Prologue: Future Plans Made in the Past

*Happy St. Patrick's Day guys and gals, I'm back. Welcome to the revised version of A Sister's Strength. I hope you enjoy this version, some things will be the same as in the previous version and some things will be different. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach, just a couple of OCs.*

A simple Números servant set down a tray holding two filled cups of tea and a small plate filled with simple tea biscuits. Aizen lazily waved off the servant, dismissing him. The servant bowed and mutely left the ex-captain. Aizen did not care for the baked delicacies, but his coming guest did and a good host catered to his guest's needs.

''Expecting company, eh?" a wry voice cut through the silence just as the owner of said voice slithered into view.

His private solar was supposed to be just that, private. But Gin Ichimaru always had the useful, if not occasionally, infuriating way of sliding into places he was purposely kept out of.

Languidly Aizen addressed his cohort, "Indeed I am Gin, and he should be arriving momentarily."

Gin bent down to examine the treats, "You never bring out fancy stuff like this for the Espada meetings. You must really want to impress this guy."

"I am not trying to impress anyone, only merely trying to make my guest feel welcome. Now I suggest you go find something productive to do."

Gin took the hint and filched a cookie off the plate before leaving. Aizen brown eyes narrowed at his retreating second in command, Gin was becoming too lax in his behavior in his presence. The younger man was acting more of an upstart then when they were in Soul Society. Aizen sipped his tea, I'll have to remedy that soon.

The door to his private solar open and two figures walked in, his most loyal Espada and his awaited guest. Ulquiorra bowed and introduced their guest, "Lord Aizen, Captain Erhard Wilter is here to meet with you."

"Thank you Ulquiorra, you may leave us," Aizen said as he stood. The Espada bowed and departed the room as soundlessly as he had entered.

Wilter watched the Arrancar leave with an impressed smile on his lips. "I must say he is extraordinary. I could feel such power exuding from him. And he is only ranked fourth in your army?"

Aizen nodded like a proud father would at being complimented about his son.

"I can scarcely imagine what the three who outrank him must be like." Wilter sat down on the plush seat across from Aizen who sat down as well. "They were all created with the Hōgyoku, correct?"

Aizen handed a cup of hot tea to his guest who took it. "Indeed they were. There are ten in total and I am working on a… specially made Arrancar."

A blend of black tea leaves and sweetened spices slid past Wilter's tongue as he sipped his tea. A Western blend, he was pleased to find. Green tea commonly served in Asian countries did little for his palate. It was significantly inferior to what Europe could produce and the same went for Soul Reapers.

However he played the role of a pleasant guest and said, "How fascinating. This orb can also bypass the barrier between Soul Reapers and Hollows, causing a Soul Reaper to undergo Hollowfication, can it not?"

Aizen nodded again with an air of over abundant pride. "Indeed it can, but talking about my great work is not the sole reason for your visit, is it?"

Wilter took a moment in answering by delicately eating a tea biscuit and washing it down with a sip of tea. "Right to business then? Very well, you are correct that my visit has another meaning and I'm sure you know what that meaning is."

Aizen's face betrayed nothing, though he felt anger, annoyance, and the slightest drop of fear simmer inside him. "You are talking about the help you asked for in retrieving two certain young Quincies alive."

Wilter's smile had a mocking edge to it, "Brilliant as ever Sosuke."

The ex-Soul Reaper hid his annoyance with practiced ease. "I find something curious though. If you desire these Quincies so badly, why not send your own men to capture them yourself? It would be much easier for you, would it not?"

"Yes, it would be easier for me and my men could certainly handle such an easy task." Wilter then sighed, "However, I am forced to perpetuate a façade of loyalty and moral upstanding. If I waver even slightly my Head Captain will descend upon me like the hawk that she is. I cannot risk my true motives coming to light before the time is right. I can stand by and play nice with her a little longer though it would be easier with the Quincies in my possession."

Aizen nodded in feigned sympathetic understanding, "I can relate. A few colleagues of my own were always suspicious and distrustful of me. Luckily with the type of zanpakutou I have I was able to fool many of them."

"Not all of us are blessed with such a hypnotic sword like yours," Wilter lightly jibbed. You have had it easy with that sword of yours, you foolish whelp. You do not know how to truly be deceitful. You kept your ruse for a century and then needlessly cast it aside, while I have kept mine up for centuries.

"Quite true," Aizen agreed. "Now if I do help you, might I ask what I can expect in return?"

In return I will not eviscerate each of your precious Espada in front of you and then personally throw you into the deepest pit of Hell. Wilter smiled genially, "I will give whatever aid you request at any time. My men and resources are at your disposal."

That's all you have to offer? Aizen knew asking such a question would be highly discourteous, but he felt cheated. I have to give you a pair of teenage humans and all you offer in return is your men? As if I need such extra support. His Espada were the best, he had granted them their powers after all, and were far stronger and superior to Soul Society's army.

I suppose I could catch the Quincies and try to negotiate for a better arrangement. After all, how difficult could it be to capture two simple humans? Aizen sipped his tea and set it down on the table. "I find your offer acceptable."

Wilter smiled and set his own tea cup down. He offered his hand to Aizen who grasped the proffered hand and shook it.

The Soul Reaper captain said, "To new beneficial alliances and mutual successes."

*I hope you liked this new start and the following chapters. Aizen and Wilter are both the type of person to stab each other (or anyone) in the back if it means saving their own skin or advancing their plans.

Please review and I will try to update again March 31st.*