For centuries, I have traveled around the world searching for a warrior worthy enough to break the demon's curse. Thus far, my efforts have been fruitless. But I refuse to give up hope. I will not let the demon win. Perhaps I will find the Worthy One in the City That Never Sleeps...

It was a typical Monday morning for a certain white-collar worker. He took a sip of his favorite yet overpriced coffee as he waited for the train to arrive. Although he hated taking the subway, it was certainly a lot cheaper than paying a taxi cab driver to take him to work. A low, rumbling sound could be heard down the tunnel.

"Finally," he mumbled to himself as the rumbling grew louder and louder.

But what came out of the tunnel wasn't the train. Something much bigger sped past him at an incredible speed, the wind nearly knocking him off his feet and causing him to drop his coffee cup. He could've sworn that he saw a dash of black and white...

"Come on...come on! Almost...YEEE-AH BOIIII!"

Mikey jumped off the couch and did a victory dance, having finally defeated the final boss, Mogarth the evil dragon. He had spent the last two hours trying to beat his newest game, Slay The Dragon III. "You just got owned, Mogarth!" He pointed at the T.V screen. "No one can defeat the all-powerful and awesome Sir-"


"Ulp!" Mikey whimpered and tightened his grip on the game controller. There was another terrible beast coming after him.

Leo looked up from the pinball machine. "Geez, Mikey, what'd you do this time?"

Before Mikey could answer, a large banging sound caused them to both jump, and sure enough, Raph stomped into the living room and stood in front of the cowering freckled Turtle. He angrily shoved a magazine in Mikey's face.

"What did I tell you about touching my Modern Ninja Magazine collection?!" he shouted.

"Really, Raph?" Leo rolled his eyes. "This again? Look, it's-"

"Don't even start with that 'it's just meager possessions' crap, Leo!" Raph cut him off. "This is the fifth time this month he's ruined my stuff!"

"Your stuff?" Mikey raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, my stuff!" Raph growled.

"Well, I don't see your name on it, do I?" Mikey dared to teased the already P.O'd Turtle.

Leo couldn't help but cover his mouth with his hand in shock and disbelief. Oh, Mikey is so dead.

Raph's eye twitched and his lips curled into a snarl. He raised his rolled up magazine over his head, preparing to unleash his wrath upon Mikey, who squeaked and covered his head with his arms in defense.

"Guys! Check this out!" Donnie's voice called out from inside the lab.

Mikey let out a sigh of relief as Raph reluctantly lowered his weapon and followed Leo into the lab. Thank you, God.

Donnie sat at his desk, turning the laptop so that his brothers could read the screen. "It seems we have another mutant problem in the subway," he said. "It's all over the news." Leo, Raph, and Mikey all leaned in to get a better look at the photo that was being shown to them. It was blurry, but they could make out the silhouette of a serpent-like creature.

"Whoa," Mikey whispered in awe. "Freaky."

Raph squinted his eyes as he leaned in closer. "The heck is that thing?"

"It almost looks like...a dragon," Leo said.

"A dragon?" Mikey's eyes sparkled. "Really? That's so cool!"

"It might not be an actual dragon," Donnie rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Probably just another mutant. But whatever it is, it certainly is fast. According to the witnesses in the subway, this things moves at a speed about twice as that of the trains."

"You think it's dangerous?" Leo asked his genius brother.

"It hasn't posed a threat to anyone," Donnie said. "Yet."

"Well, I say we get to the bottom of this. Mutant or not, it could be dangerous. Donnie, call April and Casey. We're going into the subway to find this thing."

"Aw, yeah!" Mikey pumped his fists in the air. "We're going dragon hunting! This will totally be like the game, Slay The Dragon III! Evil dragon, beware!" Mikey got into a dramatic pose and pointed to the ceiling. He imagined himself wearing golden armor like the character he played in the game, standing on top of the fallen Mogarth. "Sir Michelangelo is here!"

"If it is a dragon," Raph mumbled nervously, "then let's hope we don't get burnt to a crisp."

The Turtles, plus April and Casey, searched for the mysterious creature in the subway tunnels, using their flashlights to guide them through the darkness. Most of the subway stations had been temporarily closed due to the creature's sudden appearance, so the team took the opportunity to venture into the abandoned tunnels.

Several rats scurried past Casey's feet, causing him to flip out and scream.

"Shhh!" April harshly shushed him. "Casey!"

"Well, I can't help it!" Casey pouted. "There's like a billion rats in here!"

"Yeah," Raph glared at Casey, "and a dragon that might find us and roast us all alive if you don't shut it!"

Donnie walked ahead of the team, using his newly built night vision goggles to search for any sign of the dragon.

"You see anything, Donnie?" Leo asked him.

"Nada," Donnie quietly said. "It might not even be in the subway anymore."

Casey was greatly relieved by that, wanting to get out of the subway as soon as possible. "Oh, well, in that case, let's head on back."

"We might as well," Leo sighed. "We need to clear out before the humans find us."

They started to head in the other direction when a low growling sound echoed down the tunnel.

"Did you guys hear that?" Leo whispered as he reached behind him to grab the handle of one of his swords.

"Who didn't hear that?" Raph gripped both of his sai. The others pulled out their weapons, as well, readying themselves for whatever lurked in the dark tunnels.

A pair of red glowing eyes stared at them at the end of the tunnel. They got larger as the sound of stomping feet grew louder, and the ground shook below their feet at each step.

Mikey's heart pounded as the creature got closer. You got this, Mikey. You're Sir Michelangelo, after all! If you can beat Mogarth, you can beat this thing! You can do this! You can do this! You-

A giant black scaled claw reached out of the shadows.

Oh...I can't do this!

The face of the creature was finally revealed. It resembled that of an Asian dragon, with long tendrils along its snout, a flowing white mane, mighty stag antlers, ears of an ox, and shiny black scales covering its body, though the scales on the bottom of its neck and belly were pearl colored. As it opened its jaws, smoke came out and a terrifying growl filled their ears.

All of them were shaking with fear, but Leo was the first to bravely step forward and face the dragon, his swords drawn out.

"We don't want any trouble!" Leo did his best to hide the fear in his voice and facial expression. "Just tell us what you want!"

For a moment, the dragon only leaned in and stared at the leader with its large red eyes, studying him. Leo wondered if it could talk or even understand what he was saying.

Then its lips curled into a snarl and a long forked tongue slithered out of its jaws.

"I assume you are all warriors?" it spoke in a chilling androgynous voice.

"Wait," Donnie looked at the dragon astounded. "You can talk?"

"So what are you?" April nervously asked. "A mutant?"

The dragon did not answer her, but only stomped thunderously toward them. Leo immediately pointed his swords at the beast and stood protectively in front of his family.

"Don't come any closer!" he shouted.

The dragon blew hot air out of its nostrils, and Leo's eyes burned as it hit his face.

"Do you really believe that your blades can pierce through my armor?" the dragon hissed.

Leo gulped and took a step backwards. "Wh-what you are you-?"

"Let us find out, shall we?"

No sooner did the dragon say those words than it breathed fire out of its mouth. Leo dodged the flames just in time.

"WAIT!" Leo pleaded. "We don't want to fight! We just want to-Oof!"

The dragon's tail hit Leo with full force and knocked him off his feet. The Turtle landed painfully on his shell, and Raph and Mikey immediately came to his side while Donnie, Casey, and April stood in front of the trio, facing the giant serpent.

"You have no choice, warrior," the dragon growled. "You must either fight...or perish."

"But why?!" April demanded.

"Yeah, what did we ever do to you?!" Casey joined in.

Instead of answering their questions, the dragon opened its jaws and charged at them. They quickly got out of the way and the large massive teeth latched themselves into the track. When the dragon lifted its head, the rails were still stuck in its teeth, like braces.

"Ha ha!" Mikey laughed and pointed at the dragon. "Braceface!"

The dragon angrily spat the metal out and swiped at the group with its claws.

"Still want to play the pacifist, Leo?" Raph sacrcastically asked his leader.

"We have no choice," Leo huffed before pointing his sword at the creature. "LET'S GET HIM!"

Casey was the first to reach the dragon and he swung his hockey stick...which broke in half as soon as it hit the creature's body. "Uh-oh," Casey muttered before being knocked aside and crashing into Raph, the both of them falling to the ground.

Donnie realized that the bo staff itself wouldn't be enough to inflict damage and activated the blade at the end. He aimed the Naginata at the dragon's chest...only to miss as the dragon dodged at an incredible speed and then knocked him to the ground with his tail.


Mikey jumped onto the dragon's long slender neck and climbed onto its head. The dragon felt the Turtle on its head and began to writhe and thrash wildly. It constantly bumped its head onto the walls as it continued to struggle. Having had enough and realizing that the subway was too small, the creature crashed into the ceiling, creating a huge hole. The dragon flew through the opening and out into the surface, taking Mikey with it.

"WHHOOOOA!" Mikey screamed as he was flung from the dragon's snout and landed right into a heap of garbage bags. "Eeugh! Oh, I get it. You're tossing me aside like 'garbage'. Gee, didn't know you were a funny dragon," he muttered the last sentence.

"Mikey!" Said Turtle turned to see Leo and Raph running toward him. The eldest knelt down and looked at the youngest worriedly.

"You okay, little brother?" Leo asked him.

"Yeah," Mikey mumbled. "I'm not hurt much, but it'll take me weeks to get the smell out."

"I dunno," Raph gave him a teasing smirk. "You actually smell better than before."

The dragon landed on all four of its feet and started to stomp toward the Turtles...only to be pulled back by an invisible force.

April used her powers to prevent the dragon from going any further. When the creature realized who was keeping it back, it opened its mouth to spit a huge fireball at the kunoichi.

She quickly put a force field around her, but in doing so let go of her telekinetic grip on the dragon, which used the distraction as the perfect opportunity to lash at her with its tail. April was knocked into the side of a building and lost consciousness.

"APRIL!" "RED!" Both Donnie and Casey ran to their fallen friend and checked her over.

The dragon snorted and shook its head. "Is there no one here worthy enough to defeat me? Perhaps I am wasting my time here in this filthy city-"

Someome let out a war cry and the dragon turned its head to see Leo charging at it with both of his swords out. The dragon's eyes widened as it watched the blades shine under the magnificent moonlight. Could he be the One...?

Leo stabbed at the dragon's chest...which was like stabbing at a brick wall and the impact pushed him backward with great force. The leader skidded across the street on his shell like a stone across water.

Not a single cut had been made by Leo's swords. The dragon was greatly disappointed. "Just as I thought," it said as it slowly walked over to Leo. "You are not worthy. Your spirit is strong and willing, but it is not enough. Your blades cannot cut through my skin because you lack-"

Mikey swung his kusarigama at the dragon. A sickening slash sound was heard and the dragon let out a painful scream. It gripped its bleeding shoulder and looked down at the little one in shock.

Mikey, himself, couldn't believe what had just happened. How could the blades of his kusarigama cut the dragon when Leo's swords couldn't?

"Holy cow," Casey's jaw dropped. "Dude! How did you do that?"

"I dunno," Mikey squeaked.

The dragon leaned in closer toward Mikey and was...smiling? "Finally," it whispered. "After years of searching, I have finally found you...Worthy One."

Mikey looked up at the creature confused. "Worthy One?"

Leo stepped in between the two, shielding his baby brother from the monster. "We're leaving! Right now!" The others quickly joined the two Turtles and formed a protective circle around them. "Donnie! Get us out of here!"

The genius of the family pulled out a smoke bomb.

The dragon's eyes widened in horror and he desperately reached for them with its claw. "NO!"

It was too late. The group disappeared in a puff of purple smoke.

The dragon stared at the spot where they stood for a while before lifting its head and howling in despair and rage under the full moon.