Just a little one shot thing I had in my head whilst browsing alas more Slytherin aesthetic. Please leave a review and tell me what you think a true Slytherin is like. Regardless of your Hogwarts house.

Slytherins are cold, brisk winter nights.

Bold features contrasting against one another.

Scolding hot showers at 1:00 a.m to take your mind off things.

Constant swearing then getting scolded for it.

Swearing anyways.

Always using sarcasm so much that people think you're being serious.

Dark eye makeup.

Having a tight group of real friends but everyone knows your name.

Keeping secrets.

Giving things your all or nothing at all.

Self preservation.

Even if it means doing all the wrong things.

A deeper hidden meaning behind words.

Loving the burn of alcohol as it goes down your throat.

Sly remarks.

Never apologizing.

Thinking of the future.

Letting nothing get in the way of achieving your goals.

Not forgiving or forgetting.

Never letting people see you cry.

Understanding your self value.



Knowing when to quit.

Slytherins are overcoming prejudice and stereotypes.

-A true Slytherin-