Two Months Later

To: Sabrina Tooms

Inmate Number: 124A47

Upper Michigan Juvenile Detention and Rehab Center

110B20 Riverton Rd.

Yotown, MI

Aug. 7

Dear Rina,

Hi, I just got your letter dated August 3rd today! I went directly to my desk in my room to write you back. Excuse my handwriting and any spelling errors. I'm glad my letter got to you too. I wasn't sure about the process of writing kids in juvy. I was worried that it didn't get to you, since I sent mine a month ago.

Yay I'm so glad that you are doing good at the juvenile center. How much longer until you are done with your G.E.D.? Let me know, I'll be here at my house so you can write me any time. I'm sure alcohol counseling is hard, but you keep going to it. Don't let memories of your mom keep you down and keep you from achieving what you want to achive. Remember, you won't have to go back to her when you are out. You are your own person now. Focus on getting on what you need to do to get on your feet and move on to your next stage in life.

Good news for me too! I am slowly but surely getting back on my feet. I got my first job with Funny Business since the incident with the Cranes. It is the day after tomorrow. I am doing my clown routine. My brother Lincoln is going to help me. It's been two months. I'm hoping it goes well. I'm slowly getting my confidence back. I'm so glad that Lincoln and Lucy saved my equipment. I was so upset and depressed about what was happening to me that I just threw it all out.

I was not going to do Funny Business anymore becuse I thought no one would want to hire a suspected thief anymore, even if it weren't true. It will probably be a while before things are back to normal though. It took two months for someone to call me for a performance. I am lucky to have such a supportive, if (L)oud family (haha).

Speaking of some funny business, that slimeball Alvin Crane is being served the business by his wife! (haha) She is divorcing him, taking him for all he's worth. Which is not much. The only remaining diamond in their house is the one that was on her finger and only because she never took it off and he couldn't get it from her. It came flying off after what he did though! Like it had wings! All other diamonds were glass, not just the ones on the bracelet. He'd sold them all to fund his girlfriends and his busness wasn't doing well I hear. He doesn't do well with money.

I heard that Mrs. Crane is asking the court to be lenient on Lyra. The bracelet wasn't worth that much as it turns out and if it wasn't for Lyra, Mrs. Crane might never have found out about it being fake and the girlfriends. At least not for a long time. It took the court about three weeks to finally have me appear and tell me all charges are dismissed. That was a good day. I don't know what my family is going to do about our lawyer fees. The lawyer is a friend of my dad's, so he gave him a discount, but you can't expect him to work for free. My mom was talking about making Mr. Crane pay since he in a sense started the whole thing, but I don't think she was totally serious about it.

I'm trying to forgive the Cranes for all that happened. I have been able to forgive Lyra for all that she did, she is a victim in this too and she didn't intend for what happened to me to happen. At least her adoptive family is still standing with her and giving her support. She needs it more than anyone. The Cranes are just nasty people, Mr. Crane especially. I wouldn't be surprised if he had more kids that he's hiding.

I'm really angry with Ben Crane. I called him the night they arrested Lyra and asked him what he did to Gary, my rabbit. Lyra said she saw him messing with him the day of the party. He said he didn't mean any harm, but wanted to hold Gary. Gary wouldn't cooperate with him and Ben pulled him out by his tail and held him in the air like that. Gary kicked him and was dropped a few feet. Gary ran off after that. Poor Gary! Do what you want to me, I can defend myself, but don't you dare hurt my defenseless bunny!

Also, I can't thank you enough for helping me while I was in juvy. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been there for me.

Well, I hope to hear from you soon soon soon!

Luan Loud

To: Luan Loud

1216 Franklin Ave

Royal Woods, MI

August 11th


I'm so so so so so happy for you!

There really couldn't be any better news for you! Really there couldn't.

My teacher here is really patient with us. She's like 70 though. Can't believe she's still teaching. Especially teaching hooligans like us. That's why I wrote you the first time. She is encouraging us to work on our penmanship and our spelling, punctuation and grammer. I'm doing my best. I've always had good handwriting though. I'm trying to get through the English portion of the G.E.D. as fast as I can. Then I can focus on the math. I can add, subtact, multiply and divide simple stuff with the best of `em, but get more than that I don't do so well. I didn't pay much attention in middle school. I'm also taking a keyboarding class to get good at typing.

Since you are unsure, these are the basic rules for writing me letters:

Your full name and address have be on the envelope along with my full name and the center's address. My name has to be on the letter too. No sexual content of any kind, no swearing, no maps or bluprints, no threats of any kind. No make up or letters soaked in anything, no glitter, glue, perfume, plastic, or foil decorations (I hope you know what I mean by foil decorations, I don't know what it is called). No food either. Those are the main things. I don't think they will be a problem for us.

I'm just so glad that you are getting back into your clowning, and clowning around. HONK HONK (that's the sound of your clown nose, I heard there are ones that squeak?)

And as far as that jerk, Alvin Crane, I hope he gets what's coming to him. What a slimeball! By rights he should so have to pay your lawyer, but probably won't. Hah, he will be too busy paying his wife/exwife! And girlfriends maybe? Once you start buying things for girls you can't just stop. They clearly aren't the type to let him stop. They will just leave him if he does. Do you know how many he has? Are they all at the same time? PLAYA! And if he has kids, they can make him pay!

I can't believe what happened to your poor bunny! If you can, please send a picture of you and Gary! I'd LOVE to see you two together.

Well, right me back soon girlie!

It made my day getting your first and then second letter! I'm trying not to get too close to the girls here. We all have the same problems and I don't want to continue mine by getting in with them, but I have to talk to some one you know. Writing you, a down to earth and good girl will help me though this. A lot of these girls can't figure that out. If you just surround yourself with addicts you will never be free from addiction. You will have no chance.

Well, I am waiting eagerly for your letter back. I hope things went w3ll at your performance. Let me know.

Your friend, Rina

Rina's inmate number and the juvenile center's address number are easter eggs! Let me know in comments if you can figure them out. They aren't actually difficult to figure out.

Looking back, I wish I could have done some puns with Luan, but I find them too hard and just gave up on them. I also would imagine her not doing puns if she was really upset, too upset to deal with stressful situations with humor, which I imagine her character doing under normal circumstances.