I do not own Twilight or its characters. Stephenie Meyer does.

April and Gabby, thank you for pre-reading, and Fran, thank you for editing. Any mistakes left are my own.

Outtake: Drug Raid


It was shortly after the noon hour when we arrived at the high school. Two fellow officers from the Port Angeles P.D. met Deputy Marks and me in the parking lot. Duncan, the K-9 Officer, let Sam, a large German Sheppard, out of the back seat and immediately placed him on his leash.

"Thank you, men, for joining us today. We appreciate the help," I said in greeting.

"It is our pleasure, Chief Swan. We've wanted to take down Paul Fox as badly as you have. Are you sure your tip is trustworthy?" the second officer, Logan, asked.

I glanced over his shoulder to where I could see Bella sitting with her friends. My eyes stayed on Jasper Whitlock the longest. My daughter saw there was good in him, and perhaps she was right, we had been too hard on him. I remembered the look of determination and sincerity in his eyes that night in the E.R.

"He can be trusted," I confirmed.

"Who would've thought to check beanie babies? They're everywhere. Do you remember a few years back we kept getting calls to break up fights at McDonald's over the things." Duncan chuckled.

"You have to give Fox credit. It is an ingenious cover for high school students. So how we are we doing this?" Officer Logan asked.

"We're meeting Principal Greene inside; he'll have a list of random lockers for us, including the one from the tip. Follow me." I headed up the path into the building.

Principal Greene was in the main office waiting for our arrival. As we approached, Mrs. Cope glanced up when we entered, giving us a curious look.

"Chief Swan, good to see you again. I have two master keys for you to use. I also have a list of names belonging to the lockers if you want them." He held out both items to me.

"Hold on to the list for now since this is a random search. If you have certain lockers for us to check write them down without the names attached," I advised.

Greene grabbed a sticky note and wrote down a half a dozen numbers. It didn't escape my notice that Newton's locker was on the list.

"The bell is about to ring I don't know if you want to hold off until the period change is over." Greene handed the slip to me.

"I think that would be best. From past experience, it would cause less of a commotion if the students didn't know we were here," Officer Logan pointed out.

"All right, we wait," I agreed.


It was less than ten minutes later when we began to roam the halls. It was probably a waste of our time hitting the freshmen wing, most of those kids would be too nervous to try something risky like bringing drugs to school. The worse we found in a locker was a Playboy Magazine and a copy of some cliff notes. A few beanie babies but Sam seemed less than interested in them, and they all felt like the real things.

In the sophomore and junior wings, we found a few infractions. However, cigarettes were minor offenses. A half-dozen students would be looking at fifty dollar fines and community service.

Officers Logan and Duncan were starting to look apprehensive. I hoped our luck would change soon. The senior wing was empty when we entered, and my hopes picked up when I noticed Sam become excited.

"Okay, up first." I opened the first locker, one of those frilly things cheerleaders shook at the games tumbled out, landing on my feet.

There was so much pink in the locker it looked like a bottle of Pepto Bismol exploded. A bright yellow and black book stood out like an eyesore.

"Does that say English for Dummies?" Officer Marks snickered.

"Here's something." Officer Logan reached past us and grabbed a bottle of Midol in his gloved hand.

He held it out to Sam, who sniffed and turned his head. Something further down the hall seemed to have his interest. Logan opened the bottle and checked the pills.

"Regular painkillers. Do you allow the kids to have these?" he asked Greene.

"No, students are supposed to report to the nurse for situations that require medications. I'll take care of it." Principal Greene made a note on his clipboard.

Logan dropped the bottle into a baggie and handed it off to Greene. We moved down to the next locker—one more that was on the principal's list.

"Now this one has me curious." Greene's interest perked up, and he stood posed with his clipboard.

I opened and could tell right away it was Hale's, due to the jacket that hung inside. I checked the top shelf and found a few opened letters Bella had written him years ago. I guess I could give him bonus points for reading them and not tossing them in the trash like I was afraid might happen.

"Score." Marks pulled out a pack of cigarettes from the pocket of the jacket.

I could tell before he even opened it and held them out to Sam that it was a false alarm. "Check the label, Deputy." I snickered.

Marks looked at the label with a furrowed brow and opened them and gave them a sniff. "Candy cigarettes."

"Want to bust him for this?" I asked Greene dryly.

"Not worth the phone call to his father. Just put them back." He rolled his eyes and made a note. "I have to say I am pleased though. I've noticed a change in the boy. I was just hoping it wasn't too good to be true."

"Onward." I heaved a sigh.

I hoped Newton's locker was coming up soon. Suddenly, Sam tugged on his leash, and his ears fell back. He let out a small growl and started to pull Duncan down the hallway.

"I think we've got something, boys." He let the K-9 lead him to a locker.

"What is that smell?" Logan wrinkled his nose.

"Maybe it was just a false alarm." Deputy Marks looked disappointed.

I hid my grin as we stood in front of Fig-Boy's locker. It had to be that godawful sandwich Hale planted.

"Let's check it anyway." I stuck the key in the lock and turned it.

The smell was worse when I opened the door. The five of us had to take a step back and hold our breath.

"What died in here?" Logan looked disgusted.

Sam let out a small bark and tried to stand on his hind legs to get to the top shelf. Sitting next to a water bottle was a small baboon. How fitting for Fig.

"Well looky here, gentlemen. A beanie baby in senior boy's locker—does that strike anyone else as being odd?" I hid my smirk.

"Let's see what Sam thinks?" Duncan smiled.

"Here you go, boy, take a good whiff." I picked up the small animal.

I noticed immediately it felt different than the others. Sam barked and tried to smack it out of my hand with his paw.

"Easy, Sam." Duncan got a firm grip on the harness. "I think we've just found ourselves a winner."

I turned the toy over and noticed a rip in the stitching. I pried it opened, and a few pills spilled out.

"That sure looks like speed to me." Logan, our narcotics officer, picked one up and looked it over.

"Principal Greene, can you tell me the occupant of this locker?" I asked.

"Michael Newton." He said with a grim expression. "He was one of the others I was wondering about. He's seemed to be on a downward spiral since the beginning of the year as you know." He glanced at me.

"You've had a run-in with the young man before," Duncan asked.

"He assaulted my daughter twice since the beginning of the year. Even though he claims the second time was an accident. He has also been harassing her and her boyfriend. We ran a drug test on him a couple of weeks ago—but nothing showed," I explained. "Marks has been handling the case for me."

"Speed doesn't stay in the system for too long, unlike other drugs. But this should stick." Logan bagged up the evidence.

"Let's get Newton down to the station for a chat." I hid my glee—this time the punk was going to pay.

"Do you want me to call him to the office or do you want to know what class he's in," Principal Greene asked.

The father in me wanted to embarrass the boy by arresting him in front of his classmates after what he did to Bells. However, it would be more tactful to send him to the office. Decisions…decisions….

A loud thud made us turn our heads. Fig stood in the middle of the hall with his bag on the floor. His eyes were wide and squirrelly, and he looked pale.

Good, the boy was scared…he should be.

"Mr. Newton, why aren't you in class?" Principal Greene demanded.

"Is that him?" Duncan glanced at me.

"Yup. Looks like he made it easy for us." I grinned.

"I forgot a…bathroom…nurse…uh….I got to get back," the boy stammered, taking a backward step.

"Hold on, Newton. We need to have talk with you," I ordered.

He turned and started to run in the opposite direction. We went after him, leaving Principal Greene behind at the lockers.

"Oh goody, he's going to make us chase him. So much for being easy," Officer Logan complained.

The bell rang as we were in mid-chase down the hallway. Kids started to pour out of the classrooms, only to move quickly to the side. All except this one blonde girl, who got in Duncan and Sam's way.

"Oh, a puppy. Hi, boy." She reached out her hand.

Rosalie pulled her quickly away. "That's a police dog, Tanya. He'll probably bite off your hand," she scolded her as we ran past.

Fig barely made it out the door before we could catch him. He ran into Whitlock, who stretched out a foot and tripped Newton. He fell to the ground and tried to scramble to his feet. I placed a hand on his shoulder and held him firmly in place.

"Freeze, Mr. Newton. Try to run from us again and Sam here will be the one to take you down."

Fig cast a nervous look at K-9, who was in crouched position glaring back at the boy. Newton started to shake, and sweat appeared over his brows.

"I haven't done anything," he insisted.

"We will talk about this down at the station. On your feet. You have the right to remain silent…" I marched him to the cruiser as I continued to read him his rights.


"Chief Swan, I swear Mike is a good boy. He's just having a bad time right now," Karen Newton pleaded with tears in her eyes.

I rubbed my hand over my head trying to ignore the headache that was forming. Moms typically always wanted to see the good in their children even if the truth was staring right in their face. Fig-Boy was glaring at his feet with his arms crossed over him and a scowl on his face.

"I'm sorry, Karen, facts are facts. The drugs were found in your son's locker," I told her.

"How do we know you didn't target Michael? You had it out for him since…" Matthew Newton trailed off, his face red with anger.

"Since he assaulted my daughter?" I finished for him. "That case was handled by my deputy with good reason. However, this case is something else entirely. We conducted a random locker search after an anonymous tip. We searched over thirty lockers before coming to your son's, which I will point out is where the Port Angles P.D.'s K-9 led us. There were three other officers and Principal Greene there as witnesses. You can ask them if you don't believe me; your son wasn't singled out."

"What about that troublemaker Hale. Maybe he framed my son?" Matthew insisted.

"Do you have any proof?" I asked calmly.

Both parents looked imploringly at their son. He remained motionless, staring without blinking and no expression on his face.

"Son." His father elbowed him, and when he got no response, he turned back to me. "Well, didn't you search Hale's locker too?"

"I'm not at liberty to say. I have no clue whose locker was whose; we do it that way to keep things fair. There were a few small infractions that will be dealt with by Principal Greene and the department; unfortunately, Mike's was the biggest one," I informed them.

"We shouldn't say any more without a lawyer. We should call Peter Hale, maybe he'll help us." Karen looked at Matthew.

"You do realize it is Peter Hale's son you're trying to pin the blame on." I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh…right." Karen looked embarrassed.

"Mike is entitled to a lawyer at any time. Just say the word. As for now, the evidence will be sent to a lab up in Port Angeles. It will be fingered printed, and the pills will be tested," I explained.

"So is Mike free to go?" Karen asked, looking hopeful.

I shook my head. "He will remain in custody until bail is set. We should hear from a judge no later than tomorrow morning."

"I have to spend the night in jail?" Mike's head finally shot up, looking worried.

"Unfortunately, that is one of the downfalls of a small town." I shrugged not caring at all the kid had to sit in a cell for one night. If I had it my way, he would already be there after he laid a hand on Bells.

"Let's say the drugs are Mikey's…" Karen started only to be cut off by her husband.

"Karen…" He shot her a look.

"I am not saying they are or they aren't. But if they are…could he get a plea deal if he turns in the seller?" she asked.

I felt sorry for her. I heaved a sigh and cast a look at Newton. As much as I wanted to hate him, I knew I had to stay impartial. He was young and caught up in drugs. The drugs could be responsible for his aggressive behavior, and if he cleaned himself up, he did have a chance to be a good guy once again. I didn't want to make the same mistake I did with Jasper.

"I am not in the position to offer any plea deals at this point. It will be out of my hands and into the D.A's at this point."

Her hopeful smile fell, and tears started to well.

"However, if Michael was willing to work with the D.A. there may be a chance for a lighter sentence or some sort of plea deal—if he was willing to cooperate. But that will be up to them and then require the approval of a judge," I mentioned.

"We will take that in into consideration if the need arises. But still, I'm sure this is a misunderstanding," Matthew insisted.

"Uh-huh." Whatever you have to tell yourself, buddy.

"What do you know about Royce King?" I asked.

"Never met him." Fig shrugged.

"Are you sure? Emmett McCarty spotted you talking to him, right before Mr. King tried to rape one of the girls at a party the other night." I raised an eyebrow.

"Look, I didn't know he was going to slip Rose a Ruthie," Mike snapped.

"Who said anything about drugs or who?" I asked suspiciously.

"The whole school is talking about it," he said smugly.

"Maybe about the girl in question, but the fact she was drugged was only known by her family and Emmett McCarty," I pointed out.

Mike turned pale and clamped his mouth shut.

"Mike, if you know anything you should say something. Was she hurt?" Karen looked worried and sent her son another pleading look.

This time Mike squirmed in his seat. "I didn't know what he was planning to do until it was too late. He wouldn't have listened to me if I told him not to do it. Emmett stopped it in time anyway."

"Son…" Matthew looked at me and back at his son.

"He's right, say no more." I nodded reluctantly. "However, any information you're willing to share with the Hales I am sure they will be grateful."

"We will see what our lawyer says." Matthew gave me a pointed look.

I nodded in agreement. "Mike, I will level with you. You never have given me any trouble in the past, but the last few months you have to admit you have been on a downward spiral." I glanced pointedly at the evidence on my desk. "I'm hoping you can get back on the right track."

He rolled his eyes but kept his mouth shut. I looked over his head and waved in Deputy Marks. He entered and led Mike to a jail cell with his parents trailing behind.

I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment—it had been a long day, and I still needed to get the evidence up to Port Angeles. Looks like I might miss dinner with Bells tonight. I would be lying if I didn't say I have enjoyed having my little girl back at home—I had missed her.

I picked up my phone and called her new cell phone.

"Hello?" she answered breathlessly.

"Why do you sound out of breath?" I asked suspiciously.

"Huh? Oh, I was vacuuming," she responded.

"Is Edward there?" I asked.

"Um, no…he went straight home today to work with Jacob," she told me.

"Who is Jacob?" I thought I knew everyone in this town.

"His pet…excuse me…his lab experiment mouse. Why?" She sounded confused.

"Never mind. Look, Bells, I have to work late tonight and won't be home for dinner. Will you be all right?" I asked.

"I'll be fine, Dad." I could picture her rolling her eyes.

"Why don't you go to the Cullen's for dinner? I'm sure they won't mind," I suggested, I didn't like her being alone. She has been looking pale and tired recently.

"I can't just invite myself over for dinner," she said.

"I'm sure it won't be a problem. The boy ends up at our house last minute all the time. I can call his mother if you want me to."

"No…no, don't do that. I'll call Edward," she said quickly.

"Good. But not too late; it is a school night."

"Yes, Dad. Oh…before you go is Mike okay?"

"Why on earth are you worried about him for?" I scowled.

"Someone said that the police dog mauled him," she explained.

I snorted. Good grief, high school gossip blows everything out of proportion.

"Sam didn't maul him. That's all I can tell you for now. I'll see you tonight."

"Okay. Bye, Dad, love you."

"Love you too, Bells," I said back before hanging up the phone.

A/B: I hope you enjoyed getting into Charlie's head. I figured he was the best choice for this scene. I wanted to post it before I lost my chance for a few days. My internet connection has slowed and I am not sure if the storm is the culprit.

Thank you again for all the love you have given this story. I am pleased to say that it has been nominated for top ten fics of the month on twifanfictionrecs dot com.

Filthy Pirate should start sometime this month, I typically chose Fridays as my update day. Until then.