This is my first try at posting something on , if this works then I will know how to do it. If not… well, you wouldn't know since this wouldn't be up, now would you? Anyways, the prototype is going to be a RWBY story (as of now I don't know how many chapters will be in it) of Jaune being, or in this case feeling, betrayed, but saving everyone anyways, so… enjoy!

Edited on 03/27/2017. I just realized that I need an R for Team JRVS, so Mark's last name is going to be changed. Sorry if you thought this was a new chapter! But I am working on a new chapter so you won't be waiting long!

Bold: Author's Note

Italics: Character's Thoughts or the emphasizing of a word

Underline: Texts or letters.

This is the story of Jaune recently-disowned Arc. He was the only male with seven sisters, four older than him and the other three younger than him. He loved his sisters and vice versa, but his parents had expectations. They had trained his four older sisters and they had done well, so he was forced to be at least twice as good since he was a male. (No, I am not sexist, but men usually have higher expectations of them than women in strength and all that. I'm positive that most women out there are stronger than me, so don't say I'm sexist.) Needless to say that by the age of 7, he wasn't living up to their expectations. That, and his twin sisters, both a year younger than him, were already caught up with him, which was with his parents splitting their lessons between the two. Jaune was actually looking forward to his eighth birthday. He was going to show his parents that he finally found out what his semblance was. However, when his eighth birthday came, his parents woke him up at midnight, gave him a very short dagger, about 20 lien, and one, singular, set of clothes, then kicked him out and told him, "We hope you die, but you can't tell us we killed you since we gave you something to protect yourself with. Good riddance!"

Jaune didn't think they would actually kick him out. Sure, he knew they were getting annoyed with his progress, or lack thereof, but he didn't think they would kick him to the streets. Actually, deep down he knew. He saw the signs of them slowly but surely not buying him any books to read and making him 'destroy' the books he did have. So yeah. He knew. He just didn't want to admit it.

Back to the story, Jaune, luckily, knew where his older sister, Julia, lived and knew she would help him, so he decided to get there as soon as possible. About three weeks after he was kicked to the curb, he passed out from hunger, thirst, and exhaustion right after he rung her doorbell. Again, luckily for him she was opened the door, looked around, then looked down, then gasped. She picked him up, rushed him to her guest bedroom, and laid him on the bed. She then proceeded to call one of her teammates and, urgently, told him to come to her house. Within five minutes, he was there, as was the rest of her team. They were asking what was wrong when she hurriedly led them to the guest bedroom, where they proceeded to gasp in shock and started to ask who he was and what he was doing here. She told them she would tell them after they figured out what was wrong with him and fixed it. The teammate she called had medical expertise, which was why she called him. He relayed why he was passed out and recommended they take him to a hospital. Julia refused and said that if he was here then he was on his own and she didn't want her parents to know she was helping him yet. They then fixed him up the best they could and she told her team who he was and the reason she thought he was here. Needless to say, her teammates were furious, but they held off going over there and kicking their sorry butts because Julia asked them not to, or at least to wait until Jaune got old enough to join in.

About two worry-filled days later, Jaune finally woke up. He looked around and knew that he was in his sister's house, mostly because she was asleep in a chair right next to him. He had panicked at first because there were two other people he didn't know in the room, but once he saw his sister, he knew they were friendly. The door opened and in walked in a fourth person, a woman with long red hair and a fox tail coming from behind her, with two plates full of pancakes in her hands and a bottle of maple syrup balancing on her head. Jaune didn't want to giggle. Of course he didn't! But the scene in front of him was too funny. Said girl smiled, thinking it was one of her teammates that giggle. She then set the pancakes and maple syrup down and turned to see who had giggled, only to gasp with shock as the kid they were so worried about was finally awake.

"Oh my gosh! You're awake!" She said loudly, causing her two male teammates to stir, albeit slowly and dazed.

Jaune, not knowing who she was, asked her, "Who are you? By the way, you've got amazing concentration and balancing skills."

The girl, who gave a small smile at that, said, "Thanks. And I'm one your sister's teammates, Sadie Fox! It's a pleasure to meet you!" She then stuck her hand out for Jaune to shake.

Jaune didn't want to be rude, so he shook her hand and told her with a smile, "The pleasure's all mine."

Sadie, while not trying to show it outwardly, was shocked. She'd thought that the disowning would have a lot bigger effect on the boy. It was at that time that her two male teammates decided to gasp in shock like she did when she first saw him. They both looked at each other, looked back at Jaune, blinked, then hastily got up and went to the bed. Jaune and Sadie were laughing like there was no tomorrow. Jaune because they were both falling over each other and themselves trying to get to the bed. Sadie because she had never seen them fall the whole entire time she knew them.

One of them said to Jaune, "Hi, my name is Mark Rioichi. I'm the heavy hitter of the group. How are you?" Mark was burly with brown hairs growing from his chin and above his lip. He was obviously trying to grow a moustache and a beard. He had a kind of military cut for his head of hair.

The other guy, a man with spiky light-blue hair, introduced himself right after Mark was done. "And I, the guy who you did not see falling over, am Saturn Vasilias, the coolest guy you'll ever meet!" He had a wide smile full of shiny white teeth. (You know who he's modeled after, just imagine him older.)

Jaune looked at Saturn, then Mark, and said, "You most likely already know who I am through my sister, but I am Jaune. I'm doing fine, Mark. Thank you for asking! You too, Sadie!" Then he let the silence reign in. Saturn then got the hint, and looked down at the ground, pouting and muttering, "Not cool." Sadie and Mark busted out laughing.

That was when they heard a growl. All four of them, Jaune not mirroring the other three's expressions of being terrified out of their minds. Jaune hadn't learned that you never, ever, woke Julia up unless it was an emergency, and even then you were taking a risk.

Julia picked her head up, looking very pissed off, before she spotted Jaune awake and smiling at her. Her eyes widened, then she proceeded to throw herself at Jaune, wrapping her arms around him and crying her eyes out. "Oh my gosh! I was so worried when you just showed up passed out on my doorstep! How are you? Are you alright? Do you need anything? I can get you someth-"

"Julia, sis, I'm fine." He said with a smile, then mumbled to himself, "Definitely feel the best since two weeks ago."

Unfortunately for him, he forgot he was the center of attention, so they all heard what he said.

"TWO WEEKS!?" They all shouted, making Jaune wince and rub his ears.

Jaune, a little irritated, looked at them and said, "First off, yes. Two weeks. Second off, ow! That hurt my ears."

They weren't listening though. Mark, Saturn, and Sadie were all thinking, This kid's only 8 years old and he traveled about 37 miles in two weeks?

Julia, on the other hand, was talking aloud to herself. "Two weeks? But two weeks ago was... " A gasp filled with shock and contempt escaped her lips. "Those bastards!" She shouted causing her teammates to look at her and Jaune to look down in grief. "Please tell me they didn't do that Jaune! Please tell me!" She pleaded to Jaune, only for him to nod solemnly. She then grit her teeth and said, "I'm calling those bastards right now and giving them a piece of my mind!"

Jaune, on the other hand, didn't want his parents to know where he was for fear of them finishing the job, so he said to Julia, "Don't! Please! I don't want them to know where I am, sis! Please!" Julia looked at him with eyes of sorrow and pity, then decided to put her scroll down and hug Jaune while they cried their eyes out.

The rest of her team was very confused about what was happening and what they were supposed to do. They were very surprised at Julia cursing. She hates it when people curse, enough so that she will reprimand the person who cursed on the spot.

Julia, having cried enough, unhooked from Jaune to see that he had cried himself to sleep. She laid him back down on the bed and gestured for the rest of her team to follow her outside into the living room downstairs. When they got there, she sat on the recliner while they guys sat on the sofa and Sadie on the other recliner. She looked at them, took a deep breath, and said, "As you can see, my brother is very afraid of our parents right now. The last thing we needed was for them to know where he was and, quote unquote, 'visit', Jaune while he was in the hospital room, which is why I refused to take him to the hospital and called you instead, Mark."

Mark just nodded, now knowing that she had thought of taking him to the hospital but had seen the possibility of that happening. One reason why she was the leader of their team, Team JRVS (JaRViS).

Sadie, who was still letting the events seep into her mind, asked Julia, "Why was he disowned?"

Julia looked at her with fury-filled eyes, not directed at Sadie, but someone else, and told her with a voice filled with rage, "He couldn't live up to their standards of being a warrior. He couldn't learn how to use a sword and shield to the fullest, and to my parents, that's something that is not allowed in the family. The twins, a year younger than him, can already hold a sword and shield properly, which, I'm guessing, Jaune still hasn't been able to do And, since he's the only male offspring of my parents, he has double the standards of all my sisters and I combined. (Again, not sexist) I think they finally had enough of him not living up to standards and kicked him to the curb." Julia was clenching her fists so hard that they began to bleed.

Saturn decided to man up and ask the question that they all wanted to ask: "So what made you curse?"

That was probably the wrong thing to ask, as she had gone outside with her weapon, an extra sharp sword and extremely durable shield, right after it was asked. They decided not to follow her, but they did hear from outside a bunch of Grimm dying, That was when they decided to look outside. What they saw shocked them. In front of their team leader were two Goliaths, five Nevermores, three packs of Boarbatusks, two packs of Beowolves, two Death Stalkers, five Ursai, and two King Taijitus. They were about go outside when they saw their team leader slice all of them to pieces within 15 minutes. She then sheathed her sword and proceeded to walk back towards the house, all with a look of fury present on her face. The others decided to sit back down in their spots before she got back.

When she walked in, she threw her sword and shield onto the ground, went to the kitchen and got the box on the counter, went back to the living room with the box in her hand, and sat back down in her original spot. She then took a deep, deep, breath and told them, "Two weeks ago, Jaune had his eighth birthday."

The expressions on her teammates' faces were varied. Mark had a look of pure rage and disgust on his face. It was taking all of his control not to shout out in anger out of fear of waking Jaune up. Sadie had a look of pure disbelief on her face. It looked like someone had given her proof that her religion was fake. Saturn looked like he was going to be sick. In fact, he ran to the bathroom and promptly threw up into the toilet. But they all had one expression they shared: shock. Pure shock. After Saturn returned, they were all pissed off and ready to go to war if need be.

While her teammates were getting themselves under control, she was texting the other two sisters out of her parents' control: Judy and Jade. Hopefully they still had the presents they got for Jaune. She texted to them, "Send Jaune's presents to me. If Janaki and Joseph ask about me or the presents, then this conversation never happened, okay? Better yet, never mention this conversation unless it's to me, my teammates, or I tell you you're allowed to talk about it. Got it? Good. Next time you can, visit."

She knew that last sentence would get their attention. Usually she told them to not visit. It's a joke, of course, but differences from the usual catch people's attention. She looked up from her scroll to see that her team had calmed down and was looking at the box in her hands expectantly. She sighed and told them, "This is the present I got Jaune for his birthday." She ignored Sadie's gasp and continued, "I couldn't decide whether to visit and give him his present in person or just send it over the mail, due to the fact that I can't stand my parents. Thank goodness for indecision, right?" She tried to force a smile, but she didn't have to if her team's sad smiles were anything to go by. She cleared her throat and continues, "Anyways, I don't know when to give this to him since he most likely doesn't want to be reminded… of…"

She trailed off at seeing her team's expressions turn fearful and trying to discreetly tell her to stop talking. She looked behind her to find none other than Jaune standing behind her with a sad smile on his face with a hint of excitement in his eyes. Her expression turned fearful and she managed to stutter out, "J-j-j-jaune! Wh-wh-what are y-y-you doing up?" She forced a shaky smile.

The sad smile on Jaune's face disappeared. In its place was more a bemused smile. He said, "I can assure you that the subject of being disowned is not a sore subject for me. The only thing that I will not talk about is when I plan on revealing I'm still alive to my pa-. Sorry, they're not my parents anymore, are they? As I was saying, I will talk to you about anything unless it's when I reveal to Janaki and Joseph that I'm still alive and kicking. In fact, I can tell you all about the events leading up to it as long as you don't tell Joseph and Janaki. Wanna hear it?"

Team JRVS all looked at each other, then gave uneasy nods to Jaune, who, in turn, sat in between Mark and Saturn on the sofa. He told them about how his books had been 'disappearing', how the looks of disgust from Janaki and Joseph were becoming less and less subtle, and how they weren't buying him any more books to keep himself busy with. He told his sister and her team about he had found out what his semblance was and was going to tell J and J on his birthday, but at midnight on his birthday, or close to midnight, they gave 20 lien, one change of clothes, and a very short knife and kicked him out. They were confused about where the dagger was until he told them he would've done better with his fists, so he sold it when he could. He got about 130 lien out of it, which gave him a total of 150 lien with the money J and J gave him. He used that money to buy a canteen of water and a loaf of bread. He lived off of that for about 5 days. He persisted through the remaining 9 days off of willpower alone. That led up to this point in time.

He then opened his mouth to talk, then remembered something, so he closed his mouth into a smirk. He looked at Sadie and said to her, "Y'know, Sadie, you make very good pancakes." Sadie looked at him, puzzled, then realization dawned on her. She pouted, looked down while mumbling, "Stupid kid, eating my pancakes without sharing," and went to the kitchen to make more. Jaune burst out laughing, as did the other two guys in the room, while Julia cracked a smile.

Don't worry, Jaune. You're going to have a much better life now. I guarantee it.

Okay, I have other chapters in progress since this started out as a oneshot, then a threeshot, then I decided, "Screw it, as many chapters as I have creativity with this story." Another chapter should be up at least a week after 3/20/17! Umbreon out!

Just mentioning this again, edited on 03/27/2017. Sorry for the false hope of the update, but the next chapter should be on the way soon!