A/N: Sorry for the late chapter. Been busy with college and work with the lockdown finally ending. Anyway, this chapter gave me some trouble and it might not be my best, but I hope you like it anyway. Hope everybody's staying safe and healthy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural

Lilith seethed, looking for all the world like a child throwing a tantrum. Hands clenched into tight fists, nails almost puncturing her skin as she glared at a wall.

Selena Winchester was mocking her. None of the demons she had sent to kill her couldn't do their job properly. Instead, they were sent back to her with their tails between their legs.

Lilith had dealt with them for their failure.

The female demon's teeth gritted. If she knew where the Winchesters were, she would've gone and killed Selena and Sam then and there. But she didn't and Ruby had been less than useful lately. Why was it so hard to get good help these days? Does she need to do everything herself?

What she needed was to get rid of the threat to her throne and for that to happen, she needed someone competent and strong enough to kill Selena. Alistair was a good option, but he was only allowed topside for important missions. No, she needed someone a bit more...disposable.

A name came to mind and a slow pleased smile slid on her face, anger ebbing away and being replaced by satisfaction. Giggling, she turned on her heel and exited the throne room.


:Do people still sell fur nowadays?: Cheshire inquired curiously.

Selena paused in skinning the deer in front of her, head tilting an inch. She was currently field dressing a doe in a forest, somewhere in Maine. Her jacket wrapped around her waist so as to not get it dirty and stomach growling with hunger.

Eventually Selena spoke, resuming her task. 'I don't think they do.'

:Then what do hunters do with the fur when they skin their prey?:

'Stuff it, I suppose. Or turn it into a rug. Why do you ask?'

Selena got the feeling the feline was shrugging.

:Curiosity. If we could sell it, then we'd make quite a bit of money.:


They fell into comfortable silence as Selena cut down the midline of the female deer's belly. Once done, she carefully cut around and tied off the rectum of the doe. With that done, she then slowly flipped it on its side, only to go still as a chilling howl resonated from some distance away.

The howl made the alarms in her head blare and she tensed, ears strained to listen for any signs of an enemy.

To the northwest of her, she could hear shuffling. Foliage rustled as something big barreled through them, coming straight for her and fast.

Selena's lips curled, showing off fangs and she adjusted her grip on the knife. She mentally cursed. If it was supernatural, then the knife would be useless. But it could cause a decent enough distraction if she happened to stab whatever it was. The scent of sulfur and dog wafted into her nose and she mentally cursed again. A hellhound. Just her luck.

The hellhound burst through the bushes, skidding to a stop in front of her. The dog panted, its hot breath making her recoil slightly at the smell. The hellhound made a slight woofing noise, whining and shifting on its paws.

Selena tilted her head, nose twitching as she mentally shifted through the smell of sulfur and dog, finding whiskey and Crowley's scent in the mix.

"...Juliet?" Selena questioned. Apparently she got it right because next thing she knew, her face was getting attacked by an invisible, warm, and slobbery tongue. Her hackles raised and she let out a hiss. "Down!"

Juliet immediately stopped at the stern command, sitting in front of her again. Selena wiped her face off with a grimace, then looked at the hound of Hell. How had the hellhound found her? Better yet, where was Crowley? She wouldn't just go off on her own without the demon's notice.

Reaching out a hand, she waited until the hound sniffed her hand before petting it on the head. Juliet's tail thumped on the floor happily.

"Where is your master, Juliet? Did your prey run off somewhere?"

Juliet only let out a soft woof in reply.

Selena frowned. That didn't answer her question.

"Juliet!" A frustrated British voice called out from where the hound came from. "Where the bloody hell are you?!"

Juliet turned and let out a deep bark, signaling to her master where she was. Crowley soon appeared before the two and his furrowed brow smoothed out once he saw Selena, an amused smile coming to his face.

"So you're the reason she suddenly ran away." He said, approaching them. "What? Like her company more than mine, girl?" Patting and scratching the hound, he smiled. "Or did you just miss her?"

"I doubt she can miss me if she only met me once." Selena said, standing up.

Crowley chuckled and walked over to her, giving her a soft peck on the lips. Selena returned it, feeling the heat coming off him.

"I wouldn't say that, Selena. When I first met you, I couldn't get you out of my mind after that." He noticed the deer behind her, then the knife in her hands. "Doing a bit of normal hunting, are we?"


She watched as he studied the deer, his eyes taking in the knifework. Selena inwardly preened as she saw the admiring gaze in his eyes. Yes. This was the perfect time for her mate to see that she could provide for them and any cubs they would have.

Her mind stilled once she realized what she thought. Wait a minute…

Cheshire laughed at her thoughts and Selena shook her head. Where had those thoughts come from? While it is true that had somewhat confirmed Crowley as somebody that she liked, to think of having cubs-children!- with him was...was...foolish. She didn't even know if demons could even have children.

"You did well." Crowley said, breaking her out of her thoughts.

Their eyes met.

"On the cut." He clarified, staring with such intensity that it almost made Selena look away. "You did well. Have you done it before?"

She nodded. "Hm. Did a bit of regular hunting between jobs." Don't forget hunting and cutting up humans like animals on the side too. "And I got the hang of it as I went."

"How'd you kill it? I didn't see any bullet holes nor any guns on you. And I doubt the deer stood still long enough for you to stab it with that knife."

Her lips twitched into a small smirk. "Secret."

Her smirk didn't falter as the scent of curiosity and lust came from him. Walking over to the deer corpse, she knelt down and resumed her work. The feel of Crowley's gaze on her back the entire time.

"I can share some with Juliet, if you will allow it?" She questioned.

"Gladly." He replied. "Never one to pass up a free meal."

In no time, the steamy entrails in the lower half were sliding out of the deer onto the forest floor. With a short whistle from Crowley, Juliet helped herself to them.

Selena watched the entrails tear and disappear into an invisible mouth with slight fascination. It was a weird sight to behold.


Crowley observed the female hunter, admiration with a bit of lust simmering in him. Was she trying to court him?

He knew they haven't exactly classified the nature of their relationship yet. The few dates they went out on hardly qualified for much and they couldn't spend much time together due to their occupations, but the thought of her sharing it with him-She offered it to Juliet, but details- made the place where his heart had once been warm.

"What are you going to do with the rest?" He asked.

"Eat it." She replied, mouth set into a frown as she sawed through the sternum. "Rented a cabin nearby."

"Why not do all this at the cabin instead of on the ground?"

"Easier to do this on the spot, then having to clean up a kitchen due to the blood."

Selena threw the remaining blood covered organs to Juliet, which the hellhound happily took. Crowley smiled at the sight of the hound's tail furiously wagging. Selena was gaining more brownie points with his little girl. He wondered if Growlie would like her if they ever met.

Selena stood up, putting the knife in her back pocket before picking up the deer. The two barely paid any attention to the blood that splashed onto the ground from the action. Though Crowley did step back so it wouldn't get on his shoes.

"I can carry that if you want." Crowley offered. It would cost him his suit, but he guessed it was worth it.

Selena shook her head.

"I can carry it. Blood does not come out of clothes easily." Her tone took on a teasing edge. "And I doubt you would want your suit to get dirty."

Crowley chuckled lightly, giving her

"I don't mind getting dirty, darling. Especially with you."

Selena didn't exactly blush or smile, but he could tell she was amused at his innuendo and that was a win in his book.


Selena let go of the deer as they approached the cabin. It didn't get to touch the ground before it started floating after her while she took the key out of her pocket.

"You have powers?" Crowley questioned softly behind her.

Selena unlocked the door, opening it. "Yes. It comes in handy." Not like she'd ever tell Azazel that. If she did, he might get an even bigger head.

The two plus deer stepped inside, Crowley closing the door behind him. Selena made her way to the kitchen, pausing when she realized that she didn't have anything to put on the table so the deer didn't bleed all over it.

She frowned and Crowley came up beside her.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't have anything to cover the table."

Crowley smirked. "I've got you covered, darling." With a snap of his fingers, a black tarp covered the table. "There you go, problem solved."

:Handy. Think we could do that one day?: Cheshire asked.

'I doubt it.'

"Thank you." She placed the deer onto the table, positioning it on its back. Selena glanced at Crowley. "You know how to skin a deer?"

"Not that much harder than skinning a human, I assume." He replied casually, taking off his coat and setting it gently down nearby. He then started rolling up his sleeves.

Selena didn't comment. She had never skinned a human, so she couldn't really say.

"I'm going to need you to hold the right hind leg for me while I while the other. Do you need an apron?"

He looked down at himself then up at her.

"That might be wise.


"What's this?" Bobby eyed the wrapped parcel in his hands with curiosity, then Selena.

"Meat." She replied bluntly. "Deer"

He blinked, fumbling for an answer. "...thanks?" He headed into the kitchen to put away the meat.

While Bobby was in the kitchen, Selena wandered into the den, eyes roaming the many books scattered about.

"Did you hunt this yourself?" Bobby asked.

Selena gave an affirmative grunt, taking out a book from the shelf and leafing through it.

"Sam says hi." She heard him grunt, the smell of happiness wafting into her nose.

Bobby soon entered the room, hands in his jean pockets.

"Well, I'm glad one you siblings are using the skills I taught you."

"I never forgot them. Neither has Sam and Dean." She said. "Just don't have the luxury sometimes to put them to use for normal things."

Bobby didn't deny her words. He knew how hard it was to get free time and be normal.

Selena closed the book, putting it back and turned to him.

Bobby squinted at her. "How are you doing, kid?"

"I am…"she trailed off. "I am scared. Dean only has little time left and the clock keeps ticking down each and every day. Short of making another deal, there's nothing that can save him."

"Don't know that-" Bobby cut himself off as he felt Selena level him with a look.

"I won't cling to false hope, Bobby. Death is a part of our life, family is no exception." Her tone was a bit sardonic. The thought might be inappropriate, but at least this time, it won't be by her hands.

There was an uncomfortable silence after her words, then Bobby walked up to her, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

He ignored how her body tensed under his hand. "You guys know that if you need anything, I'm here. If you need to talk…"

Selena nodded. She appreciated Bobby. He was second to the Omnivore in people she trusted and cared for. She didn't know how she and her brothers would've turned out if John hadn't dropped them off here when they were kids so often.

She soon moved from under his hand. "I have to go. I just came here to drop off the meat and deliver Sam's message."

"Thanks again for the meat."

They walked to the door and Bobby frowned when he saw there was no car outside.

"Where's your car?" He asked.

Selena turned to him.

"Don't need one when I can teleport." She chuckled slightly as she disappeared in a poof of mist, no doubt leaving behind a dumbstruck Bobby.


A boulder flew through the air, just barely brushing Selena as she rolled to the side. It hit a tree with a crash, sliding to the ground. Selena got to her feet, glaring at the demon standing there with an innocent expression.

"I'd rather you not do that." She said cooly.

Azazel only smiled. "Boulders are child's play compared to what goes bump in the night, little one." He responded cheerfully, as if that would make throwing a 523 lb boulder all right.

Selena scowled behind her high collar.

They were sparing, but with no hands only powers and so far, Selena was getting annoyed with the constant rock throwing.

It didn't help that she could feel the growing signs of hunger stirring in her stomach. All this moving around and using her powers were costing her energy.

Wyatt stood off to the side, having been instructed to by Selena so he wouldn't get hit by any debris. He had looked at her with an unknown expression, but did as ordered.

Ice spikes raced towards Azazel, only to be melted by a short wave of fire. Steam covered the space.

Selena used the cover of the steam to teleport to the left side of Azazel and fired ice spears at him. She heard them impale something, but the scent of blood didn't hit the air.

Her instincts blared, but the warning came too late as she was thrown by an unseen force. Selena flipped, landing on her feet softly. The steam thinned, allowing her to see her father's figure, the spears just two inches to the side of his feet. Eyes narrowing, she stood up.

Azazel's eyes glinted with something akin to sharp amusement, easy going smile turning dangerous.

There was a moment of eerie stillness before the area exploded in a clash of movement.


Azazel blocked another onslaught of ice, breath coming out in visible puffs just from the proximity. He had no doubt that if he didn't run hotter than normal humans then he'd be on the edge of frostbite.

It reminded him of the power she showed when they fought for the first time in Alaska.

Azazel grunted as he was thrown back a few feet, back hitting a tree. He teleported just as blue flames scorched the tree he was in front of.

She was by no means a slouch in the fighting department either. If the muscle he could see on her stomach didn't confirm it, then the reports from Wyatt did. Not a single move wasted as she attacked relentlessly. And if she wasn't attacking, she was calculating her opponent-figuring out their weakness.

The general in him was interested.

What could she do if given control of an army?

What could she be like?

"You're not paying attention, herbivore."

Azazel gave his daughter-not his by birth, but still his by blood-an amused look. He could practically feel her agitation. How adorable.

"I'm multitasking, little one. There's a difference." He replied, sending out a wave of flames.

Selena stomped her foot, a wall of ice rising up and blocking the attack. Shards of ice materialized and launched towards him from all directions, cutting off any chance of escape.

But Azazel doesn't move. He just tilted his head then held up a hand and the shards stopped. He flicked his hand and the shards were shot back, impaling themselves on the ground or trees.

Selena runs out from behind her wall, dashing towards him-

Only for her to be suddenly pulled towards the yellow-eyed demon. Azazel readies a ball of fire.

Before the fire could connect, she somehow managed to create a shaft of ice that would've taken off his head had he not shifted his body to the side. This allowed her to break out of the pull and teleport behind Azazel, a medium sized shard of ice at the junction of his spine.

Azazel started chuckling. He held up his hands, admitting defeat. "Good...Very good, Selena."

She straightened, shard dissolving, and took a step back from him. He turned to look at her.

"Your thoughts?" She inquired.

And didn't that make him all warm and fuzzy on the inside. She wanted to know what he thought.

"Need to work a bit more on your telekinesis, and while your control of the ice is good for surprise attacks, you depend on it more than you should."

Her head tilted an inch in consideration and he continued.

"Your close combat could use some work too. As painful as it is to admit it, I'm not well versed in that area, but Ramiel should be able to help you."

If he hasn't gotten rusty, that is.

"I shall think about it." She said slowly, crossing her arms.

Azazel lifted a hand, settling it on her head. He ignored the way she tensed-damn his past self for not interfering. Damn him for not leaving with Alex when he could have-and slowly ruffled it.

He could feel Wyatt's curious stare on them, but he didn't care.

The moment was broken by a soft growling noise coming from Selena. He blinked and raised a brow.

Selena's tone was impassive. "This training made me use more energy than normal."

Another growling sound, though a bit louder.

Azazel held back a laugh. "I see." He slung an arm around her shoulder. "It is a father's duty to make sure his daughter eats well."

"I don't-"

"I'm not taking no as an answer, little one." He cut her off, lightly gripping her closer to him. "Now, what do you want."

They headed over to Wyatt while she thought about it.


He scoffed. "Need something much more nourishing than a burger. Hunter lifestyle has made you more loose with your diet."

"It's not like I had a good diet in the first place, here or back then, herbivore." If possible her cold tone got even colder as she spoke.

Azazel smiled thinly. "Let me surprise you then."

He would make up for the past. Wouldn't make any promises or anything, but he would try. Let the future be uncertain for now if he could just live in the present with his daughter.

A/N: Don't forget to read ad review, please.