Authors Note: This will be a two or three part story. It is a roll play me (Jou) and my friends (Heba and Atem [go check them out]) did on facebook. I don't own anything in this story. the plot is a shared thing. hope you like this.

It was late afternoon in the royal palace. Jou and Heba were sitting in the lounge playing a card game. Atem walked in just as Heba beat Jou for the fifth time.

"It must be in your genes or something. Everyone in your family is good at games. Or maybe it's just the hair. I mean Yugi, Atem and Yami beat me all the time as well."

Heba smirked, "Or it's the fact that your mind is to focused on food to worry about the game you are playing."

"Oh, really Heba?" both Jou and Heba jumped and turned to see a smirking Atem holding a plate of cookies. "I thought that the hair made all the difference."

Heba rolled his eyes, "Atem, you know it has nothing to do with the hair. Seto beets him all the time too. And last time I checked he did not have tri-colored hair."

"The only reason he doesn't beat Seto is because he is focused more on Seto than the game they are playing."

"That is not true!" Jou's cheeks gained a reddish tint. "Why would I focus on him?"

Heba smirked, "For the same reason you are blushing."

Jou sided then looked at the plate of cookies.

Atem sees the look in Jou's eyes and set the plate on the table. "Go ahead. Before Heba eats them all."

Jou happily, takes a cookie while Heba glares at Atem before taking another cookie.

"Heba, you love cookies. I know if given the opportunity you would eat all of them. I just baked those too."

Heba takes another, looks at Atem. "Atem are you going to have any?

Atem grabs and eats a cookie. "I mostly made them for you since I missed Valentine's day yesterday"

Heba looks at cookies, and idea formed.

Atem looks at Heba in confusion.

Jou stares at Heba, "Oh no Heba has that look on his face."

Heba picks up a cookie, and looks at Atem.

"Heba?" Atem looked at Heba with a confused expression.

Heba smirked "hmmn Yes, Atem?"

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason..."

"Heba...? Atem starts backing away slowly.

Heba starts slowly walks forward, "Yes, Atem?"

Atem continues inching away from Heba warily. "why are you looking at me like that with a cookie in your hand?"

Heba holds out the and cookie stops walking.

Atem freezes and looks at Heba in confusion. "Heba?"

Heba says nothing, keeps on holding out cookie.

Atem gets even more confused. "do you want me to take the cookie?"

Heba looks at Atem pointedly.

Atem hesitantly reaches for the cookie still very much confused and Heba doesn't move. Atem slowly takes cookie still eyeing Heba in confusion.

Heba then takes the cookie tray and looks at Atem. Atem looks even more confused while nibbling on the cookie.

Heba looks at Atem with a smirk. "You said you made these for me?"

"Y-yes. Why?" Atem looks at Heba in complete confusion.

Jou is just sitting quietly watching you two. A smirk grows on his face.

Heba grins, "Thanks." He then runs away with cookies on cookie tray.

It takes Jou a moment to realize what just happened. "Hay! I wanted more cookies!"

Heba laughs so hard it can be heard from the lounge.

Atem just looks even more confused if possible. "If you wanted all of the all you had to do was say so, Heba. If you want I can make you some more later."

Jou sighs, "You know one of these days we'll learn to have extra cookies when he's around."

Atem just his shakes head. "I should have expected that."

Jou shakes his head. "Yeah, why do you think I took two cookies instead of one."

From the hallway Heba yells. "Come on it was funny."

Jou smirked. "Yeah it was, I think he is the only one that can get you that worried for absolutely no reason at all."

Atem sticks his head out the door and yells back. "No it wasn't! I just spent the last several hours making over twelve dozen cookies for you and you tried to give me a heart attack! See if I make any more cookies for you!"

Heba comes back whines. "Awww."

Atem just glares at Heba before leaving to go to a council meeting.

Jou smirks and look at Heba. "That's what you get for giving him a heart attack"

Heba walks back over to the couch with a couple of cookies and hands Jou some.

It was then that Yami walks in. "What did you guys do to Atem? He is normally never this happy to go to a council meeting."

Heba raises his hand. "My fault."

Jou snorted. "Heba gave him a heart attack over cookies." He takes a bite of a cookie. "Just now. Heba got all serious and was starting to freak me and Atem out. Then he asked 'so you made all these cookies for me?' Atem said yes and then Heba said 'Thank you' and ran out.

Yami raises an eye brow. "You mean the cookies he spent all morning making? You know he normally avoids the kitchen. He even burnt himself quite a few times."

Heba looked up at Yami. "He what?"

"He had a few second and third degree burns on his hands. Isis may have healed him by now but he may also just be using magic to hide them."

Jou shakes his head. "When does council get out? I think someone deserves an apology from their hikari."

"In an hour or so unless something unexpected happens"

Heba sighs, "I really messed up this time."

Jou smirked. "Yeah as you did. Is Seto in the meaning? Now that I think about it shouldn't you be in the meeting?"

"Seto is there. I wasn't needed so I figured I would go look for Yugi."

Heba looked around. "Yeah, where is Yugi anyways?"

"Have you seen Yugi, Jou?"

"No I haven't."

"Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Yugi all day." Heba said.

Yami looked at Heba. "I hope you understand why Atem reacted the way he did Heba." Haba looked down and nodded. Then yami looked at Jou. "I was looking for Yugi to see if he wanted to play a game with me. Plus, I need to give him his Valentine's day gift. Jou, I do believe Seto may have gotten you something. Don't say anything though."

Jou looked at Yami with surprise. "he what?"

Authors Note: thanks for reading. a lot if work goes into editing this from message into fanfiction so if I mad a mistake please go easy on me? I hope you liked this.