As the couple was dreaming a figure entered their room. He stopped and smiled at the two sleeping and placed a small machine near the bed. He thought, "please don't blow up!" He put some wires on the couple's heads hoping they won't wake up. To his luck, they didn't. He turned the machine on, left a small note next to Ash and left.

In their dream

Ash waked up in a different bed in a big house. He feels a similar presence beside him the bed. It was Serena!

Serena: Hey Kalos league champion.

Ash: Huh? Kalos league champion? Did I win the league? If I did then that is awesome! Also how come this feels so real, even though I know this is a dream. Good morning Kalos Queen!. Ash managed to say. He saw her get up and saw a lump a Huh where did that come from? I said Kalos Queen, does that mean she won the Master Class? So many questions and few to none answers!" Ash said, "How did you sleep?

Serena: Oh, you know the usual." Said Serena said while stretching a bit.

Ash: Except I don't.

Serena: Our two bundles of joy were really bouncing around last night. They woke me up a few times but other than that, I slept great! How about you? Did you sleep well?

Ash: Our two bundles of joy? We had kids of our own? I also feel taller and so does she. Is this a vision or just some kinda of weird dream? If this is a dream then this is cruel cause I do really want this to happen someday. Oh well, that's good. I think? Anyways I slept pretty good. I think?

Serena: Haha, you never seem to amaze me. First with Greninja now this this.

Ash: Well, never give up till the very end!

Serena: That's right! You have always lived by that! Ever since we met in Professor Oak's Pokemon Camp!

Ash: That's right.

Then all the sudden things went black. Ash and Serena woke up and sprang up at the exact same time.

Serena: What are these cords on my head? Wait you have them too!

Ash: Ahh! I do. I look like I'm from a lab being experimented on!

Serena: We both do!

The couple laughed about it while they took off the wires and when they finally stopped laughing there was a little bit of silence until Ash spoke up.

Ash: Oh my gosh! I had the craziest dream! You wanna hear it?

Serena: Same! You go first!

Ash: OK! So, I woke up in a different bed in a big house. Then I realized that you were in the bed as well! You said "Good morning Kalos Champion." In a quiet voice. Almost wife-like. Then I said, "Good morning Kalos Queen!" As if I knew what I was talking about. I didn't know at all. At last you got out of bed with a lump on your stomach!

Serena: Wait! Hold on! You calling me fat boy?!

Ash: No no! Just let me explain. Anyways as was saying, I noticed what it was until you said, "The two bundles of joy kicked around a lot last night!" So I assumed you were pregnant with twins! How exciting is that!? We talked a little more then I woke up! So what was your dream about?

Serena was in shock as she heard his dream!

Serena: Ash! I had that exact same dream!

Ash: Wait what?! Let me get this straight. You had the exact same dream as me. Wait hold on. What is that on the table.

Serena: Looks like a note of some sort. What does it say?

Ash reads it outloud. Hope you guys aren't too mad that I came into your room last night. I also hope this room isn't blown to smithereens. But if you are reading this then I'm guessing the it worked. Anyways I made a machine that will allow to see the future in the form of a dream! I call it the See-In-The-Future-Device!


Ash: Wow! Science is so amazing!

Serena: So all of that will happen someday in the future?

Ash: I guess?

Serena: Wow! I guess that is kind of cool!

Ash: Anyways, should we get ready for the day?

Serena: Sure, we slept in yesterday so I guess we should use this day to continue our journey!

Ash: Sure, I will take my shower and get dressed. After that you can have your turn and while you're doing that I can clean up the room.

Serena: Ok

After both of them do their thing and clean up they go to the pokemon centre. The young couple meet up with Clemont and Bonnie.

Clemont: Hey guys! I see you are up on time today!

Bonnie: Hehe! Just out of curiosity was there anything strange with your dreams last night?

Ash: I think you already know.

Clemont: Ahh… So it did work!

Serena: Yup!

Clemont: Ya so it just so you know I set it to show you 15 years in the future. So whatever you saw will happen in 15 years!

Ash: Wow! Science is so amazing!

Serena: I actually agree this time! Plus, it didn't blow this time!

Bonnie: The name could use some work but other than that you did a good job big brother!

Clemont: Thank you Bonnie! It was your idea though so I shouldn't take all the credit.

Ash: Well both Serena and I, really enjoyed out dream. However, we should get going.

Serena: Right! So where are we going now?

Ash: I don't know? Are there any gyms nearby?

Serena: Well let's see here. Oh, my poke-navigator says that the Snow Bell gym is the closest one to where we are.

Ash: Sweet! Than lets go there!

Ash and his friends traveled to one of the coldest parts of Kalos and challenged the gym leader there. He was very tough but eventually beat him with Greninja throwing his pokemon up against the ice roof then slamming it to the ground, therefore nocking it unconscious. He gained his 8th gym badge and was ready for the Kalos league! Ash, Serena, Bonnie, and Clemont are heading back to Lumios City. When Ash gets there he starts to have second thoughts on the league.

Authors notes: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I know it was a little shorts by 1000 words. I promise a longer one next time. However I did not like writing this chapter the way I did. For example Serena: Hi instead of "Hi" Said Serena. I'm sure I've said this before but I'm still learning and this is still my first fanfiction. However, I have been getting some really good reviews and I thankful for that! Anyways with that said

-KingBling OUT!