Hey guys, here we are at the last chapter of this part of our story. I really can't wait to see what you guys think of it. Much love, RSD xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo.

"Hello people of Auradon and council members; I am so sorry to disrupt your usual TV viewing but I promise that I will only keep you a few minutes.

I know that just like me and my family you are enjoying our royal tour; however it is with our deepest sympathies that I need to make an announcement.

After I make this broadcast me and my family will all be returning to Auradon Castle; which will end our tour for the time being. I am very sorry to announce that an extreme emergency has happened which begs for my urgent attention.

I know you are going to want answers to why this is happening; but I will give you the information when the time is right. Thank you for your ongoing support and patience through this time.

I want to apologise for all the hard work you have put in in the recent months; and please be assured that it hasn't gone unnoticed. There is a unity across the kingdom which shows a great sense of pride; and for that I am very grateful. So with this I make another announcement...

I have decided that me and my family will continue our tour next summer; for the places that we have been unable to attend this time around. So I look forward to working with you all again as you show me the beautiful places that you live.

This is a message directly to all the council members. I will be in touch very soon after I arrive back at Auradon Castle to give you your instructions. I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Thank you for your time; and I will let you get back to your usual TV viewing..."

P.S. Something that I wanted to make you guys aware of is that I was going to include the trial in this part of our tour but I have now decided to make it it's own story. Only fair as it is a separate part to our Bal story, the first ten chapters is getting posted after this one so please feel free to continue following this story.

Much love,

