Eyes of the Dragon


Once upon a time-well, most people would turn away right there. Such a start for a story is too, well, childish I guess. But nevertheless, this story did take place once upon a time, once, upon a time not specified.

There was a boy. Sure. Everytime there was a boy, a girl, a man, a woman, an old man, an old woman, a baby, such things like that. But this boy was special special to you and me, anyway. This boy was named Seto.

Right. We all know the name Seto. Seto Kaiba. Cruel CEO of the famous corporation. He tried to hurt Yugi's grandfather, did tons of stupid things. But we have to give him a rest. Why, you may ask? Because for the love of God, everyone makes mistakes, no matter how hard we try. It's sad, but true. Such is the same with Seto Kaiba. However, we also have another reason to forgive him.

Seto didn't mean it.

What the heck are you talking about?! Some of you may ask. Those like Jounouchi would start rambling, " He's a total bastard and a son of a good for nothing-" wait, let me continue. Seto had very good reasons for his actions. Very good reasons.

Let me start where I first began before I interrupted myself. Once upon a time there was a boy named Seto Kaiba. Born under the blessings of the sun. Sure, babies are born day or night. But Seto was not born in a normal place, in a hospital, in a bedroom in the care of the midwife, or in the care of any human being for that matter.

Seto was born to a Dragon.

Oh...sure, I forgot. You probably don't know. There are such things as demons. Seto happened to be a rather nice one. And I say rather nice, because there are tons of bad demons around, though they've all been banished. Seto wasn't one of those who deserved it, and heck, the person who banished him didn't really mean to either. It was stupid, actually, because it was one big accident that shouldn't have happened.

But we all make mistakes.

Back to where I began. Once upon a time, there was a boy named Seto Kaiba. He was born in a human form, very much surprising to a lot of the monsters who were there for his birth. Quite frankly, the dragons are use to laying eggs, but of course, the Blue Eyes White Dragon was very different from a lot of other dragons. They give birth to live young. But even so, Seto's birth as a human form was mighty surprising. It caused a lot of racket around the Shadow Realm where the monsters dwelled.

Seto was a pure dragon, not a mix, but something happened during his birth and he was proven to be one of great power. He could transform back into a dragon and fly away. He could transform into a human and claim to be a sorceror.

Well, Seto liked being a human, partly because a lot of the monsters in that realm took on human form one way or another. Except for the dragons. And the catapult turtle. And the insects. And-

But I'm getting off topic here.

In any case, many monsters were greatly fond of Seto, and they had reason to be. Seto was a beautiful child. He had a personality to match his fairness. No one was more innocent than he. More intelligent. More generous.

Contrary to popular belief, the CEO of Kaiba Corps was not cruel and cold. He's the exact same child that I'm talking about here.

Only listen.

Seto's world was perfect in the Shadow Realm. He was liked by everyone and he liked everyone. He never wanted for anything. Until one fatal mistake, not commited by him, but by someone else. That someone else wasn't even in the Shadow Realm. No, it's not the Blue Eyes White Dragon, or the Dark Magician, or the Red Eyes Black Dragon although I'm tempted to say so. It's not the Mystic Elf, or even the spirits that were banished into that realm like Bakura or the various priests the Egyptian Pharaoh had condemned.

It's not his mother forgetting to tell him not to go to some horrible or creative place, or the Dark Magician leading him to a forbidden area. No, whatever you may be thinking of, that's not the case.

Noooo, that's not the case.

The mistake occurred when Yugi solved the puzzle.