Ok. This is a characters watching their movie kind of fanfic. I own nothing here except for the plot. So let's get this thing moving. Also if the words are underlined it's the dragons, if the words are underlined and italics it's the Queen, if the words are underlined and bold it's Hiccup or me, if the words are bold it's Toothless. Oh yeah. Hiccup can connect with the dragons.

Key: "hiccup" - talking/ 'hiccup' - thinking/ hiccup - dragons/ hiccup - queen/ hiccup - hiccup/ hiccup - toothless

"Quiet down, quiet down the elder has decided." Stoick says as Gobber goes to stand behind Hiccup and Astrid. Gobber points to Astrid, but Gothi shakes her head. Gobber points to Hiccup, and Gothi nods. The crowd cheers and suddenly there is a bright light and they all vanish.

With the dragons

The queen is angry and all the dragons are feeling the effects of this. "Twice he has gotten away from me. And then he has the nerve to bring a human here! When I get my claws on him he will wish he was never hatched!" She shouted through the connection her blood red pushing out all other colors, when suddenly the dragons were gone. The queen roared in anger because her minions were gone.

With Toothless

'Where is he? He should have been here by now, even with dragon training.' Toothless thought worried, he didn't speak because he didn't want any human who might be in the woods to here him growling to himself. 'If Hiccup isn't here in the next ten minutes I'm going to look for him, consequences be damned!' He finally thought. When suddenly a bright light was in front of him and he was transported to a strange cave, he was on high alert when suddenly his eyes felt so heavy and the next thing you know he was in a deep dreamless sleep.

=================================== Time Skip 2 hours ================================

Toothless' POV: When I woke up the first thing I saw was every dragon that had attacked Berk that lived in the nest. 'Do any of you know where we are? Or how we got here? Or how to get out?' I asked, adding the last question when I thought of Hiccup. They all shook their heads no.' Damn! I need to find Featherstone!' I thought angrily, my mint green flaring. I was about to blow a hole in the roof to escape, when a little human girl, dressed strangely, appeared and said,' I wouldn't do that if I were you Darklight. The stone will just absorb the fire. And even if you did manage to blow a hole in the roof how would you get to it? You can't fly. ' Her tone wasn't condescending just curious. It was the fact that she could connect that stopped us from attacking, that and her soft purple had a calming affect on all of us.' I'm not gonna hurt you I just need you all here to stop the red death. ' All of us shivered as she said that. But then a gronkle asked,' How will we be able to help you miss? ' The girl smiled at her question.' I'm glad you asked, Blaze. You see in another room in this cave there is the entire population of Berk. I will bring them in here in a minute after I've talked to you, and they wake up. You will all watch a movie, a series of moving pictures, that will show how you will all kill the red death. Oh. And call me Slayer, I'm not a miss anything. ' We all laughed at that last part, but then I thought of something,' Did you say the entire population of Berk? ' I asked.' Yes. When I said that I also meant Hiccup. ' She smiled as she saw my green go from panicked to relieved. When she asked if we had any more questions and we didn't she said that it was probably time for her to go welcome the Berkians.

================================== Time Skip 1 hour =================================

No one's POV: "Where are we?! How did we get here?!" Stoick shouted... from the bottom of a pile of Vikings, that kind of took away any fierceness his voice might have held. Hiccup, who hadn't landed on his father like the rest of his village seemed to, was having trouble keeping his laughter silent.

" Calm down. You're acting like someone's trying to kill you... if that were going to happen it would have been while you were all knocked out, heck if I wanted you dead you would be. Nothing here is going to hurt you except for yourselves, and I can't help with that." A mysterious voice said with a bored yet slightly amused voice." SHOW YOURSELF! COME OUT AND FACE US LIKE A MAN! SHOW YOURSELF AND WE'LL TAKE YOU ON!" Stoick shouted angrily, making others call out their own threats.

" Um dad, if I were you I wouldn't be making threats to people who are able to teleport you to unknown places." Hiccup said, having recovered from his laughing fit and the shock of a disembodied voice. Stoick was about to say something when suddenly there was the sound of clapping coming from the front of the room. They all turn and see a young girl who is laughing at their surprised faces. "Well put Hiccup. I don't think I could have put it better myself." She said that and then started to laugh. Once she was done she said, "Now that I've got that out of my system, it's time for introductions. I already know who you all are, but you don't know who I am. My name is Black-Dragon-Slayer. But to keep it short you can just call me Slayer, I'm fourteen, and you all are here to watch a series of moving pictures called a movie. Now that that's been said, any questions?" The strange girl looks around and everyone is too stunned to speak. "Good. Now let's get moving."

She walks away and it takes a few seconds for everyone to follow. They walk for a good ten minutes, during which they took so many turns and went up and down so many times that even their most skilled of trackers got confused on which way was up, before they came to a room so big and grand it could hold the whole village, heck it could hold the whole island, houses and all and still have room to spare. The room had a large white screen and theater chairs with refreshments on the arms. It also had an area that split the room down the middle, one side with chairs and the other with the dragons, this caught the Vikings eyes, the area that split the room looked like a shimmering transparent wall.

Suddenly Slayer was at the front of the room, in front of the screen, and said," Good evening all. I have gathered you all here to watch a movie that will show us the past, the present, and... the future. As you can all see the dragons will be watching the movie as well, because it is just as important to them as it is to you, and because I know you all are not on the best of terms with the dragons there is a wall that will keep you from going over to their side unless you mean no harm whatsoever and vise versa. Now the movie you will be watching is called How To Train Your Dragon. So sit down. Relax. And enjoy the movie!" And with that she disappeared. The village of Berk decided to do as she suggested and sit down, all of them took the seats that were the farthest away from the dragons. All except of course for Hiccup, who sat as close as possible without going through, to look for Toothless. He was all so worrying about the movie title because he had a feeling in the pit of his stomach that it had to do with him and Toothless. He was still looking when the lights suddenly went out, which made him turn to face the screen.

And Done!

In the next chapter they watch the movie I promise.

So until next time this is BlackDragon signing out. PEACE!

Next Chapter: WHAT!?