Okay so it's the final chapter and it's the latest of all of them, but now you don't have to worry about when the next one's out because it's finally done! Hopefully all the loose ends have been tied up, apart from the football team but the story went in a completely different direction from that, so it never got used.

Gordon had stuck by his Father like glue after the accident. There was a man out there trying to kill him and he was not going to get another chance while he was around. He knew who it was. He had pretended to be asleep when the police had come to interview his Father for a second time. His brothers had been banished from the hospital room but Gordon had deliberately lengthened his breathing, keeping it as even as he could and so they had thought he was asleep. And he heard everything. His Father suspected it was Mr Simmonds who had cut the breaks but when he told the police they had seemed to already know, plus Mr Simmonds had now disappeared.

Gordon didn't know why his teacher would want to kill them, he hadn't been that naughty in his class had he? Maybe this was really all his fault. Maybe Mr Simmonds really didn't like him at all and wanted him out of his class forever. Well, Gordon was going to make sure he didn't get a chance to try again and he had stayed by his Father for three days.

Then, as his Father was talking to some man during the fun day Gordon had spotted him. It was definitely Mr Simmonds. He had carefully slipped his hand from his Father's, he hadn't noticed, and followed him. Mr Simmonds was sneaking around the kiosks and stalls as if he didn't want to be noticed. The teacher was taking a big risk cus his Father had asked for some police officers to patrol the area and because of who his Father was, there was a few more than 'some' police officers.

Gordon trailed slowly after him, hoping he would see at least one officer on his travels to help him, but none materialised. Mr Simmonds was heading towards the back of the parking lot behind the building where there were no people. As he reached the corner of the building Gordon couldn't see him any more, Mr Simmonds had seemed to disappear. He scanned the area but he couldn't see him. Maybe charging off after him was not the best idea really and he was just about to turn around and get help when he was grabbed from behind and a large hand covered his mouth to stop him calling out.

But that didn't mean he couldn't struggle and Gordon did, a lot. Where ever Mr Simmonds was going it wouldn't be good for him when they got there. Then he realised Mr Simmonds was talking and he stopped struggling for a moment to listen.

"It's all your fault," he was saying. "I was doing okay, my therapist said I was doing okay, that I was finally getting over her. That I was letting her go and carrying on with my life and then I get you in my class when I decide to cover maternity leave. I couldn't believe it when I saw your name and at first I thought I could convert you, to make to hate the very sight of your Father. But then I saw you and I knew that wouldn't work, your temperament is too much like his. There is nothing of her in you. I do believe your Father is trying to pass you off as a Tracy but you are not her son. I knew when I met you the only way I would be able to move on was if both you and he were gone. Forever."

Gordon was too stunned to remember to struggle and he didn't realise how far Mr Simmonds had taken him, he just kept listening.

"I don't know how you managed to survive once I cut the break line, there was no way you should have done but you Tracy's have a charmed life. There is no way you will get away from me now. I will dispose of you and then I will deal with your so-called Father."

Gordon suddenly realised how alone they actually were, even the noise from the rides and stalls was just a quiet hum in the background. This was not good, he needed to get away from this man.

Then he saw three people heading after them. One of them soon out ran the other two and when he got a bit closer Gordon could see it was John. Mr Simmonds hadn't noticed and when he did it was too late. John was stood in front of them before the teacher could do anything. Thirty seconds later Virgil and another boy were stood beside John.

Gordon felt Mr Simmonds loosen his grip slightly and he tried to move away but he still had hold of his collar and Gordon found he couldn't move anywhere.

"Let him go." Virgil's voice wasn't as strong as his Father's or Scott's but it still had the Tracy command.

"I don't know what you boys think is going on," started Mr Simmonds "But this is my son, he has been misbehaving and I'm taking him home."

"He is not your son." This time it was John who spoke.

Glancing backwards Gordon could see Mr Simmonds looking at one then the other and back again. "Don't tell me," he said finally. "You are Tracy's?"

There was a brief nod from both his brothers "Let him go," Virgil repeated.

Gordon was worried when Mr Simmonds started to laugh "Oh, this is too good."

"Gordon!" Scott's voice came echoing across the parking lot and in a matter of moments Scott was stood beside the others.

"And they just keep coming."

Suddenly Alan appeared beside Scott.

"Another one? How many of you are there?" There was no reply and Mr Simmonds kept talking. "I thought there was only this one," Gordon felt his teacher shake him but he kept quiet. "But now I know there are more of you I'll do the same to all of you and then your Father will know the depth of pain I felt before I do the same to him."

Without warning Gordon felt Mr Simmonds lifting him up by his collar and he started to kick as his feet left the ground. His clothes were pressing into his neck and he was finding it difficult to breathe and his hands clawed at his collar.

He heard Scott's voice "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" And suddenly he was in a heap on the ground and he could breathe again. The next thing he knew Mr Simmonds' hands were around Scott's neck choking him.

The other's seemed to be paralysed for a moment but Gordon knew exactly what he had to do. He lent forward, grabbed his teacher by the leg and bit him as hard as he could.

He was satisfied when he heard the man cry out in pain and he could also hear Scott coughing. He must have let go.

Gordon could feel Mr Simmonds shaking his leg to try and dislodge him but he hung on, this man was not going to hurt anybody else. Then he felt something graze his shoulder and it was a few seconds before he felt a sharp pain. He cried out, letting go in the process and tried to scrabble away. He was not quick enough and he felt the same pain arch across his hip.

Glancing up he could see Mr Simmonds had a knife and he was closing in on him. Gordon couldn't think of what to do, how was he going to get out of this? He heard his brothers yelling and he heard Mr Simmonds shouting but none of the words registered. He just curled himself into a tight ball, closed his eyes and put his hands over his ears. He just wanted everything to go back to as it was before.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, this was it, now he was going to die.

Then he heard his Father's voice "Gordon?"

His eyes snapped open and he could see his Father kneeling in front of him. Gordon had never been so happy to see anyone and he scrambled up and hugged him tightly.

"It's okay," his Father was saying "It's all over."

Glancing around Gordon saw Scott with Alan in his arms, he was stood next to Grandma who had one arm around John and the other around Virgil and next to her was a man with his arm around the other boy. They were all watching as several police officers lead Mr Simmonds away and he was still ranting as he went.

Gordon's arms tighten around his Father's neck as he stood up, Mr Simmonds was lying, he thought to himself, I am definitely a Tracy.

There was a small crowd gathering to watch and one of them broke away and hurried over "Mr Tracy," it was his Father's assistant, Mr King. "I told you that you shouldn't have come. Do you want me to make an announcement saying the rest of the day has been cancelled?"

"Why?" Was all his Father said.

Gordon watched Scott move to stand next to them, Alan still in his arms. "Why?" echoed his brother.

Alan was up next "Why?"

Grandma wasn't far behind "Why?"

Virgil and John said theirs in unison "Why?"

Gordon grinned at his Father "Why?" he finished off.

He watched Mr King sigh dramatically "I give up!" He said, throwing his arms up in the air in defeat. "In that case Sir, they are waiting for you to pull the draw for the teams."

Thirty minutes later Gordon had had his gashes bandaged and he was sitting with his brothers waiting for the game to begin and it was as if nothing had happened. Most of the crowd didn't have a clue about what had happened and his Father was keen to keep it that way. He had appeared on the stand and you wouldn't have guessed that half an hour before a mad man had tried to kill his five sons. His voice was calm as he addressed the waiting crowd and Gordon had felt really proud.

The draw had been swift, the Research and Development Department were up against the Company Directors. That meant this year his Father would be playing. Grandma had looked a little worried given his Father's injuries but his Father had reassured her that he was okay.

The Directors were up first and as the R and D Department sorted themselves out in the field Gordon lent over to John and whispered in his ear. John grinned and nodded and then whispered to Virgil. Virgil's eyes gleamed and he nodded before bending his head and whispering to Alan. Alan could barely control his excitement and bounced up and down in his seat. He pulled on Scott's arm so he could reach his ear, managing, this time at least, a proper whisper.

Gordon watched as Scott looked back down the line towards him and he raised his eyebrows in silent question, well?

Scott gave an exaggerated sigh and nodded slowly but Gordon could see it was all a put on, he was definitely up for it.

Their Father was out to bat first and they all stood up.

Gordon could hear Scott counting under his breath and as he reached one they all yelled together as loud as they could.

"Out Of The Park!"

Their Father must have heard them because he pointed towards them and then his finger moved so it pointed up over the stands.

His Father was ready, the pitcher made his throw, his Father hit the ball and Gordon was yelling with the rest of the crowd as it sailed over their heads and out of the arena.

Authors Note

Just in case anyone was interested I based Hill Valley Pass on an actual road. The road in question is Bridge Valley Road in Bristol and runs from the top of the Avon Gorge and the Clifton Suspension Bridge all the way down the gorge to Hotwells at the bottom.

It is a very steep road and although it doesn't have a swift flowing river and a bridge at the bottom if you do go down this road faster than the speed limit requires you will end up in with the horses from the mounted division of the Avon and Somerset Constabulary.

Best not try it if I were you, I have and it was a very scary experience.