(Author's Note). That's for looking at my fanfiction! This is my first one, I'm sure it sucks so please leave a review of you can.

(Two days after Eleven's disappearance)


As Mike walked down his basement stairs, he looked at the fort he made for El. He sighed as he walked over and laid down in it. Mike has spent most of the past days in her old fort. Being in their made him remember her. He wrapped himself in a ball and got lost deep in thought. Is she alive? Is she in the Upside Down? Do the bad men know where she is? Do they have her? He began to quietly cry.

He grabbed and turned on his walkie talkie. "Hello"? Mike waited before continuing. He wanted to talk to her. This is the only way, he thought. "El, you probably can't hear this". He felt the tears coming before he finished his first sentence. "But if you can hear me, I know you are alive, I will not stop looking for you, ". He paused. He thought he heard a quiet noise. "El? Is that you? Over".

"No it's Lucas, over".

"Oh", Mike said, clearly disappointed. There was an awkward silence for a few seconds. He realized Lucas could have been listening the whole time, but he didn't care.

Lucas realized he didn't say over. Mike never forgets to to say it. That is kind of annoying, he thought. "How you holding up? Over", said Lucas.

"I know you think I'm crazy, but I don't think she is dead. We would know it. Why would her body disappear if she died? It just doesn't make any sense. I don't care what you all say. As soon as my parents leave I'm searching for her". Mike paused. "Over".

"I don't think you are crazy, there's a good chance she is alive. When are your parents leaving? Over".

"They took 2 days off, they be at work tomorrow. Over".

"I'll meet you at your place at 10, Over".

"I'll see you then, over and out".

Mike turned his walkie talkie off and pushed the antenna in. He curled into a ball in El's fort. He was lonely. His mother tried to talk to him. After an hour of her trying to engage Mike in a conversation, she got sick of his one-word responses and gave up. He wanted to talk to Will, he was always the one who understands him. Even though he doesn't know El, he would understand. Will was still in the hospital. Even if he was out, Mike didn't want to ask him for help looking for her. The path he assumed searching for El would take them places that would rekindle his past memories. Mike thought he had been through enough.

Michael heard footsteps. He turned around and saw Nancy. Her eyes were red and she had bags under her eyes. "Hi Mike".

He returned to his ball-like position. "Please, just leave me alone".

"Mike I don't think you should be alone right now".

"Why? She is not dead, she can't be. She is just missing", Mike said. He somehow managed to hold back the tears, but his voice made his emotions obvious.

"Look, Mike, I know what you are going through".

"No you don't, at least you know what happened to Barb". He regretted saying those words already.

Nancy ran up the stairs as she began to cry again. Mike ran up after her. "Nancy I'm sorry, I didn't mean it", he said.

She wiped away the tears and plopped herself in their la-z-boy. "It's okay, I know you didn't mean it".

Mike ran back down and grabbed his walkie talkie. As he climbed up the stairs again he swore to never let it out of his sight.


Eleven tried to save as much energy as possible to survive. There was no way to tell time but she thought she has been in the Upside Down for at least a day, maybe more. El walked slowly through the fog, breathing in the thick air. She was trying to find Mikes house. She remembered what it looked like but she did not know how to get there.

The only source of food she could find was a small box in the woods, but she knew that wouldn't keep her alive forever.

She continued to walk around Hawkins. She saw a large fence. The Lab. El had to think. Should I go through the portal at the Lab? I might be taken by the bad men. I may never see Mike again. She sat down, back against a tree. The only way back is through the portal in the lab. She continued to think, I should sleep so I can defend myself. She checked her surroundings one last time and closed her eyes.

The sky wasn't dark. Eleven looked up and saw the sun. She almost forget what the sky looks like, only knowing it about for one week. She squinted as she felt pain in her eyes. El looked around, she was in a neighborhood, not just any neighborhood, Mike's Neighborhood. She walked about 50 feet to his house. There was Mike's bike laying down on his lawn. She remembered riding on the back of his bike. When the bad men were chasing them she wrapped him close, in her arms, and rested her head on his back. She remembered feeling his warmth on that cold day…

El noticed the dress she was wearing was clean and she had long brown hair. Pretty, she thought. She entered and saw that the basement door was open. She walked downstairsand and saw Mike in his fort. He looked up.



He got up and ran to her. He put her in his arms and didn't let go. "Is this real"?

"I think so". Mike gently pulled away.

"Where are you"?

"Upside down".

"Is the gate in the lab still open"? She nodded. "I'm coming for you, understand"?

She noticed tears running down Mike's face. Strange, she thought. Why would he be crying and smiling at the same time? Then El realized she was doing the exact same thing.

The dream became to fade away. "Promise"?

"I promise, just stay where you are, I will find you..."

El woke up alone in the darkness.