Nick Fury stood in a conference room aboard the Helicarrier. Opposite him sat a Shield agent, his arm in in a white cast.

"Explain to me exactly what happened?" Fury ordered.

"We were patrolling the area, as ordered…"


SHIELD agents guarded the area surrounding the dam. The same dam that Lex Luthor had been experimenting on the meteor infected. It was a crime scene and under investigation by Shield. As a squadron of guards patrolled the area, they came across something they never could have predicted.

"What the hell is that?" One of the agents cried, coming to a holt. The rest of the squad came to a stop and followed his line of sight. There, beside a fallen down tree they discovered a large chunk of red metal sticking out of the ground. On the side of the metal were a series of symbols none of the squad members recognised.

"Get the director out here now!" One of the soldiers ordered through his radio as they continued to approach the chunk of metal. Suddenly, the top of the metal slid open startling the squad. They raised their guns and prepared for anything. However, what they discovered surprised them even more. Inside laid a beautiful young woman with long blond hair wearing spotless white robes.

"What…what is it?" One of the men asked nervously as they continued to approach. The others remained silent, all too stunned to reply. They stood around the women, still aiming their guns at her. Suddenly her eyes shot open and she looked at the surrounding men. A look of terror came over her face as the first thing she saw in nearly two decades were guns aimed directly at her face.

"What's going on. Where am I. Why are you pointing those at me" The women spoke rapidly looking around worriedly.

"What are you saying?" One of the soldiers asked his voice shaky and nervous.

"Please can you help me."

Suddenly the women jumped out of the ship and tackled one of the men to the ground. She jumped up and began to run away but didn't make it far when the remaining soldier began firing at her. She let out a pain filled scream as she was hit before falling to the ground in agony. Only seconds later she slipped into unconsciousness, a small pool of blood forming around her. The soldiers approached the unconscious body, their guns still drawn.

"Holy Crap!" An agent cried. "Did we just shoot an alien?"

"This is Director Fury," His voice came through their radios.

"Sir, we believe we've discovered an alien. It attacked us and we were forced to put it down," She reported as the circled the lifeless alien body.

"I'm on my way. Do not let it out of your sights, increase security and keep your guard up." He ordered them.

"Sir, with all due respect, I don't think it's going to be much of a threat. We shot i…" The soldier was cut off as the women jumped up from the ground and grabbed him by the throat. With only the slightest signs of effort and at surprising speed, the alien threw him into the rest of the squad, knocking them all to the ground. Seeing more soldiers approaching, she began to run through the forest, making her escape. As she fled, the downed soldiers noticed her back glowing a bright golden light as her body healed from its wounds.

"Don't shoot," She yelled as she was forced to dive for cover from the hail of bullets being fired towards her. She continued to run, picking up speed the longer she ran. Soon she was moving at forty miles an hour. She ran out of the forest and was beginning to think that she'd successfully escaped when the whirling sound filled the air. She looked up into the sky just as a helicopter came over the trees, flying straight towards her. With no other option, she continued to run, unknowingly headed straight for the nearest city, Smallville. Eventually she ended up on the main road that lead to the city and began to run along it. However, a Shield truck burst out of the forest beside her and raced after her. Soon enough the truck was alongside her, matching her pace. Guards hanging off the side aimed their guns at her and yelled at her to stand down. To their surprise, she shoulder charged the truck sending it crashing uncontrollably into the forest.

Before she had a chance to stop another truck broke through the tree and began firing at her. Despite them bullets not knocking her out this time they did cause her to lose her balance and fall to the ground. The truck came to a screeching halt in front of her as she picked herself up. Shield agents jumped out and got in formation, slowly approaching her, guns raised. With a scream, she leapt forward in a blur of motion and shoulder charged the nearest agent. She spun around and punched another, sending him crashing into several others. She ran to their truck and with a cry of determination lifted it up over her head. Still holding the truck she spun around to face the agents as they began to shoot her. Without hesitation she threw the truck at them, causing them to dive out of the way. Whilst they were temporarily downed the alien used this to her advantage and began to run down the street again. However, agents from the helicopter took aim and began firing at her. She leapt into the air, flying straight towards the helicopter. Fortunately, the pilot had just enough time to swerve the chopper out of the way. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to get the copter completely out of reach and the women slammed her hand into the side of it as she flew past, completely destroying the back propeller.

As the women continued to fly into the air, she put all her concentration into going higher. However, she soon began to fall as gravity took a hold of her. She plummeted to the ground, creating a large crater as she did. She looked up to see the smoking helicopter spin out of control, heading dangerously fast towards the ground. She leapt at the helicopter again. However, instead of breaking it she caught it and carried it to the ground. As she landed, she dropped the helicopter heavily on the ground before beginning to run away again, this time much faster than before, finally making her escape.


Having heard his story in full Fury immediately reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone.

"Go home soldier," he ordered as he began dialling a number.


Superman slowly walked forward, allowing the rain of bullets to harmlessly bounce off his chest.

"He's not stopping!" One of the robbers firing at Clark shouted to his partner.

"Yeah, it's like he's made of steel!" The partner replied.

Clark just shook his head in disappointment. He couldn't believe he was thinking it but was it too much to ask for a higher class of criminal. He reached the two shooters and in a blur snatched the guns out of their hands, and threw them aside. Clark just sighed as the two criminals starred at him in fear.

"Do you guys just want to surrender?"

Across from them Batgirl dodged under the fist of a robber and swept his legs out from under him. She jumped into the air and threw two bolas, trapping two men just as they were about to shoot her. The last criminal snuck up behind her, his arms raised above his head, ready to slam down on her. Suddenly, without looking, her hands shot up grabbed his arms and flipped him over her head. She slammed him into the ground and kicked him unconscious. Panting and exhausted she was relieved that that was the last goon.

"You look exhausted," Superman remarked.

"Really wish I had your powers right now. You could've helped me you know?"

"I could've but it's a lot more fun to watch," He teased. As the police turned up, Clark grabbed Batgirl and took off into the sky. Minutes later they'd changed back into their civilian clothes and were casually working down the street holding each other's hands.

"This was fun," Clark commented as they came to a stop outside Barb's apartment building.

"Oh yeah, beating up a gang of criminals is exactly my idea of a good time," She whispered back.

"That's exactly why I chose to do that for our date," He joked. Barbara walked towards the door to her apartment when she stopped and turned back to face Clark.

"Would you like to come in?" She offered with a smile. "My roommates out of town for the week, which means we'll be all alone." Clark smiled back at her and was about to reply when his phone began ringing. He let out a sigh of annoyance before reaching into his pocket and pulling out the phone.

"It's Fury," He explained to Barb as he answered the call.

"Fury, I'm a little busy."

"Sorry to interrupt you Clark but we have an emergency."

"What kind of emergency?"

"The alien kind. Meet me at the warehouse on twenty four Jamerson St, just outside of Smallville."

"Right, I'm on my way." Clark hung up and put the phone back in his pocket.

"I have to go," He explained much to Barbra's disappointment.

"Oh okay. Duty calls right."

"Afraid so. When I'm finished maybe I could come back."

"Sure Clark, if you have the time." With that, she walked into her apartment leaving Clark in the on the sidewalk.

'Well that's not good,' The Kryptonian thought to himself.

Moments later he'd changed into his suit and was racing through the air towards the Warehouse base Fury had requested they meet at. The whole flight he kept repeating the conversation he had with Barbara in his head. He had disappointed her, he knew that and he knew that he'd have to make it up to her. However, these were the problems that came with a dating life when you were Superman. Just look at what happened between him and Lana.

Superman landed out the front of the large warehouse, where Fury stood waiting for him.

"What's this alien emergency about?" Clark asked as he walked up to the world-class spy. Wordlessly Fury handed Clark a tablet and played a video. The video was of the Shield agent Fury had debriefed earlier. Clark listened carefully, paying attention to all of the details the agent gave of the alien women. Once the video had ended Clark handed the tablet back.

"Do have any idea where she is at the moment?"

"Not as of yet. However, we do know she's somewhere in the Smallville city limits," Fury replied as he began walking towards the warehouse.

"If she's in Smallville then why are we here?" Clark asked as they reached the warehouse entrance.

"Because of this," Fury replied as he opened the door leading the hero inside. Before them was the alien space ship from the damn. Now fully dug out of the ground you could see it was in the shape of a diamond, similar to the one on Clark's chest but longer. Clark starred at it in shock. "I was hoping you could take a look at it, maybe find out something we couldn't." Clark floated over to the ship and began examining it.

"It's Kryptonian," He called out, recognising a series of symbols along the ship. "But that means that whoever that that women was, she must be from Krypton," He realised, the excitement of meeting someone from Krypton clear in his voice.

"Don't get your hopes up kid. She was dangerous and there's no way of telling what she'll do. You have to be prepared to stop her." Fury insisted.

"She scarred," Clark argued. "She escaped her home world before it was destroyed and the first thing she sees when she arrives on a new planet are weapons being shoved in her face. Of course, she's going to retaliate. I have to find her."

"Look kid, I know how important this is to you so I'm going to let you go after her. But I have to warn you, once the high council gets word of this I'll have no choice but to come looking for her and I won't be treating her as a friendly. You understand?"

"I understand. Thank you."

Clark took to the skies and began racing towards Smallville, creating a sonic boom in the air as he broke the sound barrier. He smiled with excitement at the prospect of finally meeting another Kryptonian.

Arthur swam through the ocean following the mysterious women called Mera. The women who claimed could help answer all of his questions about himself.

"You have questions." She spoke.

"Yes," He replied as he swam to her side.

"Then are you just going to swim there thinking to yourself all night or are you going to ask me?"

"Okay fine. Who are you?"

"My name is Mera. I told you this already."

"And where are you taking me, Mera?"

"Atlantis," She replied. Arthur came to a stop.

"Atlantis?" Mera stopped and faced him. "That … can't be true. Atlantis?"

"I've been watching you Arthur Curry, you've fought alongside individuals of immense power who originate from throughout the galaxy. Are you really going to stop believing when it comes to Atlantis?"


"Get down!" Mera cried as he tackled Arthur and shoved him downwards, narrowly avoiding a blue energy beam flying through the water. Arthur looked up to see a group of five men in black armour that covered their bodies and faces. They had large guns attached to their left arms and spears in their right.

"Stand down while you still can!" Mera ordered, swimming over to the group. "Arthur Curry is under my protection as ordered by Queen Atlanta."

"Relinquish him to us Mera," The leader of the group demanded.

"Or what?"

"Or we'll take him over your corpse as it sinks to the bottom of the ocean."

"Well you're very welcome to try." The men charged at her and she charged back. As she swam, the water around her hands glowed blue and formed into a pair of swords. She swung wildly at the men repeatedly striking them as well as dodging and blocking their attacks.

Arthur watched in amazement at how well she fought. He snapped out of his daze when he noticed one of the men sneaking up on her from behind. He rocketed over to him and tackled him out of the way. The two began fighting as Mera continued to take on the remaining soldiers. Using her swords Mera, stabbed two of the men through the chest before swimming upwards, narrowly avoiding an incoming attack. The swords she held disappeared as water began swirling around her arms, glowing with energy. She shot out her hands and beams of energy smashed into two of the other men.

She watched as Arthur successfully knocked out the final soldier.

"Who were they?" Arthur demanded as he swam back to Mera.

"Assassins sent to kill you," she replied.

"Me. Why me?"

"You'll find out soon enough," she answered as she began swimming away.

"Not good enough." Arthur grabbed her wrist, stoping her from going any further. "First you show up out of nowhere, saying you can show me the answers I've been looking for. Then you start talking about Atlantis and now we get attacked by a group of assassins. I won't answers and I won't them now."

"Very well," She replied angrily as she yanked her hand away from him.

"Queen Atlanta, was forced into marriage and although she went along with it she was never happy. Her husband the former king of Atlantis was a cruel tyrant who only cared about power and control. Eventually she left Atlantis and came to the surface world. It was there she met your father. The lighthouse keeper. They spent many nights together and was soon with child. However, she knew that eventually the King would find her and take her back to Atlantis. If the king were to ever find out about her lover of the child, they would be executed. Rather than see the people she loved murdered she did the only thing she could do, return home. That child was you Arthur and now that the King is dead, you are the rightful heir to the thrown of Atlantis. However, some believe you don't deserve to be king and that the King and Queens first child together is the rightful air. That is why that group tried to assassinate you."

Arthur starred in complete shock, speechless.

"That's a lot to drop on a guy."

"You asked for it."

Superman flew over Smallville, searching everywhere he thought possible for the missing Kryptonian. However, he remained unsuccessful. As he continued to search a loud screech filled the air as several cars slid out of control down a nearby street. Clark activated his telescopic vision and focused on the where the sound had come from. His eyes widened in shock when he discovered two Shield trucks chasing a young woman. In an instant, he was rocketing towards them.

The young alien dove down a narrow alley, followed closely by the Shield agents. As the women reached the end of the alley she turned back to face the Shield agents who had climbed out of their trucks and were cautiously approaching her on foot, weapons drawn.

"Please don't hurt me" She begged, the terror evident in her voice. Her hands clenched into fists as she prepared for another fight. She didn't want to do this but these people, they wouldn't leave her alone. Her eyes began to glow bright red as her emotions became overpowering. She let out a scream as a deadly blast of molten hot heat vision burst out of her eyes so fast that the soldiers didn't have time to react. Milliseconds before the beam of heat incinerated the soldiers a red and blue blur landed in-between the two and took the hit square in the chest.

The beams of heat came to a stop as the women shut her eyes, desperately trying to control her new found abilities. When she opened them again the first thing she saw was her family crest. She looked at Superman in shock.

'how is this possible? Who is this man?' She thought to herself.

"Who are you?" She asked in Kryptonian.

"My name is Kal-El," He replied speaking the same alien language. "I'm from Krypton, like you. I'm not going to fight you, you don't have to be afraid anymore." The women starred nervously at him, unable to believe what she was hearing.

"You can't be Kal-El. That's impossible. Who are you really?" She demanded her voice defiant and angry.

"This is going to be hard to explain. If you come with me I can explain everything." She looked beyond Clark to the agents behind him. Clark followed her line of sight a discovered the agents still aiming their weapons at her.

"I'm gonna need you all to leave please," Clark requested politely, hiding his annoyance at the fact they were still aiming their weapons at her.

The Soldiers stood their ground as the leader stepped forward. "She's an alien threat…" The leader paused when Clark gave him a stern look at how he used the word alien.

"She's a threat." He insisted through gritted teeth.

"What's your name agent?"

"Brock Rumlow," He replied.

"Well Brock, if you took a second to look, this woman is clearly terrified out of her mind and being chased after soldiers with guns isn't helping. Now please leave," Clark demanded as he crossed his arms. The agent stood his ground for a few seconds before ordering his men to stand down. Clark continued to stare down Brock as they retreated into their trucks. That was Brock was going to be trouble, Clark could tell already.

Once inside the truck Brock grabbed his radio and called Fury.

"Director, Superman is stopping us from acquiring the target. What course of action should we follow sir?"

"I'm afraid if Superman doesn't want you there then there isn't much any of us can do to stop him," Fury replied with a smile.

"Sir, you can't just expect us to leave the two aliens together unsupervised."

"You do realise Superman has super hearing," Fury reminded him.

"Ah sir, I think he heard you," One of the agents noted to Brock. The leader looked up to see Superman starring directly at him, a seriously pissed off look on his face. With a grunt, Brock started the truck and reversed out of the alley.

Clark watched as the Shield trucks drove down the street. Finally, once they had left, he turned back to the woman.

"They're gone now. You're safe," He tried to comfort her, speaking in Kryptonian, as he walked up to her with a warm smile. "I'm not looking for a fight, I just want to talk. What are you doing on Earth?"

"That's none of your business. Now how do you know that symbol?" She demanded looking at the symbol on his chest.

"This symbol is the family symbol for the house of El. My family symbol," Clark explained.

"Bullshit! I know Kal-El because I was sent here to protect him. So you better tell me who you really are and why you're pretending to be my baby cousin."

Clark's face dropped and he took a few shaky steps backwards as her revelation hit him.

"You're my… you're my cousin." She looked at him in confusion. "Look, I've got something very… sensitive to tell you."


"You may want to sit down," He suggested.

"What is it?" She demanded.

"You've been frozen for nearly two decades."

The women, Clark's cousin, couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her mouth dropped and she ran her hands threw her hair.

"No that, how can that be? Krypton, what happened to our people?" She asked desperately, unable to believe what Clark had told her. A painful look came over Clark's face as he realised she didn't know what happened to their home world and the fact that he would need to be the one to tell her.

"Krypton… It was destroyed, by General Zod." The women looked at him pure horror.

"No, that's not true! It can't be! It can't be true! Survivors! Who survived?"

"Before today, I thought I was Krypton's sole survivor. It's just us."

She wailed as her eyes flooded with tears, unable to get the image of the death of all her friends and family that had died . She was surprised when Clark wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug. To devastated to fight she remained in his embrace, weeping into his shoulder.

Later that night, Barry and Bart ran circles around a mugger, who spun around in confusion. He fired his gun wildly but no matter where he shot the bullets always missed the two speedsters. Soon enough the gun ran out of ammo and the crook threw it at the speedsters, still having no effect. He looked around wildly, not sure what he could do.

"You think we should stop torturing him and get this over with?" Flash asked as he ran past Impulse.

"Ahh, but I'm having so much fun," Bart argued. "Aw well." Impulse stopped circling the man and in a flash ran up and knocked him out.

"Some criminals are just too easy," Bart laughed looking down at the man. "Flash?" He queried when he didn't get a response from his partner. He spun around to discover Flash starring at a man in front of them. The man was in a suit, the same as Barry, except the colours where reversed.

"Who the hell are you?" Bart demanded.

"Ha ha ha," The man let out a sinister laugh. "The Scarlet Speedster and the boy out of time. So good to see you again, Barry."

"What do you mean boy out of time? You know who I am!" Bart shouted determinedly, desperate to know anything about who he was before he lost his memories. The man in yellow just laughed in response before disappearing in a streak of red lightning. Bart and Barry immediately followed running as fast as they could to the man who had the answers they'd been searching for their whole life.

As they sprinted through Central City, they tried desperately to keep up with the man in yellow.

Bart gradually began to gain up on the man, while Barry, although very talented with his powers was still relatively new to being a speedster was just keeping up with the others. Barry smiled triumphantly as the three turned into a dead end alley.

'This was it we have him now,' Barry thought to himself. The man in yellow just smiled as he reached the end of the alley and vibrated through the building. Without hesitation, Bart did the same leaving Barry to come to a sliding holt. He only paused for a second before running up the side of the building. When he reached the top, he noticed two streaks of lightning racing up and down buildings in the distance. He immediately ran after them, pushing himself to run faster than ever before.

Bart followed the Man in Yellow into a football field and just when he thought he was about to catch him the man spun around and soldier charged him to the ground. The force of the blow nearly knocked Bart unconscious.

"Who am I?" Bart mumbled as he spat out a mouthful of blood, his vision going black.

"Like I said before, the boy out of time. In fact if the history books are right about you, well, you'll see," He teased with an evil grin. That was the last thing Bart heard before passing into unconsciousness.

Barry raced into the stadium to find the Man in Yellow standing over Bart.

"What did you do to him?" Barry demanded.

"He'll heal."

"Who are you?" He demanded.

"Oh Barry, We've been at this a long time you and I. It's always meant to be the two of us Flash. It's our destiny. Just like it was your mother's destiny to die that night."

Barry let out a cry of rage as he ran up to the man and attacked him. Putting all his speed and strength into his punches, Barry tried as hard as he could to hit the murderer, but no matter how hard or fast he swung the man in yellow was always faster. He dodged all of Barry's attacks before following up with his own devastating blows. He punched him repeatedly in the stomach, uppercutted him all before grabbing him by the throat and throwing him to the ground, sending him crashing next to Bart. "And just like your mother I will be the one to kill you." Barry looked up at him, his face gushing with blood. With that the man in yellow was gone disappearing in a streak of red lightning, leaving the two heroes defeated with more questions than ever before.


Clark walked into the living room where his newly discovered cousin sat on the couch waiting for him.

"Here." He offered her a mug of steaming hot coffee.

"What is this?" She asked as she took the cup from his extended hand.

"Coffee, it's very popular on Earth," Clark replied with a smile. "You might want to slow down," He recommended when he noticed her sculling the drink.

"That was really good," She stated as she put the now empty mug down.

"You know I don't even know your name," He realised.

"My name is Kara, Kara Zor-El."

"I still can't believe I have a cousin." He sat down opposite her on the couch, a huge smile across his face.

"And I can't believe you're all grown up. You were such a cute little baby." She smiled as her mind drifted off to happy times.

"How did it happen? Krypton, I mean," She asked.

"I don't know," Clark admitted, regretful that he didn't know more about his own planet.

"I'd always heard whispers of a doomsday scenario, but I never thought anyone would actually do it. We were supposed to be the most advanced civilization in the galaxy."

"One thing I've learned is that evil exists in all cultures, no matter how advanced they are," Clark replied.

"Maybe if I had had my abilities on Krypton, I could have saved it," She thought aloud.

"You shouldn't blame yourself for Krypton. There's no way you could have known this would have happened."

Kara let out a long painful sigh. "It's different for you, Kal-El. You don't have any memory of Krypton."

"Well, then, be my memory. Tell me about my family."

"It's hazy from all those years of sleep in the ship. I used to, uh, sneak away from Kandor and come and see Lara. She always made me smile."

"You knew my mom?"

"The day she found out she was pregnant, I'd never seen her so happy. You were so cute. You were her miracle baby. And now… she's gone. My parents are gone, the entire House of El. I'll never see any of my family ever again."

"Well, you're with family now. Look, you can stay here with me on the farm as long as you want. I can train you to use your new powers. Plus, I can help you find a place on Earth. You know, these humans are not as bad as you think."

"Thank you, Kal-El."

"That's another thing. When I'm not dressed in that suit, my name is Clark Kent. It's sought of a disguise," He explained.

"But your face is still visible, surely humans aren't that stupid." Clark disappeared in a blur and reappeared wearing his glasses.

"It works because people aren't looking for it. They don't want to see Superman in a nerdy, farm boy."

"That's incredible. See you're all grown up. I was supposed to help you adjust to our new home not the other way around."

"That doesn't matter now. The point is that we're both here, together." Kara smiled at him.

"Whoever, raised you did an amazing job."

"They were amazing people," He replied, glancing at the family photo on the mantle.

"So, what powers do we have?" She asked excitedly. Clark let out a small laugh as an ear-to-ear smile came over face.

"Well, there's the super strength, speed, enhanced senses, x-ray vision, super breath, heat vision, invulnerability and flying."

"Wow, I knew we'd have amazing abilities under the yellow sun, but I could never imagine all those."

"Well, don't get to excited. It took me years to learn all of them." A moment of silence passed between the cousins.

"Are you ever afraid?" Kara asked. "All those powers, with no way to stop you. Aren't you afraid of all the damage you could cause if you made just one mistake?" Clark took a few moments to think over her question. It was one he often thought about.

"Of course. It terrifies me that I could kill someone by simply shaking their hand. I can never use my full strength to give someone a hug, I always have to be in control, even when fighting people." Clark was surprised when Kara wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug. He hugged back, happy to finally have someone like him.

"How about we go for a fly," He suggested getting up off the couch.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Follow me." He began walking out the door. Kara got up and followed him to the front lawn. There Clark grabbed her by the waist and took off into the sky.

As they broke through the clouds, Kara looked up at the bright full moon, lighting up the night sky. A smile came to her face as she looked down at the city below. She may have been asleep for eighteen years but at least she was with family.


Bart and Barry walked into Barry's apartment, their whole bodies aching and in pain.

"I have something to show you," Barry announced as he walked into his bedroom. He came out a moment later with a box full of papers and files.

"This is every note, article or scrap of information I could get even slightly related to my mother's murder." He revealed. "That man we met tonight, he killed my mother. When I was ten years old, I came downstairs one night to see my mother surrounded by red lightning. Inside that lightning, I saw a man, a man in yellow. Tonight was the first time I'd seen him in fourteen years and he got away. I wasn't fast enough!"

"Then we'll get him next time," Bart stated confidently, placing a hand on Barry's shoulder. "We'll train, get faster, faster than the man in yellow. Next time we'll be ready."


Tony sat in his workshop, sipping on a glass of scotch. He ran his hand through his hair and opened up a holographic file on his computer.

"Jarvis, title this one the Mark thirteen."

"Tony, I'm here to pick up my new arm!" Victor Stone called out as he walked into Stark's warehouse. He gave Tony a suspicious eye as he quickly closed the hologram.

"How can I help?" Tony asked quickly.

"I was just here for my new arm. What's going on with you?"

"Nothing." He replied much too quickly.

"Really, cause when I walked in it looked like you were designing the thirteenth version of your suit."

Tony let out a defeated sigh as he reactivated the hologram.

"Hey, it's cool man. I understand what you're going through. After everything, we've seen, all the pain and horror, we need to be prepared." Tony looked over the young man, knowing they were both facing a similar problem.

"So, how do you think we should prepare?"

"Well you could give me access and complete control over all your Iron Man suits.

"Ha ha. Fat chance."


Carol Ferris walked out of her office at Ferris Aircraft. As she reached her car, she started rummaging through her handbag, trying to locate her keys. Eventually she found them at the very bottom of her bag, hidden under piles of junk.

"I really need to clean this thing out," she mumbled to herself as she unlocked her car. As she went to open the door, she noticed a green light in the windows reflection. She spun around and starred up at the sky. There above, amongst the clouds was a bright, man sized green streak, flying through the air. She was even more confused when the green streak started doing flips and tricks in the air. She continued to watch the streak until it disappeared into the sky.

"Well, that's new."


Barbara laid in her bed thinking about Clark. Even with his ability to fly at super speed they still saw so little of each other. Especially with Batman still healing from his injuries, Barbra had been working overtime as Batgirl to keep Gotham safe. Sure Clark would stop by every now again to help but it wasn't the same as if they were on a date. As a plan came to mind, she sat up and grabbed her phone from the dresser beside her bed. As she began typing, she thought how glad Clark would be to see her when she makes a surprise visit to Smallville.

Author's Note:

And that's the first chapter of the Smallville Initiative Phase 2. I've set up a few story lines in this chapter and the next one will essentially be part 2 of this chapter. Hope everyone enjoyed it and I look forward to writing soon.