After running for a while, the group made it to Waterfall. Frisk dashed behind a waterfall to a secret area where a child's corpse was. Frisk didn't seem to take heed to it. She brought out a jar, and began to whisper to it.

"Mama?" Aliza asked.

"Aliza, try to see if you can find Tem village. They're probably the same from when I fell down." Frisk explained. "Go talk to the Temmie named 'Bob.' Or at least get some Temmie armor from the merchant there. This should be enough G." Frisk gave Aliza many of the monster currancy. There might've been 10000 G pieces her mother gave her.

"How did you get so much?" Aliza asked. Clearly her mother would've used this to support her family if it was on the surface.

"Toriel loaned it to me." Frisk said quietly. "I swore to pay her back, so after using that G, try to help the Temmies. They pay very nicely for entertainment." Frisk thought of just Aliza eating Temmie flakes while they recorded a new commercial, but Aliza thought of being like a zoo animal.

"Please Aliza, the Temmie's might not look like it, but they can be very helpful if given the opportunity."

Aliza reluctantly nodded and began to trek through the dimly lit area. Strangly, there were notes on the ground. Aliza picked one up. "In hinesight, I should've done this in the first timeline. Waterfall is pretty big and it's easy to get lost…so this map oughta help me remember where everything is." It was her mother's handwriting…

Aliza looked to the ripped up sign that showed an arrow. "Tem Vil-e" it read.

Aliza went into the village area, shivering. Until she saw the little creature she thought to be "Temmie." It had long, greasy, black hair, with a cat mouth, chubby cheeks, and cat ears. "hOI! I'm Temmie!" Aliza reached out to pet it before the Temmie gasped. "hYOmon allergic to Tem! But! That's! Okay! Tem allergic to Hyoman!" Red bumps appeared on its skin. "hOIVES!" It yelled and suddenly transformed with horrible bone breaking sounds as others came out from the darkness.

They had long legs that took their bodies up to the ceiling, with necks that brough their heads close to the ground. Their bodies were gray with age, but faces were pale white, with blood leaking from the eyesockets. One with Gray hair said, "you will regret this."

Aliza kept running from the creatures, as they tried to bite flesh off of her heels. "Frisk wanted you to find these freaks!?" Flowey exclaimed.

"Mama!" Aliza cried out when she was near the waterfall her mother was behind. Her mother came out and saw the Temmies chasing her daughter. Frisk got an angry look and from her wrist came a black whip. She pulled Aliza and Flowey away from them with her whip and put them behind her. Her whip then glowed red with literal Determination and her soul came out, growing slightly pale. She let out a slash that hit near the Temmie's feet as they charged causeing them to back off. She set out more glowing slashes, her soul paling with the effort, until the Temmies backed off and fled back to their village.

Frisk looked back to Aliza with sadened eyes, her soul growing slightly redder, but it took longer. "I thought…" She looked away and rubbed the ash jar. "I-I guess…not everyone can save themselves."