I'm back and happier! So here's chapter two! Baby makes an appearance in this one and you can give me suggestions on what kind of chapters I should do for fillers until the real story picks up between the little family Christine and Erik will now have. :)

Chapter II

It was nearly lunch time when a messenger came by the work site Erik was at. He was busy looking between the building and the blueprints making small changes as the workers worked when a voice broke through his thoughts. "Signore Destler?" a young males voice asked. Erik looked up to see a young teenage boy no older than 15 standing in front of him.

"Yes?" he asked the boy. The boy smiled and sighed in relief.

"My name is Alexi Esperes, my mother is a midwife she told me to come get you," the young man, Alexi, told him. Erik's eyes went wide.

"The baby is coming now?" He asked. Alexi nodded and Erik quickly grabbed his things. "Well what are we waiting for lad, let's go!" he shouted as he started to leave. The foreman yelled out to him.

"Hey! Where are you going?! Works not done for the day yet!" he yelled. Erik looked over his shoulder.

"I'm going to be a father Signore!" he called back, making the foreman chuckle and shake his head. Erik and Alexi nearly sprinted the entire way back to the house. Once inside Erik called out. "Christine?!"

"We're in the bedroom Signore," a woman's voice rang through the house. Erik quickly made his way up the stairs and into the bedroom and looked to Christine who was making a pained face. He walked over and gently brushed her bangs away from her face.

"Erik...?" she asked tiredly. Erik smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I'm right here Christine," he said softly. She smiled softly before grimacing in pain at a contraction. Erik frowned and kissed her knuckles as she took deep breaths. The midwife looked to Erik.

"Signore Destler, I must ask you to wait outside for this next part," she said softly. Erik sighed and nodded, kissing Christine's forehead.

"I'll be down in the drawing room," he told her. Christine nodded and squeezed his hand before he left the room. The next few minutes were agonizing for both Christine and Erik. For Christine it was agonizing to push the child out of her body, and for Erik it was agonizing to hear his wife cry out in so much pain that he knew he was partially responsible for. Finally the cries of pain stopped and the cries of a child broke through the air. Erik looked up as the midwife came down the stairs, he got up and walked over to her. "Signora, how are they?" he asked her. She smiled.

"You're wife is tired but relieved," she said.

"And the child?" he asked.

"She's healthy, but Signore... You should know one thing," she said. Erik looked at her to explain. "Her face Signore, the right side is red, scarred, and raw... Like it never fully developed," she explained. Erik nodded, holding back tears and moved past her to go to Christine and the child. He entered the room and stood in the doorway watching Christine and the baby. Christine caught sight of him and smiled up at him.

"Erik... She's beautiful," she said. Erik slowly walked over and sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at the little babe in Christine's arms and gently ran his finger along her right cheek. "She looks just like you Erik," Christine told him. Erik smiled softly and looked to her with tears in his eyes.

"Yet she's as beautiful as her mother," he said softly. Christine smiled and kissed him gently. Erik kissed back, careful of the little one in between them. They pulled away and Christine looked back down at their daughter who was looking curiously around the room and at them.

"She needs a name still," she told Erik. Erik gently took the little girl from Christine and held her close to him, thinking.

"What about Sophia? Sophia Marie Destler?" he asked his wife. Christine smiled.

"I think it's perfect, and I believe she likes it as well," she said, looking down at the smiling little girl. Erik smiled happily and put an arm around Christine as he held Sophia.

"Well then... Welcome to the world Sophia, I'm your Papa and this is your Mama. We love you more than anything in the world, no matter how you look," he said, kissing Sophia on the forehead. The small family sat there in happiness as they celebrated the day they finally became a full family, not caring what the future would bring.

Yay! Chapter two and baby Sophia finally makes an appearance! Don't worry, for all you Love Never Dies fans out there Gustave will still come into the story in one of the filler chapters! I'm hoping to do three or four of them before jumping to when Sophia is 17 years old, making Gustave 15 when the big story plot is started. Anyway, I will start working on Chapter III tonight and I may not get it done as I am going to see Beauty and the Beast with my dad and best friend tonight at like midnight and will have to wait to finish and post it tomorrow! Please keep reading and reviewing and I will try to put in any suggestions that you have!
