The moment that stupid glorified cup began going haywire after choosing its champions, I immediately began to sink down in my seat between the Weasley twins at the Gryffindor table. I silently prayed to whatever gods that were listening that the next piece of parchment it spat out had nothing to do with me or my brother, Harry

The Gods, unsurprisingly since I wasn't religious in anyway, did not answer my prayers. Across from me, Harry sunk down in his seat too, trying to hide from Professor Dumbledore's eyes as he scanned the crowded hall looking for us and calling our names. Slowly we both rose from our seats – it was like watching a mirror, the way we did things in unison sometimes. We made our way down our respective sides of the table until we met at the end and cast each other worried looks.

Dumbledore handed Harry a charred piece of parchment and I looked at it over his shoulder, scrawled on the paper in thick, untidy handwriting that was neither Harry's nor my own, were two names:

Harry & Emalia Potter

We were ushered away quickly into the trophy room by Professor McGonagall, her expression tried to remain calm and indifferent but her eyes I noticed looked worried. Upon entering the trophy room three pairs of confused eyes turned to look at us, the champions having missed the spectacle that had just occurred in the Great Hall were understandably confused to see us. We didn't have a second to explain though as no sooner had the door closed behind us, it was being thrown open again by a crowd of teachers arguing amongst themselves until finally Dumbldore spoke directly to Harry.

"Harry," He said calmly, "Did you put your names in the Goblet of Fire?" He didn't ask me if I'd done it – I hadn't, but he didn't even ask me if I had. Since entering the Wizarding world it had always been abundantly clear that Dumbledore preferred Harry. I could have been holding a sign that said I had thrown our names into that stupid cup and he'd more than likely still asked Harry if he'd done it.

Harry shook his head in reply, "No Sir," He replied and the headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy accused him of being a liar. The adults in the room began to argue again and Harry stood close to my side, his hand found mine and he squeezed it reassuringly.

"This is out of my hands," Bartemius Crouch, a representative from the ministry of magic said, causing the argument to come to halt, "As of today, Mr and Miss Potter are Triwizard champions." An array of different expressions spread over the group of adults, some looked angry, others worried and once again Dumbldore's expression was unreadable.

A little while later Harry and I were allowed to leave the trophy room, we headed straight up to Gryffindor tower in silence – I didn't have any words to say to him, I believed he was telling the truth – he hadn't put our names in the cup – but I was still angry that once again my idealistic idea of having a quiet year at school had been shattered and for some reason a part of me blamed Harry. Once we reached the Gryffindor common room, we separated. Harry went to Ron and Hermione who seemed to be arguing about something and I headed for Fred and George who were laughing – they were always laughing.

"Hey there, trouble." George said shifting over on the sofa so I could take up my usual spot between him and Fred.

"So how'd you manage it?" Fred asked, putting an arm round my shoulders and leaning towards me to listen to whatever clever plan he thought I'd come up with to get my name in that cup.

"Yeah, Emmy." George added, leaning in himself so the three of us were huddled together, "Fred and I had been working on getting that aging potion right for weeks and even that didn't work."

I shrugged, "I didn't." I told them truthfully, and they both sighed and flopped back onto the sofa, crossing their arms. I tried to stifle a laugh, Harry and I mimicked each other on occasion but it was like every joint of Fred and George was connected and almost every movement was the same. "Sorry to disappoint, boys but I told you I thought this whole thing was ridiculous, why would I ever put mine and Harry's names into that cup?"

The twins shrugged and George sat back up, "So do you reckon you're going to win?" He asked and I really laughed then.

"No, if anything I'll be spending most of trying to pretend I'm not involved." I replied.

Fred and George were my best friends since the very first day I arrived at Hogwarts – more accurately, on the train to Hogwarts...

"Can I sit in here?" I asked nervously as I slid open a compartment door – inside were three people, a girl with dark skin and hair that was twisted into lots of little braids, she was astonishingly pretty I noted. The next was a dark skinned boy with dreadlocks and a grin so wide I could see every tooth, an infectious grin that made me want to laugh at nothing. The third was a pale skinned boy with red hair and freckles, it was this boy who replied to her.

"Sorry shorty, we're full in here." He told me, though the compartment easily could fit six people inside.

"Oh c'mon, Fred." Another boy said, startling me as he appeared by my side. He looked just like the other boy, pale skin, red hair and freckles – twins, I noted happily, being a twin myself it was nice to find another pair since there weren't any back home. "I'm sure we can squeeze her in, she is very small after all." He ushered me into the compartment and slid the door closed as I took a seat next to the boy named Fred and his brother introduced himself as George as he took the seat on my other side. I didn't know then that this would become a permanent seating arrangement wherever we went.

Once the introductions were out of the way – the other boy was named Lee and the girl was Angelina – they began to tell me about Hogwarts and all the pranks they liked to pull. Once the conversation had ebbed a little I decided to make some conversation of my own,

"I'm a twin too you know," I told them, this seemed to perk up Fred and George's interest, or at least they sat up a little more in their seats.

"Are you really?" Fred asked,

"Where's your sister then?" George added.

"Brother, actually." I corrected, "He's down the other end of the train, we had a fight." I explained

"Yes well siblings can a nuisance sometimes," The twins spoke in unison, eyeballing each other for a moment which made everyone laugh.

"He's called Harry," I carried on once everyone had calmed down a little, "We're the Potter Twins."

"No way." Angelia said, moving to the edge of her seat, "Your brother is Harry Potter?" She sounded astonished, "The Harry Potter?"

I sighed, regretting that I had ever mentioned Harry at all – ever since we entered the wizarding world, no matter who we spoke to they would always go gaga over Harry, apparently most people didn't even realise he had a sister, most people didn't really care.

"Yes, The Harry Potter." I repeated in confirmation as I sunk down a little in my seat, ready for the questions to begin.

"I didn't know he was a twin, no one's ever mentioned that." Lee perked up and I sunk down a little further. I answered their questions as best I could and explained that I didn't even know anything about it till recently.

"Don't you have any questions?" I asked rather bitterly, looking at Fred who had been quiet through the whole interview. He looked at me with careful eyes, one eyebrow slightly raised.

"Do you have a scar too?" He asked and my hand instantly flew up to my neck, not because my scar was on my neck but because I could disguise rubbing my scar as rubbing my neck.

My scar was small and hidden behind my left ear, it was sort of star shaped but with too many points. I rubbed it gently with my little finger as I faked scratched the side of my neck. "No," I replied, "I don't." Looking back I don't know why I ever lied, I was self-conscious I guess – An eleven year old girl with already low self-esteem, I didn't want anyone to have a reason to think I was imperfect.

I could see the corner of Fred's lips twitch up ever so slightly, he knew I was lying but he didn't pry.

I looked at Fred now, sunk low into the sofa cushions, his arms folded across his chest and his eyelids closed, he looked like he was sleeping but I could tell that he wasn't, Fred Weasley – the only person to ever ask a question about me.

Hope you liked it? Leave me a review with some helpful critisims maybe? Or just to tell me you liked it ~RainbowVeins