on the mahogany door. He took the finished cigarette out of his mouth and put it into a tin case which he stored in his jacket before leading the way inside. The room was cosy. It reminded me of a private cinema room. There were rows of desks on an incline and at the front of the room was a professor's desk and old fashioned chalk board. I followed behind Renji as we took a seat together, there seemed to be a couple of other students already here but no more than seven, I wasn't really counting to be honest.

'So what's your story?' he asked as he slumped against his seat, his limbs looking awkward and lanky as he spread them out. I probably didn't look much better to be honest as I stared at him.

'Well, I have a first class honours degree in traditional and digital art,' I stated and he smirked at me.

'So you're here for the masters as well?' he asked.

'Yeah I am,' I grinned, 'are you?'

'Yep,' he brought his arms up and leaned back on them, 'I want to become one of the best tattoo artists in the world. So I want the best possible art degree I can get, then I'll move to America and work for Kat Von D,' his eyes glazed over at the mention of her and I chuckled. She was fairly attractive and one of the most famous tattoo artists in the world. It was very clear my new friend was straight which I found odd, most art students that I'd met in my life were usually gay.

'How many tattoos do you have?' I asked as I glanced at the tattoos on his neck and he shrugged.

'Couldn't tell you mate, can't decide if it's just one big one that runs over my whole body or if its lots of small ones done at each instalment I went under the needle.' He was cut off by a muffled sound at the back of his throat. His eyes had gone wide and I quickly spun around to see our professor walking into the room. Walking was the wrong word, he was gliding. This man was probably the definition of power and grace and yet this was the first time I was seeing him. He had long dark hair with unusual silver instruments at the roots as the strands swept back over his head and down his back. He wore robes that made him look ageless and yet his features seemed young and exquisite and oddly feminine.

'I am Professor Kuchiki,' he said and the entire room hushed instantly. 'I am the head Professor for Fine and Historic Master of Arts degrees.' His hard brown eyes glanced around at all that were gathered in the room. 'You will all be studying for the next two years with me so let's take this time to set some ground rules before I send you away for your tour.'

The aura he exerted was enough to keep the entire class silent while he went about stating that late and tardiness to any of his classes would result in the door being locked and the entire class being missed. I was incredibly surprised to find that Professor Kuchiki had taught the likes of David Choe and Tony Curanaj who were two amazingly talented modern day artists. This just made me more excited to be studying with him.

'And if I catch anyone smoking around the beautiful mahogany of my hallways,' he said his piercing eyes suddenly finding Renji. The crimson head started to slump down in his seat as if hoping to hide out of view of the intimidating man. 'I will make sure they eat the cigarette.'

There was something in the harshness of his gaze that made me believe fully that's exactly what would happen. Renji obviously thought the same as I felt him bristling beside me. I had to suppress the smirk on my face by biting my lower lip.

Not long after this ordeal a short girl with long dark hair came by to collect us and take us on a tour of the building. Silently I was thankful for the tour as I had now gotten lost several times in the last few hours, each hallway seemed to never end and it was really difficult to know which way north was and which was south. Despite all this the young girl who had come to collect us seemed to know her way with ease and helped break down the tour by use of illustrations of her own which were probably the worst version of expressionism I'd ever seen on paper.

'You're not studying art are you?' I asked the girl who had named herself as Rukia when she introduced herself to us.

'Why?' he glanced down at her badly drawn picture with an arched brow and I pursed my lips. 'Did I do something wrong?'

'Oh no, it's beautiful,' Renjis voice was laced with sarcasm but she ate it up without really realising the hidden insult.

'Thank you,' she said cheerfully, 'well I studied sculpting, I just finished last year and now I'm working here along with Jushiro Ukitake who is the head Professor of the sculpting department.' She smiled up at us, 'I just couldn't leave.' The tour continued for a while after this and ended out front. She gave us each her own altered version of the building maps and despite the picture being laced with intense colours that seemed to clash with each other the map was a lot easier to follow than the ones that were given to us before we all joined.

Renji wrote his number down on my arm despite the fact I had my phone in my pocket, Rukia then proceeded to do the same thing. I tried not to scowl at them, I could understand Renjis desire to ink me but why the hell did the tiny girl have to follow suit? I didn't say anything though as they finished up and we dispersed to head back to our dormitories. I glanced down at the two numbers on my arm and smirked to myself, at least I would make some new friends here. I was still friends with the people who attended my last University; Chad, Orihime and Tatsuki and we still kept in close contact.

I suddenly realised I was starving when my stomach gave a long growl. So I stopped off at one of the campuses small shop to grab a sandwich which I ate quickly heading back towards my dorm. Classes were going to begin the next day and so an early night would likely be a good idea, even though my first class wasn't until 11am. The last thing I wanted was to be late. Professor Kuchiki seemed serious about locking the doors and I wanted to learn as much as I could, that's why I had come here after all.

I'd had such a busy day that I almost completely forgot about the fact that I had two roommates to meet. I unlocked my dorm door and walked in, the scent of the room had changed and I knew instantly without needing to look around that the two boys I was to be sharing with were now here. I closed the dorm door behind me and watched the door to the far left open. It was the door to the green room and out walked a short boy with incredibly spiky golden blond hair. He turned around to face me and I felt my mouth go dry. Was this University just home to the most attractive people ever? I couldn't believe my luck. He had such delicate looking innocent features and a massive emerald green eye was watching me curiously from underneath the untamed blond hair. He looked young but not as young as the stunning boy I'd seen earlier that day. To my left a voice spoke and I jumped for the third time that day.

'Please tell me you speak.' I turned around and my eyes went wide. I couldn't. Believe. My. Luck.

Toshiro was standing there, with a cup of coffee in his hands and his massive beautiful teal eyes piercing into mine. He was even more perfect this close up. I tried to swallow, tried to open my mouth and say something but I literally couldn't. It felt like every single breath in my life had been knocked out my lungs at just how perfect, how flawlessly gorgeous this boy was.

'Great,' he rolled those giant teal eyes and I was aware he was waiting for me to respond.

'Yes I do speak,' I finally managed, my voice no more than a tiny whisper.

'Well good,' he blew on his coffee and took another sip, making a face and sighing as he poured it out in the sink.

'You weren't going to finish it?' I asked, automatically looking for anything to say as my eyes travelled up and down his body. I realised that he hadn't been sitting before, he had been standing but he was tiny. He couldn't have been any taller than 4 foot 5 but it was hard for me to estimate.

'No,' he replied his face scrunching up in disgust, 'it was awful.'

'What did you mean before?' I asked, my eyes travelling from his beautiful face down his lithe frame to the tight ass hidden behind a pair of black skinny jeans. 'When you asked me about speaking?'

He didn't respond but instead his eyes glanced lazily across the room towards the attractive blond who was now slumped down on the couch. He had a small computer consol out in his hands and was hitting away at the buttons completely oblivious to us.

'He won't tell me his name,' Toshiro said and I turned back to him. It was probably a good thing if I pretended like I didn't know his full name. I didn't want to have to explain the fact that I'd been caught staring at him and that's when the busty blond had found me.

'Well my name is Ichigo Kurosaki,' I stated with a smile. He turned his eyes back on me to appraise me and I felt like my heart was going to explode out of my chest. He was so gorgeous. He was going to be the ultimate distraction for me this year.

'My name is Toshiro Hitsugaya,' he said folding his arms across his chest.

'And you?' I turned towards the blond who seemed to be doing his best to ignore us. I lifted a brow and turned towards Toshiro who frowned at him. That's when I noticed the wallet sitting on the table where the blonds' feet were now sat and I quickly made my way around the bunker of the kitchen and scooped it up. I felt the blonds' large emerald eye on me now and I pulled his driving licence from the wallet and held it for Toshiro who was at my side in an instant plucking it from my fingers. I felt my entire body tingle when his fingers gently brushed against my own. Gods did he have any idea the affect he had?

'Yukio Hans Vorarlberna?' Toshiro read, 'twenty two years old.' I studied the attractive blond who rolled his eye but there was a small tug of a smile at his lips.

'I'm guessing he must be a drama student doing some kind of mime course.' I deduced rather spectacularly. Instead the blonds smirk only widened into an all out grin and I assumed I must have been correct.

'Well whatever the case will you always be silent or is it just a couple of days' artsy thing?' Toshiro asked and the blond simply shrugged his shoulders. I realised the innocent look of this boy was oddly attractive too but in a totally different way to Toshiro. While Toshiro was must more of a gorgeous kind of sexy, Yukio seemed to be cutely endearing. Especially the way he sat with his legs parted slightly in silent invitation that he wasn't even aware he was handing out.

'Well I lucked out,' I muttered before I could stop myself and felt my cheeks begin to heat up as Yukio glanced up at me and Toshiro did the same.

'Oh?' Toshiro asked, his voice rising at the end in question.

'Well,' I may as well be honest right? 'I mean at my last University I had to share a dorm with this horrible guy,' I shook my head. 'Now I get to share it with two incredibly attractive men,' I smirked down at Toshiro who raised his eye brows in shock, like he hadn't expected me to make such a bold statement. I was happy to see that he didn't look disgusted by my comment but rather that the corner of his lips twitched with amusement.

'That was bold of you,' he smirked, 'so I am assuming you're gay?'

'Yes,' I smirked back at him and glanced back towards Yukio who had tilted his head curiously, his only visible eye wide with questions. 'And you two?' I asked glancing down at Toshiro first who folded his arms stubbornly again after returning the wallet to the table.

'Wouldn't you like to know Kurosaki?' he smirked and a movement drew my eyes back to Yukio who was nodding vigorously and cutely staring at Toshiro.

'Are you too then?' I asked the blond and he continued to nod. I couldn't keep the grin off my face, it was very clear from looking at him that he was. I couldn't pin point the exact reasons for knowing this only that the way he presented himself had my gaydar going off.

'C'mon Toshiro,' I chuckled as he turned back towards the kitchen and I walked part way to keep him in view.

'I prefer to be called by my last name,' he said but I ignored it. After all, the other girl had called him Toshiro so that's exactly what I was going to be calling him. Judging by the mutie cutie on the couch he wouldn't be calling him anything.

'Do you think Yukio would make a noise when being fucked?' I threw my inappropriate question out and glanced back over my shoulder to see the blonds' mouth falling open slightly in shock.

'I think you could try,' Toshiro was clearly amused it left me grinning.

'Oh you so are,' I chuckled at Toshiro. Why would he be so amused to hear about the blond in a sexual manner? Toshiro did nothing to quell the allegation. Now all I had to do was find out if he was single. Toshiro was opening the fridge and glanced around inside it.

'Don't suppose either of you have any alcohol?' he asked and I heard someone shift behind me. I turned to see Yukio standing up and disappearing into his room, he was an odd ball but somehow he didn't seem like one of those creepy kinds of odd balls. I exchanged a look with Toshiro as the blond came back out of his room and dumped a large duffle bag that clanged on the ground. He opened it to reveal several bottles of beer which he started to pull out. He held one up at me and shook it impatiently when I didn't make a move towards him. Partly shocked and amused I stepped forward and took the bottle from his grasp giving him a smile as thanks and picked up the second one to hand to Toshiro.

The tiny male accepted it and I was almost disappointed that his fingers didn't brush against mine this time. He walked back towards the kitchen and I noticed that he had a bit of a sway to his hips as he walked, it was provocative and rather alluring.

'Thank you,' Toshiro said staring at Yukio as he pulled a bottle opener from the drawer and opened his own bottle. I turned back to see the blond grinning broadly at him and stood up with the duffle bag before making his way into the kitchen. It was amusing to watch as the blond then proceeded to fill the entire fridge with bottles of beer and I couldn't help but chuckle a little at the peculiarity that was Yukio. Toshiro seemed equally as amused as I turned back to him.

'So do you have a boyfriend?' I asked him rather boldly.

'Not anymore,' he stated raising his bottle to his lips and taking a swig. Something in the way he said this made it very obvious that I was not to ask any probing questions around the topic so instead I opened my own bottle and took a swig of beer.

'I am assuming you are single as well?' he asked me turning his large teal eyes on me. I swear those eyes could be used as some form of weaponry, or maybe even as a date rape drug.

'Yes I am,' I narrowed my eyes rather self conscious, how did he know? 'How did you know?'

'Well from the comment you made earlier, if you were dating someone I'd like to think you were a little more loyal.' He said taking a swig from his bottle as he gazed at me.

'Oh,' I blinked and chuckled, it made sense now that he said it and I glanced over at Yukio who stood blinking at us. 'Yukio must be,' I stated. 'He looks too innocent for his own good,' I laughed and I turned to see Toshiro smirking into his drink. Yukio didn't answer us but gave us a very cute head tilt, innocently exposing the side of his neck as he did so. The flesh looked lush and untouched, like the virgin snow after a heavy snowfall.

'So we're all gay,' I summarised, 'we're all single…' I chuckled into my beer, 'this could be a lot of fun.'

'Fun? In what sense?' Toshiro asked quirking an elegant white eye brow.

'Well, how about we play a game?' I couldn't stop the smirk on my face now and Yukio blinked in curiosity. 'The first person who gives in to sex from one of the others is the loser?'

Toshiros eyes went wide and for a moment he looked angry then he seemed to think about it and eventually a smirk formed across his beautiful small pink lips.

'I'm listening…' he stated simply and I had to suppress my smirk into my beer.

'Well, to make it fair… lets set some rules. We're not allowed to sleep with anyone else until one of us has lost. If we do we lose by disqualification. That also includes if we meet and start dating someone else we forfeit the game.' I tried to think of other rules that would make this more fun… 'we lose when a part of our body is inserted into someone else's that could be a cock into a mouth or fingers into an ass or of course complete sexual penetration.' These seemed fair in my mind.

'I am assuming that kissing and tongues are not included?' Toshiro clarified and I tried to not allow myself to envision the diminutive boys' tongue being inserted into my mouth. I took another steady swig of my drink to try and justify the growing heat in my cheeks at the thought.

'They're permitted.'

'And what does the winner win?' Toshiro asked casually taking a drink of his own beer.

'Besides a good time?' I smirked and he scowled at me. Yukio thought I was funny, he was grinning at my comment. 'Bragging rights? I suppose we could even say that they must be marked on the neck by the person who won?'

'What about the loser must become the winners slave for a week? Just to spice things up a little?' he added and I was thoughtful as I gazed towards the blond who smirked wider.

'I am fine with that,' I smiled, I had no intention of losing but I did want to make one of these two boys my bitch for the week. My eyes shifted to Toshiro, somehow I saw him as more of a challenge than the quieter boy in the room.

'Then it's agreed?' the white haired beauty asked with a smirk. 'We all agree to the contract of these games?'

'Yes,' I smirked and I watched Yukio nodding his head and holding up his beer.

'Good idea,' Toshiro smirked, 'let's drink to it.'

We all took a drink at the exact same time to bind the contract. I had two stunning dorm buddies and by the end of these games I'd have one of them writing beneath me. What a very good start to a new University. The anticipation was shuddering and I couldn't suppress the smirk to myself. Now… let the games begin.


Given the fact I have 3 fics on the go please go easy on me. I will be updating each fic once a week so don't worry I always complete my fics I promise :) please follow and review since it's free and you don't need an account.

If you're a Tosh / Ichigo fan please go and check out my other fic I just posted called 'Forgotten Snowflakes'