The Wedding

August thirteenth, our wedding day finally dawned, and the weather couldn't have been more suitable. Following tradition, I'd spent my last night as a single man away from Isabella. Only after refusing to go bar hopping with my brothers, and Garrett. Isabella was with her best friend Angela, and my sisters, and I missed her like crazy!

The seating area for the ceremony was awaiting our guests. A long white runner wound down the center aisle. The late afternoon air hung heavy with the scent of the fragrant blooms that intertwined the branches of the arch Isabella would walk beneath. Inside, the meticulously laid tables held sparkling dinnerware and crystal. Chandeliers were suspended from a ceiling draped in a coral fabric that reminded me of a sunset. Large floral arrangements of every variety of lily were displayed throughout the area. A designated stage and dance floor were set with soft, intimate lighting.

When I saw Isabella, I almost fell to my knees. Never in my existence had I witnessed such beauty. My eyes remained glued on my bride. The audience watched her progress with soft smiles on their faces.

Isabella, refused to wear the stiletto heels Alice tried to force on her. Instead, she chose to get married in bare feet. I glimpsed the silver lacquer glimmering on her toes, and my smile grew impossibly bigger. Isabella's dress was sheer enough; I could see her tan legs. Still, around her hips, silver embroidery concealed what I didn't want anyone else to see, the same was true of the bodice. A flush of color spread over her cheeks and breast when she saw how my eyes were devouring her. I detected a tiny wobble of her chin, but something in my gaze seemed to steady her, and her lips turned upwards into a radiant smile.

I struggled to keep my composure as we repeated our vows to one another. Finally, the clergyman invited me to kiss my bride.

The kiss that sealed mine and Isabella's wedding vows was one that would be cherished. Initially, we took our time, what started sweet and tender, suddenly took on the edge of eagerness. Arousal wasn't something I had planned for, and Isabella's soft panting breaths told me she felt it too. Even when we stopped kissing, I couldn't bear to let her go. The silky brush of her dress against my leg made the situation in my tuxedo pants worse. I tugged the hem of my jacket to make sure it safely shielded that area from view. I looked down at Isabella and knew she'd observed my attempt to cover my reaction. I laid my head against hers and joined in on her soft laughter. The pastor's voice caught our attention when he announced, "I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen."

This was what happy felt like. Providence brought us together, and throughout the entire universe, I'd found my beloved, Isabella.

la fine


Special thanks to Frannie Walsh for being my beta. Camilla10 for Italian translations. Kara Galloway for making my banner.

To all the people who read and reviewed, you're so very appreciated!

Check out my new Twilight FanFiction; Hide and Watch By dancer54.