Story Notes: Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter Notes:

Hi all! After months of not doing anything fanfiction related, I have finally returned. And as much as I would love to continue with the stories I had already been working on, I decided to post something I have already finished. Anyway, this story was my response to Wonder and Ashes' banner challenge for the Elysian Field's Anniversary Challenge! Hope I did good with this challenge and got you guys to enjoy reading it. If not, then sorry, but I just seriously wanted to do something before I start finishing the rest of my fics... So anyway, sit back, relax and have fun, leave a review when you are done! Thanks ahead for considering to read this!

Special thanks to my Beta who was kind enough to help me with this fic, SoaringClaws. Again, thank you for the help!


Italics are thoughts/mental talk of the characters



When I first came to town to capture the bleached menace to be given to a Juxt'ce demon in exchange for getting Connor, my son, back from Holtz, I thought that everything was going to be easy as pie. I only had to come to Sunnydale, capture Spike, give him to the demon, and I could get my son back before morning the next day.

But when I attempted to capture the peroxide bastard by using some type of sleep and paralyzing drug, I didn't expect to be attacked by none other than Xander Harris! He hit me in the head using a large two by two piece of wood he found near the dumpster in the alley where I had knocked Spike out earlier, and the next thing I knew I was waking up in chains in the back portion of the Magic Box with a very angry Slayer staring down at me with a very pointy stake in her hand and standing alongside an equally angry Xander with a crossbow in his.

After that, I was put through a series of heavy questioning on whether or not I was Angelus. But even when I vehemently said that I wasn't, they still called Willow to do a spell to check whether or not I had my soul. Only then, when the spell was done, was I released from my chains. But even after I had proven that I was the good ol'Angel they all knew, I could still feel everyone's wariness of my presence. It was when Buffy, Xander, Willow, and I left the back part of the Magic Box to the front part of it that I learned why.

"What is he doing here? Shouldn't you be busy dusting him after what he did to Spike?" Dawn, who I remembered was Buffy's younger sister, asked my companions.

"He's not Angelus, Dawn, so we can't kill him," Buffy said flippantly, but there was still an edge to her voice that meant it was still an option for her.

I shuddered at that.

Why is Buffy acting this way towards me? It isn't like I did anything wrong to her as of late!

I tried to think back on the last encounter I had with Buffy and only remembered that we had parted on good terms, or what constituted good terms considering she had just lost her mother. But aside from that, Buffy and I were good. We had no territory fights, no memory wiping of me being human, and nothing that could cause her to be cold and distant towards me-well, nothing except that I had come to Sunnydale to kidnap Spike.

But she wouldn't care about that now, would she? It's not like Spike is valuable to them.

At least that is what I thought until I saw the bleach menace's unconscious form on one of the shop's couches, being watched over by some pretty blond chick that I had no recollection of. Then I saw Willow approach the blond woman before asking her how he was doing.

It didn't make sense! Why were they taking care of the bleached moron? I just didn't understand it. And so I had to ask the one person I knew would be the most reasonable in the group, Giles.

I asked Giles about what was going on and why it seemed that everyone was angry at me. It was his answer that fortified my suspicions of where their anger was coming from and it was indeed because I had hurt Spike.

"Of course we're angry, Angel. You attacked a very important member of our team the night before Xander's wedding, during his bachelor party."

Of course, despite already having suspicions of it, the answer still caught me off guard.

Wedding? Bachelor party?

I had vague knowledge of the wedding because Cordy had offhandedly mentioned it to me a few weeks back. She had asked for a raise, so she could buy the dress she wanted for Harris' wedding, which she said I wasn't invited to. So the wedding thing wasn't really what surprised me. It was actually the fact that Giles referred to Spike as an important member of their team!

When did Spike earn that position?! Better yet, when did Spike become an important member of their team?! I thought angrily.

I knew Spike. I had helped create him. He was a little runt who was always trying to find ways to one-up me, to take my place in some way and be me because the boy was created to be just like me. He was trained to take care of Dru when I was gone, to do evil the same way I did and to be my-no, Angelus' replacement, in case anything were to happen to him! But hearing that Spike had become a valuable member of the team that I, Angel, had been part of, was just too much!

The boy seemed to have taken his job of being my replacement all too seriously now that he was replacing me with the Scoobies!

"Does he have a soul now too? Did he get himself cursed just like me? Is that why you are all taking care of him? Why is he a part of your team now?" I asked, wanting to know just how much the stupid vampire went through to take my spot in the group.

Laughter filled the room after those words left my mouth, which only confused me.

"What?!" I asked, really not liking the fact that I was getting laughed at without knowing why.

"The fact that you thought Spike needed to have a soul to be part of this team just cracked us up!" Xander explained in between his bouts of laughter. Even with what he said, I was still confused.

"What do you mean by that? Are you telling me that he doesn't have a soul? If so, why the hell are you calling him an important member of your team?! He's a soulless monster for Pete's sake! You shouldn't be taking care of him and getting angry at me for hurting him! You should be staking him while he's still unconscious!" I told the group.

After my outburst though, the room's atmosphere suddenly changed drastically. Their laughter immediately died out and I could feel everyone's glares being directed at me.

"You really put a lot of faith on the soul thing, don't you, Angel?" Dawn asked him, raising one eyebrow at the same time. "Well, let me just inform you then that Spike is different from you because he doesn't need a soul to be a member of this team. Even without it he has done far more than you ever did when you were still working with this team, you useless turd!"

I glared at Dawn after her speech. The impertinent little brat deserved a good slapping and perhaps a bit of a spanking after what she just said to me. And if I had a say on it, I would do such things to her while she was in front of all these people to let her learn not to speak unless spoken to!

Of course, it seemed that my glare had not gone unnoticed and Buffy stepped right in front of Dawn, as if she was shielding her from me.

Dammit, I should really stop giving them reasons to distrust me. I need them to trust me so I can get Spike!

"We don't say such words to allies, Dawn, even if they tend to be annoying, overbearing, and presumptuous assholes."

Annoying, overbearing, and presumptuous asshole? Is that how she sees me?!

"We just don't go around insulting people and calling them useless turds," Buffy reprimanded her sister, though it was obvious that it was half-heartedly done.

I opened my mouth again to ask why Buffy was acting this way towards me, but before I could say or do anything the Slayer turned back to face me, a frown painted clearly on her face.

"Anyway, Angel, Dawn may be wrong about her name calling but she wasn't wrong about the soul thing. We don't put that much faith in the soul here in Sunnydale. The soul isn't as important to us as you might assume or believe. Maybe before when you were here, it was important but not anymore. We've learned our lesson the hard way, souls do not equal good-" A cold and distant look crossed her eyes making me think that there was story behind those words and expression, "-and same goes for those who lack it." The cold look softened as she turned to face the unconscious vampire on the couch. A smile crossed her features that constricted my heart at the familiarity of it and the fact she was directing it at none other than my pesky grandchilde. "Spike's among the few exceptions of soulless beings that are good. He's proven himself to us countless times over the two years he's been working with us just how much he's changed. He's protected my sister and friends, and helped save the world countless times by my side. He's grown to be a very important member of this team, just like Giles said, and so it is only natural that we all would take offense when you suggest that we stake him." She turn back to face me again with a glare more intense than the last one.

"That's right, dead boy. Spike's one of us now, so you better knock it off with the staking comments. Even I don't say such things to him anymore. Spike's one of the good guys so there'll be no staking," Xander said joining in the conversation.

"Which is why, I suggest that you watch that mouth of yours, Angel. It's bad enough that you hurt Spike, suggesting such things will only put you in a very bad spot here with us," Giles said in a tone that suggest that there was an underlying threat within his words.

"You all are angry and are threatening me because of Spike?" I blurted out, feeling offended and slightly hurt that they were doing and saying such things to me. I stared at Giles with a disbelieving expression. "You, of all people, are telling me to be careful of what I say about the bleached menace?! What the hell?! He's a vampire for Pete's sake! Why the hell are you defending him?! Better yet, what is with this trust you all seem to have given him? Have you all forgotten what he was? What he still is? Or better yet, what he did to you?" I looked at Buffy.

"I haven't forgotten, Angel. He tried to kill me more than once in the past. But that's all it is. The past. He's changed now, has become a better person," Buffy replied, giving me her best I'm-not-kidding expression.

"Vampire's don't change," I spat, "I already told you that, Buffy."

"Well, he did," this time it was Willow who spoke. I turned to the usually timid redhead and was surprised to see the determination in her eyes. "He has changed, Angel. He's not killing people anymore. And it's no longer because of the chip, but because he knows it's wrong and it would hurt us, especially Buffy. He's doing good by his own choice and not because it was forced on him!"

"Chip? You mean the government chip Buffy's soldier ex-boyfriend placed in him?! It's gone?!" Panic was evident in my voice.

This was worse than I had thought. These idiots were letting a murderer roam among them, thinking that he had changed! It was stupid and very naive of them to think in such a way. Spike would never turn his back on the kill just to avoid hurting their feelings.

Although, it did make me wonder what they meant about it most especially hurting Buffy.

What does Buffy have to do with the idiot's decision to change?

"Yeah, it's gone, dead boy. A Hellgod captured and tortured him to get him to give up Dawn's identity but he endured all of it until the Hellgod did something to him and was able to take the chip out of his head in the process. But before you start running your mouth again about killing Spike because he's evil and now a killer without the chip, let me just inform you that after he found out that the chip was no longer there, he did some blood spell thingy so we can have full control over him so we'd be sure that he wouldn't kill or hurt a single human. And from the link of the ritual we have been able to ascertain that ever since the chip's removal he has kept his promise."

"A blood spell?!" There were plenty of blood spells, a lot of them dangerous for anyone under it. But for vampires, there was only one spell that I knew would do the things Xander described.

But before I came to any conclusion I had to check first.

I briefly closed my eyes and sensed my link to my grandchilde. I felt it easily enough but then I searched the link that went beyond him and was surprised to feel seven humans linked tightly around him. Their links were almost as strong as the one Dru had on him, if not stronger.

"He did a blood binding ritual to you?! To all of you?" I asked as I opened my eyes.

I was shocked. I knew William was an idiot, but for him to do this? Of all the things he had done in the past, this was by far the stupidest.

He had willingly bound himself to a human, or, in this case, to a group of humans. It was an unprecedented thing to do. Vampires never bound themselves to humans. Usually, it was the other way around because when a human was bound to a vampire it became easy for the vampire to protect them and watch over them through the link. It also allowed the vamps power over the humans they bound to themselves. That's why it was so hard to believe that a vampire would choose to lose control over himself that way. Vampires, after all, were very dominating creatures.

It's all about power for us and losing it is not something we'd want or willingly allow to happen.

Yet Spike had done it.

And that was the crux of it all. He had allowed himself to become a slave to humans for some reason I could not even fathom. They had said he did it to earn their trust, which was, again, stupid of him to do!

Why would he care about such things in the first place?! It just doesn't make sense!

"Why? Why the hell would he do such a thing?" I muttered aloud. In all seriousness, I could not for the life of me understand what had instigated Spike's decision to do the binding ritual. I would've understood if it had been something Dru wanted him to do, but Dru was not here and I was sure as hell that my pest of a grandchilde was not in love with any of the Scoobies.


"Who?" I asked, looking at the group after suddenly realizing the possible answer to the question.

"Who what, Angel?" Buffy asked, looking just as confused at everyone in the group.

And I didn't blame them. A minute ago, I had been all confused and having an internal war with myself. Now, I was suddenly asking them a vague question.

"Who is the unlucky woman that my stupid bastard of a grandchilde decided he loved more than Dru?"

I saw the group internally flinch at my words and it signified that I had hit the jackpot. It only served to fortify my suspicious in the matter and encouraged me to pursue the answer all the more.

"Well? Who is it?" I asked again, my eyes narrowing at the group.

"It doesn't matter who it is, Angel. What matters is that Spike is no longer a threat but an ally, and you came here and did something to him which he has still not recovered from," Giles said, obviously trying to deflect the question.

But I wasn't swayed. If William had someone here who he cared about enough to allow himself to be a slave to humans then I had to know who it was. Though whether it was to congratulate them or to tell them I felt sorry for them, I wasn't certain.

"No, Giles. Actually it does matter, because I have to know who made that idiot do the stupidest thing in the world."

"It's not stupid, Angel," Buffy suddenly stated. My eyes turned to face her and I didn't like what I saw. The expression on her face could not be described as anything but admiration. "It's not stupid to do something drastic to earn the trust of the people important to you. What Spike did was an amazing thing and I thanked him for it because he not only gained the trust of my friends but he trusted, not just me, but all of us not to use the bond against him." She took a step forwards and leveled her eyes at me. This time determination shone from them. "So don't you dare call him an idiot for it, because it wasn't a stupid thing to do to assure the woman he loves that he can still be trusted to fight alongside her in a time like that, when a Hellgod wanted nothing but to take her sister away. Spike made a decision to give us control over him so we wouldn't have to worry about him going against us because of the lost if his chip. He did it so he could still stay with us to fight alongside us, to protect me, my sister, and my friends. And he did all of that. He protected us, got an RV for us to escape town. And even though we still weren't able to leave because of those knights, what's important was that he tried. He tried his hardest to help us and his efforts paid off because he was able to save my sister when the time came. He was able to prevent some demon from using her to open the portal to hell. He did all that, Angel, so don't you dare insult him and downgrade what he did because you have no right to judge him after everything he's done for us, for me."

I stared at Buffy with an incredulous expression. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Buffy. It was Buffy that my grandchilde had fallen in love with and from what I was hearing it seemed that she was okay with Spike feeling such things towards her.

"You're- Are you insane?!" I asked.

"Excuse me?" she yelled back, looking at me with an indignant expression.

"This-Is this some kind of sick joke?! Some sort of way to make fun of me while visiting? Well, if it is, it isn't funny! This is Spike for heaven's sake! You are not supposed to look at him with admiration, or talk about him like he's the most amazing person you have ever seen! He-"

"He IS the most amazing person I have ever seen, Angel," Buffy cut me off angrily, "He's sweet, considerate, he's really good with Dawn, and he knows how to hang out with my friends. He patrols with me and helps me train. He cooks food, and makes sure Dawn and I eat healthy stuff. He takes good care of us and I feel safe with him. And best of all he understands me better than anyone I have ever known and he just gets me in a way no one ever has. He's just-"

"It sounds like he's something more to you than just a friend, Buffy." This time I was the one who cut her off. I stared at her in suspicion before my eyes widened in sudden realization. "You and him?" I eyed Spike's unconscious form then looked back at Buffy's guilty expression. "No…"

"I'm sorry, Angel. It just happened, we-"

"NO!" I screamed and started pacing.

I couldn't believe it! I just couldn't... Buffy. My Buffy was together with my disgraceful, pathetic, and pitiful grandchilde! The sad imitation of me!

Oh, how the mighty have fallen!

It's all my fault! I thought. Buffy turned to Spike because she couldn't have ME! And now, she and everyone around her have it in their minds that Spike is some kind of hero? Someone who they all think is their friend? Someone they can count on?!

Fools! I can't let this go on any longer!

"I'm stopping it!" I stated. I stopped pacing to turn to everyone in the group.

"Stopping what?" Buffy asked, giving me a worried expression.

No, don't, Buffy. Don't look worried. Everything will be okay once I take the bleach menace away from you. Everything will go back to normal once Spike is no longer in the picture. I thought as I stared back at her.

"I'm stopping all of this, Buffy. This dream, this illusion-whatever spell that peroxide punk had done to you, to every one of you, I'm putting an end to it! I'm taking the bastard with me to LA and everything will go back to normal for you, for all of you! You all will return to your demon hating selves once Spike is no longer here," I told them and walked towards the idiot's unconscious form only to be stopped by Buffy's tight grip on my arm.

"You're not taking Spike, Angel," she told me with finality. Her grip on my arm became stronger. If I had been human it would've really hurt me a lot.

I sighed. I should've expected resistance. Whatever spell Spike had placed on her was strong and it seemed that it still had her despite him not being conscious.

"Look, Buffy, I understand that you feel that you need to protect, Spike. But it's not real. What you're feeling, I mean. He's not who you think he is. He's not a hero and he's not any of those things you said about him. It's all a spell."

"Are you listening to yourself?!" Xander said from beside us. "We just told you Spike got himself tortured for Dawn and Buffy, then allowed himself to be placed in a bonding spell that made him ours to do what we please just so we could trust him without the chip! He helped save Dawn from Glory and has been taking good care of her and Buffy ever since, and your only explanation to everything that has happened is that we are under a spell?! I think you're the idiot here, Angel, not Spike!"

"Shut up, Harris!" I told the boy. It was bad enough that Buffy was acting this way, I didn't need the others doing the same thing.

"Hey! Don't tell my future husband to shut up! He's right after all. Spike has done a lot of good things, like keeping Xander from leaving me, and you are being an idiot for thinking that it was all a spell."

I didn't know who the woman was, so I didn't care to say anything to her. Instead, I focused my attention on Buffy, who was at the moment trying to pull me further away from the bleached menace.

"Look, everyone, listen to me. You are all under a spell. Spike's spell to be exact. He's done something to alter your minds or memories to make you think he's one of the good guys. He's doing it to get you to lower your guard with him, maybe so he can kill you or something. Spike is sinister that way."

"No, he's not!" Buffy's bratty sister said, joining in the conversation again. "Spike isn't like that. He likes to fight fairly and if he wanted us dead he'd just try to kill us. He's not the type to play with his opponents or put them through psychological torture crap like Angelus does! He's not even capable of thinking up something too complex, like a spell, just to earn our trust and kill us eventually. It's not him! You're being an idiot!"

I pulled my arm from Buffy and turned to face the insolent little brat.

"Listen here, little girl. It's obvious that you have some sort of crush on him, but you are being foolish if you think that he's one of the good guys. Spike is not good. He's a vampire and he'll do anything to get what he wants, whether it is through a spell or whatever. I don't know. All I know is Spike has done something to you that's making you all like him! So I suggest that you shut that ignorant little mouth of yours before I-"

But I never got to finish my words. Before I knew it, I was sent sprawling on the shop's floor. I stared up wide eyed at Buffy, who had punched me.

"Don't you dare threaten my sister, Angel," she said with a deathly glare.

"Buffy, I-"

"No, I don't want to hear it! You come here, hurt my boyfriend, insult my friends and I, and now you threaten my sister. I don't care what self-righteous reason you have for acting this way, but I have had enough of your unruly behavior! Normally, I'd be kicking your ass by now. In fact, I'd dust your butt for what you did to Spike. But since we have a history, I'm gonna be lenient with you, I'm giving you this one and only chance to leave my town and never show your humongous forehead here ever again!"

My eyes widened as I heard this. Buffy was kicking me out of her town. I felt my heart clench at the anger and coldness that she was directing at me.

Where is the girl who loved me with all her might? Why is she acting this way?

My eyes immediately zoned in on Spike.

It's all your fault!

Buffy's behavior only solidified my belief that Spike had done something to make her act this way. And I was now, more than ever, determined to take the bleached pest away from this group to get them all released from whatever he had cast over them.

I stood up with a firm expression.

"If I am leaving, Buffy, I'm taking Spike with me," I told her.

"No, you're not," Buffy stated, having an equally determined expression on her face. I saw the rest of the Scoobies moving beside her to block my way towards Spike. "Spike is staying with us and you are leaving town without him, Angel."

"You don't have a choice, Buffy. None of you do. I am Spike's grandsire. I have a right to do what I please with him, and that includes taking him with me anytime I want."

"Hah! It's funny that you only claim he's family when it pleases you, dead boy, and only when it's convenient for you," Xander said with a sneer.

"Convenient or not, he is my family and I have a right to do what I please with him. So if I say I am taking him with me, he is coming with me. Now step aside, all of you!" I roared at them.

But the Scoobies stayed firm. They neither moved nor flinched at my furious outburst. If anything, it only served to make them even more angry at me. Buffy pulled out a stake from her back pocket, as did the rest of her friends.

"Not a chance, Angel. If you want to take Spike, you have to go through all of us," Buffy said.

We were at a standstill. I wanted nothing more than to tear through the human barrier the group created, but knew it would be reckless to do so considering the said humans all carried sharp looking stakes in their hands. We must have really looked stupid. We were all supposed to be comrades in fighting evil, yet here we were ready to fight each other over Spike.

"Buffy, I don't want to hurt you. But I will do so for your own good," I informed her.

"Go ahead and try, Angel. I can assure you Buffy is not the one who will end up hurt in this," Giles stated, his eyes narrowing at me.

I could feel my demon raging within me. How dare a bunch of humans threaten me? It screamed.

I would've buried the thought or tried to shake it away if I didn't feel the same way. I felt just as indignant as my demon. These humans were all treating me like a threat when the real threat was lying behind them!

"Bloody hell!" we all heard coming from the sofa that the Scoobies were protecting. "Anybody got the number of that truck that hit me?" Spike stated as he groggily sat up.

All at once, the ladies in the room ran to his side, Dawn and Buffy arriving there first.

"Baby, are you okay?" Buffy asked, "Does anything hurt?"

"Go on, Spike. Tell us so Buffy has another reason to kick Angel's butt," Dawn said with a sadistic smile on her not so innocent face.

This kid can't be Buffy's sister. Little brat's acting more and more like Spike by the hour. I thought as I observed their exchange.

"Angel?" Spike immediately sobered up as he stared straight at me. "What the bloody hell are you doing here?" he asked me.

I glared at his disrespectful way of asking me. "I could ask you the same thing. What are you up to, Spike? What kind of spell did you place on these humans?"

"Spell? What the bloody hell are you talking about? What spell?"

"The one that you put on them to make them think that you are a good guy, to make them like you and have a relationship with you, to make them treat you as part of the team, and to imitate the same characteristics of a blood bond. That spell," I told him.

I saw his eyes widen, looking surprised at what I had said. I had to smirk at that.

You thought I wouldn't know, didn't you? I thought.

"You think that I-?" he started, before busting in to fits of uncontrolled laughter. "Bloody hell, Angel! You think? Hahahaha!"

He was laughing so hard that even some of the Scoobies were joining him, making me even more angry.

"What the hell do you all find so funny?!" I yelled, shutting the impertinent boy up.

"You!" He pointed. "Bloody hell, mate, you really think that highly of me?"

I was taken aback by that statement. "What do you mean?"

"I mean anyone who really knows me would know that I ain't that sophisticated. Well, maybe I am, but I don't have the patience to actually do what you're accusing me of. Also, you already know my take on magic. It always has consequences. Do you really think I'd do something like that when I hate magic just as much as I hate you?"

I paused as I thought on Spike's words. He had a point. Spike wasn't really one to do such things. He was never patient enough to actually see through a plan. And as for his take on magic-well, as he said, he hated magic. He could never stand it. He said it had something to with not liking how magic always ended up backfiring on the casters.

"Bu-but then that means-" I turned to face Buffy who was still holding his hand on hers.

"It means exactly what it means, Angel," Buffy said in an irritated tone, "And that is that Spike is actually now one of the good guys and that he and I are really together without the influence of any spell, like we have been telling you."

"No," I said, taking a step back from the horrible truth of it all.

"Oh, don't look so surprised, grandpa." He looked at me with a smug expression before schooling it as he continued with his words. "You said it enough times in the past that I ain't evil enough for your liking. I'm just not trying to live up to your expectations nowadays," Spike said offhandedly, though the smirk on his face made it obvious that he was happy about what this entire situation was putting me through.

I was shocked. I had no idea what to do at that moment. I had come to Sunnydale to take Spike and use him to get my son back. That had been the plan, but it seemed that nothing of what I had planned was going to happening as I expected. Instead, a lot of things that I hadn't expected had actually happened.

I hadn't expected any resistance from Buffy or any of the Scoobies when I had come here. I hadn't expected to find out what the boy had been doing the past two years in this town, nor had I been expecting to find out that he and my ex were now together and that he had built himself a life in the life I had had when I lived in Sunnydale.

All of it was just such a surprise for me that I stood there in front of everyone, frozen from shock. It was only when I felt someone poking my arm that I unfroze.

"Hey! Stop that!" I told the blond woman who, if I remembered correctly, was Harris' fiancé.

"Oh, darn. And here I thought I could finally add frozen vampire to our wares."

"I highly doubt anyone would buy him, Ahn," Harris told his woman affectionately.

"You'd be surprise what people would willingly take in exchange for their money!" the woman said.

"Even if Angel had really frozen, I vehemently refuse to include him in our sales," Giles said joining in the conversation.

"No one is selling me!" I finally said, having reached the limit of being ignored.

"Pity," the woman mumbled, earning a glare from me.

"In any case." Buffy intervened before I got a chance to actually tell the stupid girl off. "Angel, you now know that Spike isn't evil. So that means you'll stop this stupid notion of taking him with you to LA, am I correct?" she asked while placing a protective hand on the said vampire.

It hurt my heart to see, but I immediately shook the feeling away because I had more important things I needed to deal with before feeling sorry for myself for losing Buffy to the peroxide bastard.

Thanks to her words, I was reminded of the real reason why I had come to town.

"Wrong," I started, "I'm sorry, Buffy, but I am still taking Spike with me."

"What?!" they all yelled.

But before they could say anything or ask anything, I told them my reason.

"He needs to come with me because I need him to get my son back," I said with a grim expression.



Chapter End Notes:

And that's that. Hope you all don't think that Angel is evil here, because he really isn't. He's just being an idiot and I just love to kick him off his high horse. But he isn't evil. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope to see you in the next chapter! Thanks and please leave a review and tell me what you think of this story!