Warning: This chapter contains sexual interactions. (Because the rest of the story didn't?) PS. I fixed the telekinesis thing… Even when I was writing it, it seemed wrong. I'm just kind of ditzy.

Part Seven of
Something To Sleep To

They stood in the room (sat in Ginny's case), half past midnight, in silence. Draco stood there, wide eyed and pale. She sat slouched in the chair, sobbing and trying to muster some control. But every time she caught a glimpse of the boy she'd shared so much with, she started crying all over again. It was like he set off some sort of reaction with her. He slowly made his way to her side, hesitantly moved his arms around her, and when she reached out for him and pulled him close, he held her so tight, remembering all those nights all he wanted to do was hold her like this. Gosh, he had missed her. He stroked her hair, her face buried into his chest and soak his shirt. He'd really missed this. Of course, he prefers to be less wet when they're together.

"So you're telepathic…," he said to himself more than to her. "You can read thoughts… and implant them into other peoples minds?"

"Yeah, I guess so," she whispered back. "Do you think I'm some kind of freak?"

"You're a witch, I'm a wizard. That covers the magical aspect. You're a Weasley, and I'm a Malfoy. That takes care of the weird part."

"Yeah." Ginny nodded a little. "Yeah… I'm normal."

"I wouldn't go that far." Ginny playfully slapped him, and Draco quickly moved towards her, his mouth covering hers. Kiss; one, two, three seconds long. They separated for a second, and then Ginny pulled him right back to her. Her arms locked around his neck and her strength kept him near her. Kiss; four, five, six. A little tongue mixed in, and he picked her up. He pressed himself into her thigh.

"Ginny…," he whimpered. "You know what you're doing to me."

She nodded. She moved her kisses down his chin and over his jaw, planting a few butterfly kisses on the spot below his ear. She kissed his neck in twelve different places, she licked his earlobe and blew softly onto it. She kissed him again, groaning into his mouth.

"I want you to be like that…"

Their lips met again. Draco's hands moved down her body and around her waist. He pushed her body into his, and he ran his hand under her shirt.

"I want you."

"I want you, too."

He picked her tiny body up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He kissed her moving around the desks and chairs and walked to the only painting left in the room. "Illusion," he muttered to the portrait, and it disappeared long enough for him and Ginny to pass through to a bedroom. There was a mattress on the floor in the middle of the room with sheets and a comforter; Draco dropped Ginny onto it. He moved down her body and took off her shoes and socks, and then ran his hands up her legs. God, her legs were smooth. He wondered what potion would do that. His fingers made their way under her school skirt and over her inner thigh. He ran his skin over hers over and over again. The tips of fingers made their way under her underwear and over her folds. Draco briefly looked into Ginny's eyes to check to see if what he was doing was okay.

With no sign of displeasure, he continued.

He ran his index finger over Ginny's sensitive areas on his way up to the top of her underwear. Gently, he pulled down the fabric. Pushing up the skirt, he kissed her sex with his tongue and then sat up. Taking off his pants and boxers, he climbed on top of her again. Draco unbuttoned Ginny's blouse and parted it so that he could see her chest. His own shirt found his way to the floor and his chest pressed up against his love's. He pushed himself into Ginny. Once. Twice. Over and over again, their bodies met. Speed picked up and then slowed down when they were close to orgasm, trying to ride the pleasure as long as they could. They were good at this game. They knew exactly what moves would make them stop from orgasm… and which moves would encourage it.

Draco felt his body fill with pleasure. Intense, inviting, and intoxicating. His pleasure spilled out and into the warm vessel he was contained in. A few more thrusts, and they were done. He stayed on top of her and inside of her, just relishing in her tightness.

"God, Ginny," he mumbled into her neck, kissing her sweat away. "You're so amazing."

"Sex is the one thing I'm good at."

"You're better at more than just sex," he retorted, kissing her lips. "Stay the night with me?"

She nodded just slightly, he moved out of her and held her body close to him. His eyes closed and sleep clouded his mind.

He jerked away, arms flailing and the sheet attacking him. His sweat stuck to his body. Such a crap dream. Made him want her even more.

But he wasn't in his dorm.

He was in his classroom bedroom, his secret fort.


The sticky wet in his southern region let him know that he had in fact had sex, and he saw a pair of socks that weren't his, which he knew because he was still wearing his. He'd had sex with Ginny. She didn't stay the night. She said she would.

He wondered for a moment how long she'd stayed and how long it'd been since he'd fallen asleep. He wondered if she'd seek him out again.

He wondered when this annoying routine would stop.

She crawled into bed, her hair still wet from the shower she'd taken. She didn't have the energy to charm it dry. Her hair would be slightly mussed in the morning, but there were charms for that. If she even cared. Ginny often didn't.

Tomorrow the school would learn that Harry and Ginny weren't a couple anymore. They'd all wonder why, ask the same questions a hundred times over again. Rumors would spread; He dumped her, because she's too poor, she cheated on him, because The Boy Who Lived wasn't good enough. She's sure there'd be one rumor about her pending pregnancy. But none of them came close to the much more scandalous truth. It didn't matter; she didn't plan on telling anyone what was really going on. Why should she? How could she, she wasn't even sure that this was hers to share. It's was Draco's more than anything.

And for tonight, she'd recall her pleasant memories of earlier.

And try to remember everything he'd ever said to her.

He was wrong. There's a lot she wanted to hear. She just didn't know how to ask.

Like how many girls he'd been with while they were apart. (Technically, they were never apart, because they were never together, but Ginny chose to ignore this detail.) Or how were his grades? Were they slipping; was he still in the top ten of his class? How were things with his mother? Did he miss his father? What was it like having Snape for a father?

But most importantly…

What kind of life did he want with her?

Ginny had never felt self doubt before. She'd always felt calm and in control of her life and the way people perceived her, even when she was possessed her first year. She was a nervous creature, true, but she knew she could hold her own if ever need be. She was shy upon meeting people, and probably shouldn't have felt so lax being so, but lately she just didn't much care. She hadn't affiliated the emotion with Draco's being gone, but she also hadn't dismissed the notion. There was much to miss about him. A confident, for one thing, but also just to sit with. His presence comforted her greatly most days.

Especially when she was forced to deal with her telepathy.

As far as Ginny could gather, it was a rare talent, like parslemouths, only slightly more common. It was hereditary, too. She assumed that perhaps someone from another generation had it… She'd yet to ask her mum, but she planned to when she got back for the summer holiday. Until then, she would learn to control it.

That was becoming much easier for her, every day. Mostly she tried it on Draco, because she wondered so much what he thought during his every day life. She'd have an easier time dealing with her emotions if she could just figure out where he was. His actions earlier had helped a little, she knew he was turned on by her still, which meant that he was probably not easily rid of his feelings for her. He'd whispered to her while they had sex. Nothing too serious, little things like "You're so beautiful." and "I want you so much." She thought that as he drifted off to sleep she'd heard an "I love you," however she was unsure if that was aloud (and he'd intended for her to hear it) or in his brain (where he wasn't ready to admit it).

Still, it could have been her imagination.

But she was so sure…