Hey guys, Sacret here!
This is Episode 5 of Buddyfight: Future Light!

Now, I want to say a few things. First, I have finally finished my exams and I'll be able to upload Future Light more often now.
Second, just to clear the confusion about Shoto having Gallows. First of all, since this is a prequel to Season One, there are a few changes I have made. One of them is that Team Disaster haven't started using Darkness Dragon World yet, which is why Shoto is using Gallows and Death Rulers, but I do have a surprise in the future, however, I won't say anything about that yet.

Anyway, now that the long paragraph is out of the way...it's time to raise the flag!


-No one's POV-

At Aibo Academy, it was very quiet as usual, as there were classes going on. But only one student wasn't in a classroom, but instead was outside was none other than Shu Takaya, who was lying down on a bench on top of the school building

"Shoto Ara...what a strong Buddyfighter..." Shu says, looking up in the blue sky, thinking about the Buddyfight he has had against the Darkness Dragon World user


Shoto: "I'm not done yet..." Shoto says quietly, as his voice echoes into Shu's ears, as his eyes then go wide

Shoto: "Final Phase! I cast!" As the three gauge turn into tiny stars and go into the card he is holding, he throws it at Abriel, who gets covered in dark aura

Shoto: "This impact card can only be used when I have five or more 'Deep' monsters in the drop zone...and by paying three gauge, I can use Nightmare Despair![8]"

Shoto: "And with its ability, I can stand up a monster of my choice and its critical increases by one and it can attack!" As Shoto tells Shu the ability of the Impact Card, Shu gulps and sweats in fear

Shoto: "This is the end..." As Shoto turns in away, Abriel points its pistols towards Shu, shooting him many times to end the fight right there


Shu: 3 LP - 0 LP

Announcer: "Game Over! Winner, Shoto Ara"

-Flashback over-

"I hope I get to fight him again...but this time...with a Buddy Monster of my own..." Shu says, sighing at the fact that unlike some of his friends, he is the only one that doesn't have an actual Buddy Monster

"Why do I never get a Buddy Rare..."

Shu closes his eyes, as he then starts to think more than he usually does

-Episode 5: Boy Wonder vs Dark Fang-

"Shoto Ara, also known as Dark Fang is a user of a world no one has heard of, which is Darkness Dragon World, with his buddy being Gallows "Kiba"" Stella reads out Shoto's information from her tablet, as a picture of Shoto and his Buddy Monster appear on the screen for Takihara, Commander I and Tasuku to see

"Other than that, there's no additional information on them, just this" Stella adds on to what she said, with causes the others to look disappointed

"If we got no information on him, then someone will need to go undercover and find out more about him. Tasuku, I want you to talk to Shu about what the boy's deck is like and then find him" as Commander I asks Tasuku to do a particular task, the Boy Wonder Cop nods in agreement and quickly heads off to see his cousin

As Tasuku flies around Cho-Tokyo with the use of a Buddy Skill with Jack, who is in his full form, look around to take in the usual scenery that they always see when they are out on their job. As they arrive to Aibo Academy, they land on the roof, with Shu sitting upright and waving towards Tasuku to come over, with the Wonder Cop and his Green Dragon heading towards the Gaigrander user for business

"Hey Tasuku! What brings you here?" Tasuku's cousin asks, as it's really rare to see Tasuku in Aibo at all, which could mean that it is rather important bussiness

"I'm here for Buddy Police business as usual. I need,to talk to you, that's all" Tasuku answers the question his cousin asked, with the Buddy Cop sitting next to Shu, with Jack listening on the conversation

"So what's up?"

"I'm here to ask you about Shoto Ara, like his character, buddy and the deck uses and some of the cards you have seen him use" Tasuku takes out his phone and shows the available and known information about Shoto to Shu, with the green eyed boy putting his finger on his chin to think for a bit, then he clicks his finger and tells Tasuku about everything he knows about Dark Fang

"I see, thanks for the information, it'll be very useful" as Tasuku gets up, he turns around to see Shu look at with a 'Why do you need to know about Shoto?' Look on his face, with the red eyed boy closing his eyes, as he then looks towards his green eyed cousin

"I'm going to find him and challenge him to a Buddyfight, then after that, get information as to why he is attacking criminal fighters" Tasuku opens his eyes and makes a slight smile, before the two boys say their goodbyes and the Wonder Cop and his Green Dragon fly off to do start their search, with the Gaigrander user looking on as Tasuku flies off in the distance and sighs

"You never change, huh..." Shu sighs before he lays down on the bench again for a bit before he gets yelled at by his teacher for not being in class this time

"You think he's going to be okay, Tasuku?" Jack asks his Human Buddy, as he continues to speak, "After all, he did lose to that Shoto kid yesterday, right?" As the green dragon finishes speaking, Tasuku nods in response

"I'm sure Shu is going to be okay" Tasuku says, as he continues to speak, "He isn't someone who go upset over a defeat, he's someone who enjoys Buddyfight to its fullest and to help those that are troubled with anything...that's the Shu I know"

-Tasuku's POV-

After a long while, me and Jack still haven't found Dark Fang at all. No signs of him at all and even some of the people I asked about him have not seen him, let alone even know about him, but I'm not going to give up just yet. I am a Buddy Police Officer after all, so I can't let him roam free

"Tasuku, look!" Jack shouts, as he points to someone, but more precisely, the person we were looking for...Dark Fang, with his Buddy Monster next to him, as they sit on a roof of a tall building.

As I fly towards him, I have to be sure to take caution with him specifically, after all, he uses a world that no one has even heard of or even used at all. As if he has noticed us now, he looks at us with his blue eyes, as he stands up and stretches

"So the Boy Wonder Cop appears..." The boy says, as he yawns, before he continues to speak "I was wondering when you would appear really, since I've taken out a lot of Criminal Fighters for you and that I defeated one of your Officers"

As he said the words "I defeated one of your Officers", I knew immediately who he was talking about...Shu. As I look at his features and the clothes he wears, it does become more clear that he uses a world like Darkness Dragon World

"I already know why you're here" he swiftly takes out his Black Colored Core Deck Case, as if he knew what my reason for being here was "So...why don't we start then?"

I take out my Core Deck Case as well, showing that I accept his challenge, with Dark Fang's Buddy Monster turning into its full form, as he then throws his deck case up and down, before he catches it and puts the Core Deck Case towards his neck "The dark fangs with dive into your soul and crush it" His Core Deck Case turns into a black scarf with a purple crystal on it "Luminize! Diving Fangs!" As he finishes luminizing, six cards appear in front of him

"Gather, dragon army! Dragonic Force, Luminize'" as soon as I Luminize, my Core Deck Case soon turns into the Star Pulser, as I touch the red crystal on it to make six cards appear in front of me

-No one's POV-

"It's time to raise the flag!" Both Buddyfighters say the same thing in unison, as their Buddy Monsters hold the flags of the worlds they represent

Tasuku: "I fight for Dragon World!"

Shoto: "I fight for Darkness Dragon World"

Tasuku: 10 LP; Gauge: 2; R: Empty C: Empty L: Empty; Item: None; Hand: 6
Shoto: 10 LP; Gauge 2; R: Empty C: Empty L: Empty; Item: None; Hand: 6

Tasuku: "Let's go to work! Charge and Draw! I call to the centre, Latale Shield Dragon!"

A orange dragon with dark orange metal armor with a curved blade on its helmet while holding a shield with a blade in front of it appears on the center of Tasuku's field, prepared to attack

Tasuku: "Latale Shield, attack the fighter!"

Latale Shield charges towards Shoto, as soon as it reaches the Darkness Dragon World fighter, he crosses him, ready to take the attack as the orange dragon slashes him with its blade on its helmet with so much force, that the blue eyed fighter is forced to take a step back after the attack from Tasuku's monster

Shoto: "Gh!"

Shoto: 10 LP - 8 LP

Announcer: "End of move"

Tasuku: 10 LP; Gauge: 3; R: Empty C: Latale Shield Dragon L: Empty; Item: None; Hand: 5
Shoto: 8 LP; Gauge 2; R: Empty C: Empty L: Empty; Item: None; Hand: 6

Shoto: "Draw! Charge and Draw!"

As he draws his seventh card, he looks at his hand, as he makes a confident smile and closes his eyes, then opening them to look at his opponent across the other side of the dark, plain alleyway, as his features are easy to be seen by Dark Fang, as if his eyes are used to the dark around him

Shoto: "You know, never in my life did I expect to fight the Wonder Cop of the Buddy Police" Shoto says, as his face soon changes from a positive to a serious look, to show that he isn't gonna surrender easily "But this is where you'll fall"

Shoto: "I call to the left, Death Ruler, Cremation and then I pay one gauge and call to the center, Death Ruler, Abriel"

A Death Ruler monster with a red cloak with yellow details and eyes on its gray face, who is holding flaming red swords, while at the same time, a skeleton with an eyepatch covering its left eye, wearing a pirate costume holding guns that resemble those of the Pirate Era appear onto the field

Shoto: "Cremation, Abriel! Attack the fighter!"

As the two monsters charge towards Latale Dragon, they soon dive into the ground, disappearing, as then, Cremation appears behind Tasuku while Abriel appears in front of the Dragon World user, as the skeleton pirate blasts him with its guns, while the other monster slashes Tasuku with its blades

Tasuku: "Agh!"

Tasuku: 10 LP - 7 LP

Announcer: "End of move"

Tasuku: 7 LP; Gauge: 3; R: Empty C: Latale Shield Dragon L: Empty; Item: None; Hand: 5
Shoto: 8 LP; Gauge 2; R: Empty C: Death Ruler, Abriel L: Death Ruler, Cremation; Item: None; Hand: 5

Shoto: "Every bit of damage I deal will lead to your end, Tasuku Ryuenji" Dark Fang/Shoto says, as he points at the Wonder Cop with his right pointer finger "Now, it's your turn"

Announcer: "Your move"

Tasuku: "Draw! Charge and Draw! I have a question to ask you...why do you target Criminal Fighters?"

Shoto: "I guess you could say that I got a few reasons...but, you'll get your answers if you win"

Gallows: "Keshesheshe! But it won't be that easy!"

Tasuku: "I see...I didn't expect you to give me the answers that easily..." Tasuku says, as he shakes his head, before he grabs a card with his hand "I pay one gauge and Buddy Call to the right, Jackknife Dragon"

Tasuku: 7 LP - 8 LP

As the card disappears from the Blue Haired's Boy's hand, his Buddy stabs the flag onto the ground, as the green dragon flies to the Battlefield, landing on the right side of Tasuku's field, before the Buddy Police Officer continues with his turn

Jackknife Dragon
Dragon World
Size 2
Armordragon/Green Dragon
5 Thousand Attack 6 Thousand Defense Critical of 3
[Act] You may pay two gauge. If you do, search your deck for a monster with "Jackknife" in its card name, call it on top of this card, and shuffle your deck.

Tasuku: "I call to the left, Grave Horn Dragon![1]"

A green armordragon with two green dragon wings, black armor with yellow detailing on it, a black and yellow shield on the left hand, while holding a long spear with its right hand appears on the left side of Tasuku's field

Tasuku: "Then I equip! Dragonblade, Dragofearless!"

A small shortsword appears in Tasuku's right hand, as he then jumps forward alongside the monsters he has called, as he then prepares to attack

Tasuku: "Grave Horn, attack Abriel! Jack, attack Dark Fang with me!"

As the two monsters and the fighter charge forward, Grave Horn flies towards the Pirate Skeleton, who fires towards the black Armored dragon, who deflects the bullets with its shield, as it then flies up to the sky and to stab Abriel in the chest, as the monster disappears. Meanwhile, Tasuku and Jack charge towards Shoto, who crosses his arms, as Tasuku slashes him with his item

Shoto: "Gh!"

Shoto: 8 LP - 6 LP

Jack: "Blade Terminate!"

As the blade on Jack's blade pops forward, as he flies into the sky and dive bombs at the Darkness Dragon World fighter, who looks up and smiles

Shoto: "I won't let you! I cast! Black Dragon Shield!"

A bright, purple shield with a dragon's head on it appears to protect Dark Fang from the armordragon's attack, to prevent him from receiving any more damage, as Tasuku's Buddy flies back to Tasuku's side of the field

Shoto: 6 LP - 7 LP

Announcer: "End of move"

Tasuku: 8 LP; Gauge: 3; R: Jackknife Dragon C: Empty L: Grave Horn Dragon; Item: Dragonblade, Dragofearless; Hand: 3
Shoto: 7 LP; Gauge 2; R: Empty C: Empty L: Death Ruler, Cremation; Item: None; Hand: 4

Shoto: "Don't think I'll let you chip my Life Points down to four, as it is one of your conditions for Gargantua Punisher...Draw! Charge and Draw!"

Shoto: "Hm...I pay 2 gauge and Buddy Call to the right, Death Ruler, Gallows "Kiba!"

A skeleton with two, medium sized norms with a skull that resembles a serpentine, with two hands that have very sharp fangs, a black scarf that looks as if it resembles a cape and two bone legs that look so strong, they don't look as if a simple kick could break them

Death Ruler, Gallows "Kiba"
Size 1
Attributes: Death, Deep
3 Thousand Attack, 1 Thousand Defense, Critical of 1
Call Cost: Pay 2 Gauge
Shadow Dive
Double Attack
"Soul Stealer": When this monster destroys another monster, you gain 1 life

Gallows: "Kehehe! Let's see who wants their soul to be taken"

Shoto: 7 LP - 8 LP

Shoto: "And then I equip! Demonic Claw, Vampire Talon!"

Shoto grabs the item claw, which then turns into a black glove with three sharp, metal claws with a evil looking yellow eye appears on his right hand

Shoto: "Alright! Gallows, attack that Grave Horn Dragon!"

Gallows' legs combine together into a tail, slithering towards the green armordragon, who flies into the air to avoid him, but with a bit of creativity, the Darkness Dragon World monster springs into the air, digging its large claws into the chest of the monster

Shoto: 8 LP - 9 LP

Shoto: "Double Attack"

After destroying his prey, Gallows dive bombs at Tasuku, who crosses his arm, prepared to take the attack, as the Death Ruler slashes the Blue Haired Buddyfighter twice with his sharp claws

Tasuku: "Tch!"

Tasuku: 8 LP - 7 LP

Shoto: "Cremation, let's go attack Tasuku!"

Nodding at the command, the red cloaked monster and the Darkness Dragon World user charge towards the Buddy Cop, who has his arms still crossed, to protect himself from two more attacks that are heading towards him, as the former slash him at the same time

Tasuku: "Gh!"

Tasuku: 7 LP - 5 LP

Announcer: "End of move"

Tasuku: 5 LP; Gauge: 3; R: Jackknife Dragon C: Empty L: Grave Horn Dragon; Item: Dragonblade, Dragofearless; Hand: 3
Shoto: 9 LP; Gauge 1; R: Death Ruler, Gallows "Kiba" C: Empty L: Death Ruler, Cremation; Item: Demonic Talon, Vampire Claw; Hand: 3

Shoto: "Seems like your end will take a bit longer to get to then, but that won't matter much anyway"

Gallows: "Keshesheshe! After all, Shoto has Nine life points compared to your measly five!"

Tasuku: "Even if you have more life points than me...there's always a way to win any Buddyfight! Draw! Charge and Draw!"

Tasuku: "I call to the left, Grave Horn Dragon once again!"

Tasuku: "Alright...lets go!"

As Tasuku ushers those words, the monster follow Tasuku, as he charges towards Shoto, who is holding a card, while using his other free arm to cover himself from the upcoming attacks, as the Wonder Cop and Grave Horn attack and hit Dark Fang

Shoto: "Gh!"

Shoto: 9 LP - 5 LP

Jack: "Blade Termina-" before Jack could land the decisive attack, a purple shield appears in front of Shoto

Shoto: "I cast! Black Dragon Shield!"

Shoto: 5 LP - 6 LP

Announcer: "End of move"

Shoto: "Seems like you won't be winning just yet"

Tasuku: 5 LP; Gauge: 4; R: Jackknife Dragon C: Empty L: Grave Horn Dragon; Item: Dragonblade, Dragofearless; Hand: 3
Shoto: 6 LP; Gauge 1; R: Death Ruler, Gallows "Kiba" C: Empty L: Death Ruler, Cremation; Item: Demonic Talon, Vampire Claw; Hand: 2

Shoto's Thoughts: "He only has three cards in his hand...one of them must be Gargantua Punisher, but I'm not sure about the other two cards...I can't play it safe this turn, after all, I only have a Midnight Shadow in my hand...I have to go for it!"

Announcer: "Your move"

Shoto: "Draw! Charge and Draw!"

Shoto: "I pay two gauge and call to the center! Death Ruler, Blixt![2]"

A fearsome dragon with black armor with white detailing on it and a glowing yellow blade appears in front of Shoto, as it looks prepared for battle

Blixt: "No matter how much armor you wear, the Lightning of death shall defeat you and lead you to your end"

Shoto: "Gallows, Cremation, Blixt! Listen here! Gallows, attacks, attack Grave Horn then Double Attack Tasuku, then Blixt and Cremation, attack him as well!"

As the three monsters nod in response, Gallows charges towards the prey he has defeated earlier, as he wraps his serpentine tail around the green dragon, crushing it till it disappears, as he then lunges at Tasuku and slashes at him

Tasuku: "Agh!"

Tasuku: 5 LP - 4 LP

Shoto: 6 LP - 7 LP

After Gallows' attack, it jumps away, to allow the other two Death Rulers to finish the job he has left for them, as Cremation lunges and throws its blades at Wonder Cop, hitting, as then the other Size 2 Death Ruler strikes him with its blade

Tasuku: "Aggghh!"

Tasuku: 4 LP - 1 LP

Shoto: "Double Attack!"

After dealing its first blow, Blixt soon turns around, as it throws its weapon near Tasuku, with lightning appearing about the Wonder Cop, causing Jack to look surprised and shout

Jack: "Tasuku!"

Tasuku: "I cast!"

Shoto: "No way..."

Tasuku: "Blue Dragon Shield!"

Announcer: "End of move"

Tasuku: 1 LP; Gauge: 5; R: Jackknife Dragon C: Empty L: Empty; Item: Dragonblade, Dragofearless; Hand: 2
Shoto: 7 LP; Gauge 0; R: Death Ruler, Gallows "Kiba" C: Death Ruler, Blixt L: Death Ruler, Cremation; Item: Demonic Talon, Vampire Claw; Hand: 2

Announcer: "Your move"

Tasuku: "I must say, you're quite strong, Dark Fang...no, I shouldn't cal, you that now, Shoto Ara"

Shoto: "Huh?"

Tasuku: "Draw! Charge and draw!"

Tasuku: "First, I cast! Dragon Flame to destroy Blixt!"

A large fireball appears on Tasuku's hand, as he throws it at the monster in the center of Shoto's field, causing it to be covered in flames and gets destroyed

Tasuku: "Then I call to the left! Latale Shield Dragon!"

Shoto's Thoughts: "Incredible...he must of planned it all in advanced...no wonder he's good"

Tasuku: "Okay Jack, Latale! Let's attack Shoto!"

As the two monsters and fighter charge towards the Darkness Dragon World fighter, he holds onto a card in his hand, as Tasuku and Latale slash him, dealing damage at him in the process

Shoto: "Gh!"

Shoto: 7 LP - 3 LP

Jack: "Blade Terminate!"

Shoto: "I cast! Midnight Shadow!"

As Jack slashes him, Shoto barely avoids the attack, as he rolls away from the green armordragon's "Blade Terminate"

Shoto: "*huff* *puff* That was-"

Tasuku: "Final Phase!"

Shoto: "I knew it!" Shoto says, as he watches on Tasuku holding his impact in the air, as his Buddy Skill activates, when a large, scaly dragon hand grabs the handle of a sword, pulling it free from its chains with all its might

Tasuku: "Impact!" Tasuku shouts, as he holds his ace card in the air, as the gigantic sword is being held tightly by flames, as Tasuku swings his arm down "Gargantua...PUNISHER!" As he swings his arm down, the gargantuan sword swings down at the Blue eyed boy, who looks on and closes his eyes, before he gets hit, as the flag of the world he represents disappears

Announcer: "Game Over! Winner, Tasuku Ryuenji"

"Seems like I lost...I'm not surprised" Shoto says, as he gets up on his feet, before he continues to speak "After all, you are the Wonder Cop, someone who hasn't lost to any criminal fighters at all and you are strong as well"

"I could say the same thing to you as well. If I didn't have the Blue Dragon Shield earlier, I would of lost" Tasuku says, complimenting Shoto's strength, who closes his eyes and smiles in response

"Thanks, I appreciate hearing that from someone like you...anyway, I haven't answered your question yet, as to why I attacked all of the criminal fighters" Shoto puts his hands in his hoodie pockets and turns around, as he slowly walks off with his buddy monster "I guess you could say that I wanted to help you, that's all" those were the last words that Tasuku hears, as Dark Fang fully disappears from his view

"It's getting late now Tasuku. We should head back to Buddy Police HQ and report this" Jack tells his Buddy, who nods in response, before they head back to report on this incident

-Unknown Location-

"Tasuku Ryuenji and Jackknife Dragon...their bond is quite incredible, I should say..." A silhouetted person reviews the match that has happened between Tasuku and Shoto, as he continues to speak "Wouldn't you agree so?"

"I do not care about that bond they have formed...I only care about converting every monster from every world into my own army of Shadow Monsters and to bring destruction to all who oppose us" a evil voice says, as red and blue evil looking eyes appear behind the person, who laughs slightly

"Oh I know...I haven't forgotten about that...once we have converted these vessels into your allies...we shall start the corruption"

-End of Episode 5-

Thank you all for reading Episode. It has been a long time since I last uploaded an episode, since I have been busy with exams. But now that I'm back, I'll be able to work on Future Light a bit more, since it's summer holidays now. Anyway, I will see you all in Episode 6