"So, Pepper mention about Whitmore college. It's not as good as MIT but you will make it good. I know."

aware of a Destiny's decision to attend Whitmore, Peggy concede appropriately. Al the while ignoring Tony's assistive glare.

" Anyway I heard your grandparents are here as well, I met them once a while back . Very Nice people."

" well you can meet them at the party. You are coming right." Abandoning her cola she set up straight to look at her expectedly.

Although the two adult never had a alteration infront of her before but there was clearly something strange between ttheTony and peggy.

"Yes .. ofcourse . II'l bring the cake. Peggy answered after a pregnant pause.

Tony watched until Destiny disappeared behind the rest room before turning to the Older woman.

" You are encouraging her to go to that college. when you damn well know she is ever far more intelligent for MIT. "

" You wont be able to convince by you typical pushy nature. Give her time and she might see the reason."

" And of course you are suddenly an expert on parenting. " digging his fork in his food, he sarcastically commented.

Exhaling a pained breath, she forced her hyper nerves to calm down.

" You Just got her back, she may not realize herself but emotionally she is still very fragile . " taking a deep breath peggy tried again.

"She is an extra ordinary girl Tony. Treat her that way ,respect her wishes . "

Tony had to blink twice, it was like seeing Peggy for the first time. The woman was right. He did need to respect Desy's wishes. but he wasn't going to say that.

How funny , a woman failed him as a parent but never failed her grand daughter down. Without even the said grand daughter knowing. But it still change nothing between him and former agent. His wounds were still fresh like it happened yesterday.

" I 'll not bother her any more ." he said solemnly .

Walking side by side on the beach Tony looked at his daughter, kicking little junk of rock away from her path. A proud smile stretch across his features. After lunch they left Peggy to take the walk here.

The walk give him a chance to look at her.

She was indeed a miracle. A fighter. Like everyone else he was sceptical of her recovery but like everyone else she shocked him to his core. The little girl was a fighter. .

But something was a miss. Destiny was distracted, nervous about something. She have a tendency to open up to him while they are alone. Sure they don't share much but she does like to talk about the wonders of the universe.

How can isobel abandon a treasure like his daughter? Was beyond his understanding but how can he. his own mother peggy carter didn't bother to have a relationship with him until his parents died.

They say it took a lost soul to know a lost soul. Right now he can see his girl lost at the moment but she will find a way back she always does. A lump of tear rose in his guts, he had to force it down.

"Tony , can't we just skip the party thing please." The question force him to freeze on the sport.

She was looking at the print there feet left on the wet sand.

" why is that ? Don't you like birthday and cake. You like birthdays, you did tell me remember?" her asked

" yes but, " she exhaled a pained sound . " last time didn't end up well."

She looked up with a sheen of tear in her eyes. Remembering about the accident.

" oh baby girl. " he force her to sit on the giant rock and crouched down on her level.

" is that been bothering you?"

" Yes , No ... Maybe. At first I was very excited but then as the day keeping coming closer. I just can't help but think . What if something similar happen again. I know its stupid. "

" It's not stupid. " he cut her off.

" it not? " she look at him confused.

" No . " he smiled a little. " When I first came back, I used to wake up to the same dream over and over again. Things became better after a while but I never stopped looking over my shoulder. The thing is Desy, this is going to stay with us the experience we had. We learnt something out of it. But never let it define you who your, never let it stop you from being happy. "

" Alright, but can we tone the party thing down a little . "

" It's your party it goes the way you like. " he announced.

" Okay , I'm ready to go back." They got up to go back .

" oh , is peggy coming?"

" Sure is" he reluctantly answered.

"Great." She hum satisfied, totally missing the groan beside her.

This can't be real . She must be dreaming what , she pinched her arm to see if it was. But the pain made her realize it was indeed the Mytic gang Grinning up to her.

" Surprise " the voices chortle through the air like a hymn.

She look up to Tony with his hand up in air in surrender but her his clearing saying.

You -said -nothing – about – surprise.

A body crashed into her forcing her eyes on the person.

"Happy birth day lil sister. " Elena mumble in her ear. Forcing her to stiffen then relax . Heck it , Elena was not to be blamed of her mother short comings. And Tony is right she won't let her past stop her from having good time. She like birthday parties and she is going to have one.

" By the way your boyfriend is here."

Elena Interrupt her inner monologue , baffling her in the process. She gave Elena beep look, which force older girl to roll her eyes .

He forced his way here with us. He is back there trying to have a way with your grannies.

" Seriously is he trying to fudge our entire line. " the sudden choked laugh from Stefan force them to look around.

Definitely the young vampire heard everything. And Damon indeed was busy charming her nonnan's ass off.

The said party was beautiful . It was quite and intimate. For a change her Father and Tony were civil then usual maybe because of the older people at home . The ladies were in kitchen , all the younger guys were playing pool in the basement. And here she was huddled between her friends listening to the gossip.

" So what is going on between Miss Pepper and Mr stark . The Question came from Caroline .

" Nothing I guess . desy sip her apple juice like the other three girls. She was hu between carolin at her left and Elena and bonnie at her right.

" Wait , so if there is nothing going on..." Carolina let the implication linger in the air.

" Caroline Forbes I'll Punch you in the face then waterboard you . Don't Gross me out. He is my god father " destiny growled.

" Little Destiny you are to cute to do that . What will you do? Throw me off to bunnies."

" Nope She will actually punch you before the waterboarding ."

They all had to right where Damon got comfortable beside fuming bonnie. Carelessly Snatching the liquid out of her hand before drinking it himself.

" Seriously how you are even here." Frustrated Elena fire.

" That 's a secrete." he wink at them wickedly. Before make a slurping sound with the juice , purposely annoying them.

" By the way where is the cake lovely miss pottes promise. " his eyes start looking for certain blonde.

" Actually Peg is suppose to bring the cake."

" who is Peg " he asked absently . his eyes landed on the blonde in the kitchen.

" Never mind " And just like that he walked off.

" how is he even real. " Bonnie chime in amusingly while destiny and Elena suppress a groan.

He was leaning over Blushing Pepper while the older ladies swoon in the background. Then caroline made a gagging sound, Apparently her way of showing disgust.